Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 856: 856: go back home!

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After a few days of delivery, Jiang Chen finally delivered 40% of the progress!

At noon, Jiang Chen found a small restaurant and sat down to eat.

At this time, Jiang Chen received a call from his sister Jiang Anran.

Seeing that it was his sister's call, Jiang Chen pressed the answer button.

Soon, Jiang Anran's voice came.

"Hey, brother, we will have a holiday tomorrow. I am going back to my hometown. This year we will go back together. You have not been back for the New Year in a few years. Will you go back this year? I will be able to graduate next year. When I find a job, I won’t need you. Such hard work."

On the other side of the phone, Jiang Anran still choked up when he said these words.

Jiang Anran knew very well that his brother did not go home for the New Year in a few years, it was all for her, and wanted to make more money so that she could study well in school.

Therefore, this year Jiang Anran wants his brother to accompany him back to the New Year.

After all, she will graduate next year and as long as she can find a good job, she can support herself.

Of course, Jiang Anran's hope is that he can earn a lot of money to support his brother.

This is her ultimate goal!

Jiang Chen didn't expect that his cheap sister would actually want to go back to celebrate the New Year by herself.

Originally, Jiang Chen wanted to refuse.

However, there are some things that he can't say when it comes to his lips.

During this time, Jiang Chen couldn't help but regard Jiang Anran as his sister.

If Jiang Anran were to go home alone, Jiang Chen would feel a little worried.

Since Jiang Chen took over the body of that hapless takeaway boy, even the life and memories of the other party have taken over.

Therefore, Jiang Anran knows that there are still a group of poor relatives in his hometown.

If Jiang Anran went home alone, he might be bullied.

So, Jiang Chen thought for a while and said, "Okay, no problem, I promise you, I will ask for leave tomorrow, and I will go back to my hometown with you to celebrate the New Year in the village."

When these words came out, Jiang Anran on the other side of the phone was extremely happy.

"Really? Brother, will you really come back home with me tomorrow?"

Jiang Anran didn't seem to expect that his brother would agree to his request.

Because a few years ago, she also made such a request, wanting her brother to accompany herself back to the New Year.

But at that time, my brother was thinking about making money and refused her request.

She herself hasn't returned to her hometown in a few years.

However, this time Jiang Anran wanted to let Jiang Chen return to his hometown for the New Year. He was also a little selfish. He hoped that Jiang Chen could take a good rest for a period of time and not to work so hard.


No words for a night.

Early the next morning, Jiang Chen took some big bags and stopped a taxi to go to school to pick up his sister Jiang Anran.

Although Jiang Chen did not want to carry big bags.

But his sister Jiang Anran, but she called and explained to him that she should bring more clothes.

Their hometown is relatively cold.

Although the winter in the Imperial Capital is relatively cold, there are even colder cities further to Beishan.

Jiang Chen and Jiang Anran’s hometown is in a small city in the north, with a small population, but it is very cold.

When he arrived at the gate of Jiang Anran's school, Jiang Chen did not go in, but made a phone call and told his sister that he was waiting for her at the gate of the school.

Since he was already planning to go home, Jiang Chen also had to be ready.

At the entrance of the university where cars go, many rich second-generation and wealthy people are driving luxury cars, waiting for their favorite girls here.

Jiang Chen carried a few bags and stood by the taxi, which seemed to stand out from the crowd.

After all, there are many beautiful women in this University of Broadcasting and Communication. Those who come here to study are all pretty girls.

Any beautiful girl is easily caught by a group of flies.

This is even more true at the University of Broadcasting and Communication.

Some rich people just like to come to this place and find some girls they like.

Before long, Jiang Anran carried a suitcase and came out with some of his female classmates.

Among them is Xu Zhenzhen.

At this time, Jiang Anran was already carrying his password box and came to the school gate, Xu Zhenzhen also hurriedly followed.

Ever since I met Jiang Chen last time, Xu Zhenzhen has known that Jiang Chen is a super rich man, and even the boss of Mi Tuan takeaway.

What a big group this rice dumpling is, Xu Zhenzhen knows very well.

If I had the opportunity to be with Jiang Chen, it would be perfect~~

Even in her whole life, she will reach the pinnacle of her life because of this choice.

Xu Zhenzhen walked to Jiang Chen with a look of excitement, and said, "Jiang Chen, are you here to find An Ran?"

With that said, Xu Zhenzhen also flirted with her long hair.

She clearly wanted to show her beauty and her charm in front of Jiang Chen.

Xu Zhenzhen wanted Jiang Chen to see her very beautiful scene, so that Jiang Chen felt that she was a big beauty and fell in love with her.

