Barbarian Chef

Chapter 26: Chapter 25 – Dairy Queen

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“We’ve got another order for a blue waffle.  This person wants extra Blood Sassafras syrup.  They said they liked their blue waffles extra sticky and sweet,” Koshiro said.

I gagged, then nodded.  I battled one hell of a headache from our celebration the night before.  Koshiro raided the restaurant’s modest wine cellar before we headed to the roof.  Wine on this planet was much more potent than Earth’s wine.  I found out firsthand after a couple of glasses.  I’m not sure how many when it was all said and done. I just know I woke up on the roof this morning with Koshiro in my arms.  We both had clothes on, so it didn’t look like I got lucky, unfortunately.  Drunk Chad is very annoying, from what Fred told me back on Earth.  I hope I avoided saying anything stupid or inappropriate to the girls during my binge.

“Blue waffle up!” I shouted.  Koshiro skipped into the kitchen and grabbed the plate.  She winked, then spun around.  Before she delivered the food to the customer, she pulled up the back of her navy skirt and shook her perfect bare ass.  The jiggle was enough to drive a man insane.

I cocked a brow. “No panties?”

“Why would I need those? They just get in the way.”

“Is that sanitary?  Having a naked ass in the kitchen?” Muni asked sarcastically.

“Have you wondered why Chad cooks my orders first? Maybe you should show him some ass or nipples.”

“You guys are crazy,” Claire interjected with a giggle.

“Miss holstaur hottie, feel free to show that mammoth rack anytime you like.  However, those giant titties might make Muni jealous.”

“I’m perfectly content with the size of my breasts, thank you very much.”

Koshiro rolled her eyes.  “Sure you are.”

Muni looked at me and raised a brow.  

My cheeks reddened. “I think your breasts are very nice.”

“Thank you.”

Muni nodded toward the arcane oven behind me.  “Your blue waffle is turning black.”



“The ‘We’re Closed’ sign is up and the door is locked,” Muni announced.

“I like the way Chad is trusting you with more complicated duties.  Good job, pussycat,” Koshiro said sarcastically.

“Kiss my ass.”

I walked to the dining area, wiping my hands off with a white towel. “I’ve always liked it when a girl has told me to kiss her ass.  I find it pretty hot.”

The trio of girls chuckled at my odd revelation.  Each of the girls promptly said “kiss my ass” simultaneously.

I threw the white towel over my shoulder and smirked. “Ladies, be careful of what you wish for. That’s all I have to say.”

Muni pretended that she was showing me claws. “Reeeooow.”

Koshiro spun around and pulled up her dress and proceeded to twerk. I wouldn’t have guessed that there would be twerking on another world, but I expected the unexpected now.  The kitsune did a pretty damn good job.  She could get pretty low, and she was able to bounce her cheeks quite nicely.

“I’ve seen your ass enough today,” Muni laughed.

“My ass is always invited to the party, pussycat.”

Muni stood beside the twerking kitsune and got into position.  “Let me try this.”

“Hold on, me too!” Claire shouted and charged past me to the girls, almost knocking me down. “Oops, excuse me.”

“Okay, you two, bend over like this and poke your asses out like so.  Come on guys, you have to pull your dress up too.  Chad needs to see the buttocks jiggle. That’s very important.”

Claire struggled to get as low as the other girls.  “I’m sorry. This takes more concentration and balance than I thought.  My tits are engorged from too much milk right now, and I feel like I’m going to fall forward.”

“Dresses up ladies!  Stop being lazy.  Do this like you’re supposed to! Make sure you sway your tails as your ass jiggles.  That makes the already lewd act much hotter.” 

They immediately took my breath away when I saw the three spectacular asses pointed right toward me.  They shook in perfect unison.  I had never been so hypnotized by anything in my entire life.  It surprised me that Muni was the only one with panties on.  Koshiro and Claire were going commando.  Not only were their asses bouncing, I was getting a full view of Koshiro and Claire’s pink shaven pussies.  Muni bent over some more, producing glorious cameltoe through her white cotton panties, which was just as hot as seeing the kitsune and holstaur’s bare pussies.  

“Yall are fucking killing me right now,” I said.

Suddenly the holstaur, Claire, lost her balance and fell face first onto the floor.

Koshiro gasped.  “Oh shit, her big titties made her fall over.  Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.  Just embarrassed.”

