Barbarian Chef – Volume Two

Chapter 17: Chapter 17 – It’s go time

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There were four hobgoblins in my line of sight. They were much larger than your regular run-of-the-mill goblins.  They were my height… maybe a tad shorter.  Their backs were turned away from me as they focused on their campfire. It would be a matter of seconds before Henegar’s enormous paws slamming into the dirt would get their attention. I saw a small figure sitting on the dirt, leaning against the back wheel.  It had to be my friend, Apple.  I hoped to God that they hadn’t hurt her too badly. 

I slowed Henegar down and waved. “Apple!”

“Chad?  Is that you?” Apple asked as she stood slowly.

“Yep. Don’t move,” I swung my sword as I passed. The blade cut through her chains, easily freeing her from the schooner. “Stay put, I’m gonna end these fools.”

She nodded quickly, with hopeful eyes. “Please be careful. Thank you so much.”

I patted the grizzly on the side.  “Let’s kill these assholes!”

Henegar roared and charged toward the hobgoblins surrounding the campfire.  The terrifying roar from the bear got their attention immediately.  They stood frozen as we barrelled toward them. They looked like a family of possums in the middle of the street with my headlights shining upon them. Henegar took control of the situation immediately.  He clenched his teeth around the first hobgoblin’s head.  The monster screeched in agony as Henegar popped his head open like an egg.  I dismounted and darted toward an ax wielding hobgoblin.  I pulled the giant Zweihänder from my back and spun counterclockwise.  The monstrous sword sliced through the hobgoblin’s waist horizontally, cutting him in half.  I stood over the torso and looked into the hobgoblin’s fading eyes. The stink of guts, blood, and shit filled my nostrils as his entrails oozed out of his torso onto the dirt.  I lifted my boot and stomped him right in the face.  The skull shattering sound was stomach churning.  Brain matter scattered the ground and caused me to gag.

Henegar chased down another hobgoblin with ease.  He just plowed over him like a city bus striking a pedestrian.  Henegar stood on his hind legs, making him almost nine feet tall.  He roared, then brought both of his front paws onto the hobgoblin, crushing him.  I turned my attention to the remaining hobgoblin who had decided to fight instead of just dying like a coward.  He picked up a huge black club and slammed his free fist onto his chest and shouted some sort of battle cry. 

“Come on.  That’s it.  Come get me,” I yelled as I clenched the hilt of my Zweihänder.  Suddenly, an arrow soared over my head and impaled the hobgoblin in his left eye socket.  He dropped the heavy club and fell flat on his back. 

I turned to see Apple holding a bow with tears streaming down her dust covered face.  She dropped her bow and fell to her knees and put her face in her hands.  She sobbed uncontrollably. 

I unequipped all of my bulky armor and ran over to the crying ranger.  “Are you hurt?”

She embraced me tightly and laid her head on my chest.  She cried even harder than before.  I decided I would just hold her and let her talk to me when she wanted to. Several moments later, Apple pulled herself together and could get a few words out. “Thank you so much for coming.  I wasn’t sure if that old man would get you the message or not.  Thank the Nine that he did.”

“Are you hurt?”

She turned her head to the right, and I saw that her brown hair was blood soaked.  “One of them hit me with a club.”

“Fuck, they got you good.  Koshiro will heal that.  Let me get you to her.”

I whistled and motioned to Henegar as he chowed down on one of the hobgoblins.  “Come on buddy, let’s get Apple to mommy.”

Anytime I spoke of Koshiro, Henegar’s eyes would always light up and I would have his full attention.  He huffed and pranced over excitedly.

I rubbed Apple’s back gently. “Can you ride?”

“Absolutely.  I’m ready to get the hell out of here.”

I mounted the bear and pulled Apple up and placed her in front of me.  I patted Henegar on the side firmly. “Let’s go home, but take it easy. Apple’s brain has been rattled enough from that club shot.”

The clever bear nodded, and we were off.  We rode in silence for a while before Apple spoke.

“I can’t thank you enough.  I don’t know what plans they had for me.  I don’t even want to think about it.”

“No problem.  These are the times that my S-rank barbarian side comes in very handy.  I can’t take too much credit. I mean, I only killed one hobgoblin.  Henegar killed two, and you killed one.  I think Henegar is the actual hero, honestly.”

Henegar huffed and grunted.  It almost sounded like he was laughing.  The intelligence the bear had was almost as terrifying as his brawn. 

“Don’t you go getting a big head or anything.  You’re still just a tractor with fur, as far as I’m concerned.  You will not become some kind of battle mount.  You’re a farm bear.  Got it?”

Henegar groaned and put his head down.

“Aww, you hurt his feelings,” Apple patted him on the side with her bottom lip protruding.

“Not likely. Henegar loves nothing more than working on the farm.”

Apple giggled and continued to rub his fur.  “He’s wonderful.”

“He certainly is, and he knows it.  This big guy is a huge celebrity in the region.”

