Áz – Battlefield

Chapter 15: Chapter 14 – A Significant Change

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O interior do Templo de Prata era mal iluminado pelas próprias paredes, sua luz lembrando como era à noite na lua cheia e céu claro, mas emanando de todas as direções, exceto do solo. Porém, essa luz não deslumbrava nenhum deles, assim como olhar para a lua era natural e confortável.

Como paredes luminescentes tinham quatro metros de altura, o Templo de Prata tinha um local para orações acima da escada, completamente vazio, sem cadeiras ou enfeites, exceto por um pequeno altar ao fundo.

Tal altar tinha duas grandes velas apagadas de tamanhos diferentes, havia também um leque azul e um sino de prata em cima de uma caixa roxa.

— Este altar é parecido com o que eu conheci. — disse Illye, lembrando-se do altar no Templo Azul acima deles.

Os Sete Deuses não tinham representação física, porém havia sete objetos que os representavam. Em cada Templo Azul essas duas velas estavam presentes e no centro havia um leque índigo decorado com um sino índigo preso a ele.

— Quando ainda havia apreciado o Templo de Prata, era assim que o deus era representado. O Leque da Deusa Azul, o Sino do Deus Prateado e a Caixa da Deusa Violeta. — explicou Jord, parando em frente ao Altar para pensar em algo envolvendo aquelas figuras.

— Mas o Deus Violeta não é um dos Três Deuses Sombrios? Por que alguém associaria algo dela a isso? — Noella duvidosa, era algo que nenhum deles sabia.

— Boa pergunta, se alguém soubesse a resposta. Não é verdade, Senhor do Outono? — Jord apontou enquanto levantava a questão para outra pessoa.

This questioning was not groundless, if there was one thing that set him apart from the others, it was his Violet eyes. But there was something strange

— It is said that color greatly influences the appearance of Lords, so much so that their eyes change according to their Authorities. Things like that happen without them even noticing, whether permanently or not. — Jord asked, pointing to his own eyes.

As he spoke, Jord's eyes began to glow, changing from a dark blue hue to a dark green. His hair didn't change because he simply didn't have any to change, but the fact was clear.

— The Autumn Lord should be like that too, his season is too wrapped in yellow, orange, brown and red. Vampires have golden eyes and not even that is present in you, so how do your eyes stay violet? — She questioned him with an explicit certainty that something was being hidden.

Kamaell didn't answer yet, he started to think about what he should do.

— Have I told you I love you, Jord? Seriously… You come with everything to shut up this resentful man, that must be why the Agents of Truth are on your tail. — Said Illye loving it.

— Has anyone ever told you that you know too much about others? — Asked Kamaell, his violet eyes began to change between the mentioned tones until they returned to the original.

— Every day anyone comes to visit me. I've been told I'd be the next Wisdom Lord if Lebland died, but that guy is a nut so I doubt it's easy to happen. — Jord replied, laughing as he watched him. — But what about violet, if it always goes back to that color then you. What are you hiding?

— I'm also a follower of the Moon Lord, so my eyes are violet. It's the same color as her eyes. — He explained indifferently as he turned his face to the side.

It was clear that wasn't a very convincing explanation, but he didn't look like he was going to speak up for anything so Jord gave up. Leaving this conversation at that, Jord headed toward a small door beyond the altar.

— There isn't much around here, but what I have I kept well, hoping that one day I would need it. — Opening the door he explained changing the conversation.

Illye followed Jord, Kamaell followed after her, and Noella without much interest in it was thinking about things and connecting dots that might be useful.

[If he is Lord of Autumn and Vultures then it makes sense that he is a Phase 4. If we are attacked again maybe we can escape through the sky with his help, something similar to what Allenian could…]

Remembering a certain person, Noella came to notice a future problem to face once they reached the capital. Just thinking about the encounter between these two gave her a headache with what it could generate. She decided to do everything in her power to make sure they didn't meet before she got to the king and her father, but it would probably be very difficult to avoid that meeting.

[If I had known it was going to end like this I would have forcibly ended this damn engagement sooner. What were they on their minds forcing me to accept this? Well, forget it… Better think about it later.]

