Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 406: 406: I am your brother!

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Imperial University of Technology.

Fresh elementary school girl Tian Yucheng is busy in the student union.

The new year's welcome season is approaching. Seeing that the new students are about to start, there is still a lot of work to be done.

How to do?

Tian Yucheng was in a hurry to go to the room.

"In this freshman conference, I was selected as the president of the freshman student union. On behalf of the freshmen of the Polytechnic University, the speech at the conference is ...

"Du Junjun!"

"Oh, I still have to write a speech for her, it's really miserable..."

Tian Yucheng is depressed.

However, she is also very curious.

What is the origin of this Du Junjun?

How can a freshman be elected as the president of the freshman student council?

Maybe someone from an extraordinary background, right?

At this time, in the office next door.

Zhang Haojun is in a meeting with the vice principals to discuss the start of school for the new students.

"Principal Fu, how are the freshmen preparing for the start of school?"

The new director of the Academic Affairs Office and the deputy principal, Principal Fu stood up and frowned and said: "Other things are easy to say, but recently our school security team has been very tightly staffed. New students and their parents flooded into the school during the new school season. . I'm afraid of delaying the start of new students, and I need to add more staff."

"this is very simple!"

Zhang Haojun clapped: "Improve manpower immediately."

"The school security team, I'm afraid it's not enough. Can't you find a security company to hire a security guard temporarily?"

Principal Fu blinked.

"Okay, just do it!"

Zhang Haojun felt that this was a trivial matter and left it to Principal Fu to handle it: "You can do it. In short, we are about to usher in the freshman school season. This is a great opportunity for the University of Science and Technology to show its image to the outside world. You can't delay it."



The freshman season has finally arrived.

Early in the morning, a Wuling sacred car steadily stopped at the gate of the University of Science and Technology.

The door opens.

One by one security guards jumped out of the car.

1, 2, 3...


More than 20 in full!

The students on the side looked at this "I don't know how many people can fit" Wuling God car, they are all bewildered...

Sure enough, it is a sacred car!

Out of the ordinary!

So many security guards, led by a vigorous security captain—Captain Zhou, lined up and stood at attention on the Plaza of the University of Technology.

Captain Zhou coughed, and the humans screamed: "Everyone, today, we have a glorious and arduous task. Our Poly Security Company, hired by the Polytechnic University, sent our team of elite security guards to assist the school. Maintain the order of the school’s new students. This time, we represent Poly and honor~~"

He'll do it, start to show his eloquence, spit the stars flying around...

Security guards, sleepy.

There is no way, as long as Captain Zhou is able to speak, he will always be able to give you 10,000 words.

Jiang Chen couldn't laugh or cry.

He didn't expect it either.

Karma will happen.

He actually returned to his alma mater Polytechnic University as a security guard.


Ahem, this is more interesting.

Silly Zhu looked around, curiously watching the students, especially...the young and beautiful girls.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Jiang Chen on the side was speechless.

"Hey, Brother Chen, look, these female college students are really good-looking. Hey..."

The silly column's drool is about to flow down.


Jiang Chen: "..."

Cover your face!つ﹏⊂!

Keep calm, stand a little farther away from him, so as not to be misunderstood by the girls and think that he is a hooligan.

What a shame!

I don't even know him.

At this time, there were already many girls who noticed the look in Sha Zhu's eyes, snorted coldly, and walked past the security guard, with their heads high and cast their eyes on Sha Zhu, full of contempt.

Like a group of haughty white swans, despising a group of toads.


"Hey, the security guards over there, their eyes are so disgusting."

"Yes! Why are these security guards looking at us?"

"Cut, we can see them too?"

"No matter what, let's go."

The female college students hurried away.

Jiang Chen: "..."

Hemp egg!

I won’t be in a group with Shazhu in the future.

What a shame.

Shazhu was still commenting on his head and feet. He pointed and said to Jiang Chen: "Brother Chen, hurry up, that girl is so punctual. And that, the legs are so long..."

