Back to the Peak

Chapter 44: CH 44

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Chapter 44: The Amusement Park

On the day Cheng Xuze left, Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran got up early in the morning and went to see him off. However, when they arrived at the gate of the city, they found that there were so many people coming to see off Cheng Xuze that they couldn’t squeeze out of the gate.

This situation also indirectly showed how diligently Cheng Xuze had been in making connections these days.

Shi Qingyang had a good impression of Cheng Xuze. Although the old man had ignored Cheng Ran before, they were a generation apart. Cheng Xuze used to run outside all day, and it was normal for him not to have gotten to know Cheng Ran.

Besides, Shi Qingyang had the feeling that there was something wrong with Cheng Ran’s identity. Otherwise, Cheng Hong wouldn’t treat his son like this…

However, although Shi Qingyang was curious about Cheng Ran’s background, he didn’t think it was a problem. Cheng Ran was Cheng Ran, and that had nothing to do with anything else.

The only thing Shi Qingyang worried about was Cheng Ran’s safety. However, Cheng Ran’s identity was now well known in the upper level of Spark City, and he estimated that few people would dare to move against him. Even if someone had great courage, they couldn’t make a move within the city.

On the contrary, if Cheng Ran really went to Yangtze City, he might be in danger. At the very least, in Shi Qingyang’s previous life, that was where Cheng Ran had died. At that time, Cheng Xuze had been dead, and the Cheng Family’s power collapsed without the strength of the level-8 rad-warrior. It was not to the extent that they became powerless, but Cheng Ran still died.

“Bye, grandpa!” After Cheng Xuze set foot on the mobile fortress, Cheng Ran waved his hand vigorously. His face was full of sadness, and his eyes were red.

Cheng Ran was very friendly to strangers, not to mention that Cheng Xuze was still his grandfather. These days, he had gained more and more admiration for Cheng Xuze. He even secretly bought a set of twenty-four beautiful potion bottles, and then filled them with the Almighty Elixir to give to Cheng Xuze.

“Bye, Xiao Ran!” Cheng Xuze also waved vigorously, which was a little inconsistent with his image. But this was first time someone came to send him off regardless of his standing, so he didn’t care so much about what he looked like.

Shi Qingyang stood next to Cheng Ran and looked around at Xing Ou and the others. Sure enough, he found that these people had changed how they looked at Cheng Ran.

Cheng Xuze was actually expressing the importance he placed on Cheng Ran.

There were always goods being shipped between Spark City and Anhang City, and the number of people on board always changed whenever the fortress was set to go from Spark City over to Anhang City. Shi Qingyang took Gu Changjin’s car with the depressed Cheng Ran: “Ranran, you can talk with Grandpa online in the future, it’ll be alright.”

“En,” Cheng Ran nodded. “I still have you and Grandpa Gu, it’s already very good.”

Hearing Cheng Ran put him first, Shi Qingyang couldn’t help smiling. At the same time, Gu Changjin, sitting in the driver’s seat, changed his face slightly.

Cheng Ran regarded him as a family member. Even if Cheng Xuze was here these days, Cheng Ran still liked to stick to him. Not only that, but this time when Cheng Ran sent Cheng Xuze medicine, he gave Shi Qingyang a set too.

But what about Gu Changjin?

Cheng Hong said that as soon as Cheng Xuze left, he would send something…

Gu Changjin was in an extremely bad mood for a while. At that moment, Cheng Ran suddenly said: “Qingyang, now that grandpa left, we can’t sleep together anymore. If only grandpa stayed a few more days…”

When Cheng Ran said this, he was very depressed. Gu Changjin’s mouth twitched. Suddenly, he found that he had forgotten this because of his entanglement with Cheng Hong’s orders these days.

Whether his young master was busy or idle, he liked to stick to Shi Qingyang and dillydally about. In all likelihood, they also went to bed together at night. Who knew how much of his tofu Shi Qingyang had eaten!

When he got back, the first thing to do was settle the bed arrangements!

As soon as Gu Changjin came home, he tidied up Cheng Ran’s room. The efficiency was very high.

