Because I Love You

Chapter 10: Chapter 10: End Of The Game

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The second semester starts much like the first.

"Oops~." I bump into her in the hallway, causing her to drop her books.

But now...

"Francine!" Emma gives me a really grumpy look, and I feel like melting. She's sooo cute.

"Sorry~. I guess I have to help you pick them up now." Do I sound too happy? Maybe I do. It's been a week and a half since we watched the fireworks together, and I've felt like I'm floating on a cloud ever since.

We both crouch down, and start collecting her books. I gently touch her hand, and she smiles at me. I don't think I've ever been happier. If only I could hug her close all the time. It's all I want to do. Maybe tease her a bit. What if I tickled her? What sort of expression would she show me?

"You've got a really goofy look on your face, Francine... are you thinking about bad things again?" Emma gives me a suspicious gaze.

I blink. "W-wha... I don't think about bad things! I'm good now!"

"Uh-huh..." It doesn't seem like she believes me. Oh well.

I suddenly think of something, and start looking around. We've gotten all the books, but if it's really like first semester, then where is the case? I don't see it anywhere. I've not made it go missing, have I? Oh no.

She touches my arm, and I look at her. It seems like she read my mind, because she points to a silver object poking out from her coat pocket. I feel a little relieved, though I'm not sure if she expected my villainy, or if that's just where she keeps it now regardless.

We stand back up, and I stack the books I picked up on top of hers. I like this a lot better. Sure she's adorable when embarrassed, or grumpy, but her smile is really beautiful too.

Yes, I am aware that I've got it really bad. But I intend to enjoy this as much as I can for as long as it lasts. I don't know when, or if, I'll get another chance.

* * *

I picked up a book from the library that I have never read before. In the grand scheme of things it's a very minor perk of no longer being bound to the same routine, and the same actions over and over, but I still like it. However the book itself is not as exciting as I had hoped, so I feel close to dozing off. Maybe reading it in bed was a mistake.

My door suddenly flies open.


A certain girlfriend of mine steps into the room, and she does not look happy. Though she looks extremely adorable, with every strand of hair on her head standing straight out. I've been waiting for this, and can't stop myself from giggling.

"It's not funny!" she says.

"I'm sorry, Emma, but it is very funny," I reply.

"You're not sorry at all!" She's right about that. "You did this, so you fix it!"

I put the book away, and get up. "I can't," I truthfully tell her.


"Don't worry, it'll wear off in about an hour." Maybe two. "But I have no way to fix it right away." It might be possible to come up with a counter-agent to the potion I slipped into her shampoo, but I didn't bother.

"You..." She just stares at me. I didn't think her disbelief would be that pronounced.

"Why not stay here with me until it returns to normal?" I suggest, and step closer.

"You..." She sighs, and finally relaxes. "You're incorrigible."

"I am a little sorry," I say. "But that time in the locker room I wanted to touch it so badly. To see what it felt like." Very gingerly I reach out, and push my hand against the orb of hair. It sinks in easy. "Ah, it's so fluffy~."

She blushes. "You could have just asked me to use it. I wouldn't have turned you down."

"But then I wouldn't have gotten to see your adorably indignant expression." She's so cute that she might make my heart burst.

She blinks at me. "You're really messed up, Francine," she grumbles.

I know. "It smells so nice, too~." Would sticking my face into it be going too far?

"That tickles..." She shivers. "Also, that was my last bottle of shampoo you ruined."

"Don't worry, I made sure to buy you some more. Consider it a make-up gift." It's honestly the least I can do. Actually I suppose the least I could have done was to not do this in the first place, but this is the next best thing. Right?

"You really thought this through." She almost sounds impressed. "Alright, I guess I can stay. It's just an hour, right?"

My stomach flutters, and I nod at her. I'm probably grinning like an idiot. "Do I get to play with your hair until it wears off?" Maybe I'm pushing my luck now.

Her cheeks are such a lovely pink. "Okay." So bashful.

