Because I Love You

Chapter 11: Epilogue: Hope

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Spring. I have never seen Spring before. Of course I have in my backstory, in the memories that were created for me, but never actually in person. My existence began at the start of 'Personal Spring', and ended at the end of it. I've been through the loop far more times than I could ever count. Now for the very first time I am beyond it.

The title seems quite funny now, as I'm standing here. I had always assumed the title referred to Emma's first romance, which is certainly a sprouting of sorts. But now I'm wondering if the reason for the game ending in Winter is to let the player imagine Emma moving into the very first Spring of her new life. Maybe that's reading too much into it. But I'm certainly having that experience myself.

That day became a bit much for me. I don't think I have ever cried that hard, not even anywhere in my backstory. It was like every emotion I had ever held in demanded to come out right away, all at once. I'm fairly certain it scared the crap out of Emma. And I had no way of explaining to her why I was crying. I was just... so relieved. In complete disbelief. Happy. Shocked. It wasn't over. I wasn't going back to the start. I could stay. With her. Even just thinking about it now makes me feel like the tears are threatening to spill forth again.

Today is my birthday. My very first birthday, where I technically turn 17. Apparently it's common to assign birthdays to fictional characters, and the creator probably thought it was funny to put mine at a point outside of the span of the game. Emma's is in the autumn. An event I understandably never got to take part in.

Otto announced at the start of the week that he would be hosting a party for me. I think Arthur is helping him organise it. It starts at five, and will probably last well into the evening. While I am not entirely sure I deserve something like that, I have to admit I'm quite excited about it. Having to wait is somewhat agonising.

Part of me is worried I'm still in the game. That it has merely been extended. That it will still end, and possibly soon. Maybe I'm in a sequel. But I think... I hope that I'm free. Hope. That is also a strange emotion. Hope for the future. I wonder if this means that every time Emma reached a happy ending, or even a neutral ending, that was an Emma that was set free. Maybe each successful save file led to its own world where another version of her happily lives on with whomever she picked. It's a thought that is both disturbing, and comforting. They all deserve to be happy. It also means that this Emma is all mine.

Speaking of... I haven't seen her all day. It's the weekend, so there are no classes today, yet I haven't seen her at all. Could she have gone somewhere? Her room was nice and neat when I checked it, so I doubt anything bad has happened. Surely she hasn't forgotten it's my birthday? I had sort of envisioned that she would leap into my arms, and congratulate me this morning. I told her there was a party. I mean, she was in the room when Otto made his declaration, but I also made sure to remind her yesterday. She said she's going. So where is she?

I guess I can check her room again. Wherever she went, she might have come back by now.

Every lounge I pass in the dorm is full of students doing one thing or another, as is typical of every weekend. The hassle of going into town means that typically no one bothers unless there's something they really need. Most things you'd want can be gotten from the trading post anyway.

Emma's room is still empty, so I'm at a loss. Well, maybe I can get my riding gear, and borrow a horse to pass the time. She'll show up. She wouldn't miss it.

I open the door to my room, and... why is it so dark? I don't remember drawing the curtains before I left. What-

There's a sudden flash. "Happy birthday, Francine!" "Happy birthday, Lady Francine!"

Wh-wha... "Huh?" There's Emma... and Bella... and Eloise... what are they... what?

Emma hugs me. "Happy birthday! We were getting kinda worried you wouldn't show up."

"You sure took your time," Bella says. "Eloise volunteered to go out, find you, and drag you back here."

"I-I would never drag her!" Eloise protests. "But you can't exactly have a surprise birthday party without the birthday girl in question."

"What?" I'm stunned.

"We thought you'd come to your room eventually, so we waited. Though we had expected 'eventually' to be a bit sooner. Still, you're here! Were you surprised?" Emma grins at me.

"I... y-yes." They were waiting? Well, now I feel like a doofus. Still, who would have thought to look in their own room for their missing girlfriend? And best friends. I'm ashamed to say I hadn't really thought about them today. I was too focused on Emma.

"Come on," Emma drags me over to the table. "We made you a cake, and your favourite tea."

"You made me..." There sure is a cake. It looks like chocolate, with some sort of cream or frosting on top that spells out 'Happy Birthday, Francine'. "You made this?"

"Yes." Bella nods at me.

