Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 857: 857: Honest sister!

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The man with glasses at this time was already attracted by the coquettish woman.

Although he is a silk, he is usually short of money.

However, he lacks women even more!

The man in glasses looked at the coquettish woman and said with a smile: "Beauty, I'll let you pick up the ticket first, but, for the two of us, can you add prestige, so that you can contact me later?"

Who knows~~

When the coquettish girl heard this, she suddenly looked disgusted.

ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~ Just you guy, I want my old lady's contact information, you don’t deserve it, my old lady won’t like you."

The man with glasses is directly embarrassed!

Although she is a dick, she also has a temper.

He immediately replied: "You woman, with makeup like this, don't know what it is. I am a tall student and I am willing to add your prestige. It will give you face, and you still don't know your interest. You can even add you to me now. I don’t want any prestige, you want to jump in the line to get the ticket, dream."

The woman with heavy make-up was so stunned by the man with glasses that she suddenly became furious, raised her hand, and was about to hit the man with glasses.

The man with glasses also raised his face and immediately said: "You hit, you hit me. If you dare to hit me, I'll lie down. If you don't corrupt your tens of thousands of dollars, I'm not a high-achieving student."

The coquettish girl was immediately persuaded.

This Nima, the current top students, are all playing tricks?

"You bastard, count you cruel, you wait for me!"

After saying this, the coquettish girl, carrying the suitcase, went away quickly.

When the man in glasses looked at it, the corner of his mouth grinned, triumphant!

After all, now that it is his victory, he is also proud of the silk.

The people who were queuing up around to pick up the tickets also treated it as if they had watched a scene, and they all snickered.

Jiang Chen patted the man with glasses on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Brother, it's a little bold."

The man with glasses was praised by Jiang Chen, and he immediately became energetic, "Of course, I have seen such a coquettish woman, I am a high-achieving student."

Hearing him, Jiang Chen always said that he was a high-achieving student, and he was a little curious, so he couldn't help but ask.

"Brother, which college graduate are you a top student?"

The man with glasses looked proud, and immediately said, "I am Tsinghua University...graduated from the technical school next to me, and studied beauty salons."

The words in front of the man in glasses made people think he was a graduate of Tsinghua University. The half sentence in the back was really shocking.

Jiang Chen: "..."

Seeing Jiang Chen’s reaction, the spectacle man said, “Okay, it’s meaningless to tell you so much. Don’t you want to jump in the queue to get the ticket? No problem, I’ll jump in the queue for you. Where's your money? Take it, five hundred yuan, and I will sell you my position."

Seeing the request of the man with glasses, Jiang Chen didn't talk nonsense, took out five hundred yuan, and handed it to the man with glasses.

A mere five hundred yuan, in Jiang Chen's eyes, that is nothing.

After the glasses man took the money, he was more credible. He stepped back and gave Jiang Chen the first position.

However, the behavior of the glasses man and Jiang Chen also caused the dissatisfaction of the queue people behind.

At this time, among the crowd, there was a strong man immediately, and he said: "How can this be done? We are all lined up. How can we let people jump in the line? That's not good!"

When this word came out, everyone was dissatisfied.

Jiang Chen was about to speak, but the man with glasses went straight to the end, yelling and pretending: "I sold my position to this big brother! My name is slippery! Don't be so small, give me slippery face. In the imperial capital from now on, when we meet again, we will come to me, and I will be able to cover it."

Jiang Chen saw the behavior of the glasses man, it was speechless!


Brother, you have to stare at that kind of woman for a long time!

Just like that, still dare to pretend to be in public?

Forget it, buy a place for 500 yuan anyway!

Everyone looked, anyway, Jiang Chen came, and he left with a glasses brother, and if they changed it, they didn't suffer a loss in queuing.

As a result, they were silent.

On the contrary, he secretly gave a thumbs up to Jiang Chen!

Brilliant brother!

500 yuan!

Just to buy a jump position!

Jiang Chen shrugged.