All of this is what Xu Zhenzhen most wants to do, even she has been thinking about it for several days in the dormitory.

Her former boyfriend Liu Ye has been dumped by her.

But it is a pity that Xu Zhenzhen's posture and some of her practices are impossible to attract Jiang Chen's attention and favor.

Jiang Chen just glanced at her indifferently.

"Yes, I'm here to wait for my sister. We are going back to our hometown today, and the tickets have already been bought."

After saying this, Jiang Chen turned his gaze on Jiang Anran and said, "An Ran, all things are packed, we can set off now."

Jiang Anran nodded: "Well, good."

With that said, Jiang Anran carried his password box and prepared to leave here with Jiang Chen.

Xu Zhenzhen, who was left hanging on the sidelines: "..."

Hemp egg!

Is the old lady not beautiful enough?

She hurriedly took a step forward and came to Jiang Chen's face, and said, "Mr. Ye, are you going to the station now? I just want to go. You take me along the way, okay?"

Who knows~~

Jiang Chen smiled slightly: "I'm sorry, I came by taxi. If you want to take a taxi, I'm afraid there is not enough space."

Xu Zhenzhen: "???"

Xu Zhenzhen was speechless when she heard that Jiang Chen had come by taxi.

Originally, she wanted to take a ride in Jiang Chen's luxury car.

It turned out that Jiang Chen came by taxi.

Who wants to take a taxi like this?

"Haha, haha."

Xu Zhenzhen, with an awkward and polite smile on her face, said: "Well, in this case, then I won't go to the station to see you off."

Although Xu Zhenzhen wanted to please Jiang Chen, she wanted to be with Jiang Chen.

But Jiang Chen showed no interest in her.

Xu Zhenzhen also felt this.

She herself knew now that she had to think of a way, from another aspect, to create some relationship with Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn't want to talk too much nonsense with Xu Zhenzhen.

"Okay, I have a chance to meet again in the future."

After saying this, Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, brought Jiang Anran's salute, and took Jiang Anran's suitcase to the taxi.

When Xu Zhenzhen saw Jiang Chen talking to herself, she immediately became excited.

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She nodded hurriedly, and said there, "Uh, yes, we will meet again when there is a chance in the future."

With that said, she also waved to Jiang Anran, with a cordial expression on her face:

"An Ran, I wish you a safe journey, you are home, you want to call me, send a video, you know?"

Xu Zhenzhen seems to be Jiang Anran's good girlfriend like this.

You know, Xu Zhenzhen was not like this in the past, but she wouldn't be so good to Jiang Anran.

All this is because Xu Zhenzhen knows that Jiang Anran's brother Jiang Chen is a rich man, super rich, and the boss of rice dumplings.

Coupled with Jiang Chen himself, he is handsome and rich!

It's perfect!

Based on these, Xu Zhenzhen really admires Jiang Chen and wants to be Jiang Chen's woman.

Of course, it is not that simple to become a woman of Jiang Chen's level...

At least Yan deserves to pass, right?

However, Jiang Anran was still relatively simple, and didn't know what his roommate Xu Zhenzhen was thinking about.

In Jiang Anran's view, Xu Zhenzhen is still a good girlfriend.

Especially in the past few days, the relationship between Xu Zhenzhen and her has progressed by leaps and bounds.

Even the other roommates treated her very well, treating her like a star holding the moon.

At this point, Jiang Anran could also feel that these were inseparable from his brother Jiang Chen.

Although Jiang Anran is simple, he is not stupid. Some of these things can be roughly guessed.

At this time, she was also smiling, waved to Xu Zhenzhen, and said there, "Well, yes, Zhenzhen, don't worry, I will contact you after I get home."

After speaking, Jiang Anran and Jiang Chen got on the taxi together.

After the two got in the car, Jiang Chen asked the taxi driver to drive and stay away from here, ready to go to the high-speed rail station.

In the car.

Jiang Chen glanced at his sister and said, "An Ran, there will be nothing to do in the future. Keep a little distance from the girl Xu Zhenzhen."

Originally, Jiang Chen didn't want to care about Jiang Anran's making friends.

However, Jiang Chen felt that Jiang Anran, the girl, was still too simple, relatively pure, and did not understand the sinister society. If one day, Jiang Anran was used by others, wouldn't he be sorry for his new identity?

Therefore, Jiang Chen felt that it was still necessary to remind Jiang Anran not to let her be deceived.

Jiang Anran sat aside, without asking Jiang Chen the reason, nodded and said, "Well, brother, I know."

