Back to the Peak

Chapter 23: CH 23

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Chapter 23: The Cheng Family

That morning, Cheng Ran got up later than usual. When he came downstairs, he rubbed his eyes in a daze, but the moment he saw Shi Qingyang, he looked up and said with a smile: “Qingyang!” His voice was clear and loud, and he said it very smoothly. It was only after he had gone back to his room last night and repeated it for a while that he could call it out.

But when he finished, he couldn’t help blushing.

“Ranran.” Shi Qingyang also smiled at the other party. He was certainly much calmer than Cheng Ran.

Cheng Ran rushed downstairs with a smile and looked at Gu Changjin excitedly: “Grandpa Gu, I can call Shi Qingyang ‘Qingyang’ in the future.”

“Yes.” Gu Changjin smiled at Cheng Ran. “When did you exchange nicknames? Did you become so familiar yesterday afternoon?”

Cheng Ran was not stupid. He was stunned, and then he was embarrassed. Last night, he didn’t listen to Gu Changjin’s words and got up to make the potion…

“I also smell a potion for muscle relaxation?” Gu Changjin said, the corners of his mouth twitching, yet he was clearly not smiling.

“Grandpa Gu…” Cheng Ran was embarrassed.

“If you don’t take care of your body in the future, I’ll double Shi Qingyang’s training!” Gu Changjin spoke sternly.

“Grandpa Gu, I won’t do it again!” Cheng Ran was afraid to implicate Shi Qingyang.

Shi Qingyang listened in silence and suddenly felt very sad. In fact, he didn’t think doubling training was punishment at all. In fact, he wished he could increase the amount of training.

However, Cheng Ran’s body was also very important. He really shouldn’t let Cheng Ran get too tired, so he could only watch Gu Changjin cheat the little white rabbit into signing an agreement to go early to bed and early to rise.

After the signing, Gu Changjin gave Cheng Ran a cold snort while drinking porridge, absolutely jealous that he could intimately call Cheng Ranran!

In the morning, Shi Qingyang went to work at his part-time job as usual, but to his disappointment, he didn’t see Cheng Ran when passing by the villa. He knew that Cheng Ran should be making medicine. With Cheng Ran’s concentration, he should have no time to care about anything else after he started a task.

Even though Cheng Ran’s potion was made for him, Shi Qingyang still felt a little sour.

In the afternoon, Cheng Ran still made potions, while Shi Qingyang did his own training upstairs. At the same time, he wrote down all the potions, combat skills and cultivation methods he still remembered, and contacted Cheng Xuze again.

Perhaps because he had made clear his feelings for Cheng Ran, when facing Cheng Xuze again this time, Shi Qingyang felt a little uncomfortable.

He coveted the other’s grandchild while fooling him… Cough, in fact, he was also trying to help Cheng Xuze.

The prescription given by Shi Qingyang to Cheng Xuze to stop the level-8 radiant energy riot was still just a prescription. What Cheng Xuze needed was a potion which ordinary pharmacists couldn’t make.

“I’ve already found a senior pharmacist in Yangtze City who hasn’t joined any forces. I promised her the best conditions to join the Cheng family. If nothing unexpected happens, she should soon join.” Cheng Xuze has cleared the chat history between him and Shi Qingyang on Now they have changed to a more secure communication tool, and he even directly used voice.

Shi Qingyang did not use voice. Although he could use a voice transformer, it was not good to further trick Cheng Xuze. Therefore, he only used words to deceive Cheng Xuze: “Are you sure she is trustworthy?”

“She must be. This pharmacist has no power behind her. The reason why she hasn’t been courted before is that her conditions are too harsh. She made a lot of money this time,” Cheng Xuze replied.

“In that case, you should try this medicine first. When it succeeds, you can come to me again.” Shi Qingyang replied. The prescription had no problem; it had been verified by people from his last life after all, but Cheng Xuze didn’t know that, and naturally needed time to verify.

While Cheng Xuze was looking for a pharmacist to prepare medicine, Shi Qingyang needed to find a way out of the city to find the herbs needed in the two prescriptions.

It was said that these two kinds of medicinal materials were very common. One, named guanzhong, grew under tall trees, and was sometimes used as a potted plant. It was very common in the Yangtze City. The other was bai niuxi, which grew in a similar environment to the guanzhong.

These medicinal materials were very common, and were likely recorded in the Plant Distinction Encyclopedia, but the two names Shi Qingyang knew were picked by people from the research institute later…

Shi Qingyang once searched for these two names in the Plant Distinction Encyclopedia, but found nothing. He then drew his own reference to search and countless similar foreign plants came out…

So, obviously, it was a very common plant, but he still needed to see it before he could recognize it.

