Barbarian Chef – Volume Two

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 – Tasty Treat!

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“What are you working on, Chad?”  Muni asked.

“Well, I thought I’d make Malthar a snack for him tonight as a thank you for his help.”

“That’s very kind of you.  What are you making, exactly?”

“It’s a popular dessert from Earth, and I think he’ll enjoy it… chocolate chip cookies,” I replied as I finished placing the ingredients on the counter.

“That sounds delicious.  I’ll let you get to it.  I’m going to finish cleaning up everything.  The floor could use a good mopping.”

“Thanks.  He’ll be arriving soon, so I better get this show on the road.  I’m a terrible procrastinator.”


½ cup butter

½ cup granulated sugar

¼ cup brown sugar packed

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1 large egg

1 ¾ cups all-purpose flour¹

½ teaspoon baking soda

½ teaspoon salt

1 cup semisweet chocolate chips


Preheat the arcane oven to 350 F.

Melt your butter separately. Butter should be completely melted but shouldn’t be hot.

In a large bowl, mix butter with the sugars until well-combined.

Stir in vanilla and egg.

Add the flour, baking soda, and salt. 

Mix dough until just combined. Dough should be soft and a little sticky, but not overly sticky.

Stir in chocolate chips.

Scoop out 1.5 tablespoons of dough and place 2 inches apart on baking sheet.

Bake for 7-10 minutes, or until the cookies are set. They will be puffy and still look a little undercooked in the middle.

I took out several measuring cups so I could put the ingredients in each.  I didn’t want to have to take the time to clean the measuring cup each time I wanted to add a new ingredient.  All the ingredients were going to the same place, but the measurement markings on the side of the cup would be more difficult to see. Having the ingredients already divided up would make things so much easier and quicker. I made sure the arcane oven was properly heated, then I placed my butter in there, but it only needed to be in there long enough to melt, then I needed to remove it before the butter got too hot.  After that was done, I had all of my ingredients ready to go.  I tossed them in my bowl quickly and began to mix vigorously at a speed that only a genius level cook was capable of.  I created my dough, and I was ready to pour my cup of chocolate chips in.  After that was mixed perfectly, I scooped out the dough and placed it on the baking sheet one glob at a time.  I placed each scoop with a two-inch space between them.  I inserted the baking sheet in the arcane oven, and then it was time to wait.

Muni walked in, pushing her rolling bucket of dirty water with the mop in it.  She had a big smile on her face as she took in the aroma of the cookies.  “Oh gods, that smells incredible!  Please tell me you cooked a few extra for me and the girls.”

“How could I forget about my gorgeous monster girls?” I smirked, then looked through the glass in the front of the arcane oven.

“Where are the others, by the way?”

“They are out back loving on Henegar.  He’s so sweet.”

“I have grown quite fond of that terrifying enormous ball of fur.”

Muni grinned and shook her head. “He’s a little angel.  He wouldn’t hurt a fly.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” I chuckled as I opened the door to the oven.  A burst of heavenly aroma almost knocked me down as I removed the baking sheet.  I placed the sheet on top of the oven and smiled at my creation. “These turned out great.”

“Chad, I don’t know if you have noticed, but everything you cook turns out great.”

I placed one of the cookies onto a plate and presented it to the blue-haired cat girl and nodded.  “Enjoy, but be careful.  It’s hot.”

Muni’s eyes widen as she took the plate.  She raised it to her nose and breathed in the smell with her eyes closed. “Mmm, that is amazing.”

“Wait till you actually put it in your mouth.”

She raised a brow and grinned.  I knew immediately what she was thinking in her dirty little mind.

“I’m talking about the cookie, you bad kitty cat.”


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Muni blew on the cookie to cool it and then took her first bite.  She closed her eyes as she chewed and moaned.  “By the Nine, this is sinful.  Your cooking never ceases to amaze me, Chad.”

“I’m glad you like it,” I replied as I tossed an entire cookie in my mouth.  Muni was right. I cooked the cookie to perfection — crusty around the sides and soft in the middle. “Can you take the girls some?  Don’t forget to give Jamison and Henegar one as well.”

“I’d be happy to.  What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to clean all this up and head out back.  Malthar should arrive soon.”


Koshiro darted to me immediately.  “Chad, that cookie was fucking amazing.”  The kitsune had chocolate smeared on her face, which was adorable.

