Become a big brother in another world!

Chapter 2: Ch 2: Eps 1 Part 2

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After only a few minutes of running, Haru was completely ragged. His lack of athletic ability had left him huffing and puffing in no time, but the town was still quite far. While he had managed to make it all the way to the main road, he had no choice but to stop and rest. He found himself a nearby tree to lean against, one that overlooked a nearby stream that ran along the road.

"Okay, okay. So the adventure didn't start off so well." Haru quipped. "But there's still time to turn this around! If I can just make it to town…."

He looked at the town in the distance. At the rate he was going, with all of the stops he'd have to make to rest, he'd probably make it by nightfall. He groaned solemnly as he realized it was going to be even harder than he first thought.

Just then, a horse drawn tarp-covered cart came rolling down the road. A young woman was driving the cart, when she spotted Haru breathing heavily by the tree.

"Oh my!" the woman said. "Sir, are you alright?"

Haru looked up to see the woman looking at him. She had a beautiful appearance with long brown hair pouring down the back of the white sundress she wore, and a wide brimmed hat covering the top of her head. Haru smiled, the sight of her bringing his spirits up.

"Who? Me? Yeah, I'm fine!" he said, trying to make himself look less lame. "Just exercising, y'know? Gotta build up those muscles."

The woman laughed, amused by his response.

"I see. Are you from the town? You don't look like you're from around here."

"No. I'm, uh, new here. Was about to head into town myself."

"Is that so? We'll we're heading the same way then. If you'd like, I could take you over there."

"REALLY?! Er, I mean, Yeah that sounds great."

"Fantastic!" the woman responded. She leaned over the seat and called back into the inside of the cart. "Honey! This man will be joining us!"

A black haired man stepped out of the back of the cart, wearing a leather tunic. He stretched a bit before looking over to Haru.

"Ah! Nice to meet you! I'm Sota. I see you've already met my wife Naoko."

"Oh…." Haru said, deflated. "Uh…yeah…."

"Well, come this way. Let's depart for town."

Haru followed him into the back of the cart, and the three of them set off towards town. Several minutes went by with Haru staying silent as he watched the countryside go by. But there was so much going through his head, he couldn't sit still.

"Hey, uh, quick question. Where exactly are we?"

"Heh, you really aren't from around here are ya?" Sota replied. "This right here is the Kingdom of Vyrana."


"Yessir, north of the sea, south of the mountains, east of the forests, and west of the plains. We're a small nation, but we've prospered through trade."

"I see."

"Yep, and the 'town' we're heading into is the capital of the kingdom. That's where all the best trading happens, which is a real help for farmers like ourselves."

Sota looked over through the opening at the front of the tarp and smiled.

"Ah! Looks like we're arriving now!"

Haru peeked through the opening to see what Sota saw. The town wasn't just a regular old village, it was an enormous castle town with stone walls surrounding the perimeter. The buildings were made of lumber and stone, the people moving in and out were dressed in medieval clothing, and in the distance, high above the rest of the town, a massive castle to serve as the centerpiece. It was a perfect fantasy town, and it had Haru ecstatic.

As the cart finally came to a stop at the front gate, Haru and Sota hopped out of the back.

"This is our stop," Sota said. "Hope you enjoy our little kingdom."

"Thanks! I will!" Haru replied, as he scooted inside the walls.

He quickly made his way further and further into the city until he found the market square. It was filled to the brim with colorful shops and stalls with what seemed like thousands of people, both human and monster, moving between them. The sounds of music and chattering filling the air was almost relaxing, as if Haru had just found society in the middle of the dangerous wilds. The air smelled of fresh bread and burning wood, as people bought food and other goods from the merchants.

"FINALLY!" he thought to himself. "Now my adventure can really begin!"

Colorful banners hung from the roofs of the shops and stalls. Children played around the large fountain in the center of the market while musicians performed for crowds of cheering patrons. Haru took it all in and let the feeling of excitement wash over him.

"It's really neat seeing all of this huh?" Reina said.

"Yeah! It really is!" Haru replied with a smile.

It took him several moments before Reina's presence actually registered. When it did, Haru recoiled backwards, taken completely by surprise. Reina was there with him, though she had placed a hood over her head to hide her horns.

