Barbarian Chef – Volume Two

Chapter 14: Chapter 14 – Boss Fight!

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Koshiro and Joel screamed in terror as we soared through the hot air to the first stone pillar.  My boots planted perfectly in the middle.  Jumping was something that I hadn’t worked on very often, so I was winging it, mostly.

“Thank the gods,” Koshiro said in relief through bated breaths.

“That was easy,” I announced with a narrow smile. “You two ready to go again?”

Joel cleared his throat. “I’m as ready as I will ever be.”

“We have no choice but to be ready,” Koshiro added.

“Why is that?” I asked with a cocked brow.

“I can hear cracking.  The pillar is going to fall into the lava any second,” Koshiro replied.

“I can hear it too,” Joel added.

“Shit, you’re right.  This thing is going to go at any moment.  Here we go.”

The next pillar was a few feet higher than the one that we were on. I bent my knees and pushed upward against gravity.  I miscalculated my jump.  I knew I wouldn’t land on my feet.  I surprised Joel when I tossed him mid-flight onto the platform.  I grabbed the edge with my now free hand.  I swung Koshiro gently to the flat surface and took a deep breath before I pulled myself up. Both of my companions were white as ghosts as they sat on the stone.

“Are you two okay?” I asked through heavy breaths.

“I’m fine.  What the fuck was that, Chad?” Koshiro asked angrily.

“My bad, I miscalculated my jump.  It won’t happen again.  Are you okay, Joel?  I tossed you much further.  I’m sorry I had to do that.”

Joel nodded slowly.  “I’m fine.  I understand. I was a bit surprised.”

“I have a handle on my jumping now.  We’re good.”

We could clear the next three pillars without issue.  They were at different levels, but I was able to easily manage the jumps.

“Dammit, Chad, you’re getting me all sweaty,” Koshiro gagged.

“What do you expect?  Lava is hot.  We’re standing over a big ass lake of hot lava, not to mention I’m doing all the work right now,” I chuckled as I prepared for the next jump.  There were three more before we reached the other side and could continue through the doorway.

“Up, up, and away, motherfuckers!” I shouted in excitement.

When I landed on the next pillar, I heard another roar from the next room.  It made the hairs on the back of my neck stand at attention.  “What is that?” I asked under my breath.

“I’m not sure, but I’m definitely sure that I’m getting very nauseous from all of this jumping.  Please get us to the side before I vomit all over you,” Joel replied, sickly.

“Yikes, I’m on it. Here we go.”

I quickly cleared the remaining pillars and landed on the side of the lava lake.  I gently put down the kitsune and gnome and sat on a small boulder beside the doorway.  I was more exhausted than I expected.  The vicious heat, along with huge jumps, took a lot out of me.  I took a few large gulps of water from my sheepskin, then squirted some on the top of my head.  The cool water felt almost orgasmic.  The crisp, chilled water traveled down my face and dripped onto my chest.  The heat from my head warmed up the water, so it wasn’t very cool when it hit my chest under my armor.

“Let me know when you two are ready to go through the doorway.  I’m going to wager that whatever we meet will be the dungeon boss.  I’ve no clue what it is, but it sounds big.”

“I’m ready, but my temporary stat boosts are almost out of time.  Please shout again so we can restart the clock on the defensive and attack stat boosts.”

“You got it,” I said as I activated two shouts, returning the familiar glow.

The chamber in the next dungeon room was gargantuan.  All of us stopped and our mouths stood agape at the sheer size of the place. A few seconds later, we saw why the room was so large.  Red eyes appeared in the darkness from a massive hole in the wall on the other side.  We heard a growl and a huff, then a gigantic beast launched from the hole and flew over our heads. We ducked even though we weren’t in danger of getting hit.

All the hairs on my body stood erect as I processed the image. “It’s a fucking dragon!” 

The beast was the size of a bus.  The hide of the dragon was obsidian black, with huge spikes jutting from its spine.  All of us held our ears as the beast roared.

“Fuck, we’re all going to die!” Koshiro screamed next to me.

I shook my head.  “No, we aren’t.  Just do as I say.”

I motioned thirty yards to my left at the large boulders.  “Both of you go take cover in those boulders.  I’ll take care of this big fella.”

