Barbarian Chef – Volume Two

Chapter 10: Chapter 10 – Quest Accepted

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I heard a notification chime, and a screen popped up in my vision.

Your quest entitled “Where’s the Meat?” has been accepted by an adventurer!

The adventurer has marked your quest as active and he/she/it will complete the quest in the time frame required.

This quest does not require the adventurer to talk with you until the quest is complete.  You will be notified when the quest is complete or if the quest has been dropped or failed. When the adventurer turns the quest into you, he/she/it will be rewarded with the rewards that you specified.  The Nine will determine the amount of essence the adventurer will receive.

Thank you for using the Summerstar Questing Board!

I pumped my fist. “Saaahweet.”

“What are you so happy about?”  Claire asked.

“My quest for more meat was accepted, so hopefully I will be back to serving our patrons juicy red meat soon.”

Claire walked over and rubbed my chest.  “You know, I would like some juicy meat soon, too.”

I pulled her in for a kiss. “That sounds like fun.  We’ll certainly have to do that ASAP.  I’ve been lacking dairy in my diet.  I want our next fuck session without your milk jug backpack.” I winked and slapped her on her plump ass.

“Really? I can’t wait.  I know it can be messy, but the sex is much more exhilarating without that bulky device.”

“Whatever my gorgeous holstaur wants, she gets.”

“Hello you two, we have customers out here.  Are you going to chit chat all morning or get to work?”  Koshiro scoffed.

I cringed.  “I’m sorry I didn’t hear the jingle jangle from the bell over the door.  What’s the order?”

“They want this thing you are calling French toast.  It is the first time someone has ordered it,”  Koshiro replied with less irritation than before.

“Awesome.  So two orders of French toast then?  What do they want to drink?”

“Two glasses of sunberry juice.”

“I’ll get it and start getting the ingredients out for you Chad,” Claire said as she opened the arcane cooler.

I smiled at the amber haired kitsune. “Sounds good.  French toast doesn’t take very long.  It’ll be out in a few minutes.”

The bell over the door jingled once more, and I peeked out to see a couple of dwarven men waddle through.  I recognized them from the local construction company.  They sat down beside the window and opened up the menu.  Muni darted over to the table with a smile to take their order.

The bell rang once more and a blue-robed human male sat at a table by himself.  He leaned a fancy magic staff against the wall beside his table.

Koshiro’s eyes widened. “Wow, it’s getting busy.  I’ll go take this man’s order.  Stop looking out here and jump on that French toast! It will not cook itself, and I know Claire can’t do it,” Koshiro shouted with a playful punch to my arm. She put too much power behind it and hurt her hand. She cringed and tried to shake the pain out. “Fuck, I forget sometimes that you are like a fucking boulder.”

“Sorry, but that is what you get for being a naughty fox girl. Why do you want to punch your cute Chad bear?”

Koshiro giggled. “I’ll have you know that I only have one bear, and his name is Henegar. Not Chad. Also, don’t call me a fox girl… I’m a kitsune. Thank you very much.”

I exhaled and frowned sarcastically, then I pulled up my recipe screen and found a French toast recipe I had placed in my <FAVORITES> folder.  I made sure I did that with all the recipes on the growing menu to make things much more efficient.


4 eggs

2/3 cup of holstaur milk (best option if available)

2 teaspoons cinnamon

8 thick slices of bread 

Holstaur butter (best option if available) 

Powdered Sugar

Maple syrup


-In a big bowl, mix up the eggs, milk, and cinnamon and whisk vigorously. 

-After the egg mixture is finished, place the slices of bread in the mixture and allow the bread to soak in the mixture.

-Get a skillet and melt the butter.  Once the butter is melted (be careful not to burn) you can remove a slice of bread from the mixture.  You need to shake off the excess liquid.

-Place each piece of bread in the skillet. Fry until one side is brown then flip the bread over to brown the other side.

-Once it has browned the bread on each side, place the serving on a plate.  Sprinkle some powdered sugar on top of the slices and serve the French toast with maple syrup.


“Wow, Chad, that smells amazing.  I’ll have to try that soon,” Claire said.

“Why don’t you try now?  I know you haven’t eaten this morning.  I made extra just for you,” I smiled as I handed a plate of French toast to the wide-eyed monster girl.

“Oh the Nine, you are so thoughtful.  Won’t the other girls be jealous?”

I shrugged with a mischievous look on my face.  “Just take this and go hide for a few minutes.  I won’t tell anyone. They don’t need to know.”

“But don’t you need help here in the kitchen?”

“I’ll be fine.  Please, go eat it while it’s hot.  You’ll have to let me know if it’s any good.”

“Chad, when have you cooked something that wasn’t good?  It’s impossible.”

Claire darted away excitedly with the steamy stack of French toast.  “Oh shit, I forgot the maple syrup!”

I handed her a glass bottle with a smile.  “Yep, that makes a tremendous difference.  You don’t want to eat it without that.  It’s kind of like eating a cheeseburger without the cheese.”

Claire leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.  “Thanks again.  I’m going to go devour this.  I’ll be back soon.”

I waved what she said away.  “Take your time. I’ve got this.”

Muni walked in the kitchen right after Claire left through the opposite door and clipped the next order on a wire I hung on the backsplash behind the arcane appliances.  “Where the hell is Claire? She’s supposed to be assisting you.  I’ll go find her.”

“That’s unnecessary. She’s just gone to the bathroom.  She’ll be back in a minute,” I handed Muni both plates of toast.  “Take these and I’ll get the other order done ASAP.”

