Barbarian Chef – Volume Two

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – The story continues…

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“Chad, I’m getting fucking dirt under all of my pretty fingernails,” Koshiro complained as she pulled a weed from the rich soil. “Ouch!  This weed has thorns! Ugh, I’m done.  I’ll stick to restaurant work.”

I chuckled.  “Yeah, I figured this wouldn’t be your thing, but thanks for trying.”

Earlier in the week I decided to try my huge barbarian hand at the farming profession.  I could add on more professions so why not? I was S-Rank and a Genius-level Cook so I wanted to start at the bottom of something. It also would help to provide my own ingredients to use at the restaurant and get me out in the sun for some of that good ole’ vitamin D.  I’d been spending a lot of time in the New Beginnings’ kitchen since arriving so I was due for doing something in the outdoors.  I’d been training my beautiful holstaur monster girl, Claire, to do more cooking so I could work on my new farming profession. I had reached level 5 already with the time spent during the week just getting the land ready.  Leveling was pretty fast so far, but I was certain it would slow down exponentially soon. That was the way it worked most of the time in video games. You level fast initially getting you all excited and hooked then the painful grind would begin. Betty owned twenty acres of land behind the restaurant which was awfully convenient since I wanted to start this particular profession.  The land was beautiful, but it needed a lot of attention before getting any crops to grow.  It was covered in weeds and other irritating vegetation that had to be cleared before things could be planted.

Koshiro crossed her arms under her mammoth breasts, almost causing them to spill over the collar of her tight white crop top shirt. The shirt said “I love Chad” for Christ’s sake, but she loved it, so I let her wear it and just dealt with the embarrassment.  The other girls loved to poke fun at the shirt which I thought was brave considering Koshiro’s desire to stab people who crossed her with her butcher’s knife. There have been no injuries… yet. “You still haven’t told me what your plan was.  You can’t tend twenty acres of land by yourself.  It’s crazy.”

“Well, I plan to do a lot of it, but there are always folks looking for work. Here’s work.”

“No women, I hope,” Koshiro scoffed.

“Sure, if there are some looking for a job.  I’m an equal opportunity employer.”

“Okay, as long as you don’t fuck any of them, that will be fine.”

“Well, I had no plans to do so.  However, I do have a harem.  Alot of ladies in it aren’t unusual.”

Koshiro furrowed her brow.  “Muni, Claire, and I need to approve any fresh additions.  However, my approval is the most important one.”

I chuckled at the kitsune bombshell. “I think Muni and Claire would disagree, but I will keep your suggestion in mind in the event I find another hot girl to invite.”

“You’re making fun of me.  You know I don’t like that.”

“I’m sorry.  It’s a dangerous thing to poke fun at you.”

“I would never hurt you, Chad.  I will be happy to hurt others, but not you… okay?”

“Let’s hope you don’t have to do that.”

“I’ll try to be nice.  However, if someone treats you wrong… all bets are off. They are getting fucking stabbed!”

“Fair enough, I guess,” I replied as I used my large sharp hoe to get a thick spot of weeds up.  When the soil underneath the surface flipped up top the fresh smell of new soil made me smile.  I was excited to work on my farming profession.

There were soft footsteps that approached from behind our location. Muni walked over with a mischievous smile.  “Koshiro, I see you standing around a lot.  Are you letting Chad do all the work?”

“No, I’m retiring, actually.  I don’t like dirt and thorns… thank you very much,” Koshiro huffed.

“Well, why don’t you head back into the restaurant and take my place then?  I’ll help Chad for a while.”

“Who is helping the customers right now? Claire is the cook. You are the damn server.”

“Psh, the dining room is empty at the moment. Go.”

“Don’t tell me what to do,” Koshiro growled and stomped one foot, causing a small dust cloud to rise.  She coughed when the cloud entered her lungs.  “Goddamn this farm.  I’m going back.”

“Thanks for your help,” I said with a smirk.

“You’re welcome, my love.”

The blue-haired cat girl rolled her gorgeous eyes. “Welcome for what, exactly?  Complaining? Standing still?”

“I was eye candy, for Chad at least.  If you hadn’t come along, I would have sucked his dick behind that big ass bush.”

I almost choked on the water from my canteen.

The kitsune looked at me and winked.

“Well shit. I hate I missed out on that,” I replied as I stared into space, envisioning her lips wrapped around my cock.