“You can’t do that by yourself!” Koshiro replied passionately.

“I can do it, and I will do it.  Listen to me.  Both of you go.  You two will not survive otherwise.  Boss fights usually have cover of some sort.  There you go,” I said sternly as I pointed my weapon at the refuge.

Joel nodded and grabbed Koshiro’s hand.  “He’s right!  Let’s go!”

Koshiro recoiled and shook her head.  “No!  Let go of me!”

“Koshiro, go over there now, goddamit!  Do it!” I yelled.

“But…,” Koshiro’s voice trailed off as fire erupted from the maw of the dragon and ignited the floor a few feet in front of us.

“Okay, maybe I will go now,” Koshiro added in terror as the flames reflected in her eyes.

“Go take cover or use a portal stone to leave!” I shouted as I equipped a giant tower shield and my biggest ax.  No other adventurer in the region had the strength or endurance to wield these god-tier legendary weapons.  The tower shield was almost as tall as I was.  I could completely cover my body behind it with a bit of bending of the knees.  The legendary weapon was enchanted with 60% Fire Resistance and 40% Lightning Resistance.  My legendary greataxe had no enchantments, but the physical damage was through the roof.

Both of my party members nodded and darted to the boulders.  I hoped the big rocks would give them enough cover.  Joel activated some sort of hydro bubble around the both of them.  That defense, along with the large stones, along with my shouts, would keep them safe.  I hoped it would, at least.

I slammed my ax and shield together three times and roared.  I increased my strength stats by 40% and speed by 15%.  “Come on, you big bastard!”

A large stream of napalm-like fire blasted toward me, as if he understood exactly what I was saying.  I took cover behind my shield.  The tower shield kept me safe from damage, but I could feel the super intense heat from the attack.  Orbs of water splashed the dragon on the side of his head.  Joel was launching attacks from cover.  The attacks appeared to do minimal damage.

I waved the gnome off angrily.  “What the fuck are you doing?  Stop!”

Joel cringed and mouthed that he was sorry and ducked back behind the enormous stone and activated another water bubble barrier.

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Fire streamed from the mouth of the dragon toward the careless gnome and my kitsune wife.  I leapt toward the dragon as his attention focused on my part.  My first hack didn’t break his armor-like hide. I spun in the air and performed a backhand attack with my ax in the same spot.  The sharp edge of the blade broke through that time.  I dangled with one arm from the hilt as the dragon swung his head all around in pain from the sudden attack.  I unequipped my shield so I could double hand the ax.  One hand would not hold.  I would soon go flying into the wall.

“Fuck you,” I growled as I yanked out the blade and flipped onto his back.  I over rotated and one of the spikes on his back impaled my left thigh.  The pain was unlike any I’d ever felt before.  I screamed in agony as the dragon continued to swing his head and buck like a huge bull at the rodeo. I dropped my ax as I instinctively grabbed the spike.  The pain from the impalement suddenly increased exponentially as venom or poison of some sort seeped from the spike and was absorbed into my thigh muscle and hands.  The pain was so extreme that I vomited all over the place and almost passed out.  The dragon soared toward the ceiling of the chamber, intending to slam me into it.  I took a deep breath and placed both burning hands on his armored hide and pushed.  I flew off the spike and plummeted toward the stone floor hundreds of feet below.  I tried to grab the dragon’s wing, but it was futile. My arm just wasn’t long enough.  Blood squirted from my thigh wound as I fell to the ground below.  I heard the dragon slam into the stone ceiling.  The spikes on his back stabbed into the stone and he appeared to be stuck.  It squirmed back and forth to free itself.  The onyx dragon struggled and roared in frustration.  All and all, it would not matter because I didn’t think there was anyway I was going to survive this huge fall.  I heard Koshiro wail in terror as she watched me plummet to my death.  I closed my eyes and prepared for the impact.  

