Barbarian Chef

Chapter 19: Chapter 19 – Return to Summerstar

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Bill wasted no time shouting to the high heavens how I carried them through the dungeon with ease. Other adventurers huddled around the hunter while he recounted the last two hours of his life. He showed them the rare short bow and rare bracers he received from the scorpion boss, along with the number of credits he earned through the dive. Koshiro saw this as a golden opportunity.

For the rest of the day, I carried multiple parties through the dungeon. I hacked and slashed goblins, hobgoblins, demons, ogres, kobolds, wraiths, trolls and the Nine knows what else. Bill, Earl, and June had been right about the dungeon being randomized. I had a unique experience with each run. The dungeon didn’t change completely each time. There were similarities, but the runs were never identical. I could carry everyone pretty easily each time. The only trouble I had was against a demon boss called Belphegor, which had wings. He flew all around the chamber, shooting fireballs from his mouth. He was the only flying boss I’d faced, so I didn’t know what to do. I ended up wildly tossing a great ax that I looted in an earlier run. It wasn’t the prettiest technique, but it did the job just the same.

I’d hoped to get another set piece to match the chest armor I got on my first run. However, it wasn’t meant to be. Earl told me to do some runs at night against the stronger enemies to increase my chances of getting a set item. I didn’t need the extra pieces, but I knew that the full set would look killer on my Mr. Olympia body. For right now I was fine with my new chest piece and shoulder armor, not to mention some bitching legendary pants called:

Pants of the Granite Dog (Legendary)

+8% Defense

+5% Movement Speed

Even though the pieces didn’t technically match one another, I looked like a badass. At the end of the day, I walked away with 54,000 credits. The 10% carrying fee made up half of that amount. The other half came from loot that I didn’t need and sold.  There were two things that happened that were much more meaningful than the loot and money. I gained three new friends in June, Earl, and Bill. The jury may still be out regarding June, but Bill and Earl were definitely in the friend category. They lived in a small town named Sloss north of Summerstar, so we wouldn’t be all that far from one another. My cooking job had them all intrigued, so I figured I would see them sooner rather than later. The other important event that occurred was the kiss from Koshiro. Was Koshiro a little odd? Yes, but I would buy whatever the hell that the kitsune sold. I wasn’t expecting a girlfriend so soon, but I was going to let this go wherever it wanted to go. A girl with this level of hotness wouldn’t have given me a second look on Earth, let alone talk to me. A couple of days in a new world, and I’m swapping spit with the most gorgeous girl I’d ever seen.


We strolled past the Summerstar sign as the sun set over the ocean. I yawned and stretched my arms behind my back.

“You must be exhausted. I’m sorry for pushing you today,” Koshiro apologized with sad eyes.

“I’m fine. It was a fun day, and I got some cool stuff.”

Koshiro patted my pauldrons and winked. “Yeah, this armor is sexy as fuck.”

“Well, that’s what I’m going for. Screw power and defense! I want sex appeal!”

Koshiro grinned. “Are you making fun of me?”

“Nope, as a matter of fact, the kiss with you was my favorite part of the whole day.”

The kitsune’s ears stood at attention, and her eyes sparkled. “Really? I was worried that I came on too strong. I know Betty said that I was going to scare you away. I’m not doing that, am I?”

“Of course not. I love hanging out with you. “Awesome. Ever since our kiss, I’ve been so stressed that you were going to be weirded out by it. I was worried you were going to look for a back door in the dungeon and run away forever.”

I chuckled and kissed Koshiro on the top of the head and rubbed her back. She stopped me in the street and put her arms around me. I squeezed her tight and kissed her softly on her plump ruby lips. The sun set, along with waves crashing in the distance, made for a rather romantic scene.

We heard someone clear their throat, which startled us out of the beautiful moment. We pulled away from each other quickly. The catgirl Muni stood holding a basket of fish and a mischievous smirk on her face. “Whatcha doing?”

“Gods, you scared me, Muni. What the hell are you doing out anyway?” Koshiro asked with her brow furrowed.

Muni tilted her basket toward the kitsune. “I went to the docks for some fish. Relax, I wasn’t stalking you two.”

“Okay, we’ll you shouldn’t sneak up on someone like that.”

“Koshiro, you’re standing in the middle of the street on my route to the restaurant. You’re in my way.”

I chuckled awkwardly and went in for a subject change. “So, how’s the reconstruction going?”

Muni’s face lit up immediately. “The dwarves are done. It looks the same as it did before the fire. I can’t believe it was repaired that quickly. Thank you, Chad.”

“Thank me? I did nothing.”

“We’ll your dismantling of the Big certainly motivated the dwarves to jump on the job as a thank you. That’s what I mean.”

“I’m glad I could help.”

“How did the dungeon go? You guys made it to the dungeon… right?”

Koshiro rasberried and rolled her eyes. “Yes, we made to the dungeon. Chad fucking rocked the dungeon. He’s already a local celebrity now. He carried several parties through and racked up on a lot of credits and cool loot. He made 54,000 credits in one day… one fucking day.”

My cheeks reddened. “Eh, not that big a deal, really.”