“Maybe later. I need to get back to our customers before my little panties get too soaked with sweet kitsune juices.”

“You’re killing me, Koshiro,” I exhaled as my cock slowly filled with warm blood.

“It looks like I’m bringing you to life.  Look at that bulge.  Toodles,” Koshiro chirped and sauntered back to the restaurant.  She couldn’t resist the urge to lift the back of her skirt to show me her perfect ass bouncing.

“That girl knows how to get me going.”

Muni placed her hand over her cleavage and gasped.  “Are you saying that I don’t?”

“No, that’s not what I’m saying.  You have that talent as well.  All of you do.”

“That’s nice to hear,” the Muni replied as she bit her lip and pulled her top down to reveal her mocha nipples. She glanced from side to side to see if anyone was around, then she put her hand down the front of her tight black shorts and played with herself.

“Goddamn,” I said under my breath as my cock filled with more blood.

Muni motioned with her head toward the thick vegetation on the edge of the field.  Thank the Nine I hadn’t cleared that spot out yet.  She walked toward the section swaying her hips, still playing with herself.

“You whore.  I knew you were going to do it,” shouted Koshiro out the backdoor of the restaurant.

Muni responded by raising her hand and giving the kitsune the middle finger.  “Come on, Chad, I want you right now.”

I cleared my throat as her ass hypnotized me.  “Ah, the feeling is mutual.”

She moved through the shrubbery and was completely invisible to anyone outside.  This was going to be awesome.

I made my way through the thick brush into the small clearing and my jaw dropped as Muni stood completely naked. Her long blue hair draped down her front and back.  She had grown it out over the past couple of months.  It was long enough to cover her breasts to tease me.  My eyes traveled down her stomach all the way to her soft blue landing strip at the top of her pretty pink vagina.  I saw a bit of sweet cum drip to the ground below.

“You’re so fucking hot,” I replied as I pulled my shirt over my head, revealing my ridiculously muscular chest.  She moaned and moved closer.  She placed her hand on my chest and we kissed.  We wasted no time putting our tongues in each other’s mouths.  I cupped both of her ass cheeks and pressed her breasts against my chest.  I sucked her tongue, causing her to moan deeply. Her breath smelled like fresh mint.  She unbuckled my belt and slid her soft hand toward my throbbing cock.  She grasped it violently and stroked ferociously.

“Fuck, Muni.”

“You like that.  You like it when I jack you off.  You like it when I squeeze it oh so tight,” Muni whispered in my ear.

“Yes, I fucking love it. Goddammit, that’s good. Fuck.”

“I love it when we are rough,” Muni added, then licked my neck. “Reooooow.”

Her strokes began to get more violent.  Her clenched hand around my shaft punched my balls with each stroke.  “Fuck, that’s good.”

“Chad, I want us to fuck like animals.  I want you to ravage me.  I want to hurt you.  I want to sink my teeth into you right now and taste your blood.”

My eyes widened as the song Closer from Nine Inch Nails played in my head. “Fuck, are you serious?”

“Are you frightened?” Muni purred as she stroked harder.

“No, do whatever you want.  I just need assurance that I can do whatever I want to you.”

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Muni cackled.  “That’s what I want to hear.”

“Umm, do you need a safe word?”

Muni cocked a brow.  “What is a safe word?”

“It’s something you say that lets me know things are too intense and you want me to stop.”

Muni laughed.  “No, I don’t need one of those.  Do you?”

I shook my head with a smile. “No. Just remember, you have to bite hard to get through my skin. You might not be able to do it.”

Muni rolled her eyes and showed me her sharp feline incisors. “I’m going to get what I want.  Now shut your mouth.”

I nodded, and she sank her teeth into my shoulder.  Her bite was incredibly strong, and I felt her teeth break through my skin easily.  She moaned as blood seeped out the sides of her mouth.  Goddamn, she was acting like a fucking vampire. She sucked for a few seconds and showed me the inside of her mouth.  It was crimson and blood ran down the sides of her mouth and chin, dripping onto her breasts.  She licked her lips and then she licked the wound on my shoulder before my self-healing closed it.

“Motherfucking damn, I didn’t know you were this kinky.”

“You don’t like it?”

“Yes, I like it very much.  I’m just surprised.  Like I said, you can do whatever you want.  If you want to hurt me… hurt me.”

“You promise to do the same?” Muni asked with beckoning eyes.

“Yes, I promise,” I agreed even though I didn’t know what I was actually agreeing to exactly.