Shi Qingyang looked at the scene in silence. Even if he liked Cheng Ran, he didn’t plan to do anything at this time… Besides, could Gu Changjin really stop them? As long as Shi Qingyang gave a little sign, Cheng Ran would absolutely come to him with a pillow in his arms in the middle of the night.

Back upstairs, Shi Qingyang turned on the computer after not having been on for more than half a month. As soon as he logged in, he saw many messages from Cheng Xuze, including some online slang that he didn’t know where they came from, and even some “ying ying”… [TL: sob sob/acting pitiful]

Shi Qingyang thought about the old man who was very dignified in front of him, silently cleared the information, and then sent a message to Cheng Xuze, saying that he had something to do these days, so he didn’t come up.

After sending it, Shi Qingyang opened He Lan’s message again. These days, He Lan and Liu Qilin had been looking for Yin family’s mobile town and promised to send him updates on their progress.. Unfortunately, they couldn’t find it at all.

After reading all the content to be seen, Shi Qingyang simply clicked on the radiation teaching video next to him. Cheng Xuze had sent this video, which was more detailed than the one Gu Changjin gave at the beginning. As for why he gave it… Cheng Xuze explained that he wanted to snipe his master’s “business”.

As soon as Cheng Xuze left, Gu Changjin returned to his behavior of the past, and shut the door to return to isolation. After half a month of excitement, the villa finally quieted down.

However, some things changed, while others did not. For example, Gu Changjin still cooked several kinds of food this evening.

A few days ago, Gu Changjin searched many recipes on the Internet and kept making food in different ways. He spent a lot of time in the kitchen every day. Shi Qingyang thought he was trying to please Cheng Xuze, but he didn’t expect that now that Cheng Xuze had left, Gu Changjin would still be busy in the kitchen.

Did Gu Changjin suddenly fall in love with cooking?

While Shi Qingyang enjoyed the dinner cooked by Gu Changjin, Cheng Xuze had already arrived in Anhang City.

As a second-class City, Anhang City covered a much larger area than Spark City. It had expanded five years ago because of overcrowding, and the expanded area was also called the outer city.

In the outer city, there were sports grounds, training grounds and other buildings that covered a large area. At the same time, there were also infrequently some villas in a few places. Cheng Hong and Qin Liu lived in one of them.

Cheng Hong had a bad relationship with Cheng Xuze. When he was young, he went to Central City to study alone. After returning from his studies, he also went to Anhang City to develop himself.

Of course, Anhang City was a subordinate of Yangtze City’s influence. Cheng Hong could become the vice mayor of Anhang City and the president of the Anhang City Radiation Energy Association in large part because everyone knew that he was Cheng Xuze’s son.

Cheng Xuze came down from the mobile fortress and went directly to Cheng Hong’s residence. When he arrived, Cheng Hong had not yet come back. Qin Liu was busy with work and was not at home. Finally, the housekeeper opened the door for Cheng Xuze.

In the living room of the villa, there was a big picture of the whole family. Cheng Hong and his wife stood side by side. Cheng Hong was standing next to his son Cheng Zhen, and Qin Liu held her daughter Cheng Zhenzhen. Although the wrinkles between Cheng Hong’s eyebrows were still very deep, he looked very happy.

Cheng Xuze sighed and suddenly didn’t know what to ask. When Cheng Hong brought Cheng Ran back, he never doubted Cheng Ran’s identity. But half a month ago, he asked Cheng Hui to check on some news of when Cheng Hong had been in Central City. However, he was told that Cheng Ran had never been seen before he was two years old. He almost suddenly appeared next to Cheng Hong. After that, Cheng Hong returned to Yangtze City with his wife and children.

At that time, Qin Liu had already had a little son for several months. She had to take care of her own little son and gave Cheng Ran to servants. No one was surprised. Cheng Xuze had still been running around at that time and hadn’t taken much notice of his son and daughter-in-law.

However, in the year Cheng Ran was born, Cheng Hong and Qin Liu had already graduated, and neither of them had any contact with others. Therefore, no one knew whether Cheng Ran was their child or not.

“Dad, you’re here. Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” Cheng Hong soon returned home and asked after he saw Cheng Xuze.

“I’ll stay one night and leave. It’s nothing major.” Cheng Xuze looked at his son and found that Cheng Hong seemed taller than him.