"All three of us worked on it all morning," Eloise adds. "We... uh... haven't tasted it, so we don't know how it turned out..."

"The chocolate frosting is good," Emma assures me. "It's the inside we're not sure about."

They made a cake. Together. For me. I can't believe it. A home made cake.

"Oh right, I should light the candle." Bella takes out her wand, and with a quick flick of the wrist, a small candle in the middle of the cake starts burning. I hadn't even noticed it was there, but the light from it makes the white frosting sparkle all pretty.

I don't know what to say.

"L-Lady Francine? Are you okay?"

"Huh?" I don't understand Eloise's question.

Suddenly Emma is wiping my face with a handkerchief. "We hoped you'd be happy, but I didn't think you'd get this emotional, silly," she says.

I raise a hand to my eye. Tears. "B-b-but you made me a cake. I-I can't help it. Thank you so much!" Finally I managed to say something. I don't even care how it tastes. They worked together to make it. That means it's really special no matter what.

Bella and Eloise both breathe sighs of relief. Maybe they were worried it wasn't happy tears.

"You should blow out the candle, Lady Francine."

"And make a wish."

A wish. I nod, lean forward, take a breath, and blow. The flame is snuffed out immediately. I wish that I am truly free to live out the rest of my life. Hopefully with Emma at my side.

"I wish you two would stop calling me Lady," I say out loud.


"You can just call me Francine."

"W-what? But Lady Francine, we couldn't possibly-" Bella starts to protest.

"Please. You're my closest friends. I insist. I know it goes against etiquette, but I would be grateful if you indulged my selfish wish."

They're both staring at me. I smile at them.

"I could instead start calling you Lady Bella, and Lady Eloise, if you prefer."

I notice Emma cracking a grin at that. I pulled the same trick on her, after all.

"No, you can't! Uh..." Eloise blushes. "As... as you wish, Fra... Francine."

"F-Francine." Bella sounds like she's tasting something strange for the first time.

It might take them some time to get used to it. "Thank you," I say with the deepest sincerity. I'm happy.

"Here." Emma hands me a plate. Apparently she cut a piece for me while the rest of us were occupied.

I accept it, and grab a fork. Mmm... the sponge inside is a little dry, and the frosting is a tad too sweet. It's the best cake I've ever had.

* * *

Emma's hand is warm. I hope I never get tired of holding it.

"I'm happy you enjoyed the surprise," she says.

We decided to go for a walk afterwards, while Bella and Eloise volunteered to clean up everything. I feel a little bad, since I made a thing out of wanting them to treat me more like an equal, but Emma concurred that since it's my birthday I shouldn't have to worry about such things.

"It was wonderful. Thank you." I don't know how many times I ended up thanking them. They're probably sick of hearing it already.

"And you truly liked the presents?"

"Of course." Bella got me a skirt, and Eloise a blouse. They both know my sizes, as we've shopped for clothes together several times. And Emma got me a nice brush, and a matching comb. I didn't have the heart to tell her I bought a new set just last month. I certainly don't mind using the ones she got me instead.

"I'm glad." Emma squeezes my hand, and smiles.

The pond is starting to look quite nice again. You can smell the vegetation coming back to life, and the air temperature is pleasant. We're still a little ways away from warm, but at least I no longer need a scarf.

An idea hits me. "There is one more present I'd like," I say.


With no further warning, I give her a push. Right into the pond.

*Splash!* "Eeeeeek!"

I let out a delighted laugh.

"Francine!!!" Emma is glaring at me. The water shouldn't be too cold, but it's probably not pleasant either.

"Ah~, you look so good when you're wet~." Completely drenched, and dripping. It's been too long since I last saw her like this.

"You're a twisted soul, Francine Lataille." She gets onto her feet.

I giggle. "I know I am." I offer her a hand to help her out. I should dry her off, since it's not too long until the non-surprise party starts. "Wah!" What- *Splash!* "Eeeeeeeek!" Cold!

Emma's laughing. She yanked me in, instead of letting me help her out. I didn't think the water was this cold. I mean, it wouldn't have stopped me from pushing her in even if I knew. Ugh, even if I dry myself with magic, I'll still have to redo my hair before the party. ... I guess I deserve that.

I wipe my face. "Well done. I didn't think you had it in you," I say.

