Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 884: 884: When it comes to money, everything changes!

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Anhua City is not very big, but it is not small either.

There are still many good doctors and many experts in the First People's Hospital.

We arrived after more than 20 minutes' drive.

While in the car, the doctors and nurses also controlled some of Jiang Chen's condition.

After arriving at the hospital, Grandma Jiang Chen was sent to the operating room immediately to prepare for emergency surgery.

The door of the operating room.

Everyone stood there waiting, all in a hurry.

At this time, a doctor in a white coat walked out of the ward.

He looked at the crowd and said, "Who is the patient's immediate family member?"

At this moment, the third uncle walked out immediately, "I am the patient's son, doctor, how is my mother's condition?"

The doctor in a white coat wears a mask, but his brows are frowning.

"The patient's situation is not very optimistic. The operation may take a long time. Please pay the fee quickly, otherwise, the patient's treatment will be delayed."

After saying this, the doctor in the lab coat went straight back to the operating room.

Although the hospital is saving lives, the operation fee is indispensable.

Seeing the doctor returning to the operating room, his third uncle, Zhao Minghong, immediately looked at his son-in-law, and said there, "Qiu Ming, you come with me to pay the bill."

Sanjiu didn't have much money on hand.

So now he can only count on his son-in-law to give himself a little money, and he is willing to lend it to him.

However, the third uncle's son-in-law, who is also a human being, would not be easily fooled by Zhao Minghong.

At this time, Qiu Ming hurriedly said: "Father-in-law, you asked me to pay the bill with you. I don't have any money with me now. Besides, the funds of my company are currently in operation and it is not convenient to come out."

He said so, obviously, he just didn't want to pay, and didn't want to care about it.

After all, in Qiu Ming's eyes, this is not his own mother who is hospitalized. Why should he pay for it?

When the third uncle Zhao Minghong heard this, the expression on his face suddenly became very ugly.

He didn't expect that his son-in-law, whom he had always been optimistic about, would actually say such things now.

He has always regarded his son-in-law as his pride.

As a result, I didn't expect that at this critical moment, his son-in-law would actually drop the chain!

If something happens to him in the future, I am afraid Qiu Ming will be the first to run, and the fastest!

Zhao Minghong shook his head in frustration. He wanted to scold Qiu Ming, but he didn't know how to speak.

He could only look at his daughter, Zhao Yingying, and said, "Yingying, how much money do you still have here, let me use it first, and wait for a while, dad will give it to you."

However, Zhao Yingying, the third uncle's daughter, also looked helpless.

Although she really wants to help her grandma and pay for some medical expenses by herself, it is a pity that she has no power to manage wealth at home.

All the money in the family is in Qiu Ming's hands. If Zhao Yingying wants to spend some money or something, he has to ask Qiu Ming for it.

If Qiu Ming is in a good mood, she might give some more, but if she is in a bad mood, she won't have a single point.

So, even if her own father asked herself, Zhao Yingying said helplessly: "Dad, sorry, I...I...I have no money."

Zhao Yingying stammered and told her own suffering.

The third uncle, Zhao Minghong, instantly understood that his daughter was in Qiu’s house, without the slightest status and the slightest financial resources...

He suddenly regrets now that he shouldn't marry Zhao Yingying to Qiu Ming at all, which led to this kind of result, but his father is all to blame.

However, it is too late to say anything now.

Moreover, what needs to be solved most is the medical expenses of my mother.

In front of his own snobby and stingy son-in-law, Zhao Minghong didn't want to be too embarrassed.

He chuckled, and then said: "It doesn't matter if you have no money, I just ask you, your uncle, and aunt, but they are all rich. Now I will call them and ask them to come too. ."

In the Zhao family, there is a elder brother and a second sister, including the third uncle Zhao Minghong, and Jiang Chen's mother, a total of four siblings.

Only the boss Zhao Mingxian and the second sister Zhao Songzhi, they are not in Kaishan Town, but live in Anhua City.