Instead of hard stone, I splashed into a pool of cold water.  My little gnome friend had cast some sort of water cushion or pool spell for me.  I sank to the bottom of the body of water and my back touched the stone floor gently.  The clear water turned red as blood spewed into the liquid.  My femoral artery must have been sliced in half.  I didn’t die from the fall, but chances were high that I was going to bleed out.  My attention was drawn to the surface of the water at a new orange glow.  More fire had erupted from the mouth of the dragon that impaled itself into the ceiling. At least I assumed that it was still impaled.  It could have been diving toward me.  I couldn’t tell from where I was.  When the fire hit the water, I felt the temperature of the water rise immediately.  I was going to boil alive if I didn’t get out of this water immediately.  The water transformed from something that saved me to something that was going to kill me.  I felt like a chicken that was getting boiled in a pot of water on a stove.  I pushed off from the floor with my legs when the orange glow from the surface dissipated.  I didn’t want to jump from boiling water into the hellish fire, so I had to boil for a few seconds.  The pain from my thigh was intense as I pushed with all my might, but the pain from the boiling water overshadowed it now.  I broke the surface of the water to see the dragon’s mouth smoking from the tremendous blast.  Luckily, the monster was still stuck in the ceiling.  I wasn’t sure how much longer that he would stay that way, but I would take the small win.  My flesh burned and formed clouds of steam as I slammed onto the dry stone floor.  The impact resulted in vicious pain in my gushing thigh. As I stood, my boiled skin ripped off. It had been stuck to the floor.  Koshiro began to run toward me, but Joel pulled her back.  Koshiro’s terrified expression transformed into rage as the gnome halted her progress.  She kicked and threw elbows at the gnome.  He was strong enough to pull her back into cover.  I slowly stood and jogged toward them.  I moved slowly because of weakness from the blood loss.  Each step resulted in a geyser of blood. Peeled skin dangled from my body.  

“Stay back Koshiro! I’m coming to you!”  

I dove behind the boulders and rolled onto my back.  My flesh peeled from my arms in sheets from being boiled alive.  I wailed in agony from the horror and pain.  “Fuck, I’m going to die!”

Koshiro shook her head.  “No, you are not.  Lie still and I will heal you.”

Koshiro’s eyes and hands glowed a radiant white as she began the healing process.  I was so thrilled that I brought her along, otherwise I would have died.  There was no doubt about it.  My overconfident ass didn’t bring any health potions at all.  If I survived, I would never make that mistake again.  This dragon boss had brought me down to Earth in more ways than one.  I wasn’t as indestructible as I had once thought.  I could feel the wound in my leg begin to stitch itself back together.  New skin formed where the boiled skin had fallen off of me.  The excruciating pain subsided quickly, and my stamina rose once more.  I was going to be okay.  The glow in Koshiro’s eyes and hands disappeared, and she fell back onto a stone and slid to the floor. 

I reached for her with wide eyes.  “Koshiro, are you okay?”

She nodded.  “I’m fine.  This healing took a lot out of me.  You were close to death.  Bringing a S-rank person back to full health takes a great deal of power.  Thank the Nine I could do it before passing out.”

“Thank the Nine.  I thought you were a goner!” Joel announced in relief.

I clenched his hand and gave him a nod.  “I know I have you to thank for that water cushion thingy.  You saved my life.”

“I’m just glad I could contribute in some way.  However, we aren’t out of the woods yet.  The dragon is going to get himself loose soon, I’m afraid.”

I raised my head and looked at the thrashing black dragon.  It had freed a few of its spikes from the stone ceiling and was well on its way to freeing its entire body.  The dragon’s red glowing eyes locked onto mine.  It was royally pissed off.  Another stream of flames spewed toward us, but it wasn’t long enough.  It had been weakened from the damage received.  Some of the impaled spikes stayed impaled in the stone, however the body of the beast ripped away from the spikes.  Blood spurted onto the ceiling from the damage.

“What are we going to do?” Koshiro asked.

I ignored the question and equipped some stronger armor.  I pulled two diamond spears from my inventory and tossed them both at the still trapped dragon.  Both spears soared like rockets toward the angry beast.  One of them pierced deep into his gut and the other pierced the center of his chest.  Blood spewed from its mouth instead of fire. The agonized dragon continued to thrash around and finally freed itself.  The dragon fell toward me as blood rained on top of me from its wounds.  The dragon tried to flap its wings and fly, but it was too weak.  I dove out of its way, narrowly avoiding impact.  Blood pool under him from all of its wounds.  It tried to push itself up with its large legs, but it fell back to the floor.  I had one spear left in my inventory.  I equipped it and threw it as hard as I could. The obsidian rock spear plunged into its left eye and traveled into its brain.  The dragon let out a final screech, then its head slammed into the floor.  The dragon boss of the full moon dungeon was dead.

