Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 908: 908: Grandma is going to be discharged from the hospital!

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Lin Yingyue lives on the sixth floor and is a large apartment.

This house has a total area of ​​more than 360 square meters, four bedrooms and two halls, and the decoration is very exquisite!

In places like Anhua City, there are no tens of millions that can't be won!

Moreover, only Lin Yingyue lives here.

I have to say that the children of this wealthy family are different. They are very good in all aspects of life.

Jiang Chen entered this house as if he had arrived at his own home.

He went to pour two glasses of water, drank a glass by himself, and handed it to Lin Yingyue.

Seeing Lin Yingyue sitting on the sofa, her emotions have not yet calmed down, her nerves are tense.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Miss Lin, are you still nervous?"

Lin Yingyue frowned when Jiang Chen said this.

I was robbed tonight, rioted at the bar, and surrounded by people before returning home.

Such a thing is simply too exciting for Lin Yingyue.

As a girl, she loves to go out to play sometimes.

But this was the first time she encountered this kind of thing.

So her mood is still somewhat difficult to calm down.

She raised her head, looked at Jiang Chen, and said, "Jiang Chen, don't leave tonight, okay?"

Jiang Chen glanced at Lin Yingyue, and said, "Why, you can't bear me after you've fallen for me?"

Although Jiang Chen was joking at this, after Lin Yingyue heard this, she couldn't help but blush.

She hesitated for a moment, weak and weak:

"I am afraid, I dare not be at home alone. Will you accompany me?"

When Lin Yingyue said so, Jiang Chen still refused.

He shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it won't work. I promised my sister that she will go to the hospital tonight. It's getting late now. I have to go."

With that, Jiang Chen put down the water cup and was about to leave.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yingyue at this time was really too scared.

She quickly got up, came behind Jiang Chen, stretched out her hand and hugged Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, don't go..."

In Lin Yingyue's tone, there was a little coquettish element, and tears filled her eyes.

Jiang Chen didn't expect Lin Yingyue to be so timid.

He originally thought that Lin Yingyue was not afraid of heaven and earth.

Jiang Chen smiled helplessly: "Well, I will accompany you, and when you fall asleep, I will go back."

Hearing this, Lin Yingyue felt more relieved.

She let go of Jiang Chen, tilted her head slightly and said, "Jiang Chen...Thank you."

Jiang Chen sat on the sofa again and said, "Miss Lin, go back to the bedroom to sleep. I will lie down on the sofa for a while. When you fall asleep, I will leave."

Although a man and a widow, Lin Yingyue believes in Jiang Chen's personality.

She nodded and said, "Well, okay, then you can't leave early."

When she said this, Lin Yingyue's small eyes were a little expectant and admired.

She now regards Jiang Chen as a great hero.

If there was no Jiang Chen today, she might be more ill-fortuned.

With that said, Lin Yingyue turned around and went to the bathroom.

After a while, there was a splash of water from the bathroom with the frosted door.

Lin Yingyue planned to take a bath and then go to bed.

Soon, Lin Yingyue wrapped a bath towel and came out of the bathroom half-covered.

She came to the living room and wanted to chat with Jiang Chen again.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen was already asleep on the sofa.

She pinched the bath towel with one hand to prevent it from slipping off.

Looking at the handsome and handsome Jiang Chen lying on the sofa, Lin Yingyue bumped against the deer in her heart.

Jiang Chen is indeed handsome and upright, and his temperament is outstanding.

To be honest, since Lin Yingyue saw Jiang Chen for the first time, she had a good impression of Jiang Chen in her heart.

It's just that she is actually a little shy.

So in front of Jiang Chen, she didn't show it.

Now that Jiang Chen was asleep, Lin Yingyue couldn't help but quietly came to Jiang Chen's side.

Looking at Jiang Chen who was breathing evenly, Lin Yingyue suddenly mustered up his courage, sat on Jiang Chen's lap, leaned down, and kissed Jiang Chen on his lips slowly.

When his lips touched, Jiang Chen woke up immediately.

He opened his eyes and looked at Lin Yingyue's eyes!

At this moment, Lin Yingyue was utterly stunned!

The eyes are wide!

She never expected that such a tiny movement of herself would wake Jiang Chen.


Suddenly, Lin Yingyue's face was flushed and she raised her head.

"Jiang...Jiang Chen, I didn't mean it."

Panicked for a while, the only bath towel on Lin Yingyue's body also slipped gently, revealing her perfect body.

Lin Yingyue's face was even flushed with a brush. She quickly blocked the pair of murder weapons with her hands, but her arms couldn't completely block the scale.

At this moment, Jiang Chen's mouth was already raised with a smile.

He also sat up, grabbed Lin Yingyue's waistline, and looked at her with a smirk.

