Barbarian Chef – Volume Two

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 – Bear necessities

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“Muni, I see you are walking rather funny this morning,” Koshiro giggled.

“Shut up,” Muni replied as she shuffled into the restaurant with a grimace on her face.

I darted from the kitchen to the hurting cat girl. “Are you okay?  What happened?”

“You happened.  I should have taken up Koshiro’s healing offer yesterday.  This morning has been rough so far.  My ass hurts, and my pussy is so sore.”

“Oh no, I’m so, so sorry.  I was too heavy-handed.”

“Chad, don’t apologize.  I’m as much to blame as you.  It was an amazing experience and I want to do it again.  However, it’s something we can’t do all the time.  As enjoyable as it is, I want to live a lengthy life.” Muni giggled through gritted teeth.

“Koshiro, please heal her.  I can’t stand to see any of you in pain, especially the pain that I caused.”

“Chad, please don’t blame yourself.  We were consenting adults, and I wanted the roughness,” Muni said earnestly as she kissed me on the cheek and rubbed my arm.

Koshiro gave a sarcastic sigh and motioned for Muni to follow her to the back.  “Come on, you filthy little whore.  I’ll have you fixed up in no time.”

Muni nodded and limped slowly behind the kitsune.  “Thank you, Koshiro. I should have listened to you yesterday.”

“Always listen to me. I will never steer you wrong.  You should know that by now. My advice is golden.”

“She’s right, you know,” I interjected in Morgan Freeman’s voice from the popular meme on Earth. Both of the girls looked at me with raised brows, then shook their heads and moved on.  The girls had become accustomed to me saying random things that made little to no sense.  

I heard the door shut behind me, and I turned to see my gorgeous holstaur lover, Claire.  She always had a smile that lit up any room she entered. “Good Morning, Claire.  You look well this morning.”

“Thank you.  You look pretty good yourself.  I’m sorry I’m late this morning.”

“We don’t open for another 15 minutes.  You’re not late.”

“I like to be here a half hour early to get everything prepared and my mind right for the day.  Will you be working in the fields today?”

“Yes…” I was cut off before I could finish my sentence.

“Chad, you are going to work yourself to death on your farming project.  Send Muni out there.  She needs the exercise.  I’m looking at some flab,” Koshiro demanded.

Muni walked into our vision, looking back to normal.  The healing was much faster than I expected, and her mouth dropped to the floor.  “I don’t have any flab!  You take that back!”

Koshiro rasberried and crossed her arms.  “I had to lift your skirt to heal your bruised and scabbed up ass.  I noticed some flab.  There wasn’t much, but there was flab.  I’m not judging.”

Muni scrunched her nose and pulled up her skirt.  She swiveled her neck to get a good look at her ass to see this flab the kitsune spoke of.  “Fuck, I can’t see.”

Claire knelt to where she was eye-level with the perfect ass.  “You look good to me.  I’m the flabby one in this establishment. It goes along with being a holstaur.”

“Blah, both of you are blind as bats.  Go look, Chad.”

“Koshiro, stop busting Muni’s balls.  She’s perfect,” I commanded.

“Flabby and big old balls, yuck,” Koshiro joked at Muni’s expense.

“Guy, we are supposed to build each other up.  All of you are fucking sculpted by the Nine. I don’t want you to believe anything different,” I said firmly.

“Thank you, Chad.  I agree,” Claire replied with a nod.

“I definitely agree, but the fox chick started it.” Muni stuck out her tongue at the scowling kitsune.

“I suppose you’re right, which is unheard of.  I’m sorry.  I think both of you girls are hot.  I’ll happily eat your pussies whenever you want.”

I choked on her lewd words, which resulted in an instant coughing spell. “Koshiro and her lack of filter ladies and gentlemen, even though there are no gentlemen. Now, if you all promise to behave and open up New Beginnings, I’m going to go to the fields and continue.”

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“Chad, you need some help.  This farm is too large of a task,” Muni said.

“Eh, it’s really more of a garden right now.  Farm is a stretch, but you’re right, I need some help and I have an idea about that.”

“What is it?” Claire asked with wide eyes.