You have defeated the Onyx Dragon!

You have received 1,000,000 credits!

You have received the Onyx Dragon Armor set (Helm, Chestplate, Gauntlets, Leggings, Boots)!

Onyx Dragon Helm - +75 Intelligence, +100 Defense, Night Vision

Onyx Dragon Chestplate – 25% Fire Resistance, +250 Defense

Onyx Dragon Gauntlets – 15% Fire Resistance, +75 Strength

Onyx Dragon Leggings – 10% Fire Resistance, +30 Agility

Onyx Dragon Boots – Increase Movement Speed by 20%

Onyx Dragon Armor 4 Piece Set Bonus – Reflects 20% of Damage Taken From Enemy Attacks

You have received Onyx Dragon Zwielander with Fire Damage Enchantment

You have received the title of Full Moon Dungeon Champion!

My eyes almost burst from my sockets.  “Holy fucking shit! This loot is fucking insane!”

I immediately equipped each piece and almost got a boner.  The armor was beautiful and terrifying at the same time.  I looked like I was ready to kill a god in this set.  The armor was gorgeous black obsidian with a faint purple hue surrounding me. I retrieved my Onyx Dragon Zwielander from my inventory and it appeared in my hands.  My jaw dropped to the floor at the sheer awesomeness of the weapon. It was a two-handed weapon, but I could use one hand at my rank and stats.  A second after I equipped the monstrous weapon, it burst into flames from the fire damage enchantment.  I opened my interface to see everything on me.  I didn’t have a mirror, so this was the next best thing.  I used my hand to rotate my image around to see every nook and cranny.  I noticed a button on the side of my helm.  An onyx face covering burst into existence.  My face was completely covered by what looked like the face of a dragon.  I could not see my actual eyes, only glowing red dragon eyes.  I looked like a barbarian monster from the ninth circle of Hell.

“By the Nine,” Joel shouted.  “You look glorious.”

“My pussy is getting so wet right now,” Koshiro added nonchalantly.

“Too much information, my dear, too much,” Joel said with a quick headshake.

I pressed the button on the side of my helm and the dragon faceplate went away.  “Yeah, this gear is freaking nuts.  It looks awesome and the stats are god tier.  I fucking lucky.  I planned to just sell the loot I received at the auction house, but I’m keeping this shit. How did you guys make out?”

“Like a bandit, my friend.  I received a new obsidian staff and an obsidian robe with wonderful blue stripes down the side.  I received 200,000 credits as well.  There is also a legendary ring that increases strength by a lot.  I don’t need that, so I can sell it for a large amount of credits.  I’m thrilled with what I received.  It was worthy the carry fee I paid you.  Thank you,” Joel nodded.

I nodded back, then looked at Koshiro.

She equipped a gorgeous sleeveless, sparkling white dress that fell to the middle of her thighs, and she held a two handed divine staff.  She also wore a shimmering amulet that hung down into her glorious cleavage. She wore small silver boots that matched the ornate nature of her dress perfectly.  The armor must have been set armor.

“I got all of this and 200,000 credits as well.  I also got this bracelet that increases my divine energy.  This amulet boosts my intelligence. I’m just happy that you’re okay, honestly. I thought I was going to lose you.”

“Things got a little hairy during that battle.  Thank the Nine you could heal me.  The most important thing I learned from this experience is that I’m not as indestructible as I thought I was, and full moon dungeons aren’t a fucking joke.  I sure as hell won’t be carrying anyone else tonight—1,000,000 credits will last us a long time.”

Joel’s eyes transformed into large saucers, and he dropped his new staff onto the stone floor. “One million!  By the Nine!”

“He doesn’t have to pay a loot tax either,” Koshiro grinned.

“No loot tax?  What the hell?” Joel asked.

“It’s all on the dungeon license.  I’m not complaining.”

The quick formation of the blue portal back to camp startled me. “I guess it’s time to go.”

My party nodded, and we stepped through the beautiful swirling doorway back to camp.

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