Barbarian Chef – Volume Two

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 – Moving on up

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Claire, Muni, and I sat on the couch in the living room. Koshiro said she wanted to tell us something important. We were clueless about what this something was, but we waited patiently. 

Koshiro sauntered in, dressed for work and smiled. “Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad.”

Claire exhaled. “Good, you had me worried there was something wrong. You’ve never called a family meeting before.”

“Yeah, I was a little nervous myself,” I added.

“Are you pregnant?” Muni blurted.

I spit my coffee across the room immediately. “What?”

“No, I’m not pregnant.  Are you mad?”

Muni shrugged.  “I don’t know.  This had the makings of one of those pregnancy announcement meetings.”

“I’m sorry for spitting all that out.  I’ll get that cleaned up.  I meant nothing by it.  I was just surprised,” I apologized.

“Well, at least it is good to know where you are at on the subject, Chad,” Koshiro scoffed and shook her head.

This was an odd situation.  I couldn’t remember a time that Koshiro was pissed at me about something.  This was a bizarre turn of events.  “I want babies with all of you.  Whenever you want them.  I’m sorry if I sent you the wrong idea.”

Koshiro exhaled heavily.  “Okay, I accept you apology, my love.”

Muni rolled her eyes. “Why is he apologizing?  He just spit some coffee on the floor… and wall. I think you are pregnant with all the hormone imbalance issues you’re having right now.”

“Shut up, Muni!  If everyone will be quiet like our beautiful Claire over here. I might tell you what I wanted to tell you.”

“We’re all ears,” I mumbled with a nod.

Koshiro nodded back at me.  “With all the awful shit that happened last night.  I didn’t want to say anything, but it’s a pretty big deal.  After all of my healing last night, I ascended to B-rank.”

I stood up and clapped my hands. “Whoa!  Fuck yeah!  That’s awesome! Congratulations!”

“That’s fantastic, Koshiro.  I’m so happy for you,” Claire said softly, with her beautiful smile.

“That’s amazing!  You should have told us last night!  We could have used some positivity, but I completely understand,” Muni said.

“I know. I just didn’t feel right. I couldn’t wait to tell you, though.  I can’t believe it finally happened.  I’m a B-rank healer!  That’s so exciting!  I’ll be able to heal more severe injuries than before, and the healing will be faster than before.”

I embraced Koshiro tightly. “This is great news.  It really is. I’m so proud of you.”

“We have to celebrate!” Muni announced with glee.

“Oooh yeah, that’s a great idea!” Claire agreed excitedly.

“Absolutely.  This is huge!” I exclaimed.

“You guys don’t have to do that.  I’m fine,” Koshiro replied sheepishly.

I shook my head.  “Nonsense.  Ascending a rank deserves a celebration.  I say we have a party at the restaurant and invite the whole town!”

“That’s a great idea!” Claire agreed.

“Yeah, let’s do that.  It’ll be so much fun!” Muni squealed.

“A party? With the whole town invited? That’s too outlandish.  I’m fine, honestly.”

“Here’s a better idea.  Instead of trying to cram everyone in the restaurant, we should set up tables around the fountain at the city center.  Everyone won’t be packed in like sardines.  The restaurant will be closed all day today.  Muni, if you can put a pretty sign on the door explaining why and that everyone in town is invited to the party, that would be great.”

“Yes!  I love projects! I’m on it right now.”

“Are you sure closing the restaurant is a good idea?  You want to miss out on an entire day of revenue?” Koshiro asked.

“Hell yes, I do.  My kitsune lady has just ascended to B-rank!  We’re going to celebrate the hell out of you.  Anyway, between my dungeon carries and the success of the restaurant, a day with no revenue won’t affect us at all.  Hell, two weeks without revenue wouldn’t affect us.”

Koshiro’s eyes filled with tears and a warm smile formed on her beautiful face.  “This all sounds so wonderful.  Thank you.”


“This smells wonderful, Chad.  What did you decide on?” Koshiro asked.

“We’re pulling out all the stops.  It’s going to clear out our large arcane cooler, but it’s going to be worth it.  I’m cooking steak for everyone.  Alongside that, we’re going to have baked potatoes, steamed vegetable medley, and sourdough bread.  I’m going to have some ice cold lemonade for everyone to drink and some banana pudding for dessert. Right now, you’re smelling the bread.  It’s going to be out of this world.  I’m going to cook the other stuff here, then we’re going to use the food truck… I mean, wagon for the first time.  It’s been gathering dust since we had it constructed and this is the perfect opportunity to use it.  The ovens will keep everything nice and hot.  We’ll serve everyone directly from the wagon.  I’m freaking excited.”

“This is too much.”

“Absolutely not. This is just right.  I want you to enjoy it.  Let us handle everything and you just relax and be awesome.  Jamison, Malthar, and several dwarves from the construction company are setting everything up around the fountain.  It’s going to be an epic celebration.”

