Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 883: 883: The genius doctor Jiang Chen shot!

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Jiang Chen's cell phone rang.

I picked it up and saw that it was the third uncle who called.

"Uncle San, is something wrong?"

"Jiang Chen, you come back early for dinner today, your cousin and cousin-in-law are back, you can't be late!"

After speaking, Sanjiu hung up the phone, still looking so proud.

Jiang Chen put down the phone, a little speechless.

Yesterday, my third uncle, who was still suffering, begged him there and asked him to call Zhang Tianhua and leave Zhao Zhifei's job.

Why, in a blink of an eye, San Jiu is proud again?

However, Jiang Chen thought, there must be a reason for it!

It is estimated that the third uncle's daughter and son-in-law are back, and they are so proud again!

In my memory, the third uncle's daughter married a relatively rich man. I heard that the business was very big and the company was opened to the Imperial Capital.

It is estimated that the third uncle wanted to use this time to save some face in front of Jiang Chen.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen smiled, but he didn't rush back.

On the contrary, Jiang Anran was a little curious, and asked, "Brother, what is your third uncle calling you for?"

Jiang Chen smiled slightly: "It's nothing, San Jiu just wants to tell us to go back for lunch. Let's buy more things and go back directly."


Jiang Anran nodded.

Soon, after Jiang Chen and Jiang Anran bought some things in this supermarket and some gifts for grandma, the siblings went straight back.


Back home, at the gate of the yard, a black Porsche 911 was parked.

A table was placed in the yard to entertain the son-in-law and daughter of the third uncle.

In front of his daughter and son-in-law, the third uncle was very pleased, and the whole old face smiled like an old chrysanthemum.

The third uncle, who was serving tea and pouring water, saw Jiang Chen and Jiang Anran coming back, so he immediately said, "You said you two, go shopping for some things and have been here for so long. I don’t know if there is a guest at home today. Don't you? Come over and say hello to your cousin and cousin-in-law."

With his own rich son-in-law here, the third uncle is a lot harder when he speaks.

However, Jiang Chen didn't eat this set.

Looking at the third uncle now, and thinking of the third uncle who was going to kneel for himself last night, Jiang Chen was speechless.

Really a dog can't change eating shit!

"Sorry, I bought something for grandma, I want to go first to see grandma, you guys talk slowly." Jiang Chen said lightly.

This moment, but made the third uncle dissatisfied.

"You child, you are so ignorant."

Seeing Sanjiu's dissatisfaction, his son-in-law Qiu Ming immediately stood up and said with a smile to Sanjiu: "Father-in-law, don't force Jiang Chen to come here. He must have been in the big city for a long time. If you don't know the rules, don't care about him. Come on, smoke."

After speaking, Qiu Ming picked up his cigarette and handed one to Zhao Minghong.

Zhao Minghong took the cigarette, his face blooming with joy.

He nodded, and said: "My son-in-law is still sensible. I heard that you recently had a big business in the Imperial Capital. This rich man, speaking and doing things, is different."

When he spoke, he deliberately raised his voice a little, for fear that Jiang Chen would not be able to hear it.

Qiu Ming touched his nose and said with a smile: "Small business is only a few hundred million, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning."

That being said, Qiu Ming, who combed his hair with shiny hair and still wearing glasses, looked triumphant.

He worked hard outside and came back to his father-in-law's house every year. It was a good thing to be able to pretend to be coercive in front of these poor relatives just enjoying such a moment.

Even if the business he is talking about outside is worth millions, he has to exaggerate it.

Hearing that his son-in-law is now talking about hundreds of millions of dollars in business, the old face of the third uncle Zhao Minghong, that is even happier.

He immediately looked at Jiang Chen and said, "Jiang Chen, did you hear that, your cousin-in-law, my son-in-law, but you are talking about a big business of several hundred million yuan, you, you have to learn more from your cousin, don’t be okay every day. I just went to deliver food. I thought that if I knew a few people, I made a fortune on my own. You should keep in touch with your cousin-in-law. If you have the opportunity to ask your cousin-in-law to help you, you don’t need to deliver food!"