“Don’t be embarrassed.  We’re all friends here.  I wish I had breasts that large that made it difficult to balance properly.  Never be ashamed of your huge titties. They are a blessing from the Nine.”

As the holstaur got to her feet, I noticed huge wet dark spots on her top.  “Are you alright? You’re not bleeding, are you?”  I pointed at her chest.

Claire gasped.  “Oh gods, this is mortifying.  When my breasts smashed on the floor.  I squirted a lot of milk out.  Gods, this is so embarrassing.”

“Like Koshiro said, don’t be embarrassed. We’re all friends here.  Much closer friends now,” I cringed.

Muni walked out of the kitchen with two large empty milk jugs.  “I got you covered, Claire.  You need to drain those puppies.”

“Oh gods, thank you,” Claire replied as she unbuttoned her dress.  Her engorged breasts burst from their fabric jail with ferocity.

I sat down in the closest chair in silence.  I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.  I hoped she wouldn’t ask me to leave to give her more privacy.  I wouldn’t recover.  I needed to see this.  Oh my goodness, I wanted to see this.

“Claire, you hold the jugs under your nipples and we can massage the milk out,” Koshiro suggested.

“Sounds like a good plan,” Muni added.

“That would be very helpful to me.  Thank you.”

Koshiro began massaging her right breast gently and Muni followed suit with the other.  Claire tilted her head back and moaned. Milk began to slowly trickle from each breast, dripping into the jugs.

“Please squeeze harder,” Claire requested.

Muni and Koshiro complied, smiling at one another.

Instead of trickling, the creamy white milk began to squirt into the jugs.  The relief and ecstasy on Claire’s face was one of the most erotic things I’d ever seen.  She began licking her lips and breathing rapidly.  

“Harder,” she pleaded.

Muni and Koshiro began to use both hands, squeezing the full circumference of her giant breasts. The bulge in my pants grew exponentially. “Holy shit,” I said under my breath, not believing what I was seeing in front of me.

Claire locked eyes with me as the girls milked her furiously.  The glass jugs were halfway to the brim.  Claire glanced at my crotch and noticed my member trying to burst from my trousers.  She licked her lips.  I wanted to pull her by the horns onto my cock right then and there.

“Look at Claire eye fucking Chad right now,” Koshiro said.

“I’m sorry, Chad.  That’s inappropriate.”

I laughed.  “I disagree.  It’s very appropriate.”

Suddenly, Koshiro put her mouth in front of the holstaur’s milk stream and drank. “Mmmm, I’ve never drank directly from the source.  This is even more delicious than normal.”

“Really?” Muni asked.

Koshiro motioned to the breast that Muni was massaging. “Sure, try it.”

Muni looked up at Claire with beckoning eyes.  “Is that okay?”

“Yes, please.  Taste me.”

A rogue squirt of milk missed Muni’s mouth and splattered her cheek, then streamed down her jaw.

“Mmmm, this tastes fucking amazing.”

“Told you,” Koshiro said proudly.

The girls taking turns tasting Claire’s breast milk was turning her own big time. The holstaur spread her legs wider, revealing her sex to me.  A small stream of her juices puddled on the wooden chair below her.

Koshiro unbuttoned her own dress aggressively.  “Alright, this is too fucking hot.  We’re fixing to go to the next level.”

“Please, please,” Claire begged.

The kitsune tossed her dress onto the table in front of me.  “Muni, aren’t you going to get in on this?”

Muni bit her lower lip and nodded.  She let go of Claire’s breast, causing the holstaur to pout.  Muni locked eyes with me as she unbuttoned her dress slowly, as if she intended to tease me.  Muni tossed her dress on the table as well, leaving her with only panties on.  She slowly slid her hand under the fabric and began to touch herself. Claire reached for Muni’s right breast and pinched the catgirl’s nipple.

“Reeeeeooow,” the catgirl exhaled.

I unbuckled my trousers. My shaft was getting sore and not in a good way.  My cock needed to come out.  As soon as the pressure of the pants was released and the night air hit it, my shaft twitched. 

All three of the girls had ravenous eyes when they saw my hard cock.  I pulled off my trousers completely and then my shirt.