"Yay, you're the best!" I beam.

"And you're the worst."

"Yes." I can't deny that.

We sit down, and I get to work enjoying the result of my ill deed.

"I was going to do my homework, you know. So you're going to have to help me with it afterwards."

"Okay." I don't mind.

"And... um... could you maybe... it feels nice when your nails touch my scalp..."

"Of course!" How could I deny a request from such a pretty, blushing maiden?

It feels like she's starting to melt from the attention. Ah~, this is bliss.

* * *


I really like hearing her say my name.


"Where is my notebook?" she asks.

"What notebook?"

"The one you took." I just love that expression on her face. Grumpy, annoyed, but not seriously angry.

I pull out a notebook that says Emma Grenier on it. "Oh, this notebook?"

"Yes. Give it back."


"Class is about to start." She reaches for it, but I get out of my chair, and hold it out of her reach. Being tall has its advantages. "Hey!"

"My my, why so adamant? Have you written something about me in here, maybe?" I ponder out loud.

"What? No. Just give it back." She tries to jump to reach it.

"Maybe a love poem about your sweet Francine Lataille~?" I grin, and move as if I'm going to open it. I'm so happy to see her blush a little.

"Knock it off, Lataille!"

The notebook is snatched out of my hand by none other than Paul Valleroy. Oops. I might have messed up.

He looks angry. "I knew you couldn't be trusted! You'd better-"

"Paul." Emma is suddenly right in front of him, and has her hands on his chest as if she means to hold him back. "Please, it's okay."

"Emma? But she's harassing you." He looks confused.

"Paul, no. She's just teasing me. It's okay, really." Her tone is kind and friendly, but also very insistent.

"Huh? But..."

"It's fine. Please trust me. Okay? I don't mind." She smiles at him. I was worried about how to explain things to him, but I guess Emma's got it handled. "Actually, I... uh... kinda like it..." Her cheeks turn pink at the admission.

Wait, did she really just say that? I'm feeling rather warm all of a sudden. You shouldn't encourage me like that, Emma.

"Oh... um... okay." He sheepishly hands her the notebook. "I'm sorry, Lataille, I just..."

"No, it's okay. I understand," I say, since I totally do. "I went a little far..." I didn't really think about how it might look to others. I just got so wrapped up in having fun.

And Emma... my heart is beating so fast right now. I want to do bad things to her.

* * *

Classes are over for the day, and it's time to head back to the dorms.

"Is something wrong, Emma?" I ask.

"I can't find my shoes..." Emma replies.

"Are you sure you put them away in the right place?"

You are reading story Because I Love You at

"Yeah, I..." She shoots me a suspicious look. "Francine. Do you know where my shoes are?"

"Hm? Why would I know?" I do my best to sound as innocent as possible.

"Francine." She's clearly not buying it.

"I swear to God, I have no idea where your shoes are, Emma." I asked Bella to take them, after all. She might have brought them back to the dorm already. I don't know.

"Ugh... I just know you're behind it... give me my shoes, please?" There's a hint of pleading in her voice.

"I don't know where they are, so I couldn't even if I wanted to." That's the full and honest truth.

She looks a little more bothered than I thought she would be. "You... why take my shoes?"

"I didn't! But I have a solution." I should try to cheer her up right away.


I grin at her. "Well, you can't walk to the dorms in your slippers in this snow, so the only solution is that I carry you." My master plan unfolds.

She gives me a dumbfounded stare. "W-what? Oh no... no, you can't." It seems like realisation is setting in.

"It's the only way, Emma," I insist.

"Francine, please... don't do this." She is already blushing so lovely.

"Why~? It's nothing to be embarrassed about." I'm practically tingling with excitement.

"But you..."

"Do you have any other options?" I'm probably insufferable right now.

"You're so... just give me my shoes..."

Maybe I'm pushing things too far, but she's just so adorable. "I can't. I already told you I don't know where they are."

