Back to the Peak

Chapter 43: CH 43

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Chapter 43: Compensation

Shi Qingyang certainly noticed the trial’s turning point. Like Xing Ou, he also felt that the Yin Family was plotting something. However, even if the Yin Family had schemed, at this point, the Yin Family had already cleared their involvement.

After all, it was the Yang family who committed the crime. Even if the Yin Family had been involved, they hadn’t been caught. Naturally, there was no evidence against them.

After Yang Haitao pleaded guilty, the judge began to sort out his charges. There was no doubt that he would be sentenced to death and his property confiscated. His subordinate, Red Hand, had also been sentenced to death because of previous cases, while others were ordered into exile for varying years.

Most of them were expected to open up wasteland in the wild. Venturing into the wilds was dangerous, and it was very likely that they would have lost their lives before they could complete their sentence.

Yin Hao’s own patrol team and his brother Yin Ming, who took the initiative to report, were also sentenced to exile.

Spark City was under the jurisdiction of Yangtze City. After the case was finalized, the trial would be sent to Yangtze City. After receiving the reply from the mayor of Yangtze City, a mobile town specially responsible for accepting criminals would pick them up.

In these mobile towns, there were people who specially managed and arranged tasks for the criminals. Those criminals had no choice but to work quietly, because their criminal records were available on the Internet, making them unable to enter proper cities until the end of their sentences.

Of course, before the criminal execution, there was another thing to deal with–that was, the victims’ compensation. At this time, Shi Qingyang finally received the information sent by the court to let him attend. Cheng Xuze also received this information.

Although all that happened to Cheng Xuze was getting attacked with his car blown up, the court paid far more attention to him than others. Xing Ou even found a car to pick him up.

“Let’s go,” Cheng Xuze looked at Shi Qingyang and greeted.

The two sat in the back seat of the car together, and the driver then thoughtfully raised the sound insulation barrier. Seeing this scene, Cheng Xuze looked at Shi Qingyang: “I will not continue to investigate this matter.”

“I know.” Shi Qingyang nodded: “If Grandpa continues to investigate, it might not actually help the situation.”

“You thought very thoroughly, and you’re right. Although your plan of coming to me was very clever, if I don’t let go of the Yang family and the Yin Family, maybe others would think that we plotted to deal with them. Moreover, the Cheng family also has enemies. If you’re not careful, someone might help the Yin Family because they want to hinder me. Although the situation is strange, it’s not bad. But if you want to leave the city next time, you must take care to bring Gu Changjin, or go out with a hunting team to avoid danger, ” Cheng Xuze explained.

“I will, Grandpa.” Shi Qingyang nodded. In fact, he wasn’t too keen to leave the city for the moment. In the next two years, he would focus most of his energy on cultivation.

And two years later, with some more preparations, he could investigate the ant nest.

“Originally, I wanted to bring you and Xiao Ran to Yangtze City, but it doesn’t seem that you want to. You might as well live here for the time being. If you encounter anything that can’t be solved in the future, you can come to Xing Ou or to me,” Cheng Xuze said.

He has already been in contact with Xing Ou in the past two days, and also asked Xing Ou to take care of Qingyang and Cheng Ran.

“Thank you, Grandpa.”

“Don’t thank me. You deserve it. I also want to express my gratitude for accompanying Xiao Ran, and thank you for giving me a prescription.” Although it belonged to I don’t to starve, he had given it to Shi Qingyang after all.

The car drove very fast. It didn’t take long to reach court. When Shi Qingyang got off the vehicle, He Lan, Liu Qilin and He Ming were standing at court gate.

Now Yang Haitao had pleaded guilty and the Zhao family’s case had come to light, but He Lan still didn’t have a very pleased expression on her face. However, she still smiled when she saw Shi Qingyang and Cheng Xuze, and she came over with Liu Qilin and He Ming: “Senior, Shi Qingyang, hello.”

“Aunt He, long time no see,” Shi Qingyang greeted. Cheng Xuze nodded, and then looked at Liu Qilin: “Young lady , you are very good.”

“Thank you for your praise.” Liu Qilin was very respectful. She had short hair and a straight body. She gave people a feeling of readiness and strength.

“What is the matter, has something changed?” Seeing that Liu Qilin was in a bad state, Cheng Xuze asked. He was also up to date on the process of the case. Naturally, he knew that He Lan had sued on behalf of the Zhao family.

“Senior, it’s our own problem…” Liu Qilin seemed to want to say something, but the court staff had already greeted them.

When the court sent a message to their contact terminal, it also sent a bar code. After scanning the bar code at the door, the courtroom door opened.