"Okay, get out of here! Go and maintain order!"

Captain Zhou finally noticed that the army of freshmen was coming, and urged Jiang Chen and Sha Zhu to go to work as soon as possible.

Jiang Chen and Shazhu were assigned to the school gate square.

Their mission is...

"You have to look at this square. Parents are not allowed to park at this gate casually to block the traffic at the school gate!"

Captain Zhou said in a spirited expression: "Do you understand that? Whenever this happens, you have to find a way to get the parents to drive to the parking lot!"

Jiang Chen nodded.


He frowned.

Because this time the freshmen enrolled, too many students came.

At the entrance of the parking lot, a long line quickly formed.

Even went around the school.

Moreover, the parking capacity of the parking lot was also limited, and soon exceeded the upper limit. The parents who sent the students later had to wait patiently and take one before they could get in.

This is obviously very inconvenient.

As a result, there was a car to send the child, trying to take a shortcut, and stopped casually in the square.

This leads to traffic that is not smooth and even more chaotic.

Jiang Chen is very clever. He knows the truth that blocking is worse than sparse. Every time he sees a car stopping, he will go up quickly and tell his parents that he can only let the passengers get off first, but the car cannot stop here. .

Most parents are also reasonable. They ask the children to drag their luggage and get out of the car when they see the security reminder and get out of the car. They go to the school and go to the line obediently.


When the forest grows, there are all kinds of birds.

Since it is a university, there are naturally people who think they are extraordinary and want to be special.

At this time, a luxury car happened to be parked in front of the school.

In the car, a girl got off.

This girl has long legs and is white and rich, but she is accustomed to being domineering at first glance, especially the kind of Klass, her eyes are higher than the top, and no one pays attention to it.

She drove a Maserati top version, which should be customized abroad.

Jiang Chen glanced at it, and the price of this thing was more than ten million yuan.

The surrounding freshmen looked at the freshmen who drove this Maserati to school with extremely enviable eyes.

There was a lot of discussion.

"Let me go, what family conditions are these?"

"This car, don't you say that it will start at 5 million?"

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. This car should start without saying anything."

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"Oh my god, she's a student, why does she want to go to school with such a high profile and driving such an awesome new car?"

"The point is, everyone goes to the parking lot, so why can she throw the car at the school gate? Is this nobody cares?"

Some people feel unfair.

Jiang Chen and Shazhu looked at each other.

The silly Zhu asked Jiang Chen stupidly: "Brother Chen, what do you think? This woman will block the road if she throws the car at the gate."

Jiang Chen nodded.

Since they are responsible, they can only manage.

Du Junjun feels good about himself!

Today is her first day to go to school.

School day!

The most important thing is~~

Through his family relationship, he was elected as the president of the Freshman Student Union before he arrived at school!

She will speak on behalf of the freshmen at the freshmen welcome conference!

Just ask you, is it awesome?

In order to pretend to be coercive, she drove to the school the brand new Maserati awarded by her family when she was admitted to college.

I am the most beautiful girl in school!

However, in order to pretend to be coercive at home, I took too long to make up to give a speech and came out late.

From a long distance, she saw that the long queue was about to circle the school!


"How can the president of my dignified student union squeeze in line with these people?"


"I just want to throw it at the entrance of the school, such a big square, can't stop my luxury car?"

"I, that's me, a different firework!"

Du Junjun knew from an early age that his family conditions were different from others and he was exceptionally good.

Therefore, I have been favored since I was a child and I am used to enjoying all kinds of privileges.

How can you endure loneliness and trouble, and go to the queue for hours of traffic?

Besides, she still has to give a freshman speech?

Du Junjun left the car at the door and walked towards the door with ease.

Along the way, I feel that countless people are admiring myself!

Humph! !

It's what it feels like!

Who knows~~

Two security guards came to face each other!

Du Junjun frowned.

Humph, ignore them.

keep walking.

Jiang Chen and Sha Zhu went up, and Sha Zhu said to the energetic Du Junjun: "Sorry, classmate, parking is not allowed at the entrance of this school, please drive to the parking lot."

