Barbarian Chef – Volume Two

Chapter 13: Chapter 13 – I’m sorry the princess is in another castle

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“Yep, I wasn’t expecting this,” Joel shook his head, then wiped sweat from his forehead with his robe sleeve.

I saw the doorway that we needed to get to. The only problem, and it was a big one, was the giant lake of bubbling, burning lava between us and our destination. Tall pillars of rock impaled the lava in different spots that would serve as a treacherous road to the other side. The hellish lava splashed against the base of each of the pillars.  I felt I was playing Super Mario Brothers again, and Bowser would be on the other side, holding the princess captive.

“Is this normal?” Koshiro asked.

“No,” I deadpanned.

Koshiro gasped.  “You’ve never run into an area like this in your countless runs? Are you joking?”

“Nope.  This is a full moon dungeon, so this is an added difficulty.  Do you want to use your portal stones and exit the dungeon?  I’ll refund half of your money, Joel.”

“You aren’t going by yourself.  We’ll all leave,” Koshiro replied with fierceness.

Joel cleared his throat.  “I’m a gnome.  I can’t make these jumps.  This will be suicide for me.”

“Well, there is another way across.  It would require you to climb that wall and maneuver to the other side.  That would definitely take longer, but it gives smaller adventurers an avenue to get across. It’s pretty cool. The dungeon is accessible to all people.”

“Ah, I see that.  This way here is impossible for me, and the other option I have is highly unlikely to have success. Fuck!”

I patted the gnome on the shoulder and sighed.  “I’m sorry, man.  I wouldn’t have taken you if I’d know there would be a huge obstacle like this.”

Joel shrugged. “I believe you.  Lemme think this over before portalling back to camp. I really wanted to finish this.  Moonlight dungeon boss loot is supposed to be incredible.  I’ve already gotten some good items.”

“It’s supposed to be substantial, but is it worth your life?” I asked with compassionate eyes.

“Well, I could die anywhere, right?”

“True but…,” my voice trailed off as I heard a large monster in the distance.  At first I thought it was somewhere in this chamber, but the sound was coming from the other side of the lake through the doorway.

“What was that?” Koshiro asked with terror-filled eyes.

I shook my head as I squinted at the opening. “I’m not sure, but it sounded big.”

Joel used his staff to point where the sounds were coming from.  “Do you think that is the boss through there?”

“I think so.  That sounded way too big to be a mid-boss or elite.”

“Do you usually have mid-bosses at Stonerock?” Joel asked.

“Rarely, but they show up from time to time.  I’ve only seen one in a night dungeon, I replied. “I think this platforming section is kind of serving as the sub-boss of the dungeon.”

The gnome shrugged.  “I think you’re right.”

Koshiro broke her silence.  “I don’t know what I think, but I know that you won’t be going forward alone.  I will not use my portal stone.  Where you go, I go.  Got it.”

I nodded.  “I figured you would say that.”

Koshiro nodded sharply in victory.

“I can just pick you up and jump across.  It shouldn’t be a big deal.  I can jump like a motherfucker.”

“I’m game if you are.  Are you ready to go?”

I nodded and opened my arms toward the kitsune. “Wait, hold up.  I can do the same for you Joel.  It isn’t like you are a giant.  You’re just a little gnome. No offense.”

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Joel held up his hands in surrender and shook his head.  “No offense taken.  It would thrill me for you to take me.”

Koshiro hopped into my arms and I held her like a newborn baby.  “Take me first!”

“I think I’ll take you both at the same time.”

Both of my party members’ eyes widened, and they looked at each other.

“Listen, if I take you first.  That would leave Joel here by himself.  Then when I drop you off and return.  I will leave you by yourself.  Do you get where I’m going with this?”

“I’ll be perfectly fine,” Koshiro replied confidently and quickly.

I raised a brow and tilted my head.  “I remember a certain kitsune getting knocked across the room by an elite a while ago while she was alone. Don’t you?”

Koshiro growled and stomped her foot in frustration.  “I remember.”

“How do you propose we go at once?” Joel inquired.

I shrugged. “It’s simple.  I hold both of you under each arm and hop across.”

Koshiro gasped. “You’re just going to hold me with one arm? Are you crazy?” 

I rolled my eyes playfully. “I have a 99 in strength if you’ve forgotten.  Both of you are very light.  It won’t be a problem carrying you both at the same time.”

Joel cleared his throat.  “I don’t doubt you can lift us easily, but don’t you need one hand free to grab onto a pillar in case you under-jump?”

I waved the gnome’s comment away.  “I’ll be fine. Trust me.”

Koshiro and Joel looked at each other once more and nodded, then Koshiro spoke.  “We trust you.  I do at least.”

I lifted both arms and motioned for my party to come over. “Let’s go.  It’s fucking hot in here.”

Koshiro and Joel plodded over and I wrapped my arms around them tightly.

“Ouch!” Koshiro shouted.

“What? What?”

“Are you trying to break my ribs?” the kitsune grunted in discomfort.

“Oops, sorry.  Are you ready to go, Joel?”

“I’m ready whenever you are.  Please don’t let go.”

“I’ll try to remember that,” I replied with a chuckle.

From my eyesight calculations, the pillars were staggered and close to ten feet apart.  Some were high, and some were lower.  I was certain I could jump easily to each.  My only concern was jumping too far.  I hadn’t practiced this kind of stuff with my powers.

I began to move my hips. “Let’s do like House of Pain and jump around, jump around, jump up, jump up and get down!”

The gnome gasped. “House of Pain? That sounds like a dreadful place. Why do the thoughts of it make you dance?”

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