“Good,” Muni hissed, and slapped me as hard as she could on the cheek. I saw stars as my cheek throbbed and burned.

“Holy shit!  If I do that to you, I will knock your head clean off into the river over there.”

“Okay, however you need to be as rough as you can without injuring me too badly.”

“I’m not slapping you in the face.  I’ll make your ass fucking red as hell though.”

“Mmmm, show me,” Muni moaned and turned.  She got on all fours and shook her plump ass at me while looking over her shoulder. “You need to punish me for being a bad girl.  I’ve been so bad. I bit you and slapped you.  I’m so bad. You can’t let me get away with all of that misbehavior.”

I slapped her ass hard.  A pink handprint revealed itself immediately.  She screamed in pleasure and begged for another.  I popped her on the ass harder to gauge the level of pain that she wanted.  She moaned louder and slammed her fist into the ground.  “Is that too hard?” I asked in fear that I had gone too far.

Muni breathed heavily and shook her head.  “No, you fucking cunt.  Slap me like you mean it.”

I raised both brows and took a deep breath.  I slapped her harder and knocked her forward almost face first into the ground.  The red marks on her left butt cheek were blood red now.  A couple more hard slaps would reveal blood spots.

“Yes, Chad, fuck!”

I slapped her a fourth time.  The sound was deafening, and her ass cheeks rippled all the way up to the middle of her back.

“Fucking do it!”

Another slap and another and another brought red blood spots to the surface.  It needed to stop, or the skin was going to break.  Muni’s torso and head laid on the ground while her battered ass pointed at me beckoning for more lewd attention.

“Don’t you need a break?”

Muni chuckled through heavy breaths.  “Do you, big boy?”

Wham! I slapped her other cheek with ferocity.  “Bad girls this naughty need to be hurt.”

“Hurt me. Gods, punish my ass.”

Wham! I marked her ass with my hand over and over.  She screamed in pleasure and pain with each violent impact.  Small beads of blood seeped from the crimson hand print.

“You’re bleeding.”

“Oh, the fucking Nine. Fucking taste me.”

“I’m down.  You tasted me.  It would only be fair.”

I stuck my tongue out and licked a seeping bead that traveled almost to her thigh.  I licked it all the way to the source.  The warm metallic taste covered the surface of my tongue. It was one of the most bizarre moments of my life, but I was down to try most anything once.

“Fuck me now,” Muni commanded.

“I’ll be happy to my little sex slave,” I replied as I played with her sticky folds with the head of my cock.

I wasted no time pushing the shaft of my cock inside, all the way to the hilt.  She gasped and groaned in surprise, pleasure, and pain.  The pounding of her pussy commenced.  Our bodies slapping together almost sent echoes in the valley.

“Mmm, fuck my little pussy.  Fuck it so hard, Chad.”

I clenched her hips and pulled her to me with ferocity over and over as my tip bounced off her cervix.  

“You like that?”

“Fuck yes, Chad. Fuck.”

Suddenly Koshiro stuck her head through the brush, and her mouth stood agape. “What in the name of the Nine is going on?”

“We’re fucking. What does it look like?” Muni gasped.

“I heard screams and thought you were being mutilated by a fucking monster of some kind.  Holy shit, is that blood on your ass cheeks?”

“Muni enjoys getting spanked,” I replied as I continued to pound Muni into submission.

“So do I, but this isn’t a spanking.  I don’t know what you would call it, but this is something else entirely,” Koshiro added with wide eyes. “Gods, you’re going to be sore tomorrow.”

Muni smiled as I continued to fuck her brains out. “It will be worth it. Oh, fuck, I’m going to come!”

Muni’s canal gripped my cock as she screamed in pleasure from a life-changing orgasm.  Her entire body convulsed.

“I’m going to fucking come too,” I announced through gritted teeth.

“Paint my little pussy, Chad.  Fucking fill me up with your warm seed.”

Koshiro just watched in either awe or horror at what she was seeing.  “Gods, you are a fucking whore, Muni.  I knew it.”

I slammed my cock inside her and shot white ropes of milky semen deep inside of the blue-haired cat girl. Muni turned around and put my cum covered cock in her mouth and cleaned me up.  She loved the taste of our juices mixed.

Koshiro exhaled.  “Muni, bring me your ass so I can heal it.”

Muni bit her lower lip and smiled.  “Not a chance.”

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