Remembering that he almost knelt to Jiang Chen last night, Zhao Minghong felt very uncomfortable.

Now that his son-in-law is here, he also has the confidence to grab the limelight!

So now, he will not let go of any opportunity, and will try his best to prove himself in front of Jiang Chen.

Only in this way can we win a round in front of Jiang Chen.

Otherwise, where should I put my old face?

Jiang Chen didn't respond to this, and said faintly: "Delivering food is also good. I am for everyone, everyone is for me."

As soon as these words came out, Third Uncle's son-in-law Qiu Mingke just disagreed.

He took the cigarette, walked over, and said with a smile: "Jiang Chen, you are not right to say that. It is not me who is a brother-in-law who said you should work hard. You are not too young now. You have to save more money, otherwise, you won’t be able to marry your wife in the future. The current girl is very realistic. If you deliver food in the Imperial Capital, you should understand that when I was your age, I had already established a company and was working on it. Career! Come on, smoke a cigarette, this is a good cigarette, you have never smoked."

Looking at Qiu Ming's face, Jiang Chen felt funny.

He waved his hand and said, "I'm sorry, I don't smoke."

When Jiang Chen didn't pick up the cigarette, Qiu Ming put the cigarette back into the box.

Soon, Qiu Ming's gaze fell on Jiang Anran.

Looking at the young and beautiful Jiang Anran, Qiu Ming's eyes lightened, and he said, "This is An Ran. I haven't seen you in a few years. You are all grown up as a big girl. It's really a big eighteen girl. You are now graduating? What?"

Looking at Qiu Ming with a warm smile, Jiang Anran's heart was also very speechless.

She has no affection for this cousin.

When we met before, this guy's eyes were weird.

Moreover, Qiu Ming likes to pretend to be coerced in front of these relatives, and from time to time he finds an excuse to pretend to be coerced there and show off himself.

However, Jiang Anran is still a sensible girl. She just replied: "I'm still studying, and I will start an internship right away as a junior this year."

Qiu Ming was even more happy at this time.

He immediately said: "You’re in your junior year, okay, you’re good to go to university. If you have a diploma, you will get a better job in the future. Unlike your cousin, who doesn’t know anything, doesn’t have a diploma. A full-time wife, cousin-in-law, my company is about to recruit people. If you have an idea, come to our company, I will arrange for you, get a good position, find a good job, how about?"

Jiang Anran waved his hand quickly and refused, "No, no, no, I plan to find a job by myself. Thank you cousin-in-law for your concern."

With that said, Jiang Anran pulled Jiang Chen and was about to go in to see grandma.

The third uncle, Zhao Minghong, shook his head and said: "This An Ran is also ignorant. Your cousin's husband is kind, but you don't know how to cherish it."

The third uncle Zhao Minghong had just finished speaking. His daughter Zhao Yingying immediately stared and scolded: "Okay, Dad, you don't need to say a few words."

Zhao Yingying is Zhao Minghong's daughter. She looks pretty good, has a nice face, and is plump. She gave birth to two sons to Qiu Ming, both of whom are in school and brought by her grandmother.

However, since Qiu Ming was rich, he often did not go home, and sometimes he smelled of perfume.

Zhao Yingying, as a woman, can guess this kind of thing, her husband must be messing up outside.

But Zhao Yingying also understands that Qiu Ming gave her all the good days today.

Without Qiu Ming, she would have no status in her own family.

For these and for the children, Zhao Yingying was very patient with Qiu Ming.

Otherwise, Qiu Ming said in front of everyone that she was at home, just a full-time wife, who didn't understand anything and didn't have a diploma. She would have been angry a long time ago.

Helpless, she can only swallow her anger now, only her own father can she dare to say.

Jiang Chen saw this scene, and he guessed right away that Qiu Ming was definitely not very good to his cousin.

If you have a chance in the future, you have to beat Qiu Ming.

Otherwise, this guy thought he had some money and he could do whatever he wanted.

Especially Qiu Ming's eyes looking at Jiang Anran made Jiang Chen a little uncomfortable.

This is my own sister, even this wretched fellow, who dares to think about it, really eats the gall of a leopard!

But now, the time is not yet...