“Jamison is on his way as we speak with our grizzly bear pal Henegar.  I had a plow delivered this morning as well from the blacksmith.  It was his first, but it looks pretty nice.  Jamison is going to help me for a few days to get things in order.  Henegar and I have grown closer, but I’m not sure I’m ready to be by myself with him for extended periods of time.”

“That sounds like a great idea!  Henegar will be such a good boy and help you lots and lots,” Koshiro replied giddily.

“Idea number two: I’m going to talk to Malthar, the drow, about helping at night.  I met him in the pub the other day and he’s looking for work and I offered him the job. The drow are nocturnal, so working at night will be perfect for him, not to mention someone well versed him in this type of work. He was a farmhand in Sloss for years.  The fields should be up and running in no time.”

Muni smiled as she wiped off a table with a damp cloth. “Wow, Chad, you’re so resourceful.  I was skeptical when you had the idea of starting up a farming operation, but I will not question this endeavor any longer. Gods, whenever grandmother returns, she is going to be so impressed.  If she ever returns,of course,” Muni’s smile transformed into a frown in record time.

“She’ll come back, I’m sure.  From what her letters have said, she is having the time of her life seeing the world.  I’m happy for her,” Koshiro replied as she rubbed Muni’s arm.

“I’m happy for her too.  I just miss her terribly,” Muni sniffled.

“We all do,” Claire added as she tied her apron and headed to the unlock the door to open for business.


Jamison, the lizard man, was already at the top of the hill with the grizzly bear.  He was almost a half hour early.  Henegar looked even bigger than usual; however, it was probably just the way he was sitting patiently awaiting his next directive.

“Jamison, how are you, my friend?  If I’d known you were already out here, I wouldn’t have kept you waiting.”

“It’s fine.  I was excited about getting started, so I got here a little early.  I see you have the plow already.  It is a beauty… such fine craftsmanship.  The town blacksmith, Harold, just gets better and better.  We are very fortunate he chose Summerstar to start his business years ago.  I was worried he would move to a larger city like Falcor, but he loves it here. I bet the beach has a lot to do with it. I see him out there tanning a lot.”

“I was blown away by the craftmanship as well.  I know next to nothing about plowing, but I’m hoping between you and Malthar we can get it figured out.  I hope Henegar will be cooperative.  I doubt he has ever done anything like this before.”

“Probably not, but this wonderful bear is so smart.  He’ll pick up on it quickly.”

“Before we try out the plow, there is some real tough brush and some young trees that I would like him to yank out of the ground.  It’s something that I could do with my ridiculous strength, but it’s an excellent opportunity to learn if he cooperates with farm labor.”

“Sounds like a great idea.  Why don’t we get this modest tree to my right?”  Jamison asked with excitement.

“That is a wonderful place to start.  I’ve got some rope we can attach to our friend here and to the tree.  How does that sound, Henegar?” I asked the bear while softly rubbing his neck.  He groaned, which startled me, but he soon gave in to my contact and moaned quietly.  “That’s a good boy there, yes you are.”

Jamison tied the rope to the tree and attached the other end of the rope to a massive leather harness he had made.  “I think we’re ready to give it a try. Pull, Henegar, you can do it.”  Jamison patted the grizzly bear on the rear and he moved forward slowly.  The rope tightened, and I expected the bear to stop in his tracks.  I couldn’t have been more wrong.  Henegar pulled the young tree out of the soil easily, with roots and all.

“Hot damn, that was awesome. Good boy,” I fist pumped then scratched under the bear’s neck.  Henegar looked very proud of himself.

Jamison clapped and held some sort of treat under the mouth of the beast.  “Impressive!”

The bear almost swallowed the treat whole and he looked like he waited for further instructions.  For the next few hours we took the bear to different spots around the farm to pull the debris out of the ground.

“Wow, we have all of the big stuff cleared.  That took no time at all.  I’m going to take Henegar down to the river for water and give him a more substantial meal then we can start the plowing,” Jamison said.

“Are you sure we should work him anymore today?  I don’t want to tire him out.”

“He’ll be fine.  He’s having a good time.  Haven’t you noticed?”  Jamison asked.

“Well, he has looked like he had a smile of his face since he started.  We’ll get started after a short break.  Thanks again for all of your help.”

“My pleasure,” replied the lizard man.

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