Back to the Peak

Chapter 22: CH 22

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The kitchen in this mansion was not small, but after Cheng Ran stuffed all the utensils and bottles on one side, it was a bit crowded and looked a bit messy. Shi Qingyang, on the other hand, found this place cozy, and Cheng Ran standing among the bottles, wearing white bunny pajamas and chatting cheerfully, was even cuter. He suddenly felt that he might have gotten attached. Shi Qingyang had always wished that after becoming a high level Rad-Warrior, he would be able to marry a gentle wife and have a lovely child, but his mind was completely focused on strengthening his power at this time, and his dreams of a wife and children were always pushed aside. If Liang Liang hadn't approached him, he might have remained single all his life. Liang Liang cooked for him, took care of his well-being, and took the initiative to confess . He naturally developed feelings for Liang Liang. Despite the fact that they lived together, due his work they were often apart, he had already begun to envision their future and intended to marry Liang Liang... He wasn't sure if Liang Liang liked him, but it was Liang Liang, who told Feng Linqiu about his physical condition. At that time, he sought out an apothecary to treat his body to slow down his cultivation and compensate for his body's loss. While he wouldn't live a long life, but he'll be able to live to 70 or 80, like Cheng Xuze. Feng Linqiu and Liang Liang worked together to get him out of the city. He had just rescued Liang Liang, who was surrounded by various insects, when he fell into a trap... In the eyes of the public, Liang Liang was his lover, and Feng Linqiu was his close friend. They never imagined that they would send him to a research institute to experiment on him. Shi Qingyang expected that after being reborn, he would never like anyone again, but he didn't expect that it wouldn't be long before his heart was snatched away again. Cheng Ran was too pure, too clean, and just too good for him. At first, he was with Liang Liang because Liang Liang took the initiative, but now he wanted to take the initiative himself. In truth, he had always admired people like Cheng Ran. Otherwise, he wouldn't have paid so much attention to Cheng Ran in his previous life, and after his rebirth, he could have chosen someone else as his golden master if he didn't want to be close to Cheng Ran. Although he had refused Cheng Ran's favor in his past life, he couldn't deny that he always recalled that scene vividly. He had once believed that one should depend on one's own power and effort to accomplish anything. After he became a high level Rad-Warrior, everyone would throw him an olive branch solely to benefit from him. Only in the most difficult times did Cheng Ran was still willing to share his food, showing no selfishness. What he actually desired was someone who was selfless. Shi Qingyang had a lot on his mind, but he quickly calmed down. He'd been through a lot and could understand Cheng Ran's feelings. He was still too young. Even if Cheng Ran treated him kindly, it wasn't necessarily out of love... Cheng Ran simply had too little interaction with other people now, so he will try to please anyone who approaches him. "You gave me sweets, and I'll made you a potion." Shi Qingyang 's distraction went unnoticed by Cheng Ran. He gave Shi Qingyang a bright smile, pulled out the bottle, and said, "For you."

"Thank you." Shi Qingyang regained his composure, smiled, and then gazed at the unfinished medicine next to him. “Can I watch?”

"Oh, I almost forgot." Cheng Ran quickly checked the time and was relieved.

After weighing a powder with the scales, he added it to the potion.

Shi Qingyang stood nearby, silently looking at Cheng Ran. While he had a favorable opinion of Cheng Ran, Cheng Ran was just sixteen years old, and the age difference between them was considerable. It was too soon to confess. However, he could treat Cheng Ran a bit better… and then a little more better.

It was not difficult to produce the muscle relaxant, and it was also one of the basic pharmacists products. Cheng Ran completed the second portion easily and then glanced at Shi Qingyang.

“This remedy should be applied and massaged ten times. It will be absorbed in twenty minutes.”

"How do you massage?" Shi Qingyang was perplexed, as though he didn't understand anything.

Of course, he know how, but he wouldn't pass up the chance for Cheng Ran to rub his hand.

Sure enough, Cheng Ran, seeing Shi Qingyang's confusion, was eager to help. “I’ll rub it and it won’t hurt.”

He stared expectantly at Shi Qingyang, as if helping Shi Qingyang in rubbing his palms was an important and respectful thing to do.

"All right." Shi Qingyang nodded, then saw Cheng Ran smile and bend his eyes.

Cheng Ran's motions were careful. He smeared Shi Qingyang's whole hand with the potion, then softly rubbed each finger.

Shi Qingyang sat back and watched Cheng Ran work. He could feel how gentle Cheng Ran's hands were. His own palms were rough and full of callouses.