"WAH?! YOU?!" he shouted. "WHEN DID YOU?! HOW DID YOU?!"

"Big Brother you seem awfully surprised to see me."

"YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT! How did you follow me here?!"

"Well I saw you running towards town, and I felt bad for not showing you around. And then I kept thinking about it and suddenly I was here!"

Haru paused for a moment, looking away.

"Teleportation?" Haru thought to himself. "Just how many powers does she have?"

"Umm, Big Brother? Is something the matter?"

"Uh, no," he said, returning his attention to her. "But please stop calling me that."

"Oh…. Do you not like it?"

"Well, no not really, but also I'm not your brother, alright?"

"I know that. But you're still the only family I've got."

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Haru went silent, letting her statement sink in.

"What do you mean?" He asked. "You…don't have a family?"

Reina shook her head, a glum look appearing on her face.

"I've been alone since birth." She replied. "I never had parents, or any family at all."

"You've never had a family? Who raised you then?"

"Oh I grew up surrounded by the monster tribes out in the wilds. They passed me around for a while, but none of them ever wanted to keep me."

"And what about the humans?"

"I can't be seen near them! The tribes told me: 'If they ever see those horns of yours, it'll be the end of you and everyone you care about!'"

"I see…."

"It's…been hard, being by myself. I was so lonely, all I could think about was finding someone to be with me."

"And that's why you brought me here…." Haru quietly stated, remembering what she had said back at the house. "But why me?"

"The truth is, I've been living in that house for a few days now. I was at a point where I felt really hopeless. But then I heard a voice: yours. You said, 'you were feeling lonely, and that you wanted to leave your world behind'. So I thought about you real hard, and then you were here!" she said, ending with a smile.

"That wasn't an invitation!" Haru said sternly. "You can't just take people from their worlds just because you're lonely."

"Oh…. Sorry…."

"Look kid, It's a shame that you had a bad life growing up. Really I understand how you feel, but I've got my own problems! My entire life has been a trainwreck, and this is the only chance I have of making anything out of it! Starting by getting myself my own harem!"

"What's a harem?"

"NEVERMIND! Just…just go back already!"

Reina stepped back. Her face turned pale.

"You…want me to go away?"

"Yes! Go! Go back to that house already! I don't have time to take care of you! Go bring someone else from my world over, and make them your family!"

Reina stared down at her feet, Haru's words tearing through her, as tears began to build up.

"Oh…. Okay…." she sadly mumbled. "I'm sorry about what I did…. Goodbye…."

She quietly walked away as Haru couldn't even bear to watch. He kept his head pointed upwards to the sky, not allowing himself to feel any remorse for what he had said. He didn't let up until Reina was completely out of sight, at which point he let out a long sigh.

"Well…. Time to get things started," he said to himself. "Hopefully no one else is going to summon me to strange houses in the middle of nowhere."

A woman who was passing by heard what Haru said and suddenly stopped. She turned to him.

"Excuse me," She said, catching his attention. "Did you just say you appeared in a house?"

"Oh, uh, it's no big deal!" Haru replied. "I just found myself in an empty house outside of town is what I was saying."

"You…. You don't mean the house on the hill do you?"

"Huh? Yeah, I did."

The woman's eyes went wide in awe.

"You appeared in that house?! Then that means…."

"What are you talking about?"

The woman turned to the crowd and shouted: "Everyone! This man fulfilled the prophecy! He appeared inside the hero's house!"

In an instant, Haru was swarmed by people, all eager to see him. Haru recoiled, completely unsure how to deal with the attention.

"What's going on here?" a man's stern voice asked.

The crowd turned to see a group of guards in armor and a gruff looking grey haired man riding on a horse. The man on the horse approached the crowd, sweeping over them with his eyes.

"It's Captain Jiro!" someone in the crowd murmured.

"What's he doing here?" another asked.

Jiro looked over towards Haru, his eyes piercing through him.

"Who is this man?" he asked.

"He's the one the prophecy spoke of!" the woman shouted. "He appeared inside the house on the hill!"

"Is this true?" He asked Haru.

Haru nodded quietly, unnerved by the man's commanding presence.

Jiro continued to stare at Haru, until he raised his hand and pointed towards him.

"You. Come with me."

Haru walked over to Jiro before he and the guards set off down the street.

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