“Dad, I didn’t speak very well last time. I’m sorry,” Cheng Hong took the initiative.

Cheng Hong rarely relented, so Cheng Xuze didn’t want to pursue too much: “It’s alright, but what are your plans for Xiao Ran? Knowing that Xiao Ran doesn’t have radiation energy, why did you have him go to a radiation energy school?”

“Dad, isn’t this good now? Let Ranran stay in Spark City all the time. As for Spark Academy, Dad, though this arrangement might be somewhat little inappropriate, I don’t care for him much.” Cheng Hong said directly, “With how suddenly he appeared, I can’t treat him as a son.” When Cheng Hong said this, there was even a trace of anger on his face.

Though Cheng Xuze saw this, he couldn’t speak in others’ place. Anyone who had been plotted by others into having a child might not have good feelings toward that child, let alone that Cheng Hong was a man. He didn’t have to bear the pain of pregnancy, and naturally had no feelings for the child.

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“In that case, let Xiao Ran stay in Spark City in the future. Don’t treat him badly.”

“Dad, he is my son, after all. I won’t do anything to him.” Cheng Hong seemed to have some dissatisfaction with Cheng Xuze’s mistrust.

Cheng Xuze mainly wanted to learn about Cheng Ran from his son. After that, he didn’t know what to say. Finally, he said, “I signed a contract with Ran Xue a few days ago to open a pharmacy. I’m afraid the family will be very busy in the future. If you’d like, you can come back and help out.”

“I don’t know anything about family affairs, so I won’t be of any help if I go.” Cheng Hong’s eyebrows tightened more.

Cheng Hong didn’t say any more. He slept in the guest room arranged by Cheng Hong with Wang Qing. After dinner, he also met the pair of Cheng Hong’s children. Both of them were cute, but they treated him with distant and frosty respect. He was willing to show kindness, but he didn’t get a response.

Cheng Xuze felt uncomfortable that night, like he was separated from the family by a layer. Cheng Hong and Qin Liu didn’t have pleased expressions on their faces at all.

“What are you going to do with Cheng Ran?” Qin Liu looked at Cheng Hong and spoke in a bad tone.

“Try again for the last time. If it still fails, then it’s bad luck.” Cheng Hong gritted his teeth.

“The plan was originally a failure. Don’t just believe in superstition.” Qin Liu frowned slightly.

“Didn’t you know that he had the best performance at that time? Who would have guessed that in the end, someone else would have performed better, and that on the contrary, he even grew to reject radiation energy.” Cheng Hong sunk in a bad mood when he thought of this wretched matter.

“This time, a large number of inducers were added to the reagent, which was also prepared according to his genes. If it succeeded, that would be enough. If it failed, then his body…”

“Everyone knows that his health has been poor since childhood, and the Cheng family will provide him with food and clothing all his life. This is a good thing that many people can’t hope for.” Cheng Hong didn’t care. The story he told Cheng Xuze was a lie, but when he said he didn’t treat Cheng Ran as his own child, that was the truth.

He had just contributed one cell. He had never associated with Cheng Ran before. How could he have a father-son relationship with him?

In the early morning of the next day, Cheng Xuze left Anhang City by mobile fortress to return to  Yangtze City. Cheng Hong had taken  him to the gate of the city. After seeing him go, he sent a package to another mobile fortress to Spark City.

In fact, Cheng Ran’s health was not bad. Apart from rejecting radiation energy, he had no other problems. In some aspects, he was much better than ordinary people. His resistance to viruses and bacteria was far better than most.

But what was the use of never forgetting? What was the use of strong resistance? If someone found out he was different from others, it might even be detrimental.

After sleeping alone all night, Shi Qingyang found that Gu Changjin’s face was even worse. In addition, early in the morning, he saw many messages from Cheng Xuze last night.

Cheng Xuze didn’t send those strange and unreliable words this time. On the contrary, he used a very normal tone and then said something about his children.

Seeing the somewhat vague information about Cheng Ran’s life experience written above, Shi Qingyang smiled and didn’t take it seriously.

Even if Cheng Ran was an illegitimate son, he had not been treated well before. The only significant part of the matter was just to pay back the money the Cheng Family had spent on him in the future.