Koshiro punched me playfully in the stomach. “Stop being so humble. You’re a big deal. Face it.”

“Wow, that’s great. That’s a lot of credits. It’s like six months of revenue at the restaurant.”

I felt embarrassed that Koshiro told Muni exactly the amount of money I received. A simple “Chad got a lot of credits” would have sufficed.

“Gods, just imagine if he would have taken adventurers through the night dungeon. He would have double or tripled that. Insane,” Koshiro boasted.

“Honestly, I’m dungeoned out for a while. I’m just ready to get cleaned up and sleep. I’m ready to start my job as a cook for you guys.”

“You should try this holstaur cheesecake thing he made. Gods, it was the best thing I’ve ever put into my mouth. Well, other than Chad’s tongue,” Koshiro said with fire in her eyes.

I blushed and struggled to say anything. “Eh, well, uh.”

Muni locked eyes with me and raised a brow. “Maybe you should bring some of that to the restaurant tomorrow.  The cheesecake, I mean, I’ll just take Koshiro’s word about your tongue.”

“You can try his tongue sometime.  I mean, it isn’t like he won’t start a harem, eventually.  He’s an S rank barbarian… one woman won’t be enough.  I’m just happy to that I’m the first.”

“Jesus Christ!” I shouted.

Koshiro tilted her head. “Who’s that?”

I held up my hand and shook my head.  “Nevermind.”

Koshiro shrugged in response and smiled at Muni.

“A harem?” I asked with wide eyes.

“Yeah, a harem… multiple women companions.”

“That’s not frowned up here?”

“Well, it’s not the norm, but you’re S rank and that makes you a god among men, basically.  One woman won’t be enough for your greatness.”

“My greatness!”

“Tell him Muni.”

“I certainly think he is a great man, but I’m not really up to joining a harem.  No offense, Chad.”

“None taken.”

“I’m perfectly fine having him all to myself, but I’m just being realistic. I hope Chad will let me help when choosing.”

“Koshiro, I’m not interested in a harem… at least right now,” I added awkwardly.

Muni giggled.  “Look at Chad’s face.  He’s so embarrassed.  It’s cute.”

Koshiro grunted and her face turned a dark red.  “So you think he’s cute?”

Muni rolled her eyes.  “Of course he’s cute.  Don’t be jealous. You wanted me to join his harem a few seconds ago for the sake of the gods.”

I closed my eyes and tried to process all of this new information that had clubbed me in the face.


I plopped on Koshiro’s sofa and loudly exhaled then held my arms over my head and stretched.  “I may be S rank, but I’m exhausted.”

Koshiro hopped on the sofa beside me and put her legs in my lap.  “Well, you carried a boat load of parties through that dungeon today.  You should be exhausted, but I hope you aren’t too exhausted.  This is kind of selfish, but would you mind cooking something again?  I’m like really famished.”

My face lit up.  “Yeah, I’d really like that.  What did you have in mind?”

“I’ll let you whip up something while I’m taking a bath, if you don’t mind.  I’m kind of stinky.”

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I chuckled.  “You aren’t stinky at all.  You smell amazing.  Every time your hair moves I get a whiff of heaven.”

“Oh really, that’s sweet,” Koshiro grinned and patted me on the cheek with her cute little feet.  I’d never been one of those foot fetish guys, but she had perfect feet.  She had her nails colored purple, and she wiggled her toes like she was trying to hypnotize me.

“You like my new polish?  I made them pretty just for you, my Chad.”

“Yeah, they’re cute.  Everything about you is unbelievably cute, “I replied as I massaged her right foot.  Her skin was so soft.

Koshiro tilted her head back and moaned. “Fuck, that feels good.  Maybe put a hold on dinner for a bit.  This feels so nice.”

“Okay, just let me know when you want me to stop and put something on.”

“How about I let you know when I want you to take something off,” Koshiro smirked, still tilting her head back.

“You don’t have a filter on that pretty little mouth, do you?”

“No, I say whatever I want, whenever I want. Life’s too short.”

“That’s true.  However, let’s work on your knife pulling.  I don’t want you killing everyone that treats me in a way you don’t like.”

“Yeah, I’m going to pull a dagger, I think.  My knife sucks.”

I choked on the air.  “That’s not exactly what I meant.”

“I don’t like it when people treat you negatively.  You are a perfect man and you should be respected.  I’ll try to be less dagger happy when I’m pissed.”

“That’s good.  I’m not a perfect man… not by a long shot.”

Koshiro gave me a sultry look.  “We’ll agree to disagree.”  She patted my cheek again with the bottom of her foot, then tapped my crotch.  The taps transformed into rubbing in a couple of seconds, which blasted open the dam, holding the blood from rushing to my cock.  My shaft filled in record time, turning my trousers into a pop up tent.

“What are you doing?” I whispered with my eyes closed and head tilted back.

“I’m treating you like you should be treated.  Do you like it?”

“Yes,” I replied as I unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down to my knees.  My cock stood at attention.

Koshiro’s eyes widened, and she licked her lips.  She began to stroke my shaft with her soft feet slowly.