"I guess someone has been a bad influence on me." She looks oddly smug about it.

"I guess so." Perhaps I should be more careful from now on. Though it's also a little exciting to think that I've corrupted her... I'm so messed up. Seriously messed up.

I start to get up, but Emma stops me by straddling my lap. Why- oh. She kisses me. The water is still cold, we're both wet, yet somehow I feel very warm. She tastes so nice, and sweet. I guess getting out, and drying off can wait a little longer.

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* * *

There's only about a month left of the second semester, and the second family day has arrived. Since I've stayed here for all our breaks, I haven't seen my family at all since last Autumn. I'm both excited, and nervous. The first family day was to let them see how we had settled in, and show them what the academy is like. The second is to fill them in on how our first year has gone. Both of my parents are coming this time. And I have something very important to tell them.

I keep fidgeting with my uniform, checking my face in the mirror, and going over my hair. I can't imagine they would be that concerned about my appearance, but I can't help it. I'm too restless.

"It'll be okay," Emma says. She's right by me, which helps a little, but my heart is still pounding. Her family arrived early, so she's already greeted them, and decided to wait with me for mine. What's taking them-

"Fran-fran!" My heart jumps. Louise is rushing towards me. She leaps, I catch her, and twirl her around. I've done this so many times, yet it's the first time I've done it outside of the game. She giggles happily. Thankfully Emma was quick to step back so she wouldn't get hit.

"Hi there, little Lou!" I laugh.

"Fran-fran! Did you already forget I'm not little?" She tries to pout, but her grin is too big to allow it.

"Oh my, you're right. You're even bigger than last time!"


"I've missed you," I say, and hug her close.

"Me too. It's boring without you home, Fran-fran."

That makes my heart ache a little. I see my parents are approaching at a measured pace, so I put Louise down.

"Mother. Father. It's good to see you again," I say, and smile warmly at them. This is technically the first time I've seen my father. My memories of him are still strong, and he's exactly like I remember him. A part of me was curious whether that would actually be the case, since he never showed up during the course of the game.

"Hello, Francine. Are you well?" my mother asks.

"Very much so, thank you for asking. How are things at home?" I ask.

"The same as always," my father says. He even sounds exactly like I remember. I don't know why I thought he might not, but I'm still relieved that he does. "I'm sure you're not interested in the details of management."

"I'll have to be some day," I reply, and we both smile.

"Who is this?" my mother asks. She's noticed Emma standing close by, and of course doesn't remember her.

I guess I shouldn't put it off any longer. I muster up as much composure as I can. "I would like to introduce you to someone." I step closer to her. "This is Emma Grenier. She is my girlfriend."

"A pleasure to meet you, Lord and Lady Lataille," she says politely, and even curtsies the way we practised.

Their eyes widen.

"Grenier?" My father sounds like he's trying to recall if he's heard the name. He probably hasn't.

"A-a lowborn?" My mother's disbelief and disapproval was expected, but it still stings a little.

This was a calculated move. Out in the open like this, with so many people around, they can't cause a scene. I know that. They know that. I'm not sure if that will offend them, or impress them, but I couldn't think of a better way to do it.

"Whoooaaaa, she's so pretty!" Louise is suddenly right in front of Emma. "I'm Louise!" Leave it to my little sister's innocent heart to break the tension.

Emma crouches down to my sister's eye level. "I'm Emma. It's very nice to meet you, Louise."

Louise reaches out, and touches Emma's face. "I like your freckles," she says. I like them too. I guess us sisters have similar tastes.

Emma giggles. "Thank you."

"Emma?" She looks up at me when I speak. "Could you go introduce little Lou to Claire? I wish to talk to my parents alone." Louise gasps.


"Can I?!" I think Emma was about to ask if I was sure, but Louise's outburst cut her off. "Can I really?!" She's practically vibrating with excitement. "Can I really, father?!" Her eyes are wide, sparkling, and hopeful.

He hesitates for just a second, then gives in. "Y-yes, of course."

"Yay!" Louise bounces around. Spoiling Louise is basically a family tradition. We all have a hard time saying no to her, especially since her requests are always so innocent. Maybe that's the reason she's so childlike even at the age of 11. I can't remember if I was the same, but I have a feeling my heart was never that pure.