Shi Qingyang followed Cheng Xuze, He Lan and the others behind them, and entered the court together. Only then did they find that they were the last to come.

This time, all the victims were called to the court to compensate for their losses.

The workers who died in the aphid farm of the Zhao family 16 years ago had been compensated by the Zhao family and did not need to be paid any more. However, the compensation for the Zhao family owner needed to be paid by the Yang family.

Xing Ou intended to use this to win over the hearts of the people. The people below naturally agreed with him. The official in charge of compensation directly expressed that He Lan would accept the compensation on his behalf. Even though He Lan was not a member of the Zhao family, ‘if the title was not proper, then speech would not be smooth’1, 

“No need,” He Lan rejected the proposal.

“Miss He doesn’t want this compensation?” the judge asked in surprise.

“No, that’s not the case. I didn’t accept it because there were still people in the Zhao family. In the beginning, my sister didn’t get pregnant, so she ultimately she fertilized an egg in vitro with my brother-in-law. Later, my sister asked me to conceive the baby before she died,” He Lan said, and then looked at He Ming beside her.

Radiation had affected the reproductive function of many people, and it was not uncommon for people to make test tube babies. However, He Ming was actually the child of the Zhao family, and this realization made many people look at him.

“The genetic map of my sister and brother-in-law is still up. As long as you compare it with He Ming, you can confirm his identity,” He Lan added: “In addition, there is the aphid farm. I hope I can buy back the aphid farm from the Yang family at the original price.”

Yang Haitao got the aphid farm from the He Family at a very low price. Of course, He Lan wanted to get it back.

He Ming also stood up: “The aphid farm belongs to the Zhao family. Yang Haitao started this by murdering for profits. Now I hope that we can get justice.”

Except for Yang Haitao, the other members of the Yang family hadn’t been implicated. However, the property of the Yang family had been frozen for investigation. The most striking asset was the aphid beast farm.

He Ming in Shi Qingyang’s impression had always been a competitive young man. His reaction at this time was completely different from that in the past.

Without a doubt, when comparing the two, Shi Qingyang greatly admired the current He Ming, but while he appreciated this difference, it was too bad that the judge of Spark City would get a headache.

Before, He Lan and the rest were waiting for them at the door. It seemed likely that one of their reasons was that they wanted to lean on Cheng Xuze’s power for this matter.

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Shi Qingyang’s guess was not wrong. The aphid farm of the Yang family had attracted a lot of people. Even according to the judge’s plan, the farm should be auctioned in public. After all, there were no people in the Zhao family, and He Lan was only Mrs. Zhao’s sister.

However, no one expected that He Ming could be the child of the Zhao family.

It would be fine if He Ming was just a child of the Zhao family, but he had come in with Cheng Xuze before. They obviously knew each other!

The person in charge hesitated for a long time and didn’t immediately give a positive answer, but according to his face, it was probably possible.

Shi Qingyang quietly watched the development of the situation, and soon it was his turn.

There was a small accident in the Zhao family’s compensation, but everything was normal on his end. His parents’ death compensation was soon transferred to his account. As for his parents’ land, it was still in his father’s name, and the court took the initiative to transfer it to his name.

All the herbs on this land had disappeared, but there were still many years on the lease. If he sold it and transferred ownership for those years, it would give him a lot of money.

However, Shi Qingyang had no intention of transferring. Now that he had no shortage of money, he was more willing to keep it just in case.

This was the place where his parents’ bones were buried…

“People should look ahead.” Cheng Xuze patted Shi Qingyang on the shoulder.

“Yes, Grandpa,” Shi Qingyang whispered.

In addition to Shi Qingyang and He Ming, other people involved in the case also received corresponding compensation. Cheng Xuze’s car was also paid for at a brand-new price. Almost every victim present was very happy.

However, while the victims were pleased, the person in charge didn’t look very good. If they sold the aphid farm to He Ming at a low price, their idea of taking this opportunity to make a profit would be ruined…

The case was almost completely settled here. After Shi Qingyang and Cheng Xuze went out, He Lan stopped them: “We deliberately entered the site with you to use your influence. I deeply apologize for this.”

“It’s nothing.” Cheng Xuze didn’t care about such trifles, and if what He Ming said was true, this woman had raised the child alone these years. She had likely experienced a very harsh life.

“Senior, there is one more thing we want to tell you about the Yin Family,” He Lan replied, with a low attitude.

Shi Qingyang was moved. He once wondered why He Lan wanted to help him, but now he didn’t have to guess. He also knew that He Lan had endured for so many years, and most likely had a deep understanding of the Yang family and the Yin Family. Therefore, what she wanted to say to the point of insisting several times, regardless of angering Cheng Xuze, should not be false.