Bringing up her own problems in her thoughts, she entered the room as well and found herself in a weapons room filled with swords, halberds, spears, shields, hammers and so many others that not all the names could be remembered at once. There were so many weapons around that you could arm an entire army with them.

— Old man… Are you preparing for a war here? — Scoffed Illye, picking up a sword from the ground.

With that she noticed that in fact most of these weapons were severely rusted and on the verge of breaking on their own if shaken for a while, this extended to every weapon in the room.

— They're old and they're in that state because they've never been used. They've always been here since I started taking care of this place. — Explained Jord, taking a sword and breaking it in half without much effort.

After breaking the sword he threw it on the floor on a rug in the center of the room, this rug was clean and well taken care of unlike the other things present in the place.

— He didn't bring us here to simply show us weapons. — Kamaell commented as he looked where the sword landed.

Raising his hand, he created a gale that caused the rug and the sword on it to be thrown at the wall. Beneath the rug was a closed trapdoor with signs of use.

— Insightful you huh. — Jord replied ironically to all this.

Going to the trapdoor in the center of the room, old Jord opened a compartment and pulled out a large crate larger than a person and threw it in front of the three of them, opening it in the meantime. Inside the crate were more weapons, exactly six of them gathered.

— I don't think I need to explain to you how special these weapons are, you should understand just by looking at them. — He replied, getting up and waiting.

Noella and Illye looked at each other after seeing those weapons, there were three people in the capital who owned weapons similar to these. General Arlles, Captain Celli and Noellum, , respectively, possessed a hammer, a mace and the last one used steel wires.

There was no weapon that could long withstand the power of the Lords, they always tended to break even in times of need. After the Battleground the Lord of Weapons devoted several years of his life to creating weapons that could withstand the powers of the Lords, imbuing them with his own powers. They were nearly unbreakable and even if broken they could repair themselves from a single piece over the course of a few months.

Not only that, these weapons had their own ego that judged whoever tried to use them and chose a user because they were made to simulate the Authorities to a certain extent.

The six weapons shown by Jord were part of those created by the Lord of Arms, which was strange since all the realms had their eye on these weapons and it was known where most of them were.

Altogether there were seventy-two weapons created by him, over these hundreds of years some had disappeared and others were permanently destroyed after specific situations occurred, but it was still known where most of them were.

A whip.

A dagger.

You are reading story Áz – Battlefield at novel35.com

a disk.

A gauntlet.

a saber.

A big sword.

With all these weapons in the same place if others knew, surely Azzaria would be attacked by them alone. The fact that they didn't have users was the main factor that could lead someone to try to sneak in and steal them, they wouldn't need to face a Lord for that.

— Are you sure we should…? — Illye said warily as she held out her hand.

Jord nodded his head assuring her to go ahead.

— Well, we're not missing out on anything and it might be our only chance at having something like this in life. — Noella replied, remembering the fact that she had been told that she herself was a Lord.

Most Lords did not have weapons to match their powers, it was customary for some of them to use durable metal mixtures in their weapons as a way to make them more durable. She thought getting something like that for herself might be a lucky find.

— Come… Violet Moon. — Said an extremely low husky voice.

Of the six weapons that were there, one of them went flying towards Kamaell, more precisely the saber did this going into his hands as if this was its rightful place while it was in its sheath.

— I knew this would happen. He was the first to use it, obviously she would accept it again. — Mused Jord with a cynical smile at Kamaell.

— Calm down… It's me, yes, I'm very different but it's still me. — He said ignoring her questioning looks and speaking with the sword in a gentle tone.

In the last few days and hours this was the second instance where Illye had noticed any kindness coming from him towards something in particular, the first instance having occurred with Noella

— Did you marry the saber by any chance? Why all this with a gun? — Illye mocked as she looked at his scene.

Noella said nothing, curiously a feeling of longing was transmitted to her out of nowhere, as if someone had found something dear that had been lost a long time ago.

— After you were presumed dead, the saber ended up in the hands of three other people. The first was a follower of a former Sword Lord and the second was also a follower of this one after the first one died. In fact, this blade and a few others came into the possession of these followers despite having accepted only two of them. — Seeing the 'reunion', Jord decided to explain what had happened with that weapon.

