Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 405: 405: You are done! !

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In the Maserati car, Jiang Chen sat in the co-pilot.!

Today, Jiang Chen was also moved by the unremitting efforts of Chu Xiaomeng, a tens of billions of white wealth and beauty.

Scumbag, I can't live up to the affection of a beauty this year.

I'm so helpless. jpg!

the other side.

Chu Xiaomeng drove the car with a smile on his mouth, so excited and excited inside.

Jiang Chen finally agreed to himself!

Today, she prepared the tools for half a year and finally came in handy, and she must get drunk Jiang Chen at night.

Warm smoke, don't blame me!

Blame him for being so good and charming!


finally reached.

Haohuang Clubhouse KTV.

Today, Chu Xiaomeng wore a more **** tight red skirt, showing extremely beautiful snow-white long legs.

After she naturally liked Jiang Chen, she became a lot more conservative, and it was the first time she was so **** today. It was simply a plan.

Jiang Chen: →_→

I found a box.

Opening the hall, ordering songs, drinks, peanuts, fruits, popcorn, cold dishes... etc. are all available.

Chu Xiaomeng took out a few sheets of 100 yuan and handed them to the waiter: "It's okay, don't bother."


He understands what Chu Xiaomeng means!

But... isn't this usually the initiative of boys?

Why is it now that a girl takes the initiative?

Moreover, this is also a super goddess in front of me!

Next, Chu Xiaomeng and Jiang Chen sang while drinking.

What are the songs I sing, "I can", "Exclusive Angel", "Today you want to marry me", "Belong to", "Love Song", "I Want Us Together", "Embrace Your Taste"... ...

As for drinking, intimacy is inevitable...

And at this moment...

Lin Jin, the chairman of Jinfan Mining, was talking about a business today and happened to pass by here.

"Hey, this one, isn't that Mr. Jiang last time?"

Lin Jin accidentally saw the familiar figure in the box through the KTV glass.

Jiang Chen, a mysterious and very rich boss, young and handsome, left a very deep impression on Lin Jin when he first met.

And after returning, he asked a lot of people in the circle, no one knew the young man, and finally he learned some information from the top boss of the magic city.

This top boss in the city is Qiantong, the richest man in the city!

And the attitude of the richest man to his husband is very respectful!

This is terrifying!

That is the richest man in the magic capital, the top ten richest people in the country!

Mr. Jiang's identity is ready to be revealed, he must be a hidden super rich!

This kind of bigwig must be flattering! !

He thought for a while, and went directly to the secretary to open a bottle of top-quality red wine, worth more than 100,000, holding the wine glass, knocking on the door and walking into Jiang Chen's box.

"Mr. Jiang!"

Respectfully and enthusiastically walked in.

"Are you?" Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment.

Lin Jin: "......"


The big guy has forgotten himself. Last time, he completed a 6 billion deal with the big guy. Is it because the big guy hasn't even paid attention to the 6 billion?

(Jiang Chen: Yes, 6 billion is just a number for me!)

Lin Jin quickly explained: "Big guy, I'm Lin Jin of Jinfan Mining. Last time I spent more than 6 billion to buy back shares of Jinfan Mining from you."

Chu Xiaomeng: "!!!"



More than 6 billion?

"Oh, it's you!" Jiang Chen finally remembered.

"Mr. Jiang, long time no see, I will toast you a glass!" Lin Jin pouring Jiang Chen respectfully.


Lin Jin was also very eye-sighted. Seeing Jiang Chen and Chu Xiaomeng alone, he didn't dare to disturb, he kept the red wine, and then hurried out of the box.

After leaving the box, Lin Jin called his son Lin Zhiwen.

"Son, come to the KTV of the Haohuang Club, I will introduce you to someone. If you can cheat on him, you will benefit for life!"

On the other side of the phone, an arrogant and domineering voice came: "Dad, aren't you? I'm still a junior, and my main job is eating, drinking, and having fun... Oh no, it's studying hard, you let me go to curry favor. other people?"

Lin Jin persuaded: "Son, believe in Dad, it's a great honor for you to befriend this character..."

He is a loving father who lost his wife in middle-aged age and left his only son. He is very fond of his son Lin Zhiwen.

After his persuasion, his son Lin Zhiwen finally agreed to come over.


Half an hour later, Lin Zhiwen brought a group of classmates from the Imperial College of Finance and Economics (Pheasant University) to the Haohuang Club in a luxury car.

After getting off the car, all the kids were stunned by the luxury, extravagance and high-end of the clubhouse!

"Wow, Lin Shao, it's so high-end here!"

"Yes, we have only been to KTV before. The clubhouse is just a legendary place. It has been affected by Lin Shao for a few days!"