Jiang Chen was a little surprised, so he asked, "Why, don't you ask me why?"

Jiang Anran looked at Jiang Chen with a sweet smile, and then said: "I know, brother, you are all for my good, you will not lie to me, I have nothing to ask, hehe."

With that said, the girl Jiang Anran still stuck her tongue out and looked very cute.

Yes, in Jiang Anran's heart, Jiang Chen is his dearest person. No matter what it is, Jiang Chen will not harm him. Jiang Anran is very clear about this.

So now, what Jiang Chen said, Jiang Anran didn't even think about it, so he would just agree.

Seeing this cheap sister of myself, it was such a trust in myself, which made Jiang Chen's heart also somewhat happy.

To be honest, Jiang Chen is also very satisfied to have such a sister.

Even if he did not occupy the body of the takeaway boy, and wanted to help the takeaway boy take care of his sister, Jiang Chen also felt that Jiang Anran was a good girl and that such a girl could not be treated badly.

Just when Jiang Chen thought of this, there was a systemic voice in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host, the progress has reached 50%, please continue to work on the host!"

A smile appeared on Jiang Chen's face when he heard the system's voice.

I believe it won't be long before he can complete this status.

Jiang Chen and his sister Jiang Anran continued to chat.

It didn't take long to arrive at the high-speed rail station.

If you want to go back to their hometown and do high-speed rail, it is currently the easiest and fastest way.

After arriving at the station, Jiang Chen gave the fare, so he took Jiang Anran and got off the bus directly with a salute.

Taking a bunch of salutes and getting out of the car, Jiang Chen felt that as an ordinary person, survival and life in a busy city are extremely busy and heavy.

It's not like a rich person, with a driver, a bodyguard, and a housekeeper. You can take a plane, a yacht, and someone to help you get things where you want to go.

Of course, Jiang Chen owns all these things.

Now, it's an experience of "experiencing life style system" for yourself.

After paying for the car, Jiang Chen took Jiang Anran to the ticket collection hall.

The New Year is almost here now, and this station is also very crowded with people coming and going.

It takes a long time just to get the ticket.

Before, Jiang Chen had asked Jiang Anran to book tickets online, but even so, there was a long queue at the automatic ticket machine.

There are dozens of people in front of them.

With so many people waiting in line, it would take hours.

Seeing the long queue, Jiang Anran's expression was unhappy for a while.

She took a deep breath and said to Jiang Chen: "Brother, you are waiting for me here, let me get the ticket."

Jiang Chen knew that his cheap sister was afraid that she was going to line up.

What is the line for a man like Jiang Chen?


Jiang Chen glanced at Jiang Anran and smiled slightly: "Okay, you should stop queuing for this kind of thing. You are here, looking at your luggage, and I will pick up the ticket."

Jiang Anran smiled and said, "My brother is really kind to me."

With that said, Jiang Anran took out his ID card and handed it to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen looked at his cheap sister, who was quite cute. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and scratched the tip of Jiang Anran's nose lightly.

Immediately, Jiang Chen said: "You are waiting here, don't leave, you know?"


Jiang Anran nodded quickly, with a happy expression on his face.

For Jiang Anran, it is possible to have such a good brother.

For her, this is really happy, happy, and feel the whole world is warm.

Soon, Jiang Chen took his ID card and came to the queue.

He didn't line up, and walked straight ahead to the front of the ticket machine.

Behind the first person at the ticket machine was a gentle-looking man wearing glasses.

Immediately it was the turn of the man with glasses to pick up the ticket. He was still in a good mood, even with a leisurely mind, looking at the beautiful woman in stockings not far away.

Jiang Chen came to him, waved his hand and said, "My friend, I will pay five hundred yuan, buy your position, and let me get the ticket first, okay?"


500 yuan?

This is enough to buy a new ticket!

The man with glasses, without even thinking about it, nodded immediately: "OK OK, no problem!"

However, just when Jiang Chen was about to pay to buy the position of the man with glasses.

A woman with a hot body, a delicate small bag and heavy makeup, ran from not far away.

This woman, just by looking at her outfit, has a strong atmosphere of dusty atmosphere.

She ran up to the ticket machine in three steps and two steps, bumping her chest.

In this scene, many men looked sideways and looked at this woman with their eyes straight.

Soon, the woman with heavy makeup came to the front of the man with glasses.

The coquettish woman’s eyes sparkled, and she said: "Handsome guy with glasses, can you give me your position? People are waiting for the ticket check, the train is coming. Okay?"

Hearing this, the man in glasses couldn't help rolling, swallowing wildly!

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