A weapon of the Lord of Weapons didn't exactly need a user to be used, but if used in this way it would be nothing different from a normal weapon that would present the person holding it with problems of use to make life more difficult for the one who wields it. without permission, that is, it would be nothing more than an extremely durable piece of metal that gets in someone's way.

— The third and last was curiously the first King of Aggron, a few years before his death he handed me the saber for fear that when he reached his limit and another Sword Lord appeared the saber would fall into enemy hands. — He added with a sad but nostalgic smile.

— I remember that some Lords have done something similar before, it's very common actually. They usually deliver to kings or find a reliable successor at times like this. — Noella mused, remembering that her father only became Lord a few years after receiving his weapon.

Illye stopped to think about this information, the founder of Aggron used the same weapon and now it had returned to the hands of its first user, this one who was coincidentally next to her. It was too much of a coincidence, and with it came a fear that it wasn't just coincidence, it was totally planned by someone.

Creating doubt as she looked at Jord's face, she began to seriously believe that even if this old man knew if this situation was planned or not, it would be something he wouldn't say.

— One is gone, we still have five. — Illye said as she looked at the remaining weapons, turning her attention to what was in front of her, she just hoped she didn't have to keep the gauntlet.

— Whoever uses them doesn't usually say much about them, but in short what I feel… Each weapon like that is like a living being. They don't speak and yet they have something like feelings that when touched and called you will feel if they can be accepted or not. — Kamaell explained as he looked at the saber ignoring all other weapons. — Even names are given to them by each user sometimes.

— It feels like I'm choosing a cat that wants me among a bunch of them. — Illye grumbled, thinking it wouldn't be that easy, she hated cats and they hated her too.

Noella smiled remembering the younger Illye arriving at the palace after having her face scratched by cats, she had tried a few times and never managed to get them to like her until she started staying away from them out of resentment.

This moment of relaxation was pleasant for her, not being desperate all the time in search of making them survive was also very pleasant. Yesterday she was close to dying with high chances of being through hunger, thirst, drowned as a result of wounds or killed by monsters and today she was inside an underground temple looking for weapons with two people from the old empire talking about the cats that they hated Illye with her. At least the situation had turned around and improved a lot, if she ignored much it could be considered just a visit to a secret place and she wanted it to stay that way.

— What do we do, Noell? — Illye asked calmly this time, hoping such weapons weren't the same as the cats in her life.

— We will try. — She replied a little worried. — Let's hope one of them accepts us…

Illye and Noella sought to call out and touch each of the weapons, starting with the greatsword due to being more familiar with swords than other weapons. Kamaell and Jord waited for any result of what they were doing and without being noticed the saber that had been supported on the waist of the former was emitting a weak light as the two began to seek acceptance.

Kamaell looked at them both remembering a time he had lived, when there were fifteen such weapons in front of him and he too had to try the same as they did now. Around him at that time were nine other faces, these he would never see together again. All these people could be famous on the mainland even after they died, or disappeared, but to him these people were different, they weren't Lords or Battlefield survivors, they were all something closer to him than that.

They were your family.

[How long will they be able to look each other in the eye and still be able to trust that everything can get better?]

This led him to some negative thinking because the future will never be easy, especially for them who had been targets of assassins. Someone had wanted them dead and had paid a price beyond money for that to happen, as he knew of assassins this failure would take their toll in the future.

Despite that, contrary to her thoughts, her feelings wanted this to last much longer so as not to repeat her past. The biggest reason was not his relationship with Noella but Illye and the Authority he possessed.

[It's a bad joke, she is the princess and the Lord of Barriers at the same time. Was this done by Áz to humiliate me and make sure I never forget him?]

O relacionamento de Kamaell e Noella foi conflituoso desde o início, mas havia algo claro em sua mente sobre isso.

[Eu não vou perder outro Barrier Lord tão facilmente, Hartgar... chega de perdas.]

Ele ainda não havia anotado, mas naquele instante começou a considerar em sua mente Illye como parte de seu povo. Já estava trazendo mudanças para ele sem que ele soubesse.

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