It just so happened that now their mother is sick and has to be hospitalized for surgery, these two brothers and sisters also have to come in handy.

They are all their own brothers and sisters. Now that my old lady is in trouble, she should help each other. This is indispensable.

So, the third uncle, Zhao Minghong, took out his mobile phone and quickly dialed the number of his elder brother Zhao Mingxian.

However, the phone dialed for a while, but it didn't get through.

Zhao Minghong was a little upset, hung up the phone, and continued to call his sister's number.

After the call was connected, Zhao Minghong immediately said: "Sister, it's not good, my mother is in the hospital, and now we need a large amount of processing fee, you hurry up and get the money."

Sure enough, Zhao Songzhi, Zhao Minghong's second sister, seemed very anxious when she heard this.

"What, mom is sick and hospitalized, how much does it cost?"

Zhao Minghong didn’t know how much it would cost. He just said casually, “I don’t know now. I have to pay for it. At the First People’s Hospital of Anhua City, he had a heart attack. , You come here with 300,000 yuan first."

As soon as he said this, Zhao Songzhi on the other side of the phone was silent for a long time before saying: "My third brother, there are some things, the elder sister said directly. In my home, I am not in charge, and the money is not in my place. Let's talk about it. , I’m married. You and your eldest brother should pay for the medical expenses for mom, 300,000 yuan. I don’t have it now."

Hearing these words, Zhao Minghong was also very angry.

He immediately said: "I don't care, this is my mother, and you can also get the money. Now these are as if I borrowed them from you. You can bring them quickly."

However, Zhao Songzhi on the other end of the phone still said: "But I don't have that much, brother, where do you ask me to find a way for you."

Some impatient Zhao Minghong didn't care about so much anymore, and quickly waved his hand and said, "Okay, no more nonsense, just take it over now, and I will try to get the rest."

Zhao Songzhi quickly replied: "I only have thirty thousand now."

"Only thirty thousand!"

Zhao Minghong couldn't do it.

But at this moment, he also knows that it costs money for his mother to be hospitalized.

Even if it is only 30,000, Zhao Minghong also said: "Let's do it, 30,000 is 30,000, you can take it first, and I will wait for you in the payment hall."

After saying this, Zhao Minghong hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Minghong's expression was ugly!

But soon, Zhao Minghong looked at Jiang Chen.

He knew that Jiang Chen delivered food in the imperial capital, and there were eight thousand in a month. Maybe Jiang Chen had some savings.....


When Jiang Chen saw Sanjiu's gaze, he knew what Sanjiu was thinking.

It stands to reason that this grandma's illness was borne by the children.

But Jiang Chen knew that these uncles and aunts were better than the other when they were flat.

Now that grandma is sick, she is all stunned. Even if she refuses to pay, the uncle Zhao Mingxian can't get in touch at all.

Especially the son-in-law of the third uncle, when the clothes are in fashion, that is the most pretending, and what kind of projects are several hundred million yuan to talk about.

Now that there are hundreds of thousands of people, they are not willing to take it out, which is really speechless.

Speaking of money, one who hides is faster than anything?

Before the third uncle Zhao Minghong could speak, Jiang Chen took the initiative to say: "Okay, third uncle, you don't need to say, I will pay for my grandma's medical expenses, no matter how much it is, I will pay."

Hearing that, the third uncle Zhao Minghong, in his heart, is not touched.

He hurriedly walked to Jiang Chen, shook Jiang Chen's hand, and said, "Jiang Chen, grandma really didn't hurt you in vain. Go, let's pay the fee."

It can be seen that Sanjiu is really moved, not just pretending to be.

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Jiang Chen didn't say much, and went downstairs directly with Sanjiu.

When he came to the payment hall, Jiang Chen directly swiped his credit card with RMB 500,000, and first paid for medical expenses, surgical expenses and so on.

After all, the hospital said, more refunds and less supplements.

In the payment hall, San Jiu saw that Jiang Chen was so casual, so he drew out half a million, which really shocked him.