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Claire moaned louder as Koshiro slid her hand under the holstaur’s dress.  Claire yelped when the kitsune’s fingers reached their destination.  Muni followed suit, sliding her hand up Claire’s thigh to her sex.  Koshiro fingered Claire as Muni played with her button.  Wet, sticky sounds mixed with moans filled the room and were music to my ears.  I stroked my cock as I watched the insanely lewd show.  Claire reached climax and belted into the night.  Her body convulsed and milk squirted like a fire hose from both of her mammoth breasts onto the cool floor of the dining room.  The squirts were almost powerful enough to reach me on the other side of the room.  We would have some cleaning up to do tonight, but it would be worth it.

“I’m making such a mess.  I’m sorry,” Claire said through rapid breaths.

“This is the kind of mess that I don’t mind cleaning up,” Muni said as she licked her fingers.

“Chad, are you just going to sit over there all night with your dick in your hand, or are you going to join in?  You’re not lactose intolerant, are you?” Koshiro jokingly asked.

“I’ve always been a fan of dairy.  Yeah, that was too corny.  I’m not the best at dirty talk.”

“Chad, shut up and bring your cock to me,” Muni demanded.  

“Yeah, I can do that.”

Koshiro clapped, then wrung her hands vigorously. “Okay, this is gonna be hot.  Muni is fixing to get fucked by Chad for the first time. Well, it better fucking be the first time.”

Muni stood and sat on the table behind her.   She slid her ass to the middle and spread her legs.  

“Goddamn, you’re beautiful.”

“Thanks, you’re not bad yourself.”

“He’s not bad at all.  He’s the most handsome man on the face of this whole fucking planet!” Koshiro interjected angrily.

Muni glared at me with ravenous eyes as I slowly made my way to take her. “I know he is, but do we really want to inflate his ego?”  

Koshiro continued to milk Claire’s breast, and the holstaur milked the left one after Muni moved away from her lewd station. “Fuck, we need more jugs. Come on, Chad, start fucking her. I need to run to the kitchen before these jugs overflow.”

I placed my hands on the catgirl’s breasts.  They were smooth and soft to the touch.  I pinched each nipple lightly to gauge her sensitivity to pain.  She licked her lips and moaned.  I knew that she wanted more pressure.  I increased the pressure little by little, causing her body to shake in response.  Her eyes beckoned me to fuck her.  I rubbed the head of my cock around her wet pink folds, teasing the catgirl.  She made primal cat sounds as my tip slowly entered her channel.  Her blue cat tail wrapped around my right arm tightly.  I slowly pushed my length inside her.  I pulled back when I was halfway in to avoid causing her too much pain.  She was tight.

“Is that okay?” I asked as I moved back inside her.

She nodded through some discomfort, but her eyes beckoned me to push forward.  I grabbed her thighs and thrust my shaft deeper.  Muni gasped and grabbed my ass to pull me inside all the way to my hilt.

“Fuck, it feels so good.  Don’t stop,” Muni pleaded.

I doubled my speed.  The sound of our skin slapping together filled the room.  I turned my attention to the others to find them playing with themselves as they watched.

“You two like watching?”

“Very much,” the holstaur replied, continuing to release milk into the jugs.

“Hell fucking yes, I like to watch. Fuck, I need to get more jugs.  Let me take these.”  Koshiro grabbed both of the milk filled jugs and darted toward the kitchen.  She slipped on the milk that had splattered on the floor from Claire’s orgasm, but she was able to keep her footing.  Claire continued to play with herself.  The milk had nowhere to go if there were no jugs or containers to catch it, so the milk just ran down her body and dripped onto the chair and the floor.  Breast milk pornography wasn’t something I’d ever thought I would be into, but this was erotic as fuck.

“Fuck.  Chad, I’m gonna come.  Fuck me harder.”

“You like to get fucked hard.  Don’t you?”

“Yes. Harder.”

I was reaching a crescendo myself.  I felt her pussy wrap tight around my cock.  Muni wailed in pleasure, and she began slapping the wooden table.

“Do you want me to come inside you?” 

She nodded quickly.  “Always, come in me.  Make me yours.”

My balls throbbed and exploded milky white ropes of semen deep within the catgirl. I grabbed the sides of the table hard as I emptied myself inside her. “Damn, that was good.  Fuck.”

I pulled Muni upright and kissed her softly, and I was met with a welcome notification.

Muni has imprinted upon you!

Do you accept her lifelong companionship? 

Yes or No?

I promptly chose yes and pulled her in for another kiss. 

