ATLA: A Fire Nation Mob

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

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4 people are bound back to back to one another. Their arms, hands, and feet are tied together with vines attach to a tree branch hanging over several descending pools of murky water, they are illuminated by fireflies. They are hanging upside down in nothing but their undergarments, all their equipment taken from them.
it's been an minutes since they all woken up before they began loudly whispering to themselves.
"You talk to it". One of them said in a loud whisper.
"No, you talk to it". Another responded in a loud whisper.
The occasional clanking clash could be heard a short distance away. A small humanoid figure who sat cross legged on top of a large boulder nearby inspected their confiscated equipment.
'let's see what do we have here? 4 swords, 4 lanterns made of wood and treated paper, 2 signal flare I think, a half bottle of "sniff". Wine I'm sure.'
sounds of pouring liquid as the bottle was emptied out into the water pool. "Nooo". Could be heard from one of the captured soldiers.
'4 daggers similar to the rusted one I have with different characters written on them, it's probably their names. "Jackpot", A map and a compass. And more wine bottles.'
The map on one side look like a continent map with color coded land masses.
'I assume the red areas belong to the fire nations, blue for the water nations, and green for the earth nations, there are other colors but they seem less pronounce then the other three'.
On the back of the map looks to be a the outline of this island with the center of barely having any details drawn in.
"Oh, Great and powerful fog spirit, Please spare us your mercy". The soldier with the knot hairstyle spoke out in a louder than necessary voice.
'Fog spirit?'
I got onto my wake board sat cross legged, then glided to them with the map and stuffs I found useful in my hands.
Lu Ten Pov.
'My father once said if I ever came across a spirit I must treat it with sincerity and respect or else they will do bad thing to naughty children.'
The small figured approached us, it sat up cross legged on a small piece of drift wood. His figured was small that of a child, its body was covered in scars except for the few bits if clothing's it did wears was made of leather and bones. It's head was a wolf skull with a bloody town rag cover its mouth and green eyes glowed in the dark area only illuminated by fireflies. Protruding from it's head was an abundant of white hair with many braids falling over the figure and into the murky water below, hints of gold and silver glint at the end of them.
The spirit float around us in circles before come to stop in front of me.
A child's like voice emanated from it's skull.
"WHere". The spirit pointed at the map we brought with us with a bloody rusted dagger of some poor soul before us.

'I couldn't answer I didn't know what it wanted'.
After a moment I could not answer it, it moved over to one the the Lee's.
"HWere". And pointed more menacingly at the map with the bloody rusted dagger.
After one of the Lee's failed to answered it move on to the next lee, which was out of my sight.

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"WERE, HERE". The child voice spoke in a long drawn out manner in growing frustration.
"I don't understand you, what do you want". One of the Lee's said in a frantic stress voice
I could hear the frustrating sounds of splashing water behind me.
Then it was Ming's turn, I held her hand in comfort as the spirit turn to face her. Instead of asking a questions, it stab the dagger into it's own palm, in and out. His bloody covered hand dripping in front of Ming, before washing away the blood in the pool below.
bubbles and foams started to form around ours head below and hundred of piercing chirping sounds could be heard. Fishes with razor sharp beaks broke out of the water surface, trying to peck at out our exposed heads.
"HWere, WHere, HERE." The spirit gestured along the map pointing with the bloody rusted iron knife.
'wait is it asking where this island is?'
Just before I was about to give my voice.
"There, right there." Ming said frantically as the bloody rusted knife pointed to the general location of the island on the map.
The spirit then floated to me and tap on the general area of the map again with the knife.
"Here?" The spirit kept tapping the area where the island is suppose to be.
I nodded in confirmation trying to appease the spirit.
The spirit then began to jump up in joy, causing the tree branch we were hanging to to bob up and down, bringing our head closer to the piranha birds.
"Ohhhh, nooo, I don't want to die." One of the Lee's shouted.
The spirit eventually calmed down and the bobbing of the tree branch with it.
The last thing I remember was the spirit putting his hands together as a plume of sweet smelling smoke made me extremely sleepy.
Pov end.
'For the first people I've talk to in five years, I think that went pretty well. First i should return them alive, I don't want to make enemies of the fire nation. what should I do about keeping them from babbling about me. I got an idea!'
After dragging them to the outskirts of their camp I left them in their undergarments, and kept the majority of their equipment, 'I'm keeping the nice leather satchel, I'm not giving it back'. I poured the remaining alcohol bottles around them, being careful not to wake them up and left signs that they partied, 'honestly the night night mixture I used wasn't my best work, but they should be fine. probably'.
I made sure to heal any visible injuries the piranha might have done before leaving, 'this is my first time healing another person that wasn't an animal, so I'm really proud of myself, yeah me'.
After checking that they would be fine I went to prepare for phase 2 of my plans to escape the island.
A/N Let the first annual misunderstanding games begin. Questions, edits, and suggestions are always welcome in the comment's.
Pls and thank you.

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