"parking lot?"

Du Junjun snorted coldly, thinking that the security guard was very stupid, screaming: "If you don't look for yourself, the parking lot is full of queues! I'm going to be late for school, can you afford this responsibility?"

The silly column was dumbfounded.

He blushed with suffocation, and his tongue said clumsily: "I don't care about it, but our duty is not to let people stop at the door, you go find a place to stop! Otherwise~~"


Du Junjun raised his eyebrows and snorted coldly: "You tell me, I will listen!"

Jiang Chen frowned.

Unexpectedly, this Du Junjun is really difficult.

Du Junjun became more energetic, snorted coldly, took out the epaulettes of the president of the student union, and sneered to Jiang Chen and Silly Zhu.

"Do you see it? Do you recognize it?"

The silly column looked at the epaulettes for a long time and said, "You are... from the urban management team?"


Du Junjun fell to the ground.

Jiang Chen smiled!

I rub!

Your special mother is really a talent!

The people around roared with laughter.

"What urban management team?"

Du Junjun angrily said: "I am the president of the student union! Do you understand? I am the president of the student union! I want to represent the freshmen and speak at the conference later! You have delayed my admission to the school, the conference has been delayed, you Can you bear this responsibility?"

As she talked, she became more proud and proud, scolding the foolish post.

Silly column: "..."

See Jiang Chen for help.

How to do?

At this moment, Jiang Chen stood up.

"You are the student union?"

Jiang Chen frowned and said, "Or the president?"


Du Junjun didn't pay attention to these two security guards at all. She has experienced so many things. Why don't you have to queue up for the privileged class in the family? Why do I have to wait in line for a student council president?

This is a great shame.

Only let the family members think that I can't do errands, and my ability is poor!

This is the idea of ​​the privileged class-enjoying privileges is what it should be, and abiding by the rules is a "stupid and incompetent" response.

Who knows~~

Jiang Chen's next sentence made Du Junjun petrify.

"Since you are the president of the Student Union, you should lead by example! Please park your car outside! No parking here!"

"You, you~~"

Du Junjun was angry.

Unexpectedly, these two security guards have no respect for themselves, the dignified student president.

Jiang Chen continued: "As for whether you are late for your speech? I'm sorry, you are going out late, and driving is almost late, which means that you do not have the habit of going to appointments on time in advance. If there is a problem with your speech, it is your problem. Don't throw it away. Others! You drive away right away, don't get in the way."

"You, you~~"

Du Junjun is anxious.

The surrounding students and parents responded with warm applause to Jiang Chen's performance.

"Brother security guard, be hard-hearted!"

"That's great, everyone abides by the rules, and the student council president should set an example."

"Huh, some people nowadays are used to enjoying privileges, so they look for reasons everywhere. What new speeches! Since speeches are so important, why don't you come early? Is it the fault of the security for being late?"

"Giant baby thinking! The bad habit of dumping the pot!"

Du Junjun's face flushed with anger amidst a group of freshmen and their parents talking.

She has never been criticized in this way since she was a child, the girl of heaven.

"You security, don't you want to do it?"

Du Junjun said angrily: "Do you dare to stop me in this school? Believe it or not, I will let someone kick you out every minute?"

"so smart?"

Jiang Chen listened for a moment, and said with a smile: "It seems that you really have two brushes, dare you to threaten me like this?"


Du Junjun dismissively said: "Threat you? What are you? Just a security guard! Have you been to school? Have you been to university?"

Jiang Chen said quickly: "Go!"

Du Junjun: "???"

The silly Zhu was dumbfounded: "Brother Chen, have you really gone to college? I know it for the first time."

Jiang Chen: →_→

"Cut, it must be some Pheasant University!"

Du Junjun dismissed it.

Jiang Chen smiled: "I am your brother! I am from Polytechnic University!"


The audience was shocked.

Du Junjun, his eyes are straight.

Silly column, his mouth is open, his face is unbelievable.

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