“Can I help you with anything here?”

“Nope. Claire and Muni will be here at any moment.  They went to the square and put up some decorations.  Why don’t you go check on Henegar?  Maybe ride him for a while.  I know he would love the exercise and attention.  Bring him to the party afterward.  I’ll make a couple of steaks for our good boy.”

“That sounds wonderful.  I’ll go right now.  Thanks again for all of this.  It means so much to me,”  Koshiro said, almost in tears.  She hugged me and kissed me on the cheek, then walked out the door.  The bell on the top of the door frame jingled, and everything became silent.  I had a lot of work to do.


“Chad, I’ve put the bread, potatoes, and steak in the ovens in the food wagon.  All we have left is the steamed vegetable medley and that banana pudding thing.”  Muni snapped her fingers as she remembered something. “We need that lemonade as well.”

“I’ve already put the lemonade in the arcane cooler on the wagon,” Claire informed.

“You are my hero!” Muni squealed.

“Why don’t you two go down to the square and make sure they have set everything up like you want it?  Make sure there’s room for the food wagon as well.”

“Fuck, we’ve loaded the damn thing and we don’t even have a horse to pull it to the square,” Muni sighed.

I shook my head as I chopped the vegetables at lightning speed and tossed them in the pot.  “I’ve taken care of that.  Jamison is bringing a horse as we speak.  We’re good to go.”

“You have everything under control, Chad.  That’s very impressive,” Claire said as she rubbed my bicep.

“I’m just a cog in the machine.  You guys have been just as much help as I’ve been.  I don’t know what I’d do without you.  Now, shoo, get on down to the square and double check everything,” I demanded with a playful smile.

Both of my girls kissed me on the cheek and darted out the doorway excitedly.  I loved my life.  I loved every damn thing about it.  I had three beautiful women that I adored.  I was a master chef at a restaurant in the most beautiful and friendly town on the planet.  I hadn’t been to very many places on this planet, but I couldn’t imagine a better place.  I had a new house on the beach which was icing on the cake.  I had it all at the moment, and I was so thankful to the Nine. Why they blessed me like they had, I’ll never know, but I’m thrilled they did.  I washed my hands in the sink and dried them off with a soft white towel. I was ready to begin the steamed vegetable medley.

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1 tablespoon olive oil

1 medium onion, minced

1/4 cup white wine 

2 cloves garlic, minced

Red pepper flakes

2 cups vegetable broth


1 red potato (about 8 ounces), skin on, cut into 1/2-inch thick rounds

1 leek, white and light green parts only, cut into 1-inch thick rounds

1 fennel bulb, stems removed, quartered and cut into 1-inch pieces 


1 cup butternut squash cubes (about 6 ounces) cut in 1/2-inch cubes

1 cup cauliflower florets (about 4 ounces)

1 cup white mushrooms halved (about 3 ounces),


1 cup broccoli florets (about 3 ounces)

STEAMING LIQUID & SAUCE — In a large pot that is big enough to hold a vegetable steamer, heat the olive oil until shimmery, stir in the onion and coat with the olive oil. Let cook for 2 - 3 minutes, just until soft. Stir in wine, garlic and red pepper flakes, cook for 2 - 3 minutes until most of the liquid has evaporated. Add the broth, bring to a simmer, let simmer 5 minutes.

VEGETABLES—While the steaming liquid cooks, prep the vegetables, have them all ready before adding the first layer. Place the vegetables in an arcane oven to keep them warm.

BOTTOM LAYER—Place the potatoes in a single layer on the bottom of the vegetable steamer. Arrange leek and fennel pieces evenly on top of the potatoes. Drop into the pot. Cover and let steam for 3 minutes.

MIDDLE LAYER—Arrange the squash evenly across the steamer, be sure to separate the pieces so they’ll cook evenly. Arrange the cauliflower and mushrooms evenly across the top. Cover and let steam for 13 minutes.

TOP LAYER—Prep the broccoli. Place the broccoli evenly across the steamer. Cover and let steam for 3 minutes.

TO FINISH—Remove the steamer from the pan. If needed, cook sauce down to about a half cup. Arrange vegetables on a warm tray or warm plates, cover with foil to keep vegetables hot. Drizzle the sauce over the top of the vegetables.

I’d never been a fan of vegetables, but this dish looked very appetizing.  I dipped a spoon into the vegetables and lifted a mixture out of the bowl.  The spoon steamed, and the aroma was quite nice to a vegetable skeptic. The medley was spectacularly flavorful, and I wondered what I had been missing all my life by avoiding them like the plague.  After finishing the vegetable medley, I carried the pots out to our kick ass food wagon.  Jamison was attaching a beautiful brown and white horse.

“Wow, he’s beautiful.”