“Oh fuck, did Muni just imprint?” Koshiro asked excitedly.

Muni nodded with a huge smile on her face.  “Yes, I’d hoped that I would.  I’m so happy it happened.”

“Me too,” I replied with a wink.

“Good job Muni.  I think you pleased him,” Koshiro said, putting the empty milk jugs back in place under the holstaur’s dripping nipples.

“She pleased me. That’s for damn sure.”

The floor was becoming drenched in milk.  I had to concentrate on my footing or I would have been on my ass with milky butt cheeks.  Somehow, my dick was still fully erect.  I was guessing I was a S rank barbarian with a S rank dick.

I motioned to her milk filled breasts. “Can I?”  

Claire bit her bottom lip and nodded.

I massaged each breast individually with both hands.  Somehow, the milk was still plentiful after all this time. With each squirt, the jugs filled ever so slightly. Koshiro hopped on the table beside Muni to watch the lewd festivities. I took one of her nipples into my mouth, sending a shock wave of pleasure through her body, almost causing her to drop both jugs onto the floor.  The holstaur milk was warm, sweet, creamy, and delicious.  The taste was a fruity vanilla taste with a super-smooth texture like a melted milkshake.

“Doesn’t it taste good?” Koshiro asked, already knowing the answer.

I nodded as I filled my mouth with her precious gift.

“Girls, take these jugs.  I want to use my hands.  I’ll just have to make a mess,” Claire said.

Muni and Yoshiro grabbed the jugs and sat back down on the table.  Claire said she was going to make a mess, and she was right.  The milk was flowing heavily into my mouth and down her body to the floor below.  The wet dripping sound made my dick harder.  I took my mouth off her nipple and moved my milky lips to hers for our first kiss.  She pulled me down on top of her, smashing her tits between my chest and hers.  I could feel little spurts of milk on my skin.  It was unlike any sensation I’d felt before. 

I inserted my cock deep inside of her in one fell swoop.  My shaft was lubed like crazy from Muni’s sweet nectar and the milk from Claire’s breasts. I pulled away from our kiss so I could look at her as I fucked her. I began to pound her hard.  My lust for this girl was almost uncontrollable.  A stream of milk squirted on my chest with each thrust.  The harder the thrust, the harder the stream.

“I’m going to come. Fuck,” Claire shouted.

I lifted her from the table in one precise and swift motion, keeping my cock inside of her.  All three of the girls gasped at the sudden move.

“Gods, that was fucking hot,” Koshiro said.

“It really was.  Impressive,” Muni agreed.

Claire was very accepting of the wild move.  She rode me hard.  “Fuck me, Chad. Fuck me!”

Milk poured down both of our bodies and puddled on the floor.  Claire had turned into a wild beast as she got closer and closer to climax.  I grabbed her plump ass hard and lifted her up and down the entire length of my cock.  I had the feeling that this level of roughness wasn’t enough for her.  I slammed her back up against the wall, knocking photos and artwork from the walls. I pounded her as hard as I could without hurting her with my elevated strength.  She grabbed my hair and screamed as she came.  It felt like I was splattered with an ocean wave of milk.

“Can I come in you?”

“Yes, I want your seed inside me. Fill me.”

 After she agreed, I let go of my load deep within the holstaur.  “Claire. Fuck!”

I pulled her off my cock, and she stood in front of me in all of her glory.  “Look, the milk has stopped.”

“I feel so much better, and I have you to thank for that. Well all of you played a part,” Claire pulled me in for a kiss and I was met with another notification.

Claire has imprinted upon you!

Do you accept her lifelong companionship? 

Yes or No?

“I imprinted.  I can’t believe it.  Thank you for saying yes!” Claire exclaimed.

“Another imprint?  Holy shit!” Koshiro exclaimed.

“So you’re like a harem lord now?” Muni asked.

“All you need to know is that I’m like the chief harem girl. I was first.”

Muni rolled her eyes and grinned. “Okay… chief.”

“Now Chad is going to fuck me like I’m his chief harem girl.”

Muni slapped Koshiro on her bare ass. “That I gotta see.”

“Oooo, good one. May I have another hard slap, pussycat, before I get boned by the milkman. Hey Claire, can you squirt some of the yummy milk on my tatas?”

I smiled and shook my head. I was extremely happy with my life, but what in the hell had I gotten myself into with these girls?

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