“I bet he is.”

I coughed and shook my head.

“Are you okay, Chad?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.  I just saw a piece of hobgoblin flesh dangling from his chin.  This furball is going to stink pretty soon.  Ugh.  I can’t even believe he ate one of those bastards.  I would think hobgoblin would be something very… unappetizing. I’ve got an idea.”

I hopped off the colossal beast and led him to a stream off the main road. “Now, stick your face in this.  Hopefully, we’ll get some of this nastiness off your face.”

Henegar nodded at me and drank water from the running stream.  It was a peaceful stream that would be fun to relax at when not on a dangerous quest.  The water was crystal clear and only about a foot deep.  The water flowing through the rocks strewn about was a calming sound.  It reminded me of those apps you could put on your smartphone that would play peaceful sounds to fall asleep to.  As the bear lapped up the cool water, the blood and gore from his face began to loosen and cloud the water.

“I’m sorry, stream.  You’re dirty now,” I said under my breath.

“Chad, did you just apologize to the stream?”  Apple asked with a brow raised.

“You heard that, huh?  Yeah, I did.”

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Apple giggled.  “Are you sure one of the hobgoblins didn’t smash you in the noggin as well?”

“No, they did not hit me in the skull.  My brain just works that way normally,” I replied as I pulled off a branch from a tree close by.

“What are you doing now?”

“Watch and learn,” I grinned and scrubbed Henegar’s fur with the end of the branch.  My makeshift brush began to loosen more nastiness from the grizzly’s fur.  Henegar also really like how it felt.  “You like that?  Huh?  You’re being a lazy boy now.  Lazy, lazy, lazy boy.”

After a few more minutes, I could get most of the gunk off my furry pal.  He would still need a proper bath at the stables, but at least he wasn’t a walking crime scene. 

“You ready to go, big man?  You’re all wet now, but you won’t stink as bad at least. That’s more for us than you. I’m sure you could not care less about what scent you give off,” I said as I gave him one last neck rub and hopped on his back behind Apple.

The beautiful ranger attempted to stifle a giggle.

“What are you laughing about?”

“It’s nothing.  I just think it’s so adorable how you talk to Henegar.  You talk to him as if he understands every word coming out of your mouth.”

“You’d be surprised with what this furball understands.  He’s smarter than I am.  That’s for damn sure.”

“I doubt that.”

“You can doubt it all you want, but it’s true.  You’ll see.”

“Chad, you’re a S-rank barbarian and a genius level cook.  This bear isn’t smarter than you,” Apple giggled once more.

“How do you know all of this about me?  I thought I was just a boring quest giver.”

“Muni and Claire told me most everything about you.”

“Oh yeah, Muni told me you three had a wonderful talk.  I hope they only said good things and kept the bad stuff secret.”

“Your secrets are safe because all they said were good things.  It was quite sickening, actually.  Someone can’t be that perfect.”

“I’m not perfect… not even close.  I’m glad they think so though,” I replied with a shit-eating grin.

When Apple laughed a little harder this time, she squinted eyes and held her palm to her head. “Ouch.”

“Are you okay?” 

“Yes, my head is just getting more sore by the minute, it seems.”

“We need to get to Koshiro. I’m sorry I stopped to clean the bear off.  That was rather selfish of me, wasn’t it?”

“Selfish?  You risked your life to save a woman that you just met.  I would say that is the opposite of being selfish. I’m fine. Don’t worry,” Apple replied warmly and patted me on the thigh.

“Be that as it may, we’ll be back at the restaurant before long.  Koshiro can fix you right up.”

“As soon as she does, I’ll be out of your way.”

“Nonsense.  You’re going to rest tonight upstairs. However, you’ll take Betty’s room this time. We have another lady staying in the room you were in last night.”

“Another lady?”

For the rest of the trip home, I filled Apple in about Cinder and the exciting full moon dungeon run.  As we made our way into town, I saw a figure standing in the restaurant's doorway.

I gulped. “Yup, I’m going to be in trouble.”

“Why is that?”

“Koshiro doesn’t like me to go on dangerous quests without her.  Actually, I might just hop off right here and come back in a few days.”

“Chad!  You have some explaining to do!” Koshiro shouted as she marched toward us.

“Shit,” I said under my breath.

Apple chuckled and patted my leg again.  “I’ll protect you.”

“I’m going to need it, I’m afraid.”

“Did I just see you touch my Chad’s leg?  Are you for real?” Koshiro asked with furious eyes and pulled her trusty butcher’s knife.

Muni darted out the door behind the kitsune and quickly grabbed her arm.  “Koshiro, leave them alone and put the knife away. What’s the matter with you?”

“Get your fucking hand off of me, Muni. I’ll stab you in the fucking asshole.”

I saw movement on the roof of the building and saw Claire and Cinder looking down at me.  I smiled and waved at both of them.  “Hey girls, it was a pleasure knowing you.  Please put something nice on my tombstone.”

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