Back to the Peak

Chapter 21: CH 21

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The time flew by and Shi Qingyang trained nonstop for almost three hours.

In the end, he was not only physically exhausted, but also spiritually exhausted, and he felt a bit powerless to lift his hands.

Despite this, he still felt refreshed. He hadn't had the chance to train hard and push his boundaries in a long time. Finally, after regaining rad-power in his body, he stopped training and looked at Gu Changjin.

"Grandpa Gu, it's almost nine o'clock; shouldn't he return?" While speaking, he wiped his sweat and took a sip from a small bottle of water.

His hands trembled, and he had to use both hands to grip the bottle tightly.

Gu Changjin examined Shi Qingyang's clothing. He'd seen Shi Qingyang taking meat from his clothes before, but he hadn't expected to see water now.

This type of habit was typical among Rad-Warrior who hunted in the wild all year, but it was uncommon for citizens like Shi Qingyang.

"I thought you'd keep practicing."

"If I keep going, my power will dwindle, and it's getting late; Cheng Ran must be waiting for us." Shi Qingyang cradled the water bottle in his lap, straightened his face, and began rubbing his palms together.

He hadn't spent practicing much time with his hands before, so this was his first time attacking. Rad-power reached and exited his hands repeatedly, making his hands very uncomfortable.

"All right, let's go." Gu Changjin nodded approvingly.

Before leaving, he glanced at the practice room's wall again—before when Shi Qingyang shot numerous wind blades, and all of the wind blades hit the same point.

Shi Qingyang will definitely be an outstanding Rad-Warrior! [TN: Yes, yes, author, rainbow farts, rainbow farts all the way! My favorite expression from Chinese novels “rainbow farts” :D How about you, dear reader, have any?]

They bumped into an acquaintance as soon as they exited the training room. Yin Tiancheng walked out of the aisle sporting a white shirt and black trousers.

"Mr. Gu, Shi Qingyang, we meet again.” he smiled and said as soon as he saw them.

"Yeah." Gu Changjin nodded and turned to Shi Qingyang, saying, "Go quicker and don't waste time." He quickened his tempo as soon as the voice dropped, and Shi Qingyang rushed after hearing it.

They left Yin Tiancheng, who had come up to speak to them, behind.

If it were before, Shi Qingyang may have thought that this was a chance meeting, but he now realized that Yin Tiancheng was mostly waiting for them here deliberately.

Yin Tiancheng had been waiting on them for a long time. He had wanted to talk to Gu Changjin, but Gu Changjin didn't even give a word. He had no clue who the Yin family's eldest young master was now.

Shi Qingyang knew Gu Changjin was a decent guy after interacting with him for a few days.

"Grandpa Gu, don't you like Yin Tiancheng?" he asked directly when they were outside.

"The person's heart bends too easily, so don't contact him too much." Gu Changjin made the following observation: "If you are approached by such a person, you can get in trouble. He is too suspicious and can’t figure out who young master is."

If Cheng Ran's plight becomes clear to those with nefarious intentions, he would be in big trouble.

Cheng Hong, on the other hand, had been using Cheng Ran's health as reason to conceal Cheng Ran's existence from the outside world on the basis that he shouldn't be mixed with Cheng's families internal struggles. Therefore, Cheng Ran's identity could not be easily found out.

"Yes, Grandpa Gu." Shi Qingyang responded earnestly, thinking about his previous life.

At the beginning, he wasn't very mature and worried only about practicing rad-power, and he had no idea that the human heart was so sinister. While he despised Yin Jinru, he respected Yin Tiancheng, but he was now aware that Yin Tiancheng was not so simple.

Did Ping Haiyan just tried to kill him because Shi Qingyang injured Yin Jinru, and Yin Jinru wanted revenge?

Shi Qingyang doubted himself, only to realize that he had arrived at the villa.

The lamp on the villa's second floor was turned on. Cheng Ran stuck his head out the window on the second floor, waved to Shi Qingyang and Gu Changjin, and then quickly retreated. Cheng Ran, dressed in the little white bunny pajamas, had already run downstairs before the door was unlocked.

He had the appearance of a little white rabbit.

"How was the training room?" Cheng Ran smiled as he gazed at Shi Qingyang. He didn't speak much to Shi Qingyang today, but now he wants to talk.

Shi Qingyang didn't feel impatient either. He rubbed his hands while speaking.

Gu Changjin called Cheng Ran to sleep since it was nearly ten o'clock, whereas Shi Qingyang returned to the bedroom, washed his body with detergent, and thought about practice.

Gu Changjin had already confirmed that he would now take him to practice at evening. He was willing to devote more time to practice, but he had been starving for four months and his body had been harmed. Now, he was vulnerable to complications if he trained with such a high amount of radiation energy.

Shi Qingyang remembered the recipe that the research institute had developed, and he also remembered Cheng Xuze, who he deliberate forgot about.

Shi Qingyang didn't waste time this time and immediately switched on the computer. On the other side, Cheng Xuze, who was about to go to bed, heard Shi Qingyang's notification.

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"It's been a long time since you've been gone." Cheng Xuze especially wanted to add the word "hehe" at the end of the sentence. What did he do?