At this time, Cheng Xuze was showing his loyalty at the other end. He said he absolutely believed that Shi Qingyang gave him a good prescription. After all, Shi Qingyang gave him the extremely valuable radiation energy blocking method early on.

Cheng Xuze used his voice, so Shi Qingyang clearly heard the flattery in his words. After always thinking about Cheng Ran and Cheng Xuze together, Shi Qingyang finally chose to change the topic and asked about Cheng Xuze’s cultivation.

Cheng Xuze even said his own identity. At this time, he no longer hid anything. Now he said something about his own combat skills. Although Shi Qingyang’s foundation was not good, he knew a lot about the cultivation methods and combat skills of level 8 radiant warriors, so he could chat naturally with Cheng Xuze. At the same time, he fooled Cheng Xuze into believing that he was an expert.

Finally, after thinking that the other party was Cheng Ran’s grandfather, Shi Qingyang presented as a gift a high-level combat skill that could be used by a level 7-rad warrior. After he had become friends with Feng Linqiu, he and Feng Linqiu created this combat skill based on the secret skill of the Feng family.

At that time, the Feng family wanted to learn the secret of his cultivation from him and paid a lot of money, but even he himself didn’t know what was up with his radiation energy…

After some editing, this battle skill was very different from the previous version, and even the Feng family wouldn’t recognize it, so it wouldn’t matter if he gave it to the Cheng family as a dowry first.

Cheng Xuze told him before that he was willing to go through hell and high water for him. Shi Qingyang took a screenshot. Giving his grandson should be nothing, right?

After Shi Qingyang gave him the combat skill, he quickly went offline. While exercising, Shi Qingyang began to think about how to persuade Gu Changjin to take him outside the city.

On the other hand, after receiving another big gift, Cheng Xuze burst into tears: “Wang Qing!”

“Grandfather.” Wang Qing soon appeared beside Cheng Xuze, and he was not surprised at Cheng Xuze’s excited expression.

In fact, he wondered if I don’t want to starve had fallen in love with Cheng Xuze. Did Cheng Xuze get into a romantic debt before, and now the other party had come to the door?

If not, why would he treat Cheng Xuze so well?

“Please send word for me. I want to go back to the mansion’s training ground, and for Hui’er, ask him to go home right away.” Cheng Xuze saved the combat skills I don’t want to starve sent in the recorder and deleted the traces on the Internet.

In the past two years, he had lived alone in this house to support himself. He didn’t care about outside affairs. But after knowing about I don’t want to be starve, he obviously can’t continue to do so.

The Cheng family had a large house in Yangtze River City. It was built after Cheng Xuze bought a piece of land and built a practice room below. After returning to the house, he went directly to the underground practice room and began to use every part of his body to stimulate the surrounding radiation energy.

I don’t want to starve sent a very clear analysis of the combat skill, but the first time he used this combat skill, Cheng Xuze didn’t succeed. In the end, the radiant energy gathered around his body didn’t form a vortex, but instead spread out.

But even if he failed, Cheng Xuze already knew that this combat skill was the real deal rather than a sham. He just needed hand and foot cooperation to execute it, so it was not easy.

Cheng Xuze settled down and tried again. After his failure, he did not give up, but continued to try.

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After more than ten attempts, a vortex finally formed in front of Cheng Xuze. The vortex circled, absorbing all the surrounding radiation energy into the middle of the vortex, and then slammed into the opposite wall with a “bang”.

There were many skills to attack with a whirlpool, but such a good effect… Cheng Xuze gasped and suddenly thought of the secret skill of the Ke family.

The effect of this combat skill was similar to the secret skill of the Ke family, but it was different. Who was I don’t want to starve? How could he give such a precious thing to him so casually?

Cheng Xuze only felt that he can’t see through the person on the other side of the computer more and more, but he sincerely appreciated the other side for giving so many things.

“Dad, is this your new combat skill?” As soon as Cheng Hui hurried home and entered the training room, he saw the scene of Cheng Xuze’s combat skills. He couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air, and rushed to the opposite wall with excitement on his face, feeling it up and down: “My God, there is a crack in the wall!”

The materials they used to build the training room were extremely expensive. Now there was a crack, and it would cost a lot of money to repair it. But he was only happy, and even looked at the seam in the wall with light in his eyes.

Cheng Xuze hadn’t seen his mature son lose control of his emotions in a long time. He drank a bottle of radiance energy soother and sat down on the chair beside him: “This battle skill was given to me.”

“Who is it? What does he want?” Cheng Hui asked excitedly. “You can already cause such a large movement in this confined training room; in the wild, the radiation would be even more abundant and violent… How much radiant energy could this vortex absorb in that environment? Dad, was that large money transfer for this combat skill?”