"Miss Lin, why don't you continue?"

Lin Yingyue blushed, she didn't dare to look at Jiang Chen at all, she hesitated and said: "I...I..."

Before she could tell why, Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, raised her chin, and kissed.


Lin Yingyue felt her body soft, as if she had been electrocuted, her hand that was originally covered, she did not consciously put it down.

With tears in her eyes, she jerkily catered to Jiang Chen.

After a while, a beautiful sound came from the living room...


After two hours, the voice gradually calmed down.

Lin Yingyue lay crimson on Jiang Chen's chest, her eyes full of affection.

She called her man's name weakly: "Jiang Chen..."

Looking at the woman in his arms, Jiang Chen didn't expect that this woman, for the first time, couldn't pat her **** and leave, she was responsible.

"What's your phone code?"

Jiang Chen took the other party's cell phone and asked.


Lin Yingyue screamed, reached out to unlock, and then fell asleep sweetly.

Anyway, there are no secrets in her phone, so she is not afraid of Jiang Chen looking at it.

Jiang Chen took her mobile phone and added his WeChat account, then hugged her and fell asleep.

after an hour.

When Jiang Chen woke up, Lin Yingyue had already fallen asleep as a piglet.

I don't know what she will dream of in her dream.

Jiang Chen smiled, took her back to the bedroom and covered her with a quilt.

After finally kissing her on the cheek, he left her house.



Go back to the hospital.

It's already late at this time, almost 2 o'clock.

But everyone seems to have not slept yet.

Jiang Chen opened the door of the ward and walked in.

The doctor is talking to his uncle Zhao Mingxian and his second aunt Zhao Songzhi.

Seeing Jiang Chen coming, Zhao Ming took the lead and said excitedly:

"Jiang Chen, I have good news. Your grandma will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow."

"Really, this is really good news."

Jiang Chen smiled and was more happy.

Zhao Ming thought for a while, then said: "Jiang Chen, I have an idea, I want to tell you."

"If you have anything, just say it." Jiang Chen said straightly.

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Uncle Zhao Mingxian now looks relatively humble in front of Jiang Chen.

After all, he knew that his nephew Jiang Chen had a mysterious background and terrifying energy!

After hesitating for a while, Zhao Ming said: "Jiang Chen, look, your brother-in-law, because there is something at home, he has already returned to Kaishan Town, and your second aunt's house has a lot of things, so I thought, take your grandma, and It’s my mother who took my place to live, I don’t know what you think?"

Hearing this, Jiang Chen smiled.

"This is a good thing, why are you so mysterious, I thought, what happened to you."

When Jiang Chen said this, Zhao Mingxian's face also showed a smile.

"Okay, it's settled, I will go home tomorrow to celebrate for your grandma."


Jiang Chen nodded.

After all, grandma's discharge from the hospital is indeed a happy event.

At this time, Jiang Chen didn't say anything to Zhao Ming, but came to grandma's side.

"Grandma, how do you feel, are you better now?"

Grandma was lying on the hospital bed with a smile on her face.

"Xiaochen, don't worry about grandma. Grandma is in good health now. If it weren't for the doctor to tell me to be discharged tomorrow, I would like to be discharged now and go outside to get some fresh air."

Seeing her grandma, she is in good spirits now, Jiang Chen also smiled: "Grandma, don't worry, tomorrow I will take you around and get some fresh air. It's late now, so you should rest earlier, go to bed first, and raise your feet. spirit.

However, grandma said: "Xiaochen, grandma will sleep for a while, I ask you, how are you going out on a date tonight?"

When it comes to grandson's life-long events, the old lady's eyes are much brighter.

Jiang Chen frowned and asked with a smile: "Grandma, who told you that I went on a date?"

As soon as he said this, Zhao Mingxian suddenly felt nervous and coughed quietly.

It was him just now, gossiping here, saying that Jiang Chen was going on a date.

At this moment, if his wife betrayed him, it would be embarrassing.

He also counted on Jiang Chen to help himself.

If Jiang Chen is upset, it's not good.

Fortunately, the old lady was clever, she immediately said: "Jiang Chen, don't care who said it, grandma just wants to know, do you have a partner?"

Jiang Chen had no choice but not to answer, so he had to deny it.

"No, just going out tonight, chatting with friends, nothing more."

Although Jiang Chen still has many girlfriends in the imperial capital, these cannot be told to grandma.

Otherwise, with grandma's current mood, Jiang Chen would definitely let Jiang Chen bring it back for a look.

Besides, when he went out tonight, he was really just chatting with Zu Kexin, and he didn't do anything.

Those things that happened can not be said.

Otherwise, the old lady will be unable to sleep if she knows it.

Hearing that, grandma is inevitably disappointed.

