ATLA: A Fire Nation Mob

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

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The freezing cold air was a pleasant feeling on my skin as the ship sailed through iceberg filled water. We were in the arctic sailing to the northern water tribes, when the ship slow down to a halt. The bottom of the ship started to freeze and an iceberg formed around the ship. Several raft skippers emerge from behind the icebergs. On them stood several people wearing blue polar survival gear started to approach the ship. The firebenders on board were startle and on guard to the sudden stop and were ready to fight as they started to gather flames in their hands. Jei commanded them to stand down and ready to welcome them instead. A platform ramp descended to the iceberg, and about a dozen well armed soldiers started to board the ship. Jei already had the firebenders fall inline with Yon and Neza to his right and left. I stood next to Jei and Neza, in anticipation. The warriors wore armor of bones, leather, and blue fur coats. Each of them carried a white spear made of wood with a blue stone on one end. They carried assortment a weapons ranging from bolas to iron boomerangs. They are wearing wolf head skin hoods and faces cover with a blue bandana with a symbol of the north water tribe sewn into them.
"State your business" The warrior in front spoke first.
Jei didn't say anything, he only gave Yon a scroll and then Yon handed the scroll to the first warrior who spoke.
"Very well". The Waterbender spoke after reading the scroll.
"Your ship, your men stay here, Just you and the boy". The warriors led Jei and I to the water skipper's.
Traveling on the water skipper felt different, like you can fall over into the water if you don't focus on your balance. We were sailing using waterbending and eventually saw the city. Soon we arrived at a glacier thousands of feet high and spanned as far as the eye could see towered in the distance. At the center was a the city wall at half the height of the glacier. We arrive in front of a massive ice wall and pass through a long tunnel in the wall. At the end of the tunnel was a man made ravine and at the top people began to raise the water level with waterbending causing the skipper to rise with it.
The city of Agna Qel'a the capital city of the northen water tribes spanded deep into the glacier. A massive city landscape came into view of different districts separated by canals and water ways making the city look like a maze from a distance. A palace structure was seen at the far end of the crater towered over the city.
"We will be heading towards the palace."The waterbender with us spoke.
The skipper started to move down a lane of water heading
'It felt like a lazy river ride as we were guided into the city.'
After passing a few more check points we enter Agna Qel'a. While passing through wide canals I surveyed the city. We were being stared at by people, individual selling there wares, families walking in the street, and city guards standing on roof tops. Stares, look, and glances came from them showing expressions of reluctance, indifference, and curiosity. They wore blue parka's of similar design, some wore choker necklaces made of link bones, stones, and leather with talismans at the center. I was told to keep my parka hood up, I suspect the color of my hair may cause problems.
We were being led through the canals to the center of the city taking left or right at different junctions. Other gondolas and skippers kept there distance stopping if need be to let us pass first. We were escorted by 4 groups of water benders guiding us to our destination, they covered our front's and to our back's, to our left's and our right's. Jei stood ready like a towering statue, keeping his vigilance, gave small glances at his surroundings.
The royal palace towered over Agna Qel'a a vast view of the open ocean can be seen in the distance. Two layers of rampart wall were connected by 4 towers each and 8 massive bridges connected them to one another. The royal palace was made of ice, stone, and large animal bones stood firmly at its center shining in the sunlight.
We entered the royal palace and walk through different hallways to the waiting atrium. We were briefed on the basic etiquette when meeting their chief and his royal family. Taking the opportunity attendants presented us new clothing to change into. I saw Jei's shirtless body it was well maintained, and covered in old scars of various degrees.
"youthful memories". Jei notice me.
There was a slight hesitation when the North attendants went to change my clothes. The hair color was notice, the dagger taken away, and the choker necklace was seen. 'I have a bad feeling from coming from my surroundings, the feeling of being watched from a distance increasing'.
Were now wearing blue heavy robes tie with a simple slash and led into the royal throne room. We must walk to the center of the hall our and must not speak unless given permission. Do not approach the thrones unless expressly told too, make sure your hand can be seen at all time, and act in a respectful manner. The attendants led us into a dome chamber bending an Ice wall in front of us to get us through.
The throne chamber was a large room with a blue marble floor separated by parallel small rivers along the edges of the dome. At the far end of the room was a live waterfall behind a pair of ice thrones. Four gallery balcony were seated up high to the left and the right semi circle the room. 8 pillars of ice line in a circle held up the ice dome ceiling. Warriors wearing blue armors of leathers, furs, and steel plating stood with their back facing the pillars and the their front facing the center of the room. They carried spears, shields, and war clubs. They wore hoods and masks each which had a face of a different animal. Jei and I stood at the center of the chamber waiting to be called upon.
I took the chance to glimpse at the ice throne at the far end of the room.
A man in his late 30's sat on the throne made of ice and bones in a royal fit blue parka, he has long of black hair, reaching his chest decorated with various accessories of bones and silver. Sitting next to him on another throne sat a woman in her 20's, in a matching parka of similar design, her hair was black and silky made into a up style an elaborate fan design on her head. On her lap sat a child close to my age, wearing a puffy parka design similar to her parents, her hair was white and at neck length. Standing next to the thrones on the side of the king stood a man is his late 60s wearing a blue combat gi, his head was bald on top but the hair he did has reach his shoulder.