It can be said that the third uncle Zhao Minghong has struggled all his life and has not yet saved the money.

Zhao Minghong couldn't help approaching Jiang Chen, and asked curiously: "Jiang Chen, I really didn't see it. You still saved a lot of money. This is half a million medical expenses, and you can pay it out. This time, it's really a thank you. I have you."

Jiang Chen waved his hand and said, "Uncle San, sometimes, you don't want to be too snobbish. Although I deliver food, I also make some other investments, so I made some money, okay?"

Zhao Minghong nodded quickly and said: "Yes, yes, or Jiang Chen, you are great, you still know investment and financial management!"

At this moment, Sanjiu's cell phone rang suddenly.

Picking up the phone and looking at it, it was his elder brother Zhao Ming who called first.

Suddenly, Zhao Minghong's heart was full of fire, and he seemed very upset.

He called Zhao Mingxian before, but this guy didn't answer it.

Now that the issue of surgery fees and medical expenses has just been resolved, Zhao Ming will call back first? !

This Nima!

This made Zhao Minghong feel that his eldest brother was not on purpose, right?

However, angry to anger, Zhao Minghong answered the call.

Soon, on the other side of the phone, Zhao Ming burped first.

"Hey, the third child, what's the matter with you? Call me during dinner. I was having a party with a few big bosses just now and it was not convenient to answer your call. You know that doing business requires relationships and socializing. These few are big customers. There is a business worth tens of millions to discuss, so you can't neglect."

I have to say that this Zhao family is born to pretend to be forced.

Uncle Zhao Mingxian, before asking anything, he pretended to be forced, so that his younger brother felt that his eldest brother was super rich, rich, and well-established.

If it had been before, Zhao Minghong would definitely be counseled immediately, and in front of his eldest brother Zhao Mingxian, it would have been flattering.

But today, after this incident, Zhao Minghong changed.

Bullshit socializing, **** relationship, no matter how big things are, it can’t compare to a mother!

An angry Zhao Minghong, holding his mobile phone, he shouted: "You're too pretended to be pretending, what business is talking about, my mother has a heart attack and is hospitalized! You come to Anhua City First People's Hospital and bring 500,000 yuan To Jiang Chen! Our mother's medical expenses are all covered by Jiang Chen, you have to pay!"

Zhao Minghong's sudden outburst can confuse Zhao Ming first.

However, after a while, Zhao Mingxian replied: "Okay, I'll come over right away."

After speaking, Zhao Ming hung up the phone first.

In the payment hall, Zhao Minghong let out a sigh of relief.

He finally felt that in front of his eldest brother and second sister, he had a tough time!

In the past, he felt that his eldest brother and second sister were richer than himself, and he had always been persuaded.

As a result, he can only pretend to be forced in front of Jiang Chen's house.

But today, my mother encountered an accident, and the two eldest brothers and sisters who pretended to be forced did not pay a penny.....

Putting away his mobile phone, Zhao Minghong looked at Jiang Chen and said with a cordial expression: "Jiang Chen, don't worry, your eldest uncle, your second aunt is here, the 500,000 will be returned to you, absolutely don't want you to pay. "

Today's third uncle, Zhao Minghong, seems to have changed the evil and returned to the right. In front of Jiang Chen, he was respectful and kind.

Jiang Chen waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's talk about it. As long as grandma is fine, everything will be fine."


With that, the two walked upstairs.

Coming to the corridor outside the operating room, Zhao Zhifei, Zhao Yingying and Jiang Anran were still waiting anxiously.

And Qiu Ming, the third uncle's son-in-law, sitting in a chair beside him, unexpectedly began to feel sleepy and still dozing there.

Seeing this scene, the third uncle Zhao Minghong felt angry.

He really wanted to slap Qiu Ming directly to make him sober!

It is a pity that Qiu Ming is his son-in-law, not his son!

Everyone waited for about twenty minutes outside the operating room.