Jiang Anran is still waiting for him, this 500 yuan can save at least an hour of queuing time, it is too worthwhile for Jiang Chen!

Jiang Chen is very busy now!

Wasn’t it good to talk to a few girlfriends during that hour?

Or can you just soothe the lonely heart of a certain beauty?

After picking up the ticket, within an hour, I have to go by car.

So Jiang Chen quickly took out the tickets and left quickly.

Anyway, this man with glasses, he said it himself, he can cover it.

After taking the ticket, Jiang Chen abandoned Jiang Anran's side.

When he came to his sister, Jiang Chen said, "Let's go, the ticket has already been taken."

Jiang Anran also felt a little surprised when he saw the ticket in Jiang Chen's hand.

She didn't expect her brother to pick up tickets so fast.

She saw a long dragon here before, and thought it would take at least half an hour for Jiang Chen to get the ticket.

As a result, Jiang Chen went there for a few minutes and got the ticket.

This speed made Jiang Anran a little surprised.

Looking at Jiang Chen, she couldn't help saying: "Brother, you are so fast."

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "It's just a small point, this little thing, it won't trouble me, let's go, in a hurry."

Jiang Anran didn't talk nonsense. Holding the suitcase, he followed Jiang Chen out of the ticket collection hall and came outside the station.

In this high-speed railway station, the ticket collection hall and the entrance are separate. You must exit the ticket collection hall before entering the station.

At this time, Jiang Chen and Jiang Anran came to the outside of the ticket collection hall. Looking at the crowds coming and going, Jiang Anran took a deep breath and said, "Brother, there are really a lot of people going back for the New Year."

Jiang Chen nodded, "After all, it's the Spring Festival. It's normal to have more people."

Not wanting to delay the time to go back, Jiang Chen took Jiang Anran and prepared to go to the pit stop.

At this moment, from the ticket collection hall, the man with glasses who sold the position to Jiang Chen suddenly ran out.

Seeing Jiang Chen, the man in glasses hurriedly ran after him, with a smile on his face, shouting there, "Hey, brother, wait."

When Jiang Chen heard the sound, he turned his head and looked at the man with glasses who hurriedly ran in front of him.

Jiang Chen glanced at the man with glasses and said lightly.

"Why, are you still looking for me?"

The man with glasses looked very enthusiastic, and said with a smile: "Brother, you and I are just like seeing each other, let's make friends? If you have anything in the future, you can also contact..."

In the eyes of the spectacle man, Jiang Chen, who is casual, is willing to pay five hundred yuan to buy him a place to line up for tickets.

At this point, this man with glasses felt that he must seize the opportunity to have a good relationship with Jiang Chen.

In this case, in the future, I might still have a chance to cooperate with Jiang Chen to make more money.

Just thinking about this kind of thing makes me very excited.

With that said, the man in glasses took out his cell phone and wanted to leave a contact with Jiang Chen.

Who knows, Jiang Chen didn't even think about it, and he refused directly: "No need! I'm very busy. I have to rush to the car and leave first."

After saying this, Jiang Chen winked at Jiang Anran and was about to leave here with Jiang Anran.

However, that man with glasses is still very persistent, he doesn't want to just give up like this.

He took a few steps forward, ready to say a few words with Jiang Chen again.

As a result, when the man with glasses just walked to Jiang Chen's side, Jiang Chen suddenly said: "Hey, hey, look behind you, someone is looking for you."

The man with glasses, when he heard this, he looked back.

This time around, it didn't matter, I saw that the woman who wanted to jump in the line before, with several strong men, rushed to the man with glasses.

Seeing this, the man with glasses was shocked.

Of course he knows that he and that woman with heavy makeup have formed a beam. If he is caught by that woman, I am afraid that he will be finished today and will be in pain.

It is inevitable to suffer a severe beating!

After all, behind that woman, there are several strong men.

This is really a big man!

The man in glasses panicked, and left Jiang Chen directly, and said quickly: "Brother, sorry, I have something to do, so I'll leave first, goodbye bye!"