For the sake of grandma's face, everything will be happy for the time being.

Jiang Chen didn't say much, carrying a gift, and preparing to enter the door with Jiang Anran to see grandma.

Unexpectedly, Qiu Ming's sharp eyes saw Jiang Anran holding a bag from Saint Laurent, and he couldn't help saying: "Oh, Anran, you went to Saint Laurent to buy clothes. Not bad. I will give your cousin for a few years. I went there to buy clothes, tens of thousands of pieces, what kind of clothes are you, cousin-in-law, take a look."

With that said, Qiu Ming wanted to get close to Jiang Anran and get a bag in Jiang Anran's hand.

However, his hand obviously wanted to touch Jiang Anran deliberately.

Jiang Chen saw this scene, and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

Before Qiu Ming’s hand came close to Jiang Anran’s side, Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and grabbed Qiu Ming. You are still far behind, right?"

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On the surface, Jiang Chen said that the clouds were light and windy, but his hand was grasping Qiu Ming and secretly exerting force.

After a while, Qiu Ming's expression just became difficult to look.

It feels like the bones are almost crushed!

His face rose to the color of pig liver!

Enduring the pain, Qiu Ming said quickly: "Ah! Yes, yes..."

With that said, Qiu Ming shook his hand vigorously before taking his hand out of Jiang Chen's hand.

After pulling out his hand, Qiu Ming said: "Jiang Chen, you said that this dress cost more than 100,000 yuan, did I hear it wrong?"

Only now did he realize that Jiang Chen said that the clothes to buy for Jiang Anran cost hundreds of thousands?

At such a high price, even he is reluctant to buy it.

Jiang Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense, he said with a smile: "Yes, it is hundreds of thousands, not a lot."

Hearing this, Qiu Ming frowned. Why did these words sound strange?

Jiang Chen, this guy, obviously delivers food in the imperial capital, and his salary for a month is 10,000 yuan at most.

Such clothes cost more than 100,000 yuan, isn't it a year's salary?

For his sister, Jiang Chen, isn't it?

So Qiu Ming wiped his nose and said, "Jiang Chen, are you bragging? You buy hundreds of thousands of clothes when you say you buy them. Who are you bluffing?"

Qiu Ming had just finished speaking. Zhao Minghong, who was not far away, also said with a smile: "That must be a fake! After all, hundreds of thousands are not a small number for Jiang Chen."

Looking at these relatives and questioning himself here, Jiang Chen really wanted to throw out his bank card to show them what a ten-digit balance is.

However, Jiang Chen couldn't breathe with these little shrimps.

He just smiled indifferently and said: "You said it is a fake, then it is a fake. Anyway, I, Jiang Chen, there is no need to explain to you."

With that said, Jiang Chen pulled Jiang Anran into the room.


Jiang Chen didn't have a good impression of his strange relatives.

He is now taking Jiang Anran, ready to go in and see his grandmother.

Here, except for my grandmother who really cares about their siblings, no one else cares about them.

Jiang Chen knew this very well.

Saw Jiang Chen and Jiang Anran walking into the house.

Qiu Ming said with a smile, "This kid really has a temper."

Although Qiu Ming is only seven or eight years older than Jiang Chen, this guy, in front of Jiang Chen and other young people, always likes to show himself there with an elder attitude.

It seems that he has a majestic look, it seems that all people must give him face.

At this time, Zhao Minghong also hurriedly came to his rich son-in-law, took Qiu Ming's hand, and said with a smile: "Qiu Ming, don't care about Jiang Chen and the others, they are still children. Come, try the Pu'er I bought, but it’s a very expensive one. If it weren’t for you today, I wouldn’t be willing to take it out to drink."

"Haha, good, then try the good tea of ​​father-in-law."

Qiu Ming also haha ​​and went to the table with Zhao Minghong.

Both of them looked very hypocritical, but they enjoyed this feeling more.


At this time, Jiang Anran and Jiang Chen just walked into the room and saw their grandma lying on the sofa, looking very painful.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen immediately stepped forward, came to grandma's side, hurriedly helped her up, and asked, "Grandma, what's wrong with you? Where is it?"