The lights in the operating room were still on, and Jiang Chen's grandma was still undergoing emergency treatment.

Just then, Jiang Chen's second aunt Zhao Songzhi came.

Zhao Songzhi was in her fifties, dressed in a mink coat with flamboyant hair, stepping on high heels, and carrying a small bag, and hurried to the door of the operating room.

People who didn't know thought that Zhao Songzhi was a rich woman.

Coming to the operating room, Zhao Songzhi was very anxious, looked at his third uncle, Zhao Minghong, and hurriedly asked: "My third brother, how is our mother? Has the operation been successful?"

Zhao Minghong doesn't have much affection for his second sister, Zhao Songzhi.

He raised his head, glanced at Zhao Songzhi, and said, "Mom is still in the operating room. During the first aid, did you bring the money I asked you to bring?"

When talking about this, Zhao Songzhi stomped and said, "My third brother! You called me in a hurry and made me feel anxious. I forgot to use my bank card to withdraw money, but you can rest assured that when my mother's operation is successful, the money will be paid. , I will give it to you."

These words, even if you are a fool, don't necessarily believe them.

This Zhao Songzhi did not forget to make up and dress up when he went out. He wore the same clothes as a rich woman, but he forgot to bring a bank card to withdraw money?

Do you dare to believe this?

Anyway, as stupid as Zhao Minghong, he didn't believe it at all.

In particular, Zhao Songzhi's hands had two big gold bracelets, but they were flashing, still shining.

These two things cost tens of thousands.

The third uncle was in a bad mood, and he was even more dissatisfied when he saw his second sister came empty-handed.

So, regardless of so much, Zhao Minghong said annoyedly: "Your family buys this and buys that all day long, saying how much money you make in a year! This time Mom's operation, you want to take tens of thousands of yuan, you don't want to take it, you What's the matter? Isn't this your mother?"

Zhao Songzhi did not expect that his third brother would dare to quarrel with him so boldly.

Suddenly Zhao Songzhi felt that his face was dull and embarrassing.

After all, the younger generations like Jiang Chen are all here.

Zhao Songzhi was so happy when he was refuted by Naoko.

She immediately fought back: "My third brother, it is wrong to say that. Our mother is hospitalized. Of course I am also worried. But you and your eldest brother should find a way for money. I have been married for decades. Our hometown Don’t you understand the rules? The daughter who got married, but the spilled water! If you want me to pay, that’s okay. As for your daughter Zhao Yingying, her family is not very rich, she bought a Mercedes-Benz, and also does a big business. She can too!"

As soon as these words came out, Qiu Ming, who was napping, immediately woke up.

Without saying anything, he stood up and hurriedly said, "Second aunt, it’s really wrong to say that! We are juniors, we have to pay for something, it’s not our turn? Besides, Jiang Chen doesn’t have it. He paid for the money, the surgery fee, and the medical expenses just now. He is so rich, let him pay it..."

Hearing this, Zhao Songzhi immediately turned off.

At first, she thought she was going to entangle Zhao Minghong for a while.

She was relieved now that the medical expenses and surgery Fei Jiangchen were out.

Zhao Songzhi smiled after dropping the big rock in his heart.

He immediately looked at Jiang Chen and said, "Jiang Chen, you are the best behaved. It's because your grandma didn't hurt you in vain. You did a good job! Honor your grandma, but you should. If it spreads out in the future, people will also give a thumbs up. Praise you!"

Looking at the smiling face of the second aunt Zhao Songzhi, and the hypocritical words, Jiang Chen was speechless for a while, but just smiled "um".

Zhao Songzhi is boring to ask, and in front of Jiang Chen, it is hard to say anything.

She also simply found a stool, sat down by herself, and waited for the result of the operation.

At this moment, Zhao Minghong was not too arrogant, so he could only be silent.

For a time, the atmosphere here was a little subtle and a little embarrassing.

Not long after, my uncle Zhao Mingxian also came.....

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