"Shao Lin, is there such a beautiful woman in this club that you can touch and soak in the legend? Hehehe!"

Lin Shao enjoys the flattery of these Hupengouyou brothers.

Then the proud lesson: "You guys, the eyes are too low, what is good about the young lady? I tell you, a good family that is pure and clean is delicious."

"Lin Shao still has a good eye!"

"A model that my generation admires!"

And just as these people were bragging, a group of beauties walked in from outside the clubhouse.

Yingying Yanyan~~

Flowery branches~~

Youthful and beautiful~~

All of them are pretty high, at least 80 points.

Suddenly, it attracted the attention of Lin Zhiwen and other men.

If Jiang Chen was there, he would definitely recognize a few school girls here.

These beauties are all students from the nearby Polytechnic University and the school sisters of Jiang Chen.

"Wow, big beauty."

"So pretty, that's so fierce, so white!"

"Wow, those big legs!"

They drooled one by one, Huawei pig brothers.

Lin Zhiwen waved his hand: "Go, I will teach you how to make this kind of girl today? Only this kind of talent is worthy of my identity."

"Lin Shao is mighty!"

"Lin Shao is domineering!"

Lin Zhiwen took a group of people directly, followed all the way, and soon came to the third floor of the KVT box.

Soon, the group of beauties found a box on the third floor.

Lin Zhiwen opened another box directly next to him.

As for what his dad told him to indulge in one person... he is over! all! forget! Remember! Up!

Beauty, the most important thing!


Then Lin Shao brought a group of younger brothers to the box of the group of beautiful women next door.

Walked in.

Take the steps of the rich second generation!

"Hey, ladies, we are really fate, you are all beauties, we are all handsome guys here, why don't we join in and play together."

The frivolous tone and domineering voice suddenly made those beautiful women frowned.

"You give me out, we don't welcome you here."

Lin Zhiwen has a thick face and is unmoved: "Don't be like this, you don't have a boyfriend, I don't have a girlfriend. Isn't this a match made in heaven? Let me introduce myself! I am the son of the chairman of Jinfan Mining, Jiahao There are a lot of luxury cars."

When the watch shines, millions of men love Patek Philippe!

As soon as the car key is released, the two-million-level pick-up artifact-BMW!

Hair flick!

Look at me, are you handsome? !

If the average student girl is so bluffed by Lin Zhiwen, it is estimated that her legs will really be weak.

But the students of the University of Technology, all of them were baptized by the legend of Jiang Chen's seniors, "grow up", what is the boss of Atlantis, what is the third largest shareholder of Pangu Hotel, what is the partner of Tianquan Law Firm one......

What they know is already terrifying, let alone what they don't know.

Moreover, Senior Jiang Chen is super handsome!

Zongzhi is a handsome and beautiful young man, looking at the blue sky with white eyes, as bright as a jade tree before the wind!

Another point is that Jiang Chen's senior is low-key. Although rich, he is friendly, low-key, and humble...

They looked at Lin Zhiwen.

The corners of his mouth are disdainful.

Are you handsome? rich? Haha...Is there any handsome and rich Mr. Jiang?

And I want everyone to know that they are awesome, it's too LOW! !

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"Get out!"

"It's great to have a bad money!"

"Yes, we don't welcome you!"

Lin Zhiwen: "..."

His face is extremely ugly!


Damn it, I, Lin Zhiwen, no one dares to shame himself so much! And it still made me ashamed in front of many classmates and brothers!

"Well, you **** are very proud, aren't you?"

"Don't look at who I am, Lin Zhiwen!"

"Dare to humiliate me!"

"You are dead!"

Lin Zhiwen showed a sickly hideous, arrogant and domineering little city in his hometown. No one dared not give him the face of Lin Shao, and in this small box, how many ordinary women would dare to humiliate themselves like this?


Suddenly, the whole box was in chaos.

The girls were frightened. They are just young and beautiful girls in the ivory tower. They have not experienced this dark side of society yet, so they dare to be so arrogant in this kind of public place.


"Hurry up and call someone!"

"Waiter waiter!"


The whole box was in a mess.

Lin Zhiwen's little brothers are all trapped. They are just ordinary students. Whenever they have experienced this, they are all shocked.

at this time......



The door was knocked open, and a man broke in.

Jiang Chen!

Just now he was next door, keenly heard the sound of help, and rushed over immediately, followed by Chu Xiaomeng.


"Senior, we are from Polytechnic University!"

After seeing Jiang Chen, the girls were greatly surprised and excited, and cried loudly.

They were terrified!

"What, from Polytechnic University?"

