Barbarian Chef – Volume Two

Chapter 18: Chapter 18 – Recovery

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Upon seeing the wound on Apple’s head and learning of the traumatic experience that she had undergone, my dear kitsune wife, Koshiro, became understandably agitated. However, I was able to quickly calm her down, knowing that deep down in her core, she was a deeply compassionate and caring individual who took her role as a B-rank healer seriously and was always eager to help those in need. True to form, Koshiro quickly and expertly tended to Apple’s head wound, using her divinely gifted healing skills to speed up the recovery process. Despite the physical injuries having been swiftly dealt with, the psychological impact of the abduction and abuse that Apple had suffered was much more difficult to overcome. Exhausted and still reeling from the traumatic events, Apple retired to her room for the night, seeking solace and rest in the safety and comfort of her own bed. The surroundings were still foreign to her, but she knew she would be safe.

“How are you feeling?” I asked as I sat in the chair beside her bed.

“I’m doing much better. Koshiro is wonderful. She healed me nicely. I’m just exhausted.”

“She is wonderful. Every girl here is great. I’m sure that you are no different.”

“I was rude to you when we first met and I feel bad about how cold I was. If I were you, I’m not so sure I would have saved me. Thank you again.”

“It was nothing. I’m glad that I could help.”

“You are incredibly nice. It’s actually shocking how nice and selfless you are. Putting your life on the line is certainly not nothing.”

At that moment, Koshiro stuck her head in through the doorway. “Chad is the greatest man on this planet. If anyone says otherwise, you be sure to let me know and I will correct them immediately. Chad, let the girl get some rest. Apple, let me know if you need anything. Ta ta.”

Upon seeing the unexpected and generous act of kindness displayed by Koshiro, I was taken aback and my eyes widened in disbelief. For a moment, I almost wondered if it was some kind of imposter or trickster. This was unfamiliar territory from my kitsune lover. “I’m really not the greatest guy on the planet. Koshiro exaggerates from time to time when it comes to me.”

Apple giggled. “She does, does she? You have a lot to live up to with those compliments.”

I shook my head. “I’ll never live up to the best guy on the planet, however I’ll do the best I can.”

“Can you pass me that glass of juice? I’m thirsty and I feel like my blood sugar is on the low side.”

“Sure,” I replied as I reached out and handed her the glass of refreshing apple juice. “Kind of ironic that Apple is drinking apple juice.”

“Mmm, that’s delicious. Did you make this?”

“Guilty as charged. It has a bit of this and that to make the flavor a little more dynamic. I’m glad you like it.”

“I don’t like it. I love it,” Apple replied pensively and then took another sip of her apple juice, closing her eyes and letting out a satisfied moan as she savored the flavor.

“I know you need to get some rest. However, I was wondering if you could tell me a little about yourself. If you’re not up to it, that’s fine.”

“Sure, I’ll be happy too. I’ll warn you, my life isn’t very interesting.”

Upon hearing her words, I couldn’t help but smile warmly and offer a comforting pat on her leg, expressing my support and appreciation for her determination and strength. “I highly doubt that.”

“Well, I live in a small village on the outside of Summerstar. I had always dreamed of becoming a ranger, just like my father. However, my village did not believe in women going on quests or adventures. They believed that a woman’s place was in the home, taking care of the children and tending to the household chores. I knew deep down that this was not the life I wanted for myself. I am adventurous and courageous, in my opinion at least. I longed to make a name for myself in the world. So, one day, I made the decision to leave the village and set out on my own.”

“That definitely took a lot of courage,” I complimented.

“I packed a small bag with all the essentials - a map, a compass, a few provisions, and my trusty bow and arrows. And with a heavy heart, I said goodbye to my family and set off on my journey.”

“I encountered many dangers - fierce beasts, treacherous rivers, and treacherous mountains. I was determined to make a name for myself, and I was willing to face any challenge that came my way. Finally, after many long months of travel, I returned home to tell my family of my adventures and experiences. I expected the worst, but my father told me he was proud of me,” Apple spoke with a sense of pride and accomplishment shining in her eyes.

“That’s awesome. The support of your family is important. I didn’t really have that growing up. I’m sorry to interrupt. Please continue.”

“I made my way to the Adventurer’s Guild, where I was accepted into their ranks. And from that day on, I became known as one of the most skilled rangers in the region. I returned to my village many times over the years, always eager to share my adventures and the lessons I had learned. And as I did, more and more young women began to follow in my footsteps, breaking free of the traditional roles that had been imposed upon them and seeking their own adventures in the world. I wanted to become a symbol of hope and inspiration for all the young women in my village.”

I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms over my chest. “Damn, I bet you are an inspiration. I’m impressed.”

“Well, I’m no S-rank ranger, but I can hold my own at B-rank. Hopefully, I will ascend to A-rank one day.”

“I kinda feel like a fraud. I was just given my S-rank without having to do any work to earn it.”

