Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 858: 858: Jiang Chen shot it!

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"Two, thank you very much, thank you."

With that, the long-legged beauty stretched out her hand and wanted to shake Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment, and did not reach out his hand directly.

On the contrary, it was Jiang Anran, who was relatively simple, and quickly reached out and shook hands with this long-legged beauty.

Moreover, Jiang Anran was very happy. Yanran smiled and said, "Don't thank you, if the road is not flat, draw your sword and help!"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Anran, who usually looks very gentle and introverted, would also have a warm heart and a bit of chivalry.

Of course, Jiang Anran would think so, and it was inseparable from Jiang Chen's teaching.

During this time, Jiang Chen brought another feeling to Jiang Anran.

So Jiang Anran became a lot more cheerful before she knew it.

The long-legged beauty was moved to see Jiang Anran so free and easy, yet so cute.

She smiled slightly and said, "Anyway, thank you. If you don't have you, I am afraid that my money will be stolen today. My name is Li Xinmo. Can you meet me?"

Jiang Anran said immediately: "Of course, my name is Jiang Anran, and this one next to me is my brother, Jiang Chen."

As he said, Jiang Anran raised his eyebrows and said, "Xinmo, how about, is my brother handsome? Many of my roommates think that my brother is more handsome than the celebrities, and they all want to be my brother's girlfriend. "

Indeed, Li Xinmo looked up at Jiang Chen, Li Ma was attracted by Jiang Chen's handsomeness.

She was a little embarrassed that she didn't look at Jiang Chen carefully before.

But now, when she took a closer look, she clearly discovered that the man in front of her was very handsome.

It can be said that in her circle of friends, she has never seen any man who can compare with Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen sighed in his heart.

Being handsome is also a sin!

At this time, Li Xinmo raised his hand, stretched out to Jiang Chen, and said, "Hello, I am Li Xinmo."

Jiang Chen said lightly without reaching out his hand at this moment.

"Miss Li, if you want to thank us, you have to show your true face. You are mysterious. We don't know what you look like."

When Li Xinmo heard this, his ears became red.

Immediately apologized: "I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang, I was careless."

With that said, Li Xinmo unmasked his mouth and revealed his true face so that Jiang Chen could see clearly.

Unexpectedly, under the mask, there is a beautiful face.

Both looks and temperament are very beautiful.

It can be said that Li Xinmo's face is glamorous, with some cold arrogance, and with some pure loveliness in the cold arrogance.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen has seen a lot of beautiful women, so he seems relatively calm.

Did not say much.

On the contrary, this has won Li Xinmo's favor. After all, when most men see her, they can't help showing a look like Brother Pig.

Jiang Chen said lightly: "An Ran, don't waste time, the train is about to progress, let's go check the ticket."

Although Jiang Anran still wanted to talk to Li Xinmo, Jiang Chen's words were more important.

She had to wave her hand to Li Xinmo: "Xinmo, our train is coming soon, go to check the ticket first."

Li Xinmo smiled slightly and lifted his luggage: "It just so happens that the car I'm in is coming, and I have to check the ticket too."

When Jiang Anran heard this, he was a little surprised.

She took out the ticket, looked at Li Xinmo and asked, "Xinmo, which train are you, I'm G513."

Li Xinmo also took out the ticket, looked at it, and was a little surprised: "Hey! I am also G513, I am going to Anhua City, where are you going?"

At this moment, Jiang Anran was even more surprised. Looking at Li Xinmo, he quickly said, "Are you going to Anhua City? Me too. I didn't expect that we are still fellow villagers. It seems that we are in the same car this time. We are really fate. Look again at the seating position, which car you are in."

After speaking, the two women checked the seats of the train again.

In this comparison, the two girls were surprised and even a little excited.

Especially Jiang Anran, she hurried to Jiang Chen and said in surprise: "Brother, what a coincidence, Xinmo and us are not only hometowns, she also shares a car with us, the seats are very close, you say, this Is it fate?"

Jiang Chen, who was on the side, heard these words, the expression on his face was a bit speechless.

At this time, he himself did not expect that they and Li Xinmo were so fate.

It's not just sitting in a car, but the seats are close.

Could it be that this woman has any conspiracy?

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn't answer, Jiang Anran pouted and said, "Brother, what are you thinking? I'm talking to you."

Jiang Chen came back to his senses at this time: "Oh, nothing. Since Miss Li is predestined with us, let's check the tickets together and get on the train."

Anyway, it’s just going to the same car and going to the same city. It’s not a big deal.

Even if this woman has some conspiracy, can she still turn the sky over?

