Barbarian Chef – Volume Two

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 – Revenge is a dish best served cold

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I trudged toward the three cunts that hurt my friends.  My rage built the entire trek from Summerstar to Stonerock Dungeon. The three thugs cowered in fear as I approached. They turned to run in the other direction, but the dozens of adventurers that gathered around blocked their exit.  I had become a local celebrity and hero with most every dungeon diver that tackled Stonerock Dungeon.  I was a respected man.  The respect came from not only my power, but my honorable nature.

“Please, we apologize.  We were wrong!  Let us go, and you’ll never see us again!” Harry shouted.

“He’s right.  We will go immediately.  We don’t want any trouble… right, Myron?” Drake asked.

Myron held up both hands in surrender and plodded forward.  “Yes, yes, we are sorry for our despicable acts.”

The big bastard kept walking toward me, shaking his head, and I unequipped my battleaxes. I palmed his head like a basketball and squeezed.  The cracking sounds were sickening.  The asshole’s head burst, sending blood, brain matter, and skull fragments into the night.  His dead body plopped to the ground like a rotten bag of potatoes.  The crowd gasped, and the other doomed men fell to their knees.

Drake frantically scanned the area left and right. “Where are the security guards?  Help us!”

“I’m here.  I heard what you did, and it sounds like you are getting what you deserve,” Merrick, a large security guard in knight armor, announced.

The two men attempted to escape once more, but the surrounding men and women pushed them back coldly.

“You two get off on bullying innocent farmers?” I asked through gritted teeth as gore dripped from my hand.

“We just wanted to loot the bear’s pelt and gallbladder.  We had no intention of attacking the men.  They attacked first!” Harry exclaimed.

“Attacked first? They were trying to protect my fucking bear, you cunt.”

“We’re sorry.  I have credits!  I can give them all to you!  Let me live!”  Drake pleaded, with tears in his eyes.

“Credits?  I don’t want your fucking credits.  I want your lives.  Stand up.  Don’t cower on the ground like a couple of pussies.”

Drake and Harry struggled to get to their feet because each of their legs was wobbly, like Jell-O.  Drake stood first, and I saw piss spill out of the bottom of his pants.  The urine puddled on the ground, causing steam to rise from the cool night air.

An orc warrior stepped forward and pointed at Drake. “The bastard pissed his pants! What a coward!”  

The crowd burst into laughter, adding to the humiliation of the thug. 

I equipped my gigantic great axe I looted from a dungeon run the week before.  It was one of the most intimidating weapons I’d ever laid eyes on.  I held the hilt with both hands and raised it over my head.  I dropped the blade with fury and split Harry in two horizontally.  Drake stood in shock as he saw his friend die gruesomely.  He turned toward me, absolutely speechless.  I put the great axe back into my inventory and crossed my giant arms over my armored chest.

“Go, tell every adventurer you see what I did here today. If anyone ever gets the stupid idea to cause trouble in Summerstar, a similar fate awaits them.  Do you understand what I’m saying?” I growled.

“Thank you sir!  Yes, I will do as you ask!  You have my word!” Drake shouted.

I motioned to the left with my head. “Get the hell out of here.”

The pissing coward frantically darted away, stumbling several times.

I looked over at Merrick, the security guard.  “Is this going to be a problem?” I asked as I motioned to the bloody corpses on the dirt.

Merrick shook his head and patted me on the shoulder.  “Absolutely not.  I’m sorry for what they did to your friends and that beautiful bear.  I will have this trash cleaned up immediately.  Hell, why don’t we just toss them on the bonfire?”
I nodded and hopped on a boulder nearby.  “Thank you, fine people.  The drinks are on me.”

The crowd raised their fists and cheered.


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“How is everyone?” I asked Muni as I walked back into Summerstar.

“They are doing fine. Thank the gods.  Koshiro healed everyone beautifully.  Malthar headed home, and Jamison took Henegar back to the stables.  This could have been so much worse had Koshiro not been a healer,” Muni replied in relief as she wrapped her arms around me.

“That’s great.  I’ve been so worried about them.”

“How are you?  Did you find those wretched men?”

“Artemis was right.  They were headed to Stonerock, and that’s where I found them.  They won’t hurt anyone ever again.  I won’t go into any more detail.  It’s not pretty.”

“This town is so lucky to have you.”

“Where are Claire and Koshiro?”

“Claire took Koshiro back home.  She was exhausted from the healing.  It took a lot out of her.  She’ll be fine.  She just needs some rest.”

I nodded.  “Yes, she went above and beyond tonight.”

“Are you ready to go home?”

“Not yet. I’m going to walk over and check on Henegar.  You go own home and get some shuteye.”

“Are you sure?  I don’t want you to be alone.”

“I’ll be fine.  I just want to clear my head a bit.  I’ve also grown quite fond of that big ass grizzly.”

Muni chuckled.  “I think everyone in Summerstar has as well.”

“Not only here.  There were so many people at the dungeon that asked about the big fella.”

Muni patted me on the chest. “Okay, I’m going to head back to bed.  Don’t stay up too late.  You need your rest as well.  Tonight was hard.”

“I’ll be back shortly.  I love you.  Thanks for your support.”

Muni stood on her tiptoes and put her lips on mine.  I ran my fingers through her hair and caressed her back.  One of my naughty hands made its way down to her ass and squeezed it.

Muni giggled.  “What do you think you’re doing?”

“I couldn’t resist that epic ass.”

Muni gazed into mine, and she bit her lower lip. “It’s yours whenever you want.  Just say the word.”

I cocked a brow and smirked. “I’ll remember that.”

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