“I’m glad you liked it. You have some chocolate on your face. Let me get that,” I pulled out a handkerchief from the pocket in my trousers and dabbed her soft-skinned face until the chocolate residue was gone.  Koshiro’s cheeks reddened from the modest embarrassment.

I glanced over Koshiro’s shoulder at the voluptuous holstaur. “Claire, how was your cookie?”

“I loved it.  Thank you so much,” Claire replied with a smile. Her giant cleavage glistened in the sunlight, which caused me to gaze at her for a couple of moments too long.

“Chad, thank you so much for remembering me.  It thrilled me to eat one of your chocolate chip cookies.  I can’t get over how good they are,” Jamison replied, then licked his fingers while his green scaly tail fluttered behind him.

“How about my favorite grizzly bear?  Did he enjoy one?”

“I was just getting ready to give him one.  Let’s see what he thinks,” replied the lizard man.  He held a cookie under Henegar’s snout.  The bear sniffed it, then snatched it out of Jamison’s hands quickly.  Henegar licked his lips and searched for another.

“I think Henegar deserves one more.  He was a good boy today,”  Claire offered.

“I think you’re right,” Jamison agreed, and held his hand out with another cookie.  Henegar looked like he had a smile on his face.  The bear devoured the second one and let out a satisfied groan.

“Malthar, you’re here!  It’s wonderful to see you,” Muni announced as the drow approached.

“Good evening, Muni.  It’s always a pleasure to see you,” the slender drow replied.

Malthar stood around 5’5 and weighed close to 150 pounds.  He wasn’t a large guy, but the drow race around Summerstar didn’t get much bigger.  His skin was lavender, eyes were black, and snow white hair draped to his shoulders.  He held a hoe and a scythe in his hands.

“You didn’t have to bring your own tools.  I’ve got a few lying around here somewhere,” I said with a smile, then looked all around for these tools I spoke of.

“These tools have served me well, and I’m partial to them.  I mean no disrespect, Mr. Stone.”

“No disrespect taken, and please call me Chad.  None of this Mr. Stone business.”

Malthar nodded. “As you wish.”

“I made you a snack for tonight.  Hopefully, you will enjoy them.  They are chocolate chip cookies.”

Malthar looked at the pan of cookies with wide eyes.  “Thank you. That is very generous. They look delicious.  Once again, I would like to thank you for this job.  Work is becoming hard to find around Summerstar.  I love the area and don’t want to move. I hope I will stay here in Summerstar for a long time. I just have to have funds to support it.”

“I’m thrilled you were willing to take the job.  I was worried I had bitten off more than I could chew with this new endeavor. Your help is going to make a big difference.”

“I’m very excited.  I can’t wait to get started.  Where do you want me to start?”

I looked over at Jamison and shrugged, then looked back at the drow.  “Jamison and Henegar have been working out here for most of the day.  Where do you think he should start, Jamison?”

“If it is alright with you, Chad.  I would love to work a little longer this evening.  I can help Malthar learn the ropes.  I need to take Henegar back to the stables for supper, but then I will return with him to work a little longer.  Is that fine with you and Malthar?”

“That would be wonderful.  Thank you,” Malthar replied graciously.

“Are you sure?  You and Henegar have worked your ass off today. You’re always welcome to work in the fields, but I don’t want to overwork you. You have stable business to tend to as well.”

“Henegar and I have enjoyed today immensely.  I’d love to teach Malthar how to use Henegar and the plow as well. Don’t worry about my work being done at the stables. I have that well in hand.”

“If it’s fine with you, then it’s fine with me.  Knock yourself out,” I patted the lizard man on his shoulder.

“Jamison, what would you like me to do while you take the beautiful bear to eat?” Malthar asked as he rubbed the side of Henegar.  It surprised me he jumped at the chance to rub the grizzly, but the drow have a kinship with animals so it was natural for him I assumed.

Jamison motioned to his left.  “That is an impressive scythe you have there.  Why don’t you work on clearing this brush over there?  You should be able to knock it down easily with that.  By the time you are done, I should be back, and we can start your grizzly training.”

“Wonderful.  If you don’t mind, Chad, I would like to get started.”

“Thanks again, Malthar,” I motioned for the drow to begin.  

Malthar laid his hoe down and walked over to the brush with his large scythe and began swinging it back and forth, cutting the brown and green vegetation with ease.

I looked back at the lizard man. “Me and the girls are going to head home for the evening.  Please come get me if you need me.  It doesn’t matter what time it is.”

“I will do so and tell Malthar to do the same.”

“Well, ladies, let’s go home.”

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