With that said, Jiang Chen turned around, ready to go to check in and wait for the bus.

Jiang Anran and Li Xinmo also took their luggage, followed Jiang Chen, and went to check in together.

At this time, Li Xinmo lowered his voice and said to Jiang Anran, "Ran, your brother is cold and proud. Is he broken in love?"

In fact, in the bottom of Li Xinmo's heart, I want to give a sidekick, whether Jiang Chen has a girlfriend.

However, Jiang Anran was relatively simple and couldn't hear what Li Xinmo meant.

Jiang Anran smiled slightly and said, "How could it be possible that my brother is so handsome, it is impossible to be broken in love, and my brother is the best brother, and treats me well. You and my brother are not very familiar yet, wait for them to become familiar. , You will know that my brother is a good person."

Li Xinmo: "..."

After talking for a long time, you didn't say the point?

You mean, do you have a girlfriend?

After getting in the car.

Because the seats are close, and they are in the same carriage, the three of them boarded the car together.

At this time, most people were already seated in the carriage.

Jiang Chen and the others took the tickets and found their seats.

It's just that there are already four people in the two rows of seats opposite each other.

Originally, there were two rows of opposing seats, enough for 6 seats!

But now, four have been seated, plus Jiang Chen, Li Xinmo, and Jiang Anran, it shows that there is one position that is occupied.

At this moment, Jiang Anran took the ticket, and said to Jiang Chen with a little grievance: "Brother, my seat was taken."

Jiang Chen took Jiang Anran's ticket and said, "It's okay, brother will help you get your seat back."

Holding the ticket, Jiang Chen checked, his eyes fell on a man sitting by the window.

Looking at the man, Jiang Chen said, "Hey, buddy, where you are sitting, that's asking, please get up."

Hearing this, the man turned his head and looked at Jiang Chen.

This man, with a full face, a beard, two eyes, stared wide.

Such a person, with a casual glance, can tell that they are not very hot.

The cross-cutting man said with a cold snort, "I like to sit. My position is No. C12. Go and sit."

As he said, the cross-cutting man turned his head again and looked out the window, the expression on his face was unbelievable.

In his opinion, Jiang Chen is just a fledgling brat.

Jiang Chen noticed that this guy wanted to occupy a seat.

With a cold voice, Jiang Chen said: "Please get up, this seat is mine!"

The cross-cutting man was very annoyed, and he slapped the table and stood up: "Smelly boy! What do you mean, are you asking for trouble?"

He looked upset, all the passengers around him were silent, afraid to speak more.

They are all worried that if they provoke a violent man, they will also have trouble.

When encountering such a thing, it is better not to be nosy.

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Behind Jiang Chen, Jiang Anran was a little frightened when he saw Hengrou Man's aura.

She frowned and shrank back, pulling Jiang Chen's sleeves, and said weakly, "Brother, I'll sit somewhere else, lest it cause trouble."

Jiang Anran was very worried about Jiang Chen's safety.

She was a little worried that her brother would fall out with this crazy guy.

If this is the case, it would be bad if something happened to your brother.

But today's Jiang Chen has three times the normal body constitution.

Of course, this **** is not his opponent.

But this is in the train, it's not easy to get started!

However, at this moment.

The system prompt sounded suddenly.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host, complete to 50% progress! Reward medical sage cheats! Can cure the world's intractable diseases. 】

Soon, all kinds of strange medical techniques and words were injected into Jiang Chen's mind.

Immediately, the corner of Jiang Chen's mouth raised a smile.

He stretched out his hand, patted the back of Jiang Anran's hand, and said, "Don't worry, don't worry, you will not be bullied if you have a brother."

At this time, Li Xinmo, who was also possessed by justice, said immediately: "Yes, that's right, we can't let the person occupying the seat be confident. If he dares to mess around, call the crew police to come over."

As he said, Li Xinmo took out his mobile phone and pointed at the cross-cut man, and said, "Hey, you guy, you better restrain yourself now. If you dare to mess around, my mobile phone will take a picture of you. You will be miserable if you post it on the Internet."

As soon as he said this, the cross-cutting man's expression changed drastically, and he seemed very upset.

He was threatened by Li Xinmo, naturally extremely angry.

His eyes widened, and he shouted angrily: "You woman, put down your cell phone, otherwise, I will smash your cell phone to let you know how miserable it is to go against me. Do you know what I did? You provoke me. I have no good end!"

It's okay to frighten ordinary people by looking at the aura of the cross-cutting man.

But this guy wanted to scare Jiang Chen, but it was far worse.

Jiang Chen was not scared.

