Barbarian Chef

Chapter 14: Chapter 14 – New threads for a new life

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“Wake up sleepy head, I’ve got a surprise for you.”

Jolted out of slumber, I sat up and opened my eyes.  It took some time to remember where I was and what happened the day before.  It was my first morning in a new world, so the confusion was very valid.

I cleared my throat and wiped my eyes.  “Yeah, come on in.”
My new gorgeous kitsune friend swung the door open and darted through the threshold with clothing in her hand.  Her different colored eyes sparkled with her excitement along with the reflection of the bright sun that pierced through the window.  “I have some clothes for you.  I’m sure you don’t want to wear that thing you had on yesterday.  I’m hoping they’re the right size.  You are a large man.”

“You went out this morning and picked them up?  How early did you get up?”

“Well, I went to the clothing shop last night after you went to bed.”

I cocked an eyebrow. “After I went to bed?  Wasn’t the shop closed?”

“Yes, but I can be very persuasive when I want something.  The shop owner, Kip, opened up for me after I pounded on the door for a few minutes,” Koshiro replied with a dash of wildness in her eyes.  She laid the clothing on the bed at my feet and smiled.


“I hope they fit.  I took some measurements while you were asleep.  I hope you don’t mind.”
I chuckled.  “No, I don’t mind. So this Kip fellow had my size in stock?”

“Not exactly. I found the style that I wanted and I told him to make the adjustments to what he had.”

“So he worked on the clothing last night after hours and had them ready early this morning?”

“Duh, if the clothes are here, that must have happened. Like I said, I’m very persuasive, and I don’t take no for an answer.”

“I don’t know whether to be impressed or a little frightened.”

Koshiro tilted her head to the side. “Frightened? Why in the world would you be frightened? You needed clothes, so I got you clothes.” 

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you.”

Koshiro kissed me on the cheek and grinned.  “You didn’t offend me at all.  Don’t you want to try on your clothes?  If they don’t fit right, I’ll make sure that Kip fixes them immediately.”

“Sure,” I replied, swinging my bare legs off the mattress to the floor.  I stood and immediately froze.  I don’t know how, but I forgot I was completely naked.  I wasn’t a nude sleeper usually, but the attire I was wearing wasn’t comfortable at all, so I removed it and tossed it in the bedroom's corner.

Koshiro’s eyes grew to the size of saucers, and she placed her hand over her mouth.

I looked at my dick and back at Koshiro, then sat down and covered myself with the sheets.  “I’m so sorry.  That was bad.”

“Bad?  How is seeing a handsome naked man bad?”

My cheeks reddened, and I scratched the back of my head. “Well… thanks I guess.”

“No, thank you,” Koshiro replied with a wink and a giggle.

“So, do you mind stepping out so I can get dressed or turn around?”  I asked sheepishly.

“Sure, I’ll step into the hallway.  Let me know if you need any help.  I’ll be glad to help.”

“I’m sure I’ll manage,” I said with a nod.

Koshiro dashed toward the door.  She had tight, black leather pants and a purple tube top looking thing.  The clothing fit her in all the right places.  She was sexy as hell. She shut the door behind her, snapping me from my stupor.  I checked to see if there was any drool on my chin and luckily there was not. Koshiro was a drool-worthy girl through and through.  If I didn’t stop thinking about the kitsune’s ass, I would transform the bed into a tent pretty soon.  

The clothing was definitely medieval style and looked like something a LARPer would wear at a get-together.  I slipped on the white linen top slowly, not wanting to stretch or tear anything.  The shirt was sleeveless, so I didn’t have to worry about my enormous arms getting into some sleeves.  The shirt was a little tight in the chest, but it would work.  I put on the black trousers which were tight in the thighs.  My leg muscles were nuts. I looked like I never missed leg day.  I was sure that the clothing would break in after a bit of wear.  I had some boots left to try on.  I was never a boots guy.  As a matter of fact, I don’t think that I had worn boots since I played cowboys and indians when I was 8 or 9 years old.  The boots were stiff, but they fit well.  I looked at myself in the mirror over the dresser and smiled.  I could pull off this clothing well.  My blue hair still freaked me out a bit.  It would take a while to get used to it.

“I’m dying out here. Can I come in?”  a muffled voice asked through the wooden door.

“Sure, I’m ready.”

Koshiro swung the door open immediately. The kitsune gasped and exhaled slowly.  “In the name of the Nine, you look amazing.  How does it feel?”

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I shrugged and nodded. “It feels pretty good.  It’s a little tight in a couple of spots, but it’ll loosen up a bit.”

“Do you want me to get Kip to fix it?  I’ll make him fix it today,” Koshiro said sternly.

I held up my hands and shook my head.  “No, it fits fine.  I love the clothes.  Thank you.”


We stopped by the restaurant and were astonished to see the progress that had been made with the repairs.  Evidently, the dwarven construction company worked through the night.

“This is insane.  How did they get all of this done so fast?”  I asked as I watched the little guys bring new flooring on their shoulders into the building.

“Chad, you kicked the shit out of the Big. Those guys were going to jump on this project immediately as a thank you.  I’m surprised they worked through the night, though.  I expected them to start sometime today.”

Betty marched out of the front door of the restaurant with a huge smile on her face.  “They should be finished by tonight.  Isn’t that wonderful?”

“Tonight?  Really?” I asked.

“When dwarves put their minds to something, they get shit done,”  Betty replied with her hand over her eyes because of the bright morning sun. 

I rubbed Betty’s back as we watched the dwarves work. “How’s Muni doing today? Yesterday was… a lot.”

Koshiro cleared her throat and elbowed me in the side. “You probably need to ask how she’s been doing since someone injured her yesterday.”

My cheeks reddened. “I’m sorry Betty, how are you? You took a hard hit to your head.”

Betty waved the question away. “Psh, I’m perfectly fine. Don’t you worry about that. To answer your question about Muni, she’s doing alright. She’s worried about me. I told her the same thing I told you.”

Koshiro rolled her eyes. “You’re her grandmother and the only family she’s got. Darn straight, she’s worried about you.”

“Psh, I’m going to outlive all of you.”

Koshiro laughed.  “That’s impossible.”

“How do you figure that? You could get mauled and eaten by that bear mount you want to adopt,” Betty retorted.

“Blah, I don’t have time for a bear mount.  I’m going to be spending a lot of time with Chad.  Right, Chad?” Yoshiro broadcasted loudly then glared at me for a response.

“Uh, yeah, sure. Sounds great,”  I accepted hesitantly.  

Yoshiro hugged my beastly arm and patted me on the chest. “We’re going to get so close.  You’ll see.”

“Girl, you’re going to run Chad right out of town if you don’t stop,” Betty snickered.

Koshiro released her grasp on my arm and stuck out her lower lip. “Why?”

“Because you’re coming on too strong.  The man just showed up yesterday and you have moved him in with you and latched onto him like a fly on a turd,”  Betty exhaled and shook her head at us both.

“I have done none of those things!  Well, maybe, the moving in part, but I haven’t latched onto him like a whatever on a turd.”

“Whatever, my dear.  Whatever.”

I held up both hands in surrender.  “Ladies, it’s fine.  Don’t argue on my account, please.  Koshiro has been extremely generous, and I’m very grateful.  She’s been a great friend to me.”

Koshiro hugged my arm again and cooed.

Betty laughed.  “Honey, I think she wants to be more than just your friend.”

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