In fact, in Cheng Ran’s case, if he had not been brought toCheng Hong, he might have had a better life. The country’s government raised orphans for free, and if orphans had talent, they would also be fully cultivated. In Cheng Ran’s case, someone might even have vied to take him under their wing and teach him.

Without a doubt, it was quite lucky for Cheng Ran to have ended up with Cheng Hong. After all, if Cheng Ran had gone another way, he and Shi Qingyang might not have ever met.

Shi Qingyang comforted Cheng Xuze and went downstairs to find Cheng Ran: “Ranran, do you want to go out to play?”

“Where to?” Cheng Ran asked curiously.

“Go to an amusement park.” Shi Qingyang smiled and said. When he was sleeping with Cheng Ran before, he found that Cheng Ran had been reading some books about the hunting down treasure.

He had never paid attention to things like this before, but after realizing that Cheng Ran was pursuing him, he was naturally unwilling to be outdone. Finally, Shi Qingyang found a forum, browsed over the posts, and recalled the TV dramas in his memory.

Amusement parks—a lot of people wanted to go there, right?

Shi Qingyang had not been to an amusement park for more than 20 years, and Cheng Ran had never been. When they arrived at the place, they both found that it was different from what they imagined.

The rides that went up and down, or spun people around, were all child’s play to Shi Qingyang. He was also worried about Cheng Ran’s injury, so he wouldn’t play. Other amusements were childish and didn’t seem fun…

While Shi Qingyang was struggling, he suddenly saw Cheng Ran stop in front of a machine.

This was a robot decorated with sunflowers. The face plate was a screen. As long as you swiped your card to pay a certain amount of money, you could play the displayed mind games. After passing a certain level, you could also get a lollipop.

In fact, the lollipops were commonly sold outside, but in the eyes of children, the robot’s gifts were always better than the ones they bought, so they eagerly pestered their parents to play.

When Cheng Ran walked by, there was a parent who was playing with different plants on screen. At first, it was very simple, but when it came to the level where the prize could be won, it became very difficult. A lot of different plants were crowded together, which made people confused. Once they were connected wrongly, they would lose time. The parent was in a hurry and finally failed. The robot didn’t give a lollipop.

“Do you want to play, Ranran?” Shi Qingyang saw this scene. While the parent was pacifying their child, he quickly brushed the contact terminal.

Cheng Ran didn’t play fast at first, and just passed the level. But as time went on, his speed became faster and faster…

The sunflower robot spoke encouraging sounds such as, “Dear, you’re so amazing!” and its words were becoming louder and louder.

Cheng Ran could connect the same alien plants accurately without any pause, so before long, the robot took out a lollipop from its stomach and gave it to Cheng Ran.

However, Cheng Ran continued. After a while, he broke the record and got two lollipops. But even so, he still didn’t stop and kept going…

The strange plants on the machine kept popping up over and over, but Cheng Ran passed all the tests. He shook his aching hands, and his eyes were bright: “This is so interesting.”

“Do you want to continue? You can play other things on it,” Shi Qingyang asked, grabbing the handful of lollipops to hold onto.

“Sure.” Cheng Ran pointed to the ‘Spot the Difference: Mutant Beasts’.

Shi Qingyang held more and more lollipops in his hands. The three-year-old child who had been pestering his father for lollipops suddenly burst into tears: “Dad, they took all the candy away! Dad!”

Who knew if the child’s heart was somehow linked to the the robot. At this moment, the petals on the sunflower robot’s head suddenly lit up: “Sorry, all gifts have been delivered. Please wait a moment.” As soon as the voice fell, the robot suddenly ran away.

Shi Qingyang was holding a large handful of lollipops. He was almost unable to hold any more. He thought Cheng Ran would give some to the child, but unexpectedly, Cheng Ran took off his coat and wrapped up all the candy: “Shall we come back when we’ve finish eating them?”

“Sounds good.” Shi Qingyang laughed.

Just as Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran returned with the big bag of lollipops, Gu Changjin finally received the box sent from Cheng Hong.

Translator’s Note

Aaaahhh baby Cheng Ran!!! Cheng Hong and his wife are so shady and cruel yo. Don’t let anything bad happen to Ranran ;;;;

Also lmao at ignoring the crying child and taking all the candy away

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