"Do you think it's odd for us to use our first and last names?” Shi Qingyang spoke up abruptly, intending to fight for his welfare.

Cheng Ran looked surprised at Shi Qingyang: "You can call me... Call me Ranran. Others have nicknames, but no one refers to me by that name."

He'd been meaning to tell Shi Qingyang it for a long time, but he wasn't sure when to do so so as not to be too abrupt.

Things were going really smoothly.

"So I'll call you Ranran from now on, and you'll call me Qingyang?"

Yangyang or whatever, sounded too soft.

"All right." Cheng Ran nodded cheerfully.

After helping Shi Qingyang in rubbing his left hand, he started rubbing his right hand, and then placed both hands together, kneading for ten minutes with great care.

While Shi Qingyang wanted Cheng Ran to rub in in further, he know it was enough so he pulled away.

What surprised him was that Cheng Ran, who was holding his hand, resisted and hesitantly said. “Shi… no, Qingyang, I’ll rub it a bit longer. Twenty minutes are the optimal time.” Cheng Ran said this while pouring some potion and kneading it firmly for twenty minutes before reluctantly letting go of Shi Qingyang's hand.

Shi Qingyang suspected that if the person sitting opposite him was not Cheng but someone else, he would immediately assumed the person of taking advantage of him, after all, the gesture of holding and rubbing his hand was a little perverted.

But when it was changed to young master, he couldn't tell if it was Cheng Ran taking advantage of him or if it was him taking advantage of Cheng Ran.

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Cheng Ran didn't have any affection on his face, but he was clearly happy as he squeezed his hand. Shi Qingyang had no idea what was going on…

Shi Qingyang glanced at the clock and exclaimed, "It's almost midnight now. You should go to bed.”

“Well, you should too.” Cheng Ran said as he moved the equipment.

"I'll help you!" Shi Qingyang immediately stopped Cheng Ran.

Letting young master's small body to move these objects was completely immoral!

“I can…” Cheng Ran saw Shi Qingyang effortlessly moving the largest cabinet and wisely swallowed his words.

Cheng Ran used to workout all year and had some strength, but after recovering from a serious illness, he couldn't move at all. Previously, he avoided Gu Changjin by hiding underground and moving these items into the kitchen, which took a long time.

Now changed to Shi Qingyang... He only walked twice before smoothly carrying everything into the dining room.

While Cheng Ran went back to sleep obediently, Shi Qingyang was in a good mood and also soon returned to room.

After lying down, Shi Qingyang reacted abruptly. He went to the kitchen to look for food, not to make potion… and after eating some human tofu, he forgot about real food…

But it was already late… Also, Shi Qingyang was originally a guy who fell asleep while starving. Sleeping while being hungry was nothing new to him…

A swarm of mutated plants towered high into the sky. Among these plants were dangerous mutant beasts that made people hide.

He shifted carefully between the alien plants, sensing that the radiation energy in his body was uncooperative, but more importantly, he was hungry.

He was very, very hungry, so hungry that he had little strength in his body. Everything around him became more dangerous to him, and if there was no food, he was likely to die from starvation.

So hungry... He ran for a bit, but then he sensed a strong scent and saw a wide table filled in various meats.

Meat braised, fried, steamed, roasted, grilled bacon, sauced…

"Would you like to eat meat?" The guy behind the table blinked and gazed at him with interest.

"Of course!" He said that as soon as he sat down and began eating it unceremoniously. It was absolutely delicious!

The alarm clock abruptly rang, and Shi Qingyang awoke from his dream whit what seemed like a meaty odor in his throat.

He normally awoke before the alarm clock, but this time he slept late... Shi Qingyang was about to get up when he realized something was wrong. When men did not solve their physical problems for a long time, they would have morning accidents.

Shi Qingyang felt that his pants were slimy. [TN: Yes, he had a wet dream about meat. He would probably like to read smut where a specific body part was referred to as the meat stick. XDXD]

What the heck happened? He was obviously eating when he was dreaming. The main storyline of the dream was that he was starving and needed to eat meat. Might it be that he had a high attraction towards the table of meat?

No, there were also others seated on the other side of the table in the dream, asking him if he wanted to eat meat. Was it Cheng Ran?

He finally had his first wet dream in this life, and he wasn't sure whether it was because he was "eating" someone or because he was simply eating…

Shi Qingyang sighed disappointingly, reluctantly disposed of his wet briefs and later went downstairs to assist Gu Changjin in preparing breakfast.

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