“She, actually.  Her name is Blossom.  I’ve had this good girl for fifteen years,” Jamison, the lizard man, replied with a warm smile as he rubbed Blossom’s neck.

“Thank you so much for letting us use her.”

“By the Nine, it was the least I could do.  Koshiro saved my life last night.  Thank the Nine for her. If she hadn’t been around, the town would attend a funeral today instead of a wonderful celebration.”

“Even so, thank you.  I’m going to need to buy a horse sometime soon.  I got the wagon built, but didn’t think it through all the way.”

“You can get a horse, of course, but I think you should give this job to Henegar.  He would absolutely adore pulling this wagon around.  Not to mention the amount of eyes you will get from people watching a gorgeous bear pull your food wagon.”

“That’s a damn good idea.  I’ll check with the girls, but I think they will love the idea.  Thanks, Jamison.”

“I’m always glad to help my friends.”

“Friends?  I love the sound of the word.  I hate to rush off, but I still have to get my banana pudding cooked.  Thanks again,” I waved as I darted back into the restaurant.


I loved banana pudding, and I couldn’t wait to get started. Thank god for the arcane appliances that worked a lot quicker than the appliances back on Earth, otherwise there would be no way to get this done in time. Earlier, I had set out all of my ingredients on the furthest counter in the kitchen to get them out of the way so I could cook the other stuff.  I walked over to make sure I had missed none of the ingredients.  Claire spoiled me.  She was so good at getting the ingredients I needed on her own, then give them to me. I was already quick, but not having to do some of the preparation made me even faster at my job.  I scanned the counter slowly and my recipe screen.

Granulated sugar–¾ cup 


Claire’s Holstaur Milk 

Claire’s Holstaur Whipping Cream

Egg yolks 

Claire’s Holstaur Butter 

Vanilla extract

Vanilla-flavored wafer cookies 

Ripe Bananas

I grabbed a large saucepan off the shelf and tossed in my cornstarch and granulated sugar.  Next, I poured in my milk, yolks, and whipping cream.  I used a wooden spoon and stirred like my life depended on it.  When all the ingredients were properly mixed, I put the pudding in another pan and placed it on the arcane stove.  The stove promptly brought the pudding to a boil, and I continued to cook it for approximately one minute.  I took the pan off the stove and placed it on a heating mat so I didn’t burn up my counter space.  I threw my butter into the hot mixture and then poured my vanilla extract.  

Next up, I put the pan in the arcane cooler to chill it.  If it had been an Earthen refrigerator, it would have needed to be in there for one hour.  However, these kick ass arcane coolers would chill it properly in only ten minutes flat. I doubled check the food wagon while the pudding cooled because I couldn’t move on to the next step until that process was complete.

After I gave Blossom the horse a few rubs, I checked out the wagon to see that everything was in perfect order.  I knew everything was, but I wanted to check it, anyway.  I wanted this party to be perfect for Koshiro.  Selfishly, I also wanted everything to go smoothly so citizens would want us to use the food wagon more often.  I would love to cater events with it at some point.  I had hoped to take it to Stonerock Dungeon from time to time to feed all the adventurers in camp.  I would cook up some items that had bonuses they could take advantage of in the dungeon, such as attack buffs, defensive buffs, mana refills, creature debuffs, etc.

I opened the arcane cooler, and the temperature and consistency of my pudding satisfied me.  I pumped my fist in the air.  I looked around to see if anyone saw the cringeworthy gesture.  Fortunately, the coast was clear. I peeled all of my ripe bananas as quickly as I could and grabbed a sharp knife from the drawer. I began slicing the ripe, but not too ripe, bananas into ¼-inch slices.  Luckily my barbarian skin was strong, otherwise I would have sliced my finger open because I wasn’t focusing like I should have been.  The sharp blade glided across my index finger.  Instead of slicing it to the bone, it just tickled. “Come on, Chad, get your fucking head in the game,” I muttered.  Then I noticed that my tough S-rank skin had actually dulled the blade.  “Fuck me in the goat ass!”  I tossed the dull knife in the sink and grabbed another.  I finished slicing up the rest of the bananas with no issues, luckily.

I covered the bottom of the pan with the vanilla wafer cookies.  I covered the cookies with a layer of banana slices, then a layer of pudding on top.  Now it was time to repeat that exact process.  Once I’d made enough of the pudding to feed the large amount of folks, I placed it all in the smaller arcane coolers on the food wagon.  I had two small arcane coolers installed and two arcane stove and oven combos.  There was a double arcane sink as well, along with a built-in pantry for all the ingredients that we needed for the specific job we were doing. 

“That’ll do it.  Blossom, are you ready to go?”

The horse turned her head toward me and nickered.  I hopped on the seat on the front of the wagon and grabbed the reins.  I wasn’t a professional at driving a wagon or whatever you called it, but I knew I could do it well enough to get downtown.  I pulled the reins gently, and we were off.

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