Barbarian Chef

Chapter 27: Chapter 26 – Catching some rays

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My oversized bare feet sank in the wet, white, powdery sand as the undertow pulled me toward the sea.  The ocean water was that same turquoise color I’d seen in photos of the Caribbean. Fish darted between my legs as the seagulls soared overhead. Small fishing boats floated a mile offshore with their nets in the water.  Fishing was a gigantic business in Summerstar and there were several spots along the coastline where fishing vessels were docked, awaiting their turn in the water. It surprised Claire that I’d lived in Summerstar for a few weeks and not visited the pristine beach that Summerstar is famous for in the region.  It was kind of odd, considering the ocean was only six streets over from the restaurant and my apartment.  There were so many things I’d not taken part in yet.  Life was still busy, but I was adjusting to things well.  

“You like my swimsuit?”  Claire asked.

Claire’s swimsuit was a black and white bikini that left little to the imagination.  I felt sorry for the skimpy top that struggled to hold those giant breasts. Her boobs tested the limits of this design and fabric.  The bottom wasn’t a full thong, but it was close.  The holstaur put to shame any other woman I’d ever seen in a bikini. I’m sure Koshiro and Muni looked equally hot, but I’d not had the pleasure of seeing their goddess bodies in a bikini yet. I’d have to change that soon.

“I love it.  It looks good on you.”

“Really?  I was worried that it was too conservative.”

I spit out a loud laugh.  “No, it isn’t conservative at all.  It’s perfect. If that’s conservative in your eyes, I long for the day to see a swimsuit that is skimpy in your eyes. I’m not sure I would survive if I saw it, though.”

“I wanted to look good for you. I’m glad you approve.”

“You could wear a bloody animal carcass and look amazing.”

The holstaur giggled. “That’s gross, but thank you.”

“Do you like my swim trunks? One hour ago, they were just long trousers.  Now they are bitching swim trunks.”

“They’re cute.  Did you mean for one leg to be longer than the other?”

“Fuck, they aren’t even?”

“Well, when you just rip pants with your bare hands, you can’t be very accurate,” Claire smirked.

“Fair enough.  A pair of shears would have worked much better, but I was in a hurry.  I blame you.”

Claire placed her hand over her chest. “Me?”

“A hot girl dressed in a bikini came to my door and invited me to the beach.  I was in a rush.”

Claire rolled her eyes and smiled.  “Whatever.  We can buy you some actual trunks when we leave.  They do have shops that sell them right over there.”

“You don’t want me to just use these from now on?”

“That’s up to you.  I’m fine with you looking like a homeless man.”

“You’re right.  Maybe I’ll let you pick some new ones out.”

“Sure, but I’m guessing that they’ll have to be changed.  I don’t think they’re going to have trunks that fit you.  You’re oversized… in more ways than one,” Claire smirked.

We plopped on the sand, leaving our feet in the water. The tide was rising slowly, so we would have to move back soon.  I wondered if there were sunglasses on this planet.  Being on a beach without them was brutal.  We had to squint at each other while we talked.

“So, when do you plan to move into town with me and the other girls?”  

Muni, Koshiro, and I were bunking up at Koshiro’s apartment.  It was a little tight with three people. We were going to look for a new place soon if Claire agreed to move in.  Betty’s apartment above the restaurant was larger and would accommodate us all, but I had no desire to room with Betty when she returned.  Nothing personal against Betty. I was a big fan, but it would be uncomfortable.  Banging hot chicks with an old lady a few feet away would not work.  Claire rented a tiny bungalow outside of town, near the beach.  It would be barely enough room for two people, let alone four.  The location was great, though.  She wasn’t oceanfront, but it was a brief walk to a secluded section of beach.  The location made the rent expensive.  It stretched her thin, trying to pay it each month.  She made a decent wage at the restaurant and she sold holstaur milk on the side, but it was barely enough to keep that particular roof over her head. 