Once more, a day's work was spent in front of the computer and even meals were eaten here. He was even in a rush to use the restroom. It was exactly like a person who was addicted to the internet.

He was not only thinking bout the method the eighth-level Rad-Warrior could use, but also about the temptation of potion.

While the country had always called for resource sharing, there will always be selfishness as long as there were individuals. As a result, certain large families would never reveal their developed technique or medicine receipts.

The Cheng family's foundation was comparatively weak. It was impossible to train pharmacists in the manner of other large families. He could only request that others make medication for him. The pharmacist in Yangtze River City were depending on Rad-Warriors who came to this point by their own efforts.

"Sorry." Shi Qingyang was also a little embarrassed.

Cheng Xuze responded immediately after he sent a message. He most likely had been waiting in front of the screen. It was embarrassing to tease such an old man.

"It's fine." While Cheng Xuze was dissatisfied, when he saw the apology, he forgave unless "I don't want to starve" gets upset.

After seeing "Rad- power Isolation Method" usable by eighth-level Rad-Warrior, he had already admired the person on the other side of the computer. He suspect that the other party was one of China's two 9th level masters.

And if they weren't a level nine master, they must be at least a level eight, right?

"I'll give you the prescription, but you must be cautious. Outsiders must not be aware of the medicine's prescription; otherwise, it is most likely to cause major problems." Shi Qingyang answered and gave him Feng Linqiu receipt. The medication for slowing the eighth-level rad-riot.

Cheng Xuze was astonished when he saw the person on the other end say that he was going to give him the medicine prescription. He had no idea why would he trust him so much! Then, before he could react, the other party sent Feng Linqiu receipt.

Although he didn't know how to make them, Cheng Xuze knew a thing or two about potions. He took a closer look and realized that this drug was 80% true.

The other party made no conditions or even asked for something, but he gave him the prescription. What a valuable thing!

Cheng Xuze was overcome by emotion. "I don't want to starve" existence had grown tall in his eyes. If they weren’t separated by distance of cable he’d like to yell vow of loyalty.

Cheng Xuze was overjoyed, but Shi Qingyang was perplexed after remebering the other prescription.

The extremely effective drug he obtained from the research institute was named "Almighty Medicine." It could soothe rad-riots and nourish the body. Not only was the preparation method simple, but it could also be consumed at any level. However, there was a major issue.

This recipe calls for the use of two ingredients that were yet to be used by pharmacists.

Shi Qingyang scribbled down the recipe a long time back. He reasoned that if he described the plant's characteristics and drew an illustration, he could find it in the mutant plant encyclopedia. But, obviously, he didn't have any talent for drawing. He discovered dozens of images… He forgot that there were many plants in the world that resemble each other!

Shi Qingyang felt embarrassed and helpless.

"Thank you; if you need anything in the future, just ask me; I will go through fire and water!" Cheng Xuze said it again.

"As long as you help me make money, you don't have to go through fire and water..." Shi Qingyang typed a line, erased it, changed it to a different sentence, and submitted it: "It's okay if you remember this."

"Great God, I will never forget! Would you mind telling me who you really are, Great God?" Cheng Xuze inquired once more, this time using the honorific title.

Shi Qingyang was unaccustomed at being addressed by Cheng Ran's grandfather, but quickly cooled down and pretended to be mysterious: "It's not good for you to know who I am, don't ask."

"I won't ask anymore." Wgile Cheng Xuze didn't question, he filled up countless plots in his mind. Of course, in all the possibilities he didn’t doubt "I don't want to starve" was a high level master.

"I still have a prescription for healing the body, although I haven't taken it yet. I'll hand it over later. It it is possible, I would like to see this drug manufactured and marketed in significant quantities." Shi Qingyang said once more.

This was his primary reason for approaching Cheng Xuze.

He requires capital, a lot of money, and with enough money, he will gradually increase his strength. He used to believe that whoever had a hard fist was powerful, but no matter how hard a person's fist was, he couldn't compete with a mass.

After a long conversation with Cheng Xuze, finalizing several tasks, Shi Qingyang felt relieved

He was inevitably starving after training for so long at night and only resting for a bit. He went downstairs calmly after shutting off the computer and decided to go to the kitchen to get something to eat.

The kitchen door was shut. Shi Qingyang switched on the outside light and was about to open the door when he heard a loud exclamation. He frowned and opened the door quickly, only to discover that there was someone in the kitchen.

The one standing in the dark and looked a bit befuddled was Cheng Ran.

Just now, when Shi Qingyang switched on the light, he actually turned it off…

Shi Qingyang immediately switched on the light, only to find that Cheng Ran had transferred all of his potions into the kitchen and that all of the doors and windows were locked. Medicines were already being boiled.

Seeing him, Cheng Ran was obviously at a loss. Shi Qingyang didn't ask anything, therefore he took the opportunity to justify himself. "I couldn't sleep, I always woke up late and go to bed late… It’s fine… Are your hands uncomfortable? I saw you rubbing them together... I made some basic muscle… muscle reliever. The book says you should rub a little after rad-power training.”

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