After saying this, the man in glasses turned around and hurried away.

But at this moment, not far away, the woman with heavy make-up was already angrily, chasing the man with glasses, shouting there: "You bastard, if you have the ability, don't run, you can't run away today. "

With that said, the coquettish woman, with a few strong men, went after the man with glasses.

Jiang Anran, who was outside the ticket hall, was shocked to see this scene~

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She stared wide-eyed, looking at all this, she was speechless.

Soon, Jiang Anran looked at Jiang Chen and asked, "Brother, what's going on?"

Jiang Chen shrugged his shoulders and said, "Hurt! It's just a small matter! You don't need to care, let's get into the station. There will be more than half an hour before the car will arrive."

Jiang Anran nodded, followed Jiang Chen, holding his luggage, and walked to the entrance of the station.

The current Jiang Anran is also a little excited. After all, he is about to return to his hometown. This feeling is still very good.

Soon, the two of them saluted, passed the security check, and entered the waiting hall.

The huge waiting hall can be said to be crowded with people, and many places are full of people.

Jiang Chen and Jiang Anran were lucky, and found two vacancies in the last row.

The siblings sat down and prepared to take a break.

Jiang Chen, who hadn't taken a car for a long time, still felt a lot when he came to the station this time.

He used to not get the system, and he often took the car and traveled everywhere.

Now that I have a taste, I still have a lot of feelings.

Jiang Anran sat next to Jiang Chen, took out a bottle of water from the backpack beside him, and brought it to Jiang Chen with a smile on his face, saying: "Brother, you are tired, come and drink some water. Relieve fatigue."

Jiang Chen looked at the smile of this cheap sister next to him, and he suddenly felt that he was also warm in his heart.

Sometimes it's nice to have such a sister by her side.

"it is good!"

Jiang Chen nodded, took the cup from Jiang Anran, and drank more than half of it.

Jiang Chen had just finished drinking the water, and Jiang Anran on the side picked up the handkerchief again and wiped Jiang Chen's sweat.

Seeing Jiang Anran's seriousness, he was really caring and caring for his elder brother.

While Jiang Chen was enjoying his sister's care, his gaze turned to the opposite side.

Sitting across from them was a long-legged beauty, wearing a mask, with fluttering hair, dozing off.

Although he can't clearly see his appearance, his figure alone is worth 90 points for Jiang Chen.

There are not many women who can get Jiang Chen to score 90 points.

However, sitting next to the girl was a man with wicked eyes.

This sly-eyed man, also wearing a peaked cap, glanced around, as if he was afraid that someone would find him.

Soon, while no one was paying attention, the thief-eyed man slowly stretched his hand to the girl's side, trying to steal something from the girl's purse.

In this scene, there are still many people seen around.

However, those people remained silent at this time, no one was speaking, and no one was trying to remind the girl at this time.

After all, in this society, it is still very risky to do what is right.

If you meet some fierce people, I'm afraid it will be life-threatening.

When Jiang Chen saw this scene, the expression on his face changed slightly.

However, before Jiang Chen could react, Jiang Anran, who was sitting next to him, quickly stood up and walked in front of the thief-eyed man.

Suddenly, Jiang Anran stretched out his hand, grabbed the man, and shouted:

"What are you going to do, do you want to steal something?"

When this word came out, everyone around was surprised!

They turned their eyes to Jiang Anran one after another.

At this moment, they didn't even think that Jiang Anran, a girl, could be so bold. At such a moment, she would dare to stand up and act bravely.

The long-legged beauty who was originally dozing off also immediately became energetic and opened her eyes wide.

Jiang Anran took this opportunity and said to the long-legged beauty: "Miss Sister, this guy just wanted to steal your money. I found out. Look at your bag and see if there is anything missing."

That long-legged beauty was very surprised when she heard this.

She hurriedly looked through her purse and found that she had no shortage of valuables.