Cheng Xuze thought the same as Shi Qingyang: “Do you have a car? Follow us back.”

He Lan was obviously prepared. After coming to the villa with their car, she even took a beast bone ornament and the latest rabbit robot from the car as gifts.

Cheng Xuze had seen Cheng Ran holding his rabbit robot. Seeing this gift, he was not as cold as at the beginning.

Shi Qingyang received the gifts. One of them was placed in the living room and the other was given to Cheng Ran. He thought Cheng Ran would like this one better. With Cheng Ran’s character, it wouldn’t be a surprise if he dismantled the rabbit on the spot. Unexpectedly, Cheng Ran just took a casual look and put it away, still playing with the most basic robot he had bought.

Liu Qilin and He Lan were a little reserved. After they sat down in the living room, they directly explained their intentions: “Senior, we came here this time to say something about the Yin Family.”

“What is it?” Cheng Xuze asked curiously.

“Senior, you may not know that we have been looking for evidence that the Yang family and the Yin family had broken the law for years, so that we could get revenge one day. My sister and brother-in-law’s revenge has now been taken, but not Qilin’s.” He Lan held Liu Qilin’s hand.

“Tell me more.” Cheng Xuze had a good impression of Liu Qilin, and this involved Shi Qingyang. Since he had this opportunity, he must ask carefully.

“Senior, Qilin was born in a mobile town. Her parents were criminals. Those born outside the city are concealed and cannot return to the city in accordance with the law. Her parents spent a lot of effort to have her escape from the mobile town when she was ten years old. She met a rad-warrior and was adopted…” He Lan said slowly.

Liu Qilin was lucky. She didn’t look outstanding and didn’t attract attention in that mobile town. Her parents forged the scene of her death when they desperately let her escape, so she finally got to safety.

She lived in Jinshui city near Spark City for several years. It was not until she was 20 that she returned to her parents’ hometown, Spark City, and began to investigate the mobile town.

“Senior, that mobile town belongs to the Yin Family. Over the years, I have found many clues. The Yin Family bought a large mobile town decades ago, transformed it into a gold selling pit, and colluded with others to buy some criminals to bring to the mobile town. This time, we were going to take advantage of the fact that the Yin Family was implicated by the Yang family, but we didn’t expect that Yin Hao made such a decision in such a short time.” Liu Qilin gritted her teeth.

There were both national and private mobile towns. These large fortresses floating outside the city were always full of evil. Cheng Xuze was very clear about this. Hearing what He Lan and Liu Qilin said, his face became more and more dignified: “I will send someone to investigate this matter right away.”

“Thank you, senior.” He Lan was full of gratitude.

Shi Qingyang frowned when he heard all this. In fact, the difference between heaven and hell was the difference between the city and the world outside. The country’s mobile towns were fine, but the private ones…

Did Yin Hao perform all these actions because he was afraid his mobile town being investigated? Or something else?

Liu Qilin and He Lan’s conjecture was no small matter. Cheng Xuze quickly made contact with Xing Ou. After Xing Ou became informed, he immediately investigated the matter.

However, although Xing Ou had used his maximum authority to carefully investigate the financial situation of the entire Yin Family, he did not see a mobile town under anyone’s name.

The Yin family did buy a mobile town before, but according to them, the mobile town had already been sold to others, meaning it had nothing to do with them.

The Yin family even protested against Xing Ou’s investigation of their actions, and even contacted the media.

The strong dragon could not defeat the local snake. The Yin Family had operated in Spark City for several generations and was deeply rooted. Although Xing Ou’s power had risen sharply recently, he was unable to catch them and had to settle the matter.

However, he didn’t let the Yin Family get a chance to feel good. This time, Xing Ou sent all the criminals directly to Yangtze City, and they were not allowed to enter the mobile town near Spark City, which was what usually happened before. The Yin Family was a little more powerful in Spark City, but they were nothing in Yangtze City.

At this time, Cheng Xuze had been in Spark City for more than half a month. During this time, he took the initiative to contact some people in the area. He disclosed Cheng Ran’s identity at the upper level of Spark City to ensure that Cheng Ran would not be wronged while he lived there. He also specifically instructed Shi Qingyang. Then he set foot on the mobile fortress to Anhang City and planned to meet his younger son, whom he had not seen for a long time.


1 – 名不正言不顺, saying by Confucius. Uh, I guess he’s advocating for calling things by proper names that match the intended identity or something? “If the title is not proper, then speech will not be smooth”, might be saying that even if He Lan isn’t officially Zhao, she is one by all intents and purposes so they refer to her as such to make things simpler? [return]

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