She sighed and said, "Jiang Chen, your parents left early, and I'm still looking forward to seeing you marrying a wife and having children."

Jiang Chen smiled: "Don't worry, grandma, you will be able to see it."

At this time, Zhao Mingxian, who was on the side, quickly walked over.

"Mom, don't worry about Jiang Chen's marriage. If you want Jiang Chen to get married and have children sooner, I have a way. I know many girls who are all good people."

Hearing what Zhao Mingxian said, the old lady curled her lips and did not speak.

Jiang Chen didn't want the current atmosphere to be too embarrassing.

"Okay, Uncle, it's late, you, Auntie, and Xiaochuan will go back first, and leave it to me and An Ran."

At this critical time, how could Zhao Ming go first?

He hurriedly said: "No, no, no, we still stay here and stay here with my mother. We will go back to my house together after I have been discharged from the hospital tomorrow morning. This is the best!"

Second aunt Zhao Songzhi also immediately said: "Yes, we still stay, it would be better!"

Since his eldest uncle and second aunt wanted to stay, Jiang Chen couldn't refuse.

"Well then, you will stay and stay with us and grandma."

With that said, Jiang Chen came to the doctor and said, "Doctor, thank you very much this time. My grandma can recover so quickly, and it all depends on your help."

In order to express his gratitude, Jiang Chen took out a check, wrote a limit of 100,000 yuan, and handed it to the doctor.

Since it was already in front of his relatives, Jiang Chen didn't pretend it!

Me, Jiang Chen, showdown!

I am a trillionaire!

When the doctor saw Jiang Chen's check, he immediately waved his hand and said, "No, no, I can't collect your money. As a doctor, we also hope that the patient is well. As long as the patient is okay, we can rest assured."

With that said, the doctor hurriedly wanted to leave here.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen didn't force it.

He originally thought that people in this world are very greedy.

But this doctor is obviously still keeping his duty.

Of course, it is also possible that one hundred thousand is indeed too much and dare not accept it.

Put away the check.

Jiang Chen looked for a chair and lay down directly, ready to take a rest.

After all, I just exercised vigorously with Lin Yingyue for two hours.

Zhao Mingxian, who was not far away, secretly glanced here.

Seeing Jiang Chen's move, it was just a check.

This made his heart suddenly become active.

He now firmly believes that Jiang Chen is rich, a rich man, a super rich man!

At this time, younger sister Jiang Anran frowned slightly and walked to Jiang Chen's side.

Pouting, he whispered: "Brother, before you go out, you made a phone call. The other party is a girl, I can tell.

You said, are you pedaling a few boats? "

Jiang Anran's eyes looked resentful, and it seemed to be blamed.

Jiang Chen couldn't help rolling his eyes, and said solemnly:

"An Ran, do you think your elder brother is that kind of person? Besides, what are you doing with your children?"

After being stunned by Jiang Chen, Jiang Anran curled his lips and stopped talking.

Seeing that Jiang Anran was angry, Jiang Chen coaxed: "An Ran, okay. Don't be angry. After two days, brother will take you to play and go shopping, how about?"

Hearing this, Jiang Anran smiled.

She looked at Jiang Chen with a look of expectation: "Hey, brother, this is what you said, I didn't force you, you promised me, remember!"

"Don't worry, I won't lie to you."

Jiang Chen immediately patted his chest to make sure.

Jiang Chen is still very concerned about his sister.

He also didn't want Jiang Anran to be unhappy.

However, after all, she is her own sister, Jiang Anran is better to coax her, not easy to get angry, she is a good girl.

After speaking, Jiang Chen lay on the chair and went to sleep.



As time passed, everyone rested in this ward for one night.

the next day.

At around nine o'clock in the morning, Zhao Ming ran up and down to get the old lady discharged from the hospital.

He knew a few people in this hospital, and it was much more convenient to get things done.

After completing the discharge procedures.

Everyone drove to Zhao Mingxian's house.

There were six of them, and they drove two cars to a villa complex!

Everyone was a little surprised.

It turns out that Zhao Mingxian lives in a villa at home?

Of course, there are also several villas in Anhua City.

The villa that Zhao Ming bought first cost five or six million, which is not expensive.

After all, Zhao Mingxian is also a businessman, so he must do enough to show up.

Soon, two cars stopped at the entrance of the villa.

As soon as the group got off the car, Zhao Mingxian hurriedly came to Jiang Chen and said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, my uncle lives in a normal place, don't dislike it when you come here."

As soon as he said this, the second aunt Zhao Songzhi on the side rolled his eyes instantly!

Very speechless!

You Teya have lived in a villa, and you said that you live in average?

I suspect you are pretending to be forced!

However, she didn't dare to speak out, she could only vomit secretly in the bottom of her heart.

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