So, this long-legged beauty hurriedly said to Jiang Anran: "Fortunately, I didn't lose anything. Thank you for reminding me, sister."

At this time, the man with wicked eyebrows and squirrel eyes was caught upright, and suddenly became angry.

He widened his eyes, looked at Jiang Anran, and shouted angrily: "You little girl, why are you talking nonsense? I didn't steal anything at all. You actually said that I was stealing things. At this moment, Chi Guoguo wronged me. Be careful. You look good."

Although Jiang Anran is a college student and has not yet left society, she is upright, courageous, and unafraid of evil.

Standing upright, Jiang Anran looked a little brave.

She immediately said to the man with wicked eyebrows, "I saw it with my own eyes just now, you put your hand into this lady's bag, you still don't admit it, it's really shameless."

Jiang Anran seemed very angry when he said this.

But at the same time, she is very upright, not afraid of everything.

The man with ridiculous eyebrows, although seeing Jiang Anran so confident, talked to him in this way.

But at this moment, he was still very arrogant, and he said directly: "You stinky girl, you dare to wrong me, believe it or not, I will beat you!"

The passengers around, seeing this scene, the expressions on their faces were somewhat helpless.

They all felt that Jiang Anran, the girl, was so bold that she dared to be tough with a thief.

This man who doesn't look like a good person, he must be a little bit powerful if he can get along here.

In other words, there are his accomplices in this waiting hall.

Jiang Anran's recklessness, to do such a thing, of course, will anger the other party and put himself in danger.

Just when the thief-eyed man was about to raise his hand to frighten Jiang Anran, Jiang Chen stood up from the opposite seat.

Jiang Chen immediately walked to the man, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the opponent's wrist directly.

Suddenly force!


A sharp pain spread across the man's body in an instant.


The man grinned in pain, and felt his hands were about to break!

Jiang Chen said coldly: "You guy, you are so courageous, you want to beat my sister, with my consent?"

Suddenly, a lot of girls lit up, and Jiang Chen's appearance was so handsome!

Good MAN~~

The man was in pain, yelled, and begged for mercy immediately.

"Brother, I was wrong, please, let me go."

Originally, Jiang Chen planned to take action and teach this guy a lesson so that he would know how severe the consequences would be if he wanted to bully Jiang Anran.

However, Jiang Chen thought that this is the station, and it is not suitable for him to do it himself.

If something happens, it's not so good.

Moreover, his sister Jiang Anran is here, so he shouldn't mess around.

Jiang Chen snorted coldly, and pushed the thief-eyed man directly away.

"Get out! Let me see you next time, you must be good-looking."

The man with wicked eyebrows and squirrel eyes, although he was angry, he did not dare to mess around here.

He could only gritted his teeth secretly, turned and left angrily.

See this scene.

The tourists all around looked at Jiang Chen and cast admiring eyes.

For them, Jiang Chen is very brave and a real man.

As them, they dare not move around casually.

This is the gap!

By Jiang Chen's side, Jiang Anran was very happy at this moment.

"Brother, you are so amazing, that guy was scared away by you."

When Jiang Chen saw that Jiang Anran was still a little excited, he stretched out his hand, squeezed Jiang Anran's face, and said, "You are really disobedient. In this case, how can you mess around? The guy has a knife in his hand and hurts you, what should I do?"

Jiang Anran stuck his tongue out, and said playfully, "No, I'm not afraid of him if you are there."

With that said, Jiang Anran took Jiang Chen's arm and started acting like a baby.

Jiang Anran at this moment is very happy.

And Jiang Chen felt Jiang Anran's acting like a baby, and he also showed a cowardly smile.

No way, now he also gradually feels that, as an elder brother, he wants to spoil his younger sister.

Even Jiang Chen felt that if this continued, he would soon become a sister-in-law.

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, smiled and said: "Let's go, let's go back to our seats, and the train is about to enter the station."

However, at this moment...

The long-legged beauty ran over immediately.

"Two, wait a minute!"

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