ATLA: A Fire Nation Mob

Chapter 23: Chapter 23

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The delicious scent led me to a food restaurant in between a few low-key buildings.

when I enter and sat down at the table, I felt the eyes of a few other customers, staring in my direction. The hardest part was finding a server, to take my order long enough not to flee.

'I guess finding a strange child wearing furs and a bone mask with long white hair waiting to order food may seem strange, but I have money.'

Points, grunts, and the occasional Hisses from Miffens were enough communication I needed to order food from the terrified waiter. The alley restaurant had menus with simple food illustrations and oriental writings, I place some coins on the table not sure if you paid before or after.

Dish after dish of different foods was brought to my table in a nearly empty restaurant on a side street in the large town of Yu Dao. Rice, soups, roasted ducks, sweet and sour pork, beef dishes, fish, large eggs, and custard pies all laid before me, my mouth was drooling and a low growling came out from me.

'The large eggs are for Miffens, which surprises me that he knows how to read the language.'

Everything was so good, from the brothyness of the soup, the delicious taste of the greasy meat of the duck, or what I think was duck tasted like pork, I didn't realize how starved I was. It was when I was about to drink the tea I saw my reflection for the first time in a while.

My mask was over my head, my white hair was unkempt, my vivid green eyes had a wildness to them that was hard to describe and I had visible burn wounds peeking from my neck.

'This is fine, I've always been a feral child.'

My appearance was frightening.

'No wonder the server was afraid of me. '

"Hey, you kids get away from here."

Outside the shop, I could see a middle age shop owner chasing away a few street orphans I recognize from the street with a large stick. The orphans look meager, tired, and desperate reminding me of my past self. My blood boiled as all I wanted was to tear the middle age man to pieces for even thinking about hurting the orphans.

'Was I always this angry?'

It was an instant decision, my body flash in front of the orphans as the wooden stick cracked against my back, as I stood my ground against the shop owner. The wooden stick shattered on my bone mask, but the trickling of blood still ran down my face.

'stay calm, you chose to intervene.'

The restaurant owner was speechless, the orphans were stunned, and all of the customers watched in anticipation. The middle age men fell to his knees and started begging for forgiveness.

"Forgive me I did not mean to injure a child of the Zhang Tribe," The restaurant owner said trembling in fear.

'Zhang tribe?'

Ignoring the man groveling on the floor I went back into the restaurant this time bringing the orphans in tow. It was a long moment of silence before one of the children, I think his name was Pipsqueak started to dig in into the food. Only one of the street orphans hesitated to eat, his name was Jet I think.

I push a plate of fried dumplings into the front of him, I couldn't speak anymore, so I made simple gestures taught to me by Sukira on Kiyoshi island. My hands pointed to my mouth, then I pointed to the street orphans, and rub my hand over my belly.

'Those were simpler days, I wonder if Sukira and the others are doing OK.'

There was a framed map on the wall of the establishment.

'it could be useful, I could ask for it-, on second thought maybe not. My plans have always been simple to live a peaceful and simple life.'

A loud ruckus entered the restaurant, and men in fine robes of white and yellow colors entered the restaurant with a pristine, noble, and dignified appearance. They carried a sword at their waist and all seem to belong to the same group, like from old martial arts movies. It was the restaurant manager who greeted them, in a manner of respect.

'Is it me or are they glaring at me with a look of hatred?'

It was one of the pristine-looking men with a long tied-up ponytail, who pointed a stern finger in my direction. I look around hoping he was pointing at someone else.

'Does this town have hatred against children that I don't know about?'

"If you Zhang children want to live I suggest you leave immediately before we Gan Jin throw you out, this fine establishment is too noble to serve your kind."

'Gan Jin? Whoever they are they look like they are ready to brawl, but the street orphans are still eating. I don't think I could protect them, should I flee, no, the right thing is to let an adult handle the situation, who would be heartless enough to attack a child.'

Seeing that we wouldn't leave, provoked the Gan Jin, who started to gather around the table and were going to remove us by force.

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'Sh**. They didn't even hesitant did they.'


It was the middle age restaurant owner who step in between us.

'Finally an adult with a sense of reason.'

"Take this fight outside, I don't want to clean blood from my wooden floors."

'Oh, **ck yo-.'

I'm now outside the restaurant a crowd has already started to gather, it's midday and it somehow became a martial arts match.

'Is this common, how often did they have street fights in the show.'

It was a street orphan Jet and Pipsqueak who became my corner men. The other orphans seem to be taking bets from the crowd on how long I will last fighting the Gan Jin. Miffens coiled himself around one of the orphan's name Smellerbee, who look like they were going to be eaten.

'Note to self, they are on their own next time I feel sorry for them, I'm walking away.'

"Ding ding," Sound could be heard as I was pushed to the center of the makeshift arena. The 3 Gan Jin were already in martial stances, it didn't look like they were going to kill me just give me a really hard beating.

POV Zirin.

'Dammit, where did those punks go, Jojo's going to get mad again that we're neglecting the other orphans and she's our only bender. If that new kid Mute didn't show up in the first place we be already becoming a gang in Yu Dao.'

'What is all this ruckus up ahead?'

After pushing through the crowd I saw a spectacle in front of me, it was Mute fighting 3 members of the Gan Jin clan.

'Idiot, of all the clans why is he fighting with the Gan Jin, and why is he dressed as a member of the Zhang tribe.'

Mute threw a single punch and one Ganjinese clansman fell over clutching his stomach, the surrounding crowd booed as rocks and rotten food were thrown at the down man for faking his injuries. It was then the 2 remaining Gan Jin pulled out their swords and started to attack Mute.

'They're going to kill him!'

Mute seemed to dodge their swords with a hair length, and his body seem to twist, fold, and bend as the attack narrowly missed him. After several minutes of attacking, the Gan jin members tired themselves out, Mute was too fast for them and they couldn't land a hit.

'Mute is a pretty good fighter, if I can convince him to join our street gang.'

The crowd was starting to reach a fever pitch yelling at the Gan Jin to stop faking and get up and fight properly.

"It's the guards scatter," one of the crowd shouted.

'This is my chance.'

I ran past Mute, grabbed his hand, and led him through the rushing crowd, leaving the area.

"Follow me," I said.

'I'm leading Mute to a place we can make some money with his skills, but how can I convince him to help us?'

Through the streets of Yu Dao, a girl with long dark brown hair could be seen leading a boy with long white hair through the town streets.

POV End.

A/N I recently watch Gangs of New York and thought I could probably set up something like that here. I've also been watching a lot of Cells At Work as well. 

Thank you for reading.

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