Avalon Academy

Chapter 7: Chapter 5: An unexpected encounter

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“Yaaaawwwwnn” I blinked my bleary eyes in annoyance. After a day of travel I still couldn’t see the exit. I had a map that more or less pointed me toward the closest town, unfortunately the map didn’t give me a good feel for the distance.


 Jumping down from the tree branch I had slept on for the night I threw my pack of things over my shoulder and struck off toward the east again.


 I had been walking for a solid 20 minutes as my annoyance continued to grow when out of nowhere a blood curdling scream cut through the silence. My eyes sharpened as I sent out a pulse of ether.


 I could sense three groups of people. Two groups of around 5 and one group of three. Another pulse gave me more detailed information. The two groups of 5 were busy killing each other while the last group… shit. It was slave traders.


 Bastards must have hired a group to protect them while they transferred the goods, then got attacked by another group when they passed through. Sprinting toward the sound of battle I unsheathed my sword and gave it a spin to test its weight and balance.


 “A little light… but it'll do just fine for a couple of lowlives!” stomping on the ground I sent my body hurtling forward.


 Swinging my blade upward it severed one man clean in half.  letting go of the blade I let its momentum carry it upward, freeing my hands to grab the axe that had been swung toward my face. 


Leveraging the weight of the man pressing down on the axe, I twisted the blade to the side, snapping the blade from the handle. Then I reached up,caught the sword I had thrown, and swung down bisecting the second man.


 The group now aware of my presence charged toward me all at once. I let the blade spin for a moment and let the spin carry my weight up into the air and over the low sweep from a spear stepping on its wielder's shoulders before flipping off and slicing an arrow out of the air.


 Landing on the ground I sunk down to a squatting position and let the spear swing over my head narrowly missing embedding itself in my skull. I made a full swing disemboweling the man with the spear in front of me and continuing toward the man with the bow behind me. I saw the look of fear on his face for only a second before he no longer had a face as my blade cut right through it.


 “DAMMIT, what the hell did I even hire you all for!” A fat man cowering over by the carriage yelled out as he turned and ran into the woods. Narrowing my eyes I lined up my arm and taking a breath, threw my blade, where it landed neatly in that fat fucks back~ 


Turning around I gave the last guy a beautiful smile




 Ugh… the piece of shit smiled back, let me fix that real quick.


 A crack rang out as the man fell backward, his head twisted at an extreme angle. Standing still I slowly raised my head and inhaled deeply. With that breath, a piece of viscera fell past me as drops of blood fell like rain. 


The battle had concluded so quickly That the first and last guy that I’d killed, hit the ground at the same time. the mercenaries that had previously stood stunned stumbled backward in fear.


 One of them however stepped forward despite his shaking legs and addressed me. “We are the foxwood mercenary group. We were hired to take out a slave caravan passing through here. They’re carrying the daughter of the guy who hired us.”


 walking past me he opened the cage and lifted out a small girl, who couldn’t have been over the age of 8. Turning to me he grimaced saying, “We’ll take her back to her father now, but we’re on a deadline, so we can’t handle the other girls right now. could we ask you to take the rest of these girls to the nearest town?” 

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sighing, I waved them off, “I’ll take care of them, I'm already heading that way, so I don’t lose anything from taking them there.” I walked over to the cage and helped the girls there out through the hole the mercenary had made.


 One girl had scaled adorning her arms, legs and cheeks, and deep scarlet hair that framed an adorable face with bright red eyes. The pupils were slits like a serpent. A newt beastman probably, and a cute one at that.


 The other one was about as tall as I was with deep evergreen eyes and matching hair. Her ears were long, and narrowed to a point at the ends. A true beauty… or should would be if not for her ugly expression, and her distinct lack of breasts. An elf obviously… a pissed one for some reason. 


During the so-called “second calamity” the transformation of those infected by the ether ranged from absolute monstrosities to beings oddly familiar to those who enjoyed a good fantasy RPG. beastmen, demons, angels, and elves.


 These types of beings also appeared in the mix. Many people sought out others like themselves, and the result was that most beings of similar types began to congregate. In a short amount of time there was a land that each of these “races” found suitable to their newfound abilities.


 The beastmen found home in the far north where their excellent physical strength and animalistic instincts could be put to use in a hunt. Angels and demons instinctually despised each other and naturally found themselves on opposite ends of the planet, settling respectively in the Caribbean and Asian areas.


 The elves found themselves gathering wherever other people weren’t. Their superiority in both celestial arts as well as talent with weaponry had led them to become… antisocial to say the least. So to find an elf here of all places was surprising.


 Sighing, I reached into my pack and pulled out a bag of chips. “Catch.” I called, tossing them to the girls, who caught them with a surprised look. For better or worse, they had seen my previous actions and were less than enthused with my presence, regardless of the fact that I had technically saved their lives.


 I didn’t blame them for being somewhat apprehensive, but if they remained so, it was going to make this trip very long, and very annoying. The silence was thankfully broken however, by the elf’s beautiful introduction~ 


“What the hell was that! We didn’t ask for your help half breed.” 


or not.


 The elf then sprung into a long and time-wastingly elaborate speech on her “great pedigree” and how “half breed weaklings should just keep to themselves” evidently the combination of my wolf tail and dragon wings would be a bit of a stigma in the outside world; that said, I wasn’t the type to just sit down and let this paperweight elf who had spent the entire battle wetting herself try to talk down to me.


 “And if that isn’t enough, you thought that Royalty like ME would need help?!”


 hold on… royalty? Oddly enough that might explain a lot.


 “Look, are you even listening to me? Don’t just stand there! You’re decently strong for a half breed, so this princess will deign to let you be my bodyguard while we leave this place!” “Oh aren't I Such a humble lady~”


 THE F- humble?! The audacity on this flat fucking elf! 


Making a silent note to get my well deserved revenge, The silent newt, the flat elf… the flelf, and I made our way out of the forest.

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