When Jiang Chen heard this, his face suddenly changed, and his eyes instantly became cold.

"Who are you? Do you know who I am? Get rid of me if you know!"

Lin Zhiwen was furious when he saw Jiang Chen.

He is used to being arrogant and domineering, thinking that this is the city where he is from where he can do whatever he wants.

"Very good, quite arrogant!"

Jiang Chen rushed over.

"Go away!"

Directly knocked the two younger brothers brought by Lin Zhiwen into flight.

Came to Lin Zhiwen.

Reach out!

Click! !

A Sanda grappling technique dislocated Lin Zhiwen's hand.


Lin Zhiwen screamed on the spot.

"Senior Jiang! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."



All the school girls hid behind Jiang Chen, they were so frightened that Huarong turned pale, crying bitterly, pears raining.

Jiang Chen comforted: "It's okay, don't be afraid, no one can hurt you with me!"

He glanced at the fellow classmates that Lin Zhiwen had brought.

Those fellow classmates backed away in fright.

"It's none of our business, it's none of our business!"

"Yes, everything is Lin Zhiwen's own idea."

"We are just school students and we have never done anything bad!"

"It's all Lin Zhiwen himself!"

Every one shivered.

Jiang Chen skipped them and glanced at Lin Shao in disgust. He simply didn't stop doing it, and he just clicked and wiped it~~~ several times, directly dislocating Lin Zhiwen's limbs.

" are dead!"

Lin Zhiwen was as painful as being cut by a knife, and his bloodshot eyes stared at Jiang Chen.

at this time.

The box door opened.


Lin Jin was shocked to see Lin Zhiwen who was embarrassed on the sofa!

Run quickly.

"Dad, it's this person, you want to avenge me, kill him, kill him!"

Lin Zhiwen pointed at Jiang Chen and yelled frantically!

Lin Jin looked in the direction of his fingers, and saw Jiang Chen's cold eyes, which made his hair stand upright.


So scared to kneel!

"Mr. Jiang!!"

Jiang Chen's tone was icy cold: "Lin Jin is right.....your good son, he opened his mouth and shut his mouth to death. I guess I haven't done bad things before....."

Lin Jin was frightened and quickly said, "Mr. Jiang, you have misunderstood. My son is still young and ignorant..."

"Small? Not sensible?" Jiang Chen laughed and sneered: "I understand, it turns out that the root is here...In this case, you Lin Family, there is no need for it!"

After speaking, Jiang Chen made a phone call and said a few words one after another.

"One month, I'm going to bankrupt the Lin family!"

After speaking, he turned around and left with Chu Xiaomeng.

The school girls also followed out one after another and left this ghost place.

Lin Jin stayed there, muttering to himself:

"One month, let the Lin family go bankrupt?"

A deep despair was suppressed like a dark cloud.

Lin family, it's over!

At this time, Lin Zhiwen hadn't realized the seriousness of the problem, and laughed and mocked: "Hahaha, what a joke, who is he? Dare to say that the Lin family will go bankrupt in a month?"

Lin Jin glanced at Lin Zhiwen, a kind of weakness, regret came to his heart.

"Son, be mentally prepared, you may become poor in the future..."

"Ah? Dad? What do you mean?" Lin Zhiwen asked in a shock.

"On the surface..." Lin Jin touched Lin Zhiwen's head.

At this time, Lin Zhiwen realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Dad...impossible, I don't believe it, I don't believe it!!"

Denied loudly.

But the louder, the more guilty!

Lin Jin sighed.

At this time, Lin Zhiwen's classmates and brothers had already sneaked away.

Then in less than half an hour, it spread to the entire Imperial Capital College of Finance and Economics, causing a lot of discussion.


On the Polytechnic University side, the event spread faster and more enthusiastically.

"Senior Jiang is good Man, so he feels safe!!"

"One month, I'm going to bankrupt the Lin family! Domineering!!"

"People also want to be rescued by Jiang Xuechang hero~~"

"Same as +10086~~"

"I can't wait for me to be there!"

At this time, just two or three months before the college entrance examination, universities across the country also started school sales.

As soon as the teachers of the Polytechnic University heard this kid, their eyes lit up.

Isn't this just a ready-made academic paper?

Hurry up!

In less than half a month, all the major high schools across the country knew that the Emperor had a great school. There was a school named Jiang Chen who was very handsome, very handsome, specially caring for the calf, and also uniquely rich, domineering president, and high-cold learner. ..... There are all kinds of people!

Male god! ! !

All kinds of handsome photos of Jiang Chen are on the admissions website of the University of Technology!

And then it really aroused the yearning of countless beauties!

Jiang Chen: "......"

Is this also OK?

Damn it!



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