Barbarian Chef

Chapter 9: Chapter 9 – Bubba don’t play

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Ethan made his way into the headquarters of the Big. The HQ was a three story manor surrounded by a stone wall in the Green Wood.  Bubba Franks led his group of henchmen on a raid two years before on the plantation owner that lived there.  The owner was an elven farmer named Nanash.  Nanash’s family had owned the farm for generations upon generations.  The Big made their way in under the guise of men wanting to find work in the fields. After the men made it past the walls, they equipped their weapons and slaughtered Nanash, his wife, and ten children.  Bubba gave the employees of the farm the chance to continue work in the fields to provide for him and his gang.  Some men and women took him up on his offer, but the ones that did not were slaughtered as the family was.  After the takeover of the farm, the Big branched out into the surrounding villages and towns extorting money from the business owners to build their empire. Business was good for the Big.

Ethan bypassed everyone in the manor and darted straight to the office of his boss, Bubba.  The other criminals could tell that something was wrong since Jerry hadn’t returned with Ethan.  It was also odd to see Ethan distraught and wild-eyed. He usually kept a cool head in all situations. Ethan barged through the wooden double doors of Bubba’s office without pausing or knocking.

“Boss!”  Ethan yelled.

“What the flying fuck are you doing?”  Bubba growled and slammed his enormous fist on his desk.  “You better have one hell of a good reason to come in here like a bat out of hell. What is it?”

Before Ethan spoke again, he caught a glimpse of a blonde woman’s head bobbing up and down behind the desk. The woman lifted her mouth off his boss’ cock and glanced at Ethan with a look of indifference.

“Did I tell you to stop?”  Bubba scoffed and pushed her head back onto his member, and she continued to suck.  He turned his attention back to the rapidly breathing Ethan.  “Well, let’s hear it.”

Bubba was a large man, most would say fat, however they wouldn’t say it to his face unless they wanted Bubba to serve them their intestines to eat.  He was bald, with a large tattoo of a dragon on the back of his head.  He wore expensive clothing that he had made for him for free by bullying the local tailors.  Bubba was ruthless and ruled with an iron fist.  Ethan had quite the pair of balls to barge into Bubba’s office as he did, especially when his boss was getting a blow job.

The sucking noises were distracting to Ethan, but he focused as best he could.  “Jerry’s dead.”

“What the hell?  How did that happen?”

“We were getting your cut from that old bitch’s cafe in Summerstar.  Her granddaughter wasn’t cooperating, so things escalated.  The old geezer ran out and smacked Jerry with a frying pan.  Jerry knocked her shriveled up ass out. He may have killed her, I’m not sure. She slammed her head on a table as she fell. She was out cold.  The next thing we know, a big fucker I’d never seen before waltzed in to be a hero. Jerry lunged at him with his dagger.  When the dagger made contact with the guy’s skin, the blade broke slap off.  The big guy punched Jerry one time in the face and sent him flying across the cafe.  The punch crushed his face and killed him.  One fucking punch!  He came toward me, and I dove out of the window, then I hauled ass back here to the HQ.” Ethan was out of breath.

“You turned tail and ran like a little bitch,” Bubba replied as the woman continued to suck him without pause.

“I wanted–” 

Bubba held up an index finger and turned his attention to the woman serving him.  He placed both hands on her head as he blew his load down her throat.  When Bubba was finished, he patted the woman on the back.  “Get the hell out of here.”

The gorgeous blonde nodded as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand before darting out of the office.

Bubba motioned for Ethan to continue his story.  “Go on.”

Ethan gulped and nodded.  “I wanted to get back here and tell you immediately.  Jerry’s dagger broke for the sake of the gods!  I didn’t stand a chance one on one with this guy.  I don’t know what rank he was, but it had to be high.  I don’t have the  <Analysis> skill to find out anything about him.”

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“You are a fucking coward is what you are.”


“But nothing… you are a member of the Big.  You don’t fucking run away from a fight.  You’ve embarrassed me in front of the whole town of Summerstar.  I ought to hang you from the stone wall for this shit.”

“I’m sorry, Bubba, he was just too strong.  You’ll see.”

“I’ll see? What the hell does that mean?”

“You’ll go down there and confront this guy. That’s what I mean.”

“Don’t fucking tell me what I’m going to do.  What the hell’s the matter with you?”

“I’m sorry, I just thought…” Ethan’s voice trailed off.

“You’re going back and dealing with this.  You can take four or five guys with you, but you’re gonna take care of this problem.  Don’t come back here until this fellow is dead.  Do you hear what I’m saying?”


“I’m serious. You’re a dead man if you come back here without killing this guy.  You’ll die after you spend a couple days with Bruce downstairs.  Do you understand?”

Bruce was a professional torturer, if they are even called that.  He could get information out of anyone and he enjoyed making men, women, or children scream and beg for mercy.  Ethan spent a few hours with Bruce once to learn and saw horrors like he’d never seen before.  Ethan knew he would either kill this guy in Summerstar, die, or flee the region.  He would not get tortured by Bruce the Butcher, as he was called.

“I understand.  I’m going to grab some of our best guys and go back,”  Ethan nodded and turned back to the door.

“Ethan, don’t you ever barge into my office again.  You’ll regret it.”

“Yes sir, sorry, sir.”

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