ATLA: A Fire Nation Mob

Chapter 4: chapter 4

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Day 97
'It's been 3 months since I've transmigrated here, I'm not sure where here is. Thoughts of what creature is going to kill and eat me first have been on my mind lately. Will I be crushed and swallowed hole by a cat snakes, wrap in webs and eggs laid in me by rat spiders, or hanging man eating plant pods suffocate me in my sleep. 3 months no passing ships, no signs of civilization, just me and my thoughts.'
It started about 3 months ago, one day it began to rain, and then it rained the next day, and the next. Until the shipwreck became fully submerged in water even during low tide and the jungle floor became wetlands. I've been venturing deeper into the jungle to higher elevations, running, hiding, and escaping dangerous 'situations' with the help of my bending abilities.
A few hours of sleep here and there sleeping during the day is safer then sleeping at night. Gathering edible fallen nuts, berries and insects.
My hair grew down to the mid of my back, my body became a unhealthy scrawny, 'probably due the frequent used of blood speed to run away from predators'.
I'm laying prone in waiting half submerged in water acting as bait with a self inflicted cut on my arm. A few meters in front of me is a creature I'm calling an otter wolf, 'it's one of the few creatures smaller then me'. After 3 months I've gain general sense of the jungle animals. They are territorial, they hunt, they gather, and they are either predators or prey looking to survive,'law of the jungle at it's best'. The otter wolf began to move in my general direction catching the scent of fresh blood,'just a little bit closer'. As the otter wolf went in for the kill on me, I made my move. Flexible tree vines sprang out of the water ensnaring the otter wolf binding it in mid air hanging over me. I sprung to action plunging the bone spear into the otter wolf. The blood of the otter wolf spurted out in a rush killing it instantly.
I've been blood bending during the full moon to control animals to no avail, only causing them to slightly wobble from side to side. The fuller the moon the more water I can feel around me, in the air, under the ground, and inside living creatures. Days with no moon, it's like missing a limb or an eye, its a sixth sense that comes and goes.
I felt so accomplish with the vine trap, it took weeks to prefect. Trials and errors, and so, 'so' many failed attempts led up to this moment.
'Yyyyeeeeesh'. I celebrated in triumphs.
As the sun was beginning to set I carried my prey to my 'hide out'. It was a damp cave hovel located at the base of the mountain pass by a flowing river. The entrance was cover in moss and vines mesh of the remnants of my old hammock.
This was going to be a feast, just before I was about to skin and eat it.
The low guttural growls can be heard behind me.
'I didn't even have to look.'
'Should i just let these otter wolves kill me? or try to make it to the river, wait no otter's are excellent swimmers. How about giving back their companion?'
I threw the corpse of the otter wolf at them, as I made a mad dash to the river. Cuts, gashes, bites litter my body, but i made it to the river. Water bending does not make you a better swimmer, 'or breathe water'. It does allow you to semi-uncontrollably body surf on the surface being carried down stream.
The other otter wolves began to chase swimming after me.
The river then turned into rapids, as I braced myself covering my head, as the rest of my body receive scrapes and bruises from bolder rocks in the rapids. Minutes seems like hours as I was bashed down stream as the river became calmer. I find myself staring face up at the full moon sky floating along the river gazing into the clear night. As I enjoy this calm moment, the sounds of a waterfall was quickly approaching.

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'please, let the fall kill me'.
Plunging head first, my body was toss about before resurfacing and drifted onto a shore.
'I'm still alive? Why, how hard is it to kill a 4 year old child?'.
A great anger welled up inside me instead, as a boiling hatred started to pour out from me.
"Aaaaahhhrrrggggggggg." A child scream pierce through the jungle.
'Screw it, I'm going to kill every single thing in this jungle. I'm going to bathe in their blood, eat their flesh, and s*it out their remains'.
Steam and smoke emerge from the moist air visibly hiding me from sight, but I knew where everything was. Otter wolves came over the falls entering the lake below. I began to move with blood speed toward them. It took one stab to the otter wolf as its blood spurted from it like a fountain. Another otter wolf jump at my blind spot, I palm the ground beneath it causing a stream geyser to hit with full force.
'screw reasons, screw goals, screw purpose. I don't care anymore, I'm hungry, tired, and slowly dying.'
I move to slash, stab, bite, claw, kick, and scream, just letting my instinct's run loose. My vision went narrowed, senses heighten, and lost track of time losing myself in the moment.
I came to my senses later with the sun rising with vague memories and recollection about what happen last night.
'haa, I snapped. I'm I going crazy or just going savage, but i know one thing I'm alive. More alive then I've ever felt before. Not from killing, but the life and death sensation you get from surviving a life threatening situation.'
Tears fell from face as a euphoric relief hit me causing me to cry in joy.
'No storms, falls, or beasts. F*ck this world is this the best you can throw at me, bring it I will survive this'.
and like that the years flew by.
A/N The otter wolf in question is as adorable as you would like to imagine. Questions, edits, and suggestions are always welcome in the comment's.
Pls and thank you.

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