"Ugh... fine. Alright. But we're going straight to the dorm. No detours. Or I'm not talking to you for a week."

That is quite the threat. "You have my solemn word. Straight to the dorms."

"Okay. Hurry up, then."

"At once, milady~." I scoop her into my arms with ease, and her blushing intensifies immediately as she holds on to me. I'm going to carry her like a pretty princess. I'm so excited.

We push our way out of the exit doors, and I head straight for the dorm, as promised.

"Make way! I'm carrying my girlfriend here!" I announce to people as I speed-walk past them.

Emma goes from pink, to bright red. "Franciiiiine." She whines.

"What? You didn't say I had to be quiet." I smile at her, then raise my voice. "And I want everyone to know you're my girlfriend!"

People are looking, even staring at us, as we walk along. Some seem shocked. Some are merely surprised. Some appear confused. Some are smiling. Some look... a little jealous? I proudly carry Emma past everyone who is staring, whispering, or both. If only the walk was a little longer.

"Kill me now..." Emma groans. I don't think she feels the same way.

* * *

Because of my little stunt with the shoes, and the carrying, Emma refused to talk to me for two days afterwards. At least it wasn't a whole week. Maybe I did go a little too far, but I can't help feeling like it was worth it. Besides, she has forgiven me by now.

We are in her room, having grabbed a couple of pieces of cake from the cafeteria to bring with us. And she made us tea again. Some forest berry blend this time. It has a very sweet aroma, and a refreshing taste. I can't imagine how this situation can be any better.

... or can I?

The cake is nice, and creamy. Rich, but not nauseatingly so. And seeing how Emma is carefully eating around the strawberry on top reminds me of a previous time I saw her eat cake. I've already eaten my berry, so maybe it's time for another lesson...

Quick as a bird, I pluck the berry from her cake.


She tries to stop me, but it's too late. With a self-satisfied expression I quickly pop the berry into my mouth.

Emma suddenly grabs me, and yanks me close. What is... what... her mouth... it's... on mine? Is she... is this a kiss? Is she kissing me? Is that her tongue? Oh... she's pulled back again... what was... that? Wait, the strawberry is gone.

I blink, and look at her. She's happily chewing on something. "Hehehe, finally got you back." She sounds very proud of herself.

"Wha..." I'm lost for words.

"I remember you saying I shouldn't be too slow about taking what I want." She beams.

"Oh..." Say something, dammit. Don't just gawp. She couldn't have been waiting for me to take the berry? Did she bait me? No, that had to have been just an impulse thing, right? But what an impulse. What a way to have my first kiss. That was a kiss, right? Or doesn't it count when she just did it to take back what I stole? I... she was... soft. Her tongue was... it happened so suddenly, I was too shocked to really process what was going on.

"You've changed a lot since we first met, but I guess deep down you're still a messed up bully," Emma teases me. At least she doesn't sound unhappy about it.

"Heh..." Why do I suddenly feel a little embarrassed? "I can't really deny that..."

"Though since I've started liking it, I guess I'm also messed up." She giggles a little.

What's this weird feeling I have all of a sudden?

She's quiet for a moment. "You know, considering how you were at the start, I never would have imagined we'd end up like this," she says.

Oh. Oh no. I recognise what is happening.

"I grew really scared of you."

This... looking back on how we got here... this is an ending sequence. Everyone gets their own unique one. I... I guess this is mine?

"Emma..." I want to tell her to stop, but saying her name is all I can manage.

"But then I got to see glimpses of something different... and I... I hoped things could change between us. Even if I never would have expected by this much." She smiles so fondly at me, but...

No. No no no no. I'm not ready. I don't want this to end. Please. There's still so much I want to do. This can't be it. Please don't... don't do this. But any words I want to say are stuck in my throat. Please.

"After all this time... I feel certain when I say... I love you, Francine."