The two of them go off, and I face my parents. Now comes the hard part.

* * *

All the families have left again, and I've found a bench under a large aspen tree. I'm exhausted. The fresh leaves are very pretty. Emma sits down next to me.

"That could have gone better," I say.

She places her hand on top of mine. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." I smile at her. "It could have also gone worse. They're just... stubborn. I guess it went about as expected. " I gained some respect by telling them face to face, and not in a letter. I didn't attempt to hide it until the end of the day either, which I think they also appreciated. And while they weren't happy about it, I believe they recognised the tactical value of where I chose to tell them. It might have impressed my father, at the very least. If we had been in private, it's likely it would have gone differently. Even so... part of me had really hoped they would be accepting. At least after hearing me out. But I wasn't able to win them over before they left.

"I'm sure they're just worried about what's best for you," Emma says, and moves a little closer.

"I know." And old Francine would have definitely agreed with them. I was very much my parents' daughter. Actually, I was worse than them. So haughty. So sure of how important I was. At least they have some integrity. I wonder if they're disappointed at how I've changed... "Which only makes it more frustrating. But I'll make them come around. Even if it takes me years." I'm quite stubborn too.

It makes me wonder what the other four have to go through after their happy endings. There's probably no issue for Valleroy, considering he's Emma's childhood friend, and their families know each other well.

Gabriel is highborn, but his family is largely outside the main sphere of political drama. He's not the heir either, so I'm sure he wouldn't have too much trouble.

The other two will probably have the biggest hurdles. Otto might not be a crown prince, but he's still a prince, and from another country at that. If he's serious about marrying a lowborn girl from a different country, would that be enough to cause an international scandal? I'm sure he'd figure out how to get his way. He's good at that.

Arthur's family sits at the top of our society, so his struggle might be about the same as mine. I have to admit I'm not certain whether his parents are as strict as mine. It's possible they are more lenient, but he is still their heir. There would be the expectation that his marriage had some political gain, or at least stayed within the proper circles. However I do not doubt that he is capable to winning them over, and I have to prove I can do the same.

Emma giggles. "I believe in you. I know what it's like to be your enemy, after all," she teases.

"Ouch." I put my arm around her, and snuggle real close. "Louise really loves you, as I knew she would. That's going to help. Having her on my side is probably my best leverage."

"She's a very sweet girl," she says as she leans against my shoulder.

"The sweetest. Hard to believe we're related." Maybe the creator thought the contrast between us would be amusing. I'm happy she's the way she is, though.

"You're sweet too," Emma assures me.

Not like that. "Your family is really lovely," I tell her. Meeting them was a treat, and Louise and Claire seemed to really hit it off. Little Lou almost never gets to meet other girls her own age, and thankfully Claire was happy to play with her.

"Thanks. I think they like you." Emma smiles.

"Though your father nearly jumped when he heard my name." That had been unexpected, and a little funny.

"Well, he actually pays attention to politics. Says it's helpful to keep track of that stuff when you're running a business." That makes sense. Even if it's just a farm, you probably want to be informed about who you could be trading with. "I don't think he expected I'd be dating someone from one of the highest families in the country."

"We're only fifth..." I mumble. The power dynamics tend to be a little fluid, but the Latailles have never been quite at the top.


"Er... right. Sorry." My sense of perspective doesn't always remember that being in the top five is still really high.

Emma giggles. So cute. "I'm fairly certain he expected me to end up with Paul."

"Hm... maybe that would have been easier for everyone..."


"Ow!" She pinched me!

"Don't you say that. Don't you dare. It's you I love."

"Eep!" She's squeezing me really tight. "Alright, alright, I'm sorry!" The pressure eases up. "This isn't like me at all, huh?" I shouldn't have said it, but it just slipped out of me.

"Nope. So you better pull it together." She sounds really fierce.

"You're right." I kiss her forehead. "This is far from over."

"Good. And don't forget it." She grins at me.

I love her so much. She helps me be strong when I falter. She gives me something I wasn't aware I needed. Hope. For the future. My parents will see sense, I'm sure of it. They're not bad people, not in the way I was. I will make them proud of me. Proud of her. They'll see. We have time. I have her. I am... happy.

"Things will work out," I tell her. It feels like some of my confidence is returning to me. "I know it. Because I love you."

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