"You stand before Great Chief Arnook of the Northern Water Tribes and his royal family. State who you are, what is your affair, and what do you want". The voice of the balding man carried across the chamber reaching everyone.
"Vice Admiral Jei of the Fire Nation Navy greets your highness, The Fire Nation on behalf of Fire Lord Ozai to continue diplomatic talks between our two nations. We request audiences for your nations officials to meet with us to discuss mutual benefits". Jei voiced carried equally across the room to be heard by everyone.
A cacophony of whispers could be heard from the balconies and the king spoke to his adviser standing next to him.
"What of the whereabouts of your previous ambassador and princess Kerra." Spoke the balding man in calm manner.
'They mus be talking about my parents, I wonder if this body remembers them.'
"Lost to the spirit world, off the coast of the western air temple. There ship was caught in a spirit storm." Jei said in regretful tone.
Silence took the chamber before the people at the throne area quietly spoke to one another.
I felt the open stare of the woman from the ice throne and the child in her lap also facing me.
'That's Yue, of all the things I remember about the show is that Yue was a princess and has white hair. This mean's I've arrive before the official timeline.'

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"We will convene to discuss your matter's with the rest of the tribes." Said balding man.
We were then ushered out of the chambers by the attendant into the waiting atrium.
'I have the childish urge to explore the palace, but I will behave.'
"Do you need to use the bathroom". Jei must have notice something.
I nodded in response.
Attendant open a hole in the wall via waterbending, Jei tried to follow us but was assured he may be needed back in the throne room. I was led a short distance down the hall. The attendant open a hole in the wall for me to enter and waited by the hole.
The bathroom looked really nice, the walls lit up with bio-luminescent glow and gave out a floral scent mix with ice. The sink in the center was a waterfall falling into a basin. The toilet was hole in a carve stone slab and a stream of water next to it, 'I'm pretty sure is the toilet paper'. 'I should have never look down, it was a endless abyss of darkness with no end.'
I enter back into the hallway and the attendant led me back to the atrium room, or so I thought.
The room I enter had a stone fireplace, fur cover floor, a cauldron in the fireplace, and sitting on a rocking chair made of different animal bones was an blind old women of indeterminable age.
"Come closer". The old women beckon me with a finger.
Against my will my body lifted then drag me across the room. The old women grab me by the throat. The sensation of my blood pressure rising envelope my body as I look into the old women's blind eyes.
She started to inspect me; a hair was pluck, my mouth forcefully open, Ear tugged in every direction, and my eyes were closely studied.
"Ouch!!!" I was poke with a bone needle in my arm.
The old women place the needle on her dried tongue and after moment of tasting release my throat.
I drop to my knees coughing to catch my breath. Looking at the old women who had a look of indifference.
'I wanted to lash out, I wanted to scream my lungs out, I wanted to act out in child indifference, but something was holding me from it.'
"Spirit, who reside in my dead great grandson." The old women spoke in unearthly voice.
'I froze on spot to those words'
"Tell me, was my grandson dead or a alive when you took his body." She turn to look at me.
"I don't know, he was found in the water, then I was their." I answer honestly.
The old woman bone like fingers knack against one another letting time pass. With a simple gesture I was lifted to my feet and dragged outside the room and placed in the hallway. The hole behind me close up and no one else was in the hall except myself.
I stood in the empty hallway for a while, and eventually felt a lingering gaze on my persons. It was Yue peeking from around the corner. We stared at one another before I turn around and went to the waiting atrium.
I went back to the atrium in a daze, unfocused, my head in a chaotic state. After sometime we reenter the ice throne room. 5 years, the North tribe chief and representative's agreed to 5 years of diplomatic cooperation. During the duration it was heavily applied of my stay in the North Tribes during the cooperation as a given. Neza was decided to be my guardian and protector during my stay in the north water tribes. She'll be responsible for my education, and communicate with other officials on my behalf on complicated matters. It's been setup that I'll be writing monthly reports to my grandfather Jei to practice my reading and writing skills.

Over the next 3 days a funeral was held for my mother the former princess, an ice statue was made with the striking resemblance to the queen was place into a regal ice coffin. The open coffin flowed through out of the city Agna Qel'a, people threw flowers, hand made ornaments, and wooden totems into the coffin. I silently rode a gondola with the queen following the coffin through the city. Over those 3 days I met an in numerous amount of people giving their condolences. I greeted them with respect speaking minimally, but I kept my eye out looking for someone. The old women was no where to be scene, but I could feel her presence in the palace. Jei made arrangements on his end and over the 3 days gifted the royals with fine silks rolls of different colors, pattern porcelain pottery of various sizes, barrels of different spices, and chests of gold and silver coins called bahn.

After the funeral I gathered my resolve and walk to hallway near the atrium room and knocked on the wall. The wall then open and I step inside. The old women was knitting next to the open fireplace and the hole close behind me. She did not need to speak, I walked over to her of my own volition. Only the sound of creaking rocking chair and the klacking bone needles could be heard. The old woman put aside the knitting needles, and pour a bowl of boiling liquid from the cauldron over the fire place. A bone bowl of steaming green blue liquid was place before me. I brought the bowl to my lips, the temp felt warm and let the unknown liquid flow down my throat. It had no particular taste to it just a warm sensation spreading through out my body. From my throat to my chest and then my bodies extremities a faint iridescent glow started to show my veins, bones, and my heart. Except where my heart was suppose to be was a black spot of a pulsing mass. Next to the black mass was a dim white light.
"Spirit, I will give you two choices" The old women began to sharply poke the white light with her bone fingers.
"This white light is you spirit, this black spot is my dead great grandson." The old women poke the white light in my chest with more vigor.
"I purify you and and my grandson can rest in peace in the afterlife." she gesture to snuff out the white light.
"Spirit, you become my grandson entirely." She pointed to the white light gesturing to merge into the black mass.
A/N I have plans for the first major arc to revolve around the tribes of the north's, also it will be about 13 years ish before start of canon timeline. Questions, edits, and suggestions are always welcome in the comment's.
Pls and thank you.

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