She... she loves me? Oh. She loves me. That's... suddenly my chest feels very warm. Her expression is so full of affection. She really loves me. "I love you too, Emma, so much," I say without thinking. Despite the conflict I feel inside, I can tell that I'm smiling. Am I stuck on a script again? Or am I acting true to my heart? This might be the end, but... she deserves to see my true feelings for her. This is the happy ending. This isn't a time to be sad. That can wait until it's over.

Her hand moves onto mine. "That's the first time you've actually said that with your own words since that time." She looks extremely happy.

Is it really? I guess she's right. I've just treated it as a known thing, and... maybe I didn't bring it up again on purpose?

"I was... kinda worried you might have changed your mind..." she says.

I blink. "I was worried you would change your mind. And I thought how I've acted made my feelings clear." Did I do a bad job of it?

"W-well, I don't know how this is supposed to work." She pouts a little. "I wondered if maybe you were just toying with me..."

I put my other hand on top of hers. "No, I truly love you," I say with all my heart.

Her smile returns. "And I love you."

"You know... my only regret is... if I could have done everything over from the beginning... I think I would have tried to be nicer." The thought slips out of me. "Maybe we could have started as friends."

"I guess we'll never know for sure," she says, and turns her hand around to entwine with mine. "Still... it's a nice thought. I just hope we'd still end up like this."

"Me too." I smile. "But... um..." I awkwardly scratch at my cheek. "It happened so fast before, so... could... could we kiss again? I promise to pay more attention this time."

Suddenly she blushes deeply. As if she hadn't really realised what she did earlier. "I... um... okay."

Part of me wishes she would pull me down again, but instead she just moves closer. I lean down towards her. Our height difference isn't so bad when we're sitting. It feels a little embarrassing to look at her face, so I close my eyes. Her hot breath caresses my face before our lips meet again. While it's not as shocking as last time, it still overwhelming. Her lips are so very soft.

I put my arms around her, and pull her closer. I can feel her embrace me as well. My tongue gently reaches out, and touches hers. There's still a slight taste of strawberry in her mouth. She wraps her tongue around mine, as if she wants to pull it in deeper. It's very nice... very... nice...

I gasp for air. I'm not sure how much time has passed. As I open my eyes, I can see that she looks pretty dazed. I... probably look the same. My mind feels fuzzy. That was... amazing.

Ah. I can feel it coming. Something I've picked up during all these playthroughs is that there is a distinct feeling as we're fading to white, and the credits are about to roll. I guess it's technically my first fade to white in person, but my consciousness has usually floated around until the end, at least partly aware, and it's a sensation I've learned to recognise. I wonder what our end slate is going to look like. Will it just be a piece of art of us kissing, maybe?

I can feel a bit of sorrow setting in, but I should be happy with this result. I got to have an amazing run. I told Emma I loved her. We got to date for a bit. She told me she loves me. I had my first kiss. My first two kisses. I got to see so many new things, after such a long time of just doing the exact same things over and over. Seeing which route we were taking was the only truly interesting thing, but I got to see them all so many times. Seeing Emma's reaction to being bullied was the only excitement, but now I've experienced several other reactions, and discovered ways to prompt them. I wonder if I have more freedom now going forwards? Maybe I'll be able to act against the script, even in the other routes. That could be interesting. ...

... I... don't want to go. I can't help it. This is the first time I've felt truly scared of the game ending since... since I first gained self-awareness, I guess. Back when I didn't truly understand what was happening. This is a different kind of scared. I'm losing something really precious. My first happiness. Can't it last for a bit longer? Please. One more month? A week? Even a day? There's still so much I want to do. Please... no... it's okay. I will get here again, some day. I'll get to see her again no matter what. Even as the villainess I'll be there with her. That is my fate. It'll be okay. I'll be okay. Because I love her.

I... Emma...


"Francine? Is something wrong, Francine?"

"Huh?" I open my eyes. Emma is there. Looking concerned.

"You're crying. What's wrong? Did I- hang on, I have a handkerchief!" She scrambles towards her desk.

"Huh?" I don't understand. I'm still here?

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