“Don’t feel like that. The Nine brought you here and gave you your talents for a reason. You aren’t a fraud by any stretch of the imagination, Chad,” Apple patted my hand and smiled. “My gods, never let Koshiro hear you talk like that. She would blow a gasket.”

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“Yeah, she wouldn’t be happy.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll keep it a secret just between us,” Apple smirked and playfully pretended to lock her lips with an imaginary key, tossing the key aside to show that she would not be revealing any more information.

“Alright, I’ve kept you long enough. I need to go check on Cinder and see how she’s doing.”

“We only met briefly, but she is fascinating,” Apple offered.


As I clumsily made my way up the stairs to the roof, I was completely oblivious to the fact that I was startling Cinder, who had been lost in thought and contemplation as she leaned on the railing, taking in the beauty of the starry sky. To my surprise, she had not heard my awkward and noisy approach, causing her to jump in surprise when I turned up at her side. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I just wanted to talk a bit and see how your day was.”

“That’s okay. I am just amazed by the beautiful sky and stars. We don’t have this view in the underworld.”

“Yeah, the sky is especially beautiful here. This town is basically a paradise. I hope it will stay that way. I’m going to do everything in my power to keep it like it is.”

“I look forward to exploring it. I have been too afraid to leave the building. You must think I’m some sort of a coward the way I acted in the dungeon, and that I’m still afraid, even here.”

“I don’t think that at all. I can’t imagine living where you did in fear that you would be summoned at any time to fight to the death in a dungeon. You’re not a coward at all. I’m just glad that I could help you.”

“You are too generous, Mr. Stone…. “

As Cinder spoke, I quickly held up my hand, effectively cutting her off mid-sentence. “Whoa, none of this Mr. Stone stuff. Please call me Chad.”

“Would you prefer, master?”

“No, that’s even worse. Why would I want you to call me master?”

“You saved me from death, and you have taken me to your home.”

“Well, this technically isn’t my home. It’s my restaurant. I’m not your master in any way, shape, or form. You are free to do whatever you like. You can stay here as long as you want or you can go anywhere you want to go. I’ll help you in any way I can.”

“Thank you. I hope I didn’t offend you. This world is much different than where I’m from. It will take a while for me to adjust.”

“Can you tell me a little about your life in the underworld?” I asked hesitantly.

“Okay. I can do that.”

I motioned to the nearby sofa. “You wanna sit?”

“Sure,” Cinder replied as she moved some of her long white hair from her face behind her ear. This was a gorgeous creature. She almost took my breath away. Her black tail flickered at me when she turned. She sank onto the sofa and crossed her perfect red legs.

As Cinder and I locked eyes, she took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts and emotions before speaking. “I lived on a small farm on the outskirts of the demonic kingdom with my family. We struggled to make ends meet as peasants in a land ruled by powerful demons.”

“Despite our humble circumstances, my family was happy and content. We worked hard to cultivate the land and raised crops and animals to provide for ourselves. I helped my mother with the cooking and household duties. When I wasn’t doing that, I helped my father with the farm. My siblings all pitched in to help in much the same way.” Cinder paused for a moment, as if gathering the strength and courage to continue on with her story. Sensing that she needed a moment to compose herself, I waited patiently, offering her my full attention and support as she took another deep breath and prepared to continue.

“It shattered our happiness when the jester god summoned my father to fight in one of his violent dungeons. One day, as we were working in the fields, a portal opened up and my father was snatched away, disappearing before our very eyes. It devastated me and my family. We did not know what would happen to our father or if he would ever return. Days passed by and we knew he must have died in one of those vile dungeons and would never return to us. Afterward, we lived in constant fear that one of us would be next,” After composing herself and taking a few deep breaths, Cinder reached up and wiped a tear from her cheek, taking a moment to collect herself before continuing on with her story.

In a show of support and comfort, I reached out and placed my hand on her back, gently rubbing in a soothing circular motion as she struggled to find the words to continue. “You don’t have to continue. I don’t like seeing you upset.”

As she struggled to maintain her composure, Cinder sniffled and offered me a small, grateful smile in appreciation of my comforting presence and support. “I vowed I would never let my family suffer the same fate as my father. I know that it’s something I really had no control over, but it kept me going. I began to train with my dagger, determined to become strong enough to protect them if the jester god ever came for them. I worked hard and became very skilled with the weapon. Despite my efforts, I knew I could not control the whims of the jester god. I lived every day in fear that his cruel games would tear apart my family. I prayed daily that they would somehow be spared from this horrible fate. But I was always ready, my dagger at my side, determined to defend my loved ones no matter what.”

“You sound awfully brave to me. Was any of your family summoned after your father?” I asked.

“No, only me. The jester god took me from my family on the one-year anniversary of my father’s summoning. I’m relieved in a way. I wouldn’t survive seeing another member of my family taken.” Cinder’s response was filled with emotion, and tears streamed down her face as she spoke. Moved by her pain and suffering, I pulled her in for a warm and comforting embrace, offering her the solace and support that she so desperately needed. As I held her close, I knew that my perspective on dungeons had changed forever.

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