 My plan was to get a house right on the beach, eventually.  With my skills, I could afford one quickly doing dungeon carries at Stonerock.  We were making good money right now at the restaurant, but it paled compared to what I could make at the dungeon.  So, I decided I would do some carries at night after closing at the restaurant a day or two a week.  The night raids were much more lucrative than the already lucrative daytime dungeon runs.  I could get a lot of credits and loot to sell, plus I could charge a much higher carry fee during the night runs.  Only a few adventurers could finish the dungeon.  I was the only one that could do it, no problem.  I wasn’t excited about doing these carries but there was too much money that could be made.  I would be an idiot not to do it.

“Move in?  Why would I want to do that?” Claire chuckled.

“Well, you don’t have to, of course.”

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“I’m just kidding with you.  I can’t wait to move in with you all.  I love my bungalow, but the rent is high as hell.  I’m going to pay my way when I move in with you all, though.”

“No, you won’t.  Credits won’t be an issue.  Luckily, I can get more whenever I want with my overpowered skills.  Plus, I think the restaurant will do better and better.  Word of mouth is going to bring customers in from all over.  I’m sure of it.”

“Is there even room for me?  Koshiro’s apartment doesn’t have a lot of space.”

“We’ll make room.  I want all of you ladies to be on the lookout for someplace else, though.  The smallness is manageable right now, but it will get old, eventually.”

“Are Muni and Koshiro fine with me moving in?”

“You have just as much right to be there as Muni does.  You’ve imprinted as well.  I want you alongside me. It’s where you belong.  The girls will be ecstatic when you move in.”

Claire’s face lit up, and she laid her head on my shoulder.  I was able to see her epic cleavage immediately, which was a bonus.  “I’m glad. I can’t wait to move in.”

“You’re welcome anytime.  Today even.”

“I can do that.  I have very little to move.  The furniture came with the bungalow and all I have is a chest of clothing.  Can I come today?”

“Nothing would make me happier. When we leave here, I can get that chest and whatever you need and move you in tonight.”

“Wonderful.  Are you certain Koshiro and Muni will be fine with that happening so soon?”
“Absolutely, they’re gonna freak out… in a good way.  Koshiro is excited about holstaur milk every morning for breakfast,” I answered with a crooked smile.

“She can even get it from the source.  I don’t mind milking myself, but when you all feed on me directly, it’s on another level of pleasure.  Gods, I’m going to get all hot and bothered right now just thinking about it.”

“When I’m thirsty at night, I can take a drink from your tit and not have to go to the arcane cooler.  Wow, having you under the same roof has several advantages.”

“Hush, Chad, or you’re going to make me pounce on you right here and right now.”

“Is that a problem?”

“Yes, it’s a problem.  There are kids over there playing.”

I leaned over, placing my forearms on my knees to get a better view of these kids.  Two young boys and three young girls kicked an enormous beach ball back and forth.  

“Damn kids!” I exclaimed sarcastically, resulting in a playful elbow in my ribs.

“You’re going to have kids doing the same thing on the beach.  Probably sooner rather than later if you keep shooting your seed in us,”  Claire laughed.

“Ha, that’s true.  We will need a bigger place then, for sure.”

“We can go down to the doctor and get an infertility spell cast onto each of us.  It’s temporary, of course, but it will place a hold on any new additions to our family.  Are you interested in kids soon?”

“I definitely want kids and Koshiro and Muni are dying to have them.  I don’t think they're ready to have any right at this moment, though.  Once we get the restaurant rolling on autopilot, we may explore it.  Do you want kids?”

“Yes, I want them badly.  However, now is too soon for me personally, but I can’t wait to bear your children.”

Suddenly, the beach ball the kids were playing with flew over a little boy’s head and hit the point of Claire’s horn.  The ball burst loudly, causing all the kids to drop to their knees in tears.

I cringed. “Shit, maybe we should move the stuff out of the bungalow now.”

“I agree. Let’s get the hell out of here.”

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