He raised his brows, with a little smile, he looked at Li Xinmo and said, "Well, don't get angry with this person, it's not worth it, I'll take care of it."

Li Xinmo didn't expect that Jiang Chen would talk to himself at this time.

Suddenly his face blushed.

However, Li Xinmo was very well-behaved at this time, nodded, took a step back, and made a way, ready to let Jiang Chen go out and solve the matter.

The cross-cut man still occupied the position by the window and refused to leave.

Even his face raised an arrogant expression and said to Jiang Chen: "Boy, what do you want? Do you want to be strong? Is your strength okay?"

Look at this wild man, now extremely arrogant, it seems that he is bound to win.

It seems that no matter who it is, he is not afraid.

This position by the window, he didn't want to let it go, so he died without giving it away.

However, Jiang Chen has now been rewarded by the system, and he has become a genius doctor. He has a way to clean up this guy.

With a sneer, Jiang Chen came to the front of Yokohama and said with a smile: "Brother, don't be angry, what's the matter with us, talk slowly, OK?"

Hengrou man, seeing Jiang Chen at this time, there was something to please him, which made him feel proud.

Hehe smiled and said, "You fellow, are you scared now? I said already, fight with me, you are not qualified, or go to C12, that position, I will sit for you."

At this moment, Jiang Chen didn't say much, just flexed his fingers, and quickly flicked his thumb and middle finger.

"call out!"

In an instant, there was a needle-like needle that flew forward.

Suddenly, this acupuncture fell on the hooked man and submerged in his body.

Within two seconds, this cross-cut man's expression became weird.

"Ah...itchy, itchy..."

Soon, the cross-cutting man began to scratch around, on his body, constantly clutching.

He looked like he was bitten by something, and he was very uncomfortable all over his body.

The people around, seeing this scene, secretly felt that they were also a little unhappy.

This feeling, just like yawning, is contagious.

Of course, most of them are psychological effects.

But that hunky man was very itchy because of Jiang Chen.

However, no one knows that all this is the ghost of Jiang Chen.

The cross-cut man was very uncomfortable at this time, his claws stretched out and grabbed, and his skin and flesh had been scratched.

A look of pain on his face.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said, "Brother, you are uncomfortable, so let's go to the cabin. There are some medicines on this train. Maybe it can relieve the itch. Go ahead."

The cross-cutting man was immediately very grateful for Jiang Chen's reminder.

He looked at Jiang Chen, clasped his fists in both hands, and said, "Okay, brother, thank you for reminding me, I'll go first, please take this seat."

With that said, this hooker, clutching his back while oops, ran to the flight attendant.

After all, on the high-speed rail, some medicines are always available for emergency use.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen smiled and said nothing.

The needle he put in was not very heavy, and after a few hours, the itch of the cross-cutting man would disappear.

If this guy, he dare not know each other and come to ask for trouble, Jiang Chen will not take one, making him uncomfortable for days and nights.

With the skills of the "Wonderful Doctor", Jiang Chen cleaned up these guys without any bloodshed.

Now that the horizontal man is gone, there are three empty seats in the two rows of the pair.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said to Jiang Anran: "An Ran, sit inside, I'll sit outside."

When Jiang Anran heard this, she became reluctant. She immediately said, "Brother, the guy just now has itchy all over, can I sit? What if a bug bites me?"

Just now Jiang Chen shot, that movement, that speed, extremely fast, no one saw it.

Even Jiang Anran couldn't see it.

That's why Jiang Anran suspected that the wild man was bitten by a bug.

So that Jiang Anran didn't dare to sit in the seat of the cross-cutting man.

But also, the place the man had sat in was somewhat dirty, so he didn't let his sister sit.

After all, how could my sister, Xiangxiang's body, sit in the same position that other men had sat.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Chen said: "Then you sit outside and I sit inside."

With that said, Jiang Chen went forward, took a leaflet, and placed it under his butt.

Jiang Anran was sitting beside Jiang Chen.

Li Xinmo's position is opposite Jiang Chen, side by side with a small couple.

Li Xinmo sat opposite Jiang Chen. She always couldn't help but look at Jiang Chen with big eyes.

Although it's cool to be watched by a beautiful woman, it can't be so obvious, right?

Jiang Chen curled his lips and said, "You woman, what are you staring at me, haven't you seen a handsome guy?"

Who knows, Li Xinmo smiled: "Yes, you are right, I have never seen a handsome guy, especially you are so handsome."

For Li Xinmo, Jiang Chen's behavior is really his boyfriend's power max!

It's really a good impression!

However, Jiang Chen said: "..."

Basic operation only!

Little sister, you are still too young!

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