With Jiang Chen's ability to obtain the "genius doctor and sacred hand", he could actually see that his grandmother was a heart attacker.

But in front of his sister, Jiang Chen didn't want to behave too much.

So now, he will ask, what happened to his grandma?

Grandma gasped and said with some pain, "Grandma's heart hurts and I feel almost dying."

Jiang Chen frowned and immediately gave grandma's pulse.

Fortunately, the disease is still under control.

It's just that grandma's current physical condition is in urgent need of surgery.

Originally, with Jiang Chen's genius doctor's medical skills, he could also operate on his grandmother.

But he has no tools now, and he can't move around casually.

So Jiang Chen looked at Jiang Anran, who was panicking on the side, and said to her: "An Ran, what are you still trying to do? Hurry up and call 120 to send your grandma to the hospital! Grandma has a heart attack and is in urgent need of surgery. ."

Although Jiang Anran was a little panicked, she immediately followed the instructions of her brother. She quickly called and called the 120 ambulance.

After the phone call, Jiang Chen said to Jiang Anran again: "Hurry up and find the third uncle and the others. They are still whispering and crooked outside. It's really outrageous."

Jiang Anran didn't dare to delay, and hurried to the outside of the room, and shouted to the third uncle Zhao Minghong who was still talking about it: "San Uncle, it's not good, grandma has a heart attack, come here soon."

Zhao Minghong, the third uncle in the yard, was shocked when he heard this.

Damn it! !

Heart attack!

Zhao Minghong didn't dare to hesitate, so he ran into the house first.

In any case, that is his own mother. If his son doesn't care, who will take care of it?

Although in normal times, he is not very competitive, and always chews on his old age to make his old mother unhappy, but the mother is a mother after all!

At this time, Qiu Ming and Zhao Yingying in the yard rushed in.

Even Zhao Zhifei, who was asleep upstairs, got down in a hurry.

Everyone came to the hall of the house and saw Grandma Jiang Chen, who was suffering from a heart attack, lying on the sofa in pain. One by one, they were anxious.

Zhao Minghong turned around in a hurry, and quickly asked Jiang Chen: "Jiang Chen, did you call 120? Did you call an ambulance?"

Jiang Chen immediately said, "The ambulance is already on the road. Don't crowd around here. Give grandma a place to breathe fresh air."

After Jiang Chen's reminder, the crowd quickly dispersed, not daring to stand in here casually.

At the moment, if anyone doesn't listen to Jiang Chen, then his brain is flooded.

Looking at Grandma Jiang Chen who was lying on the sofa with a painful look, the expressions of everyone were not very good now.

Although they usually act to force each other, it has nothing to do with the elderly. At this time, they still have to think about the elderly.

Jiang Chen saw that his grandma was not very comfortable now and was sad, so he said to Jiang Anran, "Go and find a needle."

Jiang Anran didn't know why Jiang Chen wanted to find a needle by himself.

But Jiang Anran did not hesitate to do what his brother ordered.

After a while, Jiang Anran found a needle, which was not very big or very small.

After Jiang Chen received the needle, he was ready to control the pain for his grandma first.

But the third uncle on the side saw that Jiang Chen was about to do it, so he quickly said: "Jiang Chen, what are you going to do, if you don't understand, don't mess around."

Jiang Chen frowned and said, "Don't worry, I know how to do it."

And Qiu Ming, the third uncle's son-in-law, stood there without saying a word.

Anyway, this is not his grandmother, nor is he the closest person to him. Of course, he himself will not have too many feelings.

At this time, Jiang Chen took out the lighter, burned the needle for a while, and disinfected it first.

After cooling down, Jiang Chen lightly pricked his grandma's body a few times.

Soon, the effect is remarkable!

Grandma's pain eased a lot in an instant, and her breathing gradually eased, making her look much more comfortable.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes suddenly widened, a little surprised!

I don't know where Jiang Chen learned these moves?

It really looks so different!

Still very professional!

But now, these people don't have time to ask more.

After a while, the ambulance came.

After the nurses and doctors arrived, they lifted Grandma Jiang Chen and sent them to the ambulance.

A group of them also drove to the hospital in Anhua City...

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