“The dwarves were upset when they couldn’t order the steak and eggs, but they understood why we didn’t have any with all the meat used at the celebration.”

“Let them know that I have an adventurer on a quest to get some more as we speak.  Also, let them know they will get 50% off when they come back for steak and eggs. Those fellas have helped us out a lot and I want them to be taken care of.”

“Okay, I’ll let them know.  That’s very nice of you.”

“Well, I try to be when I can.”

Koshiro grunted.  “Gods, now you two lovebirds are chatting it up instead of working.  I have the mage adventurer’s order right here.  Get on it!”

Koshiro clipped the next order on my line and crossed her arms as she glared at Muni.

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Muni shrugged. “What? We talked for like two seconds.  For the sake of the Nine.” 

Muni rolled her eyes and walked back out into the eating area.

I ignored Koshiro’s grumpiness and looked at the newest order put up by Muni. They couldn’t get red meat, but we had a lot of chicken available.  The dwarves surprised me with what they wanted.  It wasn’t the type of dish you would expect a couple of hardened blue collar dwarves to eat.

Fajita Frittata


3 Tbsp. Coconut oil

1 chopped onion 

1 chopped green pepper

3 cups of sliced yellow squash

3 cups of sliced zucchini

2 chicken breasts (cut into thin strips)

1 tsp. Chili powder

1 tsp. cumin

1 tsp. Himalayan salt

Ground Pepper (pinch)

8 eggs


-Use a skillet to heat the coconut oil then add in the onion, green pepper, squash

-Add in onion, green pepper, squash, zucchini and chicken, stir occasionally and you need to cook the chicken until the pinkness is gone and cook the vegetables.  This process will take approximately 15 minutes. You will need to add the chili powder, cumin, Himalayan salt, and ground pepper.

-In a separate bowl, you need to whisk the 8 eggs until it becomes a smooth liquid.

-Make sure that you smooth and flatten the ingredients in the skillet.  After that is complete, pour the bowl of whisked eggs over the ingredients in the skillet.

-Place a lid over the skillet and cook for approximately 10 minutes.  Do not stir the contents during this time.

-Next you need to take off the cover and place in the oven and set it to broil for 3-5 minutes until the eggs are set and golden brown.

-Place the skillet on the counter and let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes, then slice it into wedges or squares to serve.

-You may serve the frittata with salsa if you like.


I sliced the frittata up generously, then placed a fluffy golden piece on two plates.  “Order up.”

“Hmm, this doesn’t look half bad,” shrugged the sexy kitsune. “Why is it shaped like that pizza dish you cooked last week for us?”

“It’s completely different. The frittata is just served in slices similar to pizza.”

“Okay, thanks,” Koshiro chirped as she darted out of the kitchen with a frittata plate in each hand. Her two amber and white tails swayed as her plump ass bounced under her skirt.

“Solaire to Chad, come in Chad,” Claire giggled as she placed her empty plate in the washer.

I blushed. “How did you like the French toast?”

“It was divine.  That’s definitely one of my breakfast favorites now.”

“Good, I thought you’d like it,” I smiled.

Claire squeezed between me and the stove to grab the next order off of the line.  “What do we have here?”

“Well, I’m going to have a boner soon, if you keep rubbing your ass against me like that.”

“Oh, I didn’t even realize I did that,” Claire said sarcastically. 

“I think you knew full well what you were doing.”

“I’m horny, Chad. Especially since you told me you wanted to fuck with without the milking device. That, combined with the divine French toast, has made me a bit frisky.”

“Frisky like a kitty cat? Like a blue-haired catgirl?”

Muni raised a brow as she tossed a dirty dish into the arcane sink. “What am I missing?”

Claire rasberried and gave me a light shove. “I told Chad that I was horny and frisky. He asked if I was frisky like a catgirl.”

Muni nodded. “Catgirls can be quite frisky.” Muni made a clawing motion and hissed.

“Goddamit, now both of you whores are in here whoring yourselves,” Koshiro said with frustration as she looked at Muni. “More customers have arrived, so move your cute little ass in there and help me take orders.”

Muni stuck her tongue out and pinched Koshiro’s nipple through her outfit as she walked by to wait on the new customers.

“Ouch, that whore hurt my little ta-ta!”

I shook my head and chuckled. “Those ta-tas, as you call them, aren’t little by any stretch of the imagination. I thought you liked sensual pain.”

“I like a bit of pain when I’m fucking you and the others, but not when I’m trying to do my job. That freaking hurt. That little cat whore is going to pay for that. I may let her lick my little asshole tonight when we have sex.”

I turned to the holstaur. “I wasn’t aware that sex had been scheduled for tonight. Did you, Claire?” 

Claire shook her head as she looked at Koshiro. “Me neither. Are we all invited to the fun or just you and Muni?”

Koshiro rolled her blue and green eyes. “I always invited you two to fucking sessions. You know this.”

“Hey, we’re just making sure. If you and Muni want to play titty twister by yourselves tonight, Claire and I could find something to do,” I replied with a wink at Claire.

The holstaur nodded. “That’s true.”

“Well, in that case. I wouldn’t mind some private time to punish Muni for her naughty behavior. You two can fuck each other wherever you like. I had some whips and other toys made I want to try on that blue-haired whore. She likes pain, and I’d like to give her some punishment for her hurting my little ta-ta.”

“Okay, now I’m intrigued. Do you mind if Claire and I just sit in the corner and watch? This I gotta see.”

Claire laid her head against my shoulder. “I think that is a great idea, however I don’t think Muni will see this as punishment. Don’t your remember when Chad and her fucked in the field the other day? She looked like some criminal had mugged her when she was done.”

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