“Up to now, the person hasn’t asked for any money. I transferred the sum to sign Ran Xue, a pharmacist.”

“How is that possible?” Cheng Hui recovered his composure. At the same time, he frowned. He doesn’t believe this pie would fall from the sky.

“I don’t know what he wants… From my communication with him, he is at least a level 8 radiation warrior,” Cheng Xuze said his judgment.

“Will he treat the Cheng family…”

“What could a level 8 radiant warrior not have, that we do in the Cheng family?” Cheng Xuze asked. Once a person has reached level 8, he could naturally create a family like him, let alone a person who can could the method of radiation energy blocking!

Cheng Hui also knew this truth, and his eyebrows furrowed tightly.

“I originally wanted to check the man’s situation, but since he wanted to hide it, I’m afraid I couldn’t find out anything,” Cheng Xuze gave his eldest son the recorder in his hand. “Your brother can’t break through level 6 in his life. Take this combat skill and learn it first, but don’t use it until life or death.”

“Dad, I understand.” Cheng Hui nodded. The Chengs’ rise came completely from Cheng Xuze, and their foundation was unstable. Although the person who suddenly came into contact with them might want to harm them, they could not give up the opportunity to grow.

Cheng Xuze relaxed and asked, “How are you these days?”

“Dad, Shanshan has gone to Central City and plans to enter the Central Radiation Institute,” Cheng Hui said of his eldest daughter, showing a trace of pride, but soon, he frowned again: “But Xiao Ran’s place… Second younger brother asked someone to take Xiao Ran away. I thought he took Xiao Ran to Anhang City, but he sent Xiao Ran to Spark City. He said Xiao Ran was just an ordinary person and might become a target if he stayed in Yangtze City or Anhang City.”

“Aren’t his little daughter and son still ordinary?” Cheng Xuze also frowned.

“Dad, you know, Xiao Ran has been a little repellent to radiation since he was a child. His second younger brother and his second younger sister don’t like him, and he is a little introverted…” Cheng Hui was also a little helpless about this matter, but it was Cheng Hong’s business. His relationship with this younger brother was bad, and naturally he can’t control this younger brother.

“It’s good for him to stay in Spark City. Anyway, the Cheng family can afford to support people.” Cheng Xuze sighed. Cheng Hong seldom brought Cheng Ran to them. He saw him occasionally, but he left after dinner. They also wanted to take the child home, but they never succeeded in finding someone to pick him up. The doctor also said that the child was autistic…

However, since Cheng Ran was just an ordinary person, and he stayed at home all day and didn’t even want to go to school, his life in a small city would also be good. Gu Changjin would take good care of him.

The author has something to say:

Let’s have a little theater

Wang Qing (expressionless): old man, I don’t want to starve treats you so well, he must be in love with you.

Cheng Xuze (stunned and covering his chest): Really? So he suddenly went offline before because he was embarrassed to see my various “confessions”? What should I do? I really love my wife!

Shi Qingyang (vomiting blood): Forget about love, I really didn’t think that…

Many other readers have also written small theaters ╭ (╯ 3 ╰) ╮

[Clam] ~ a small theater written by them ~

Cheng Xuze: Give up! I will not sell my precious grandson! >0< 

Shi Qingyang: (>^ ω^<) It doesn’t matter. I can sell myself to your family.

Cheng Ranran: Grandpa, how can you flirt with your grandson-in-law! Too crazy QAQ&&&&&&&& 

Cheng Xuze: Come on~ as long as you give everything to the Cheng family, I will recognize you as a grandson-in-law!

Shi Qingyang: >^ ω^< My everything is Ranran’s~ 

Cheng Ranran: blushing… * >-<*

[Bubu] ~ a small theater written by them ~

Ran Ran: So happy! Qingyang offered to exchange nicknames!

Qingyang: So happy! Ranran took the initiative to take advantage of me!

Qingyang: So depressing! In my dream, I actually had delicious food, but I didn’t eat it. Instead I ate meat foolishly!

There is also [Liu Li,] dear~ I helped to add punctuation ╭ (╯ 3 ╰) ╮

After a long time, Shi Qingyang (memory): “In fact, I have loved you for a long time. When I first met you, I dreamed of you.”

Cheng Ran (curious): “What did you dream about?”

Shi Qingyang (the past is hard to look back): “I dreamed that I ate a lot of meat.”

Cheng Ran: (#? Д?) Self = a lot of meat = brewed with sauce… Blush and escape.

Shi Qingyang: (⊙ o ⊙)! What happened? Why did he leave before I even said anything embarrassing? Something’s wrong?

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