The kitsune pulled off her top, revealing her glorious breasts to me for the first time.  They were large with perfect mocha colored nipples.  She bit her lower lip as she pinched her hard nipples.  “Do my breasts please you?  I think they’re pretty nice.”

“Oh my god, they are so fucking nice,”  I replied as I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it onto her gorgeous face playfully.

Koshiro laughed and tossed it to the floor.  I unfastened her bottom and dragged them down, revealing glorious white cotton panties that had formed a growing wet spot.

I placed my hand between her breasts and crept my finger dips along her skin all the way to the top of her panties. I stuck my thumb under the fabric, causing a sudden spike in pleasure, causing her body to jolt. My thumb slowly descended over her button, down to her wetness.

“Fuck, Chad.  Gods, that feels so good.”

I slowly pulled my hand out and put my sticky thumb in my mouth.  “Tastes good.”

The kitsune raised her legs and pulled her panties off in one fell swoop.  She spread the legs open to me, revealing a beautiful shaved pink pussy.  A stream of warm cum descended her pussy toward her perfect little asshole.

“You’re so fucking perfect.  It’s not fair to all the other girls in this fucking universe.”

“Chad, I want you to make me yours.  I want you to fuck me and mark me.  Please fuck me.”

This perfect creature didn’t have to ask me twice.  I stood and stroked my shaft a few times while she fondled her nub.

“Chad, please,” the kitsune begged as she opened her legs wider.

I moved over to her on to the sofa and kissed her lips.  The kiss began gently, then became more violent.  A sudden shock of pleasure traveled through each of our bodies as the head of my dick touched her folds for the first time.

“Please, please,” she pleaded as she ran her fingers through my blue hair.

I nodded and slowly rubbed my head around her hole, teasing my companion cruelly.

“Fuck, please.”

I stopped teasing my perfect kitsune and inserted the head of my enormous cock gently.

“Please go slow.  I’ve never done this before.”

The news that Koshiro was a virgin surprised me.  I’m not ashamed to say that the realization that I would be her first turned me on even more.  As I slid more of my shaft inside, she turned her head to the side and grimaced.

“Are you okay?  You want me to stop?”

She shook her head.  “No, I want you to fuck me.  I’ve wanted nothing more in all my life.  Keep going.  I want you to take my virginity.  I’ve waited so long for a man like you.”

“Okay, just let me know if it’s too painful.”

She bit her lower lip and nodded.

I pushed my member in a little further.  The sticky, wet walls of her virgin pussy felt like nothing I’d ever felt before.  “My god, you feel so good.  Fuck.”

“Keep going,” she gasped.

A couple of seconds later, I was completely inside of her uncharted canal.  I slowly began to thrust.  She jerked a little more because of the stretching, but she loosened and her facial expressions transformed into ones of pleasure.

I breathed heavier and faster as my dick went in a out of Koshiro’s perfect pussy. “Goddamn, fuck.”

“This feels so fucking good, Chad.  Don’t stop.  Fuck. Don’t stop.”

As I moved at a high rate of speed, I grabbed her large tits.  I squeezed one and pinched the nipple of the other.  Koshiro responded with louder moans and she moved her hips.

“Gods, I’m going to fucking come.  Don’t stop.  I want you to fucking make me yours.  Mark my pussy with your seed.  Please.  Fuck.”

My balls throbbed as I felt her vagina begin to grab hold of my shaft.  Koshiro placed one of her hands on her forehead and screamed as she came.  Her body convulsed as the earthquake of ecstasy ravaged her.  “Fuck, I’m going to come. Are you sure you want me to cum inside you?”

“Mark my little pussy, and make me all yours.”

I had reached the edge, and I went over.  I spurted white ropes of cum deep inside of my companion.  She dug her nails into my back and bit my should hard. I felt a trickle of blood flow.

“I’m sorry.  I couldn’t help myself,” Koshiro moaned.

“It’s fine. It was hot as fuck.”

She had to have bitten me extremely hard in order to break the skin.  I saw some blood on her chin and crimson droplets on her chest.  I immediately felt the wound begin to bind itself back together again.

“So, you like biting.  I’ll have to remember to expect that when we decide to get intimate.”

“I received a notification that I’d imprinted on you.  This animalistic urge to taste your life force just came over me and I couldn’t help it.  I’m so happy.”

Suddenly, a notification popped up in my vision.

Koshiro has imprinted on you.  She has chosen to be yours for the rest of her days.  Do you accept this imprint? Yes or No?

I glanced back at her before making my choice.  Her beautiful, different colored eyes were locked on mine.  They beckoned me to choose yes.  This surprised me, but it seemed right.  She imprinted on me.  I can’t imagine saying no to that.  I smiled warmly at her and chose yes.

Koshiro is now your partner for life.

The kitsune must have received a similar notification, because she squealed with excitement. “I’ve never been this happy in my life. Thank you for saying yes.  I don’t know what I would have done otherwise.  I promise to take care of you in any way that you need.  I dedicate my life to making you happy.  I will also protect you from anyone in this world that wants to hurt you or disrespect you.  You’re my perfect Chad now.  You come first.  I’m yours and only yours forever.”

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