ATLA: A Fire Nation Mob

Chapter 18: Chapter 18

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I'm tired, hungry, and sleep deprived. In front of me are a few dozen men and women in a similar state to me. The mask man up on high just told everyone to "kill each other". Everyone in the underground circular arena is looking at each other in hesitation. Even though everyone has a desperate look in their eyes for survival they still have their reason. A woman in her 30s, wearing pirate attire with redden and sleep deprive eyes begins to approach me.
"Its OK little guy, I'll try to make this quick. So you don't have to suffer." The pirate woman said in a sleepless whisper loud enough to hear began reaching out for me, while dragging her feet in a slow tired manner.
'Can't run, can't think, too tired I want to sleep, everyone here looks like their about to collapse.'
I crouch to the floor, dug my hands and feet into the dirt of the arena and narrow my eyes on the approaching woman. Everyone else is starting to make their decision, moving and positioning themselves around certain people.
'Subconscious or not predators will always go for the weakest looking prey.'
Tired I started to lay down on the ground, in a crouching position laying on my stomach, in attempt to conserve energy.
'The dirt feels nice, cool, and comfortable. I Just want 5 minutes, a 5 minute nap is all I'm asking for. I'll close my eyes for just a minute.'
The pirate woman looks confused, whom then looks over to her colleagues, who looked back with confused faces of their own as they began to subconscious or consciously pick out their opponents.
The pirate woman looked down at what you could best describe as a dark tan feral looking child, with old and new scars of different types including fresh burn marks all over his body. He has long white unkempt hair that covers more than his entire back that spills over into the ground, making him look like he was more spirit then human. He's wearing a partially damage primitive bone mask, while laying face down on the ground, his breathing seems deep and shallow like he's fallen asleep.
POV pirate woman.
'Did that kid just fall asleep. How did we the fifth nation pirates end up in this mess. For the past year that mad man hunted us relentlessly sinking our fleet ship by ship from eastern to western seas, no matter how hard we tried to lose him. I'm so hungry they haven't fed us in weeks, He was saying they were waiting for the final piece to begin. I'm sorry kid, hopefully you will reincarnate in a better life next time.'

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Pov end.
"Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh." The screams of the pirate woman started the fight, as other pirates began to reluctantly and desperately kill each other.
It was when the pirate woman who was reaching for the child's neck, whom the child reacted by springing at her head. The pirate woman tried to catch the child in her arms, but that was her mistake, as the child dug his thumbnails deep into her eyes.
The pirate woman began desperately trying to tear the child off her face. The child responded by hugging her tighter by digging his thumbs deeper into her skull. The child's vivid green eyes seem to lock onto his prey and nothing else, as the woman struggle to remove the child from her face.
A fierce struggle started to ensue, as the pirate woman fell to the ground on her back still desperately trying to tear the child off. The child could only hug and dig his thumbs in deeper, not even flinching as sharp scratches left scars in his expose face of his primitive mask.
It was a burly man who rushed over to help the pirate woman after she started screaming, but was too late and still attempted to pull the child off the now dead pirate woman.
Huge arms bear hug the child from behind, as a burly pirate took the opportunity to try to squeeze the child to death.
The child while being squeeze to death took the opportunity and sunk his teeth in the carotid of the burly pirates neck. The blood of the burly pirate began gushing through the primitive mask into the child's mouth and all over the rest of the child in a rush. The burly pirate soon collapse to the ground dead releasing the child who was in his arms, as the child gorged himself on the burly mans blood. It was then 2 nearby pirates caught the child's attention whom his green eyes began to lock down on them. Suddenly one of the pirates pushed his fellow pirate forward towards the bloody white hair child. The child took the opportunity and jump at the pushed pirates face knocking him over. The child began to claw and slash at the fallen pirates face to no end.

Slash, slash. Slash, slash. Slash, slash. Slash, slash. Slash, slash. "bhoooomm." It was the sound of a fireball hitting near me, that brought me back to my senses.
A fireball from the mask man up on the high balcony signaling to end the fight. After rolling over a few times, I vomited a mouthful of someone else's blood. This wasn't a blackout, I remember everything I did. I stared at my bloody hands, my finger nails turn red and some of my nails were torn or fallen off completely in the scuffle. I'm still cover in the that burly man's blood, the warm bitter iron taste was something I thought I forgot. One of my thumbs is dislocated as that person fought desperately to the bitter end. I could still feel her nails desperately clawing at my face and her pain expression.

It was the crack of a whip, as I felt a sharp pain suddenly from my back, that brought me out of my recollections. As I was the last person in the bloody arena, I was then herded into another room.
The room had long wooden tables and benches with the surviving people already eating. I immediately notice the smell of mold and rotten meat, but saw the dozen and half or so survivors eating food regardless. I move to the corner of the room furthest away from any people, and curled myself in the corner. I desperately tried to fight back the tears forming in my eyes, as memories of my time in the jungle were resurfacing.

Whimpers and a child sobbing in the corner could be heard in the room but people continued eating.

It was when a bowl of food was place in front of me as I manage to get my tears under control.

It was a man in his 50s, who had a greying beard, a handsome sea worn face, and wore a large tricorner hat who gave me the food, who then turn around and return to the wooden table with the rest of the survivors.

It seems the man made an effort to pick out the less moldy pieces of bread and less spoil parts of the meat, then place them in the bowl for me.

I slowly ate the food just trying to keep my emotions in check, I made myself a promise I didn't manage to keep. I spent the rest of the hour quietly meditating in the corner trying to get my breathing in order. As I was preparing myself and coming up with a plan to escape.

A/N This is an experimental chapter. Like the third person section, was originally first person. Questions/suggestion, and edits are always welcome in the comments.

Pls and thank you.

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