Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 909: 909: After this village, there is no more shop!

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Zhao Mingxian made a wave of fancy Versailles to show off his wealth.

The second aunt rolled her eyes.

I just watched you pretend to be .jpg quietly!

Jiang Chen smiled faintly and said, "Uncle, you are too modest. You all live in a villa, and you are so low-key. Okay, let's go in and have a look."

Zhao Ming hurriedly stretched out his hand, made a gesture of please, and said with a smile:

"Come, come, please come in, come here, don't be polite, just be your own home!"

This Zhao Mingxian can be regarded as a rudder.

Only in front of Jiang Chen would he be so pleased.

If Zhao Songzhi and Lin Xiaochuan came, there would be no such treatment.

Jiang Chen is of course clear about this.

However, he naturally wouldn't break Zhao Mingxian's careful thoughts.

After all, it's better to have peace among family members.

He nodded slightly and walked into Zhao Mingxian's house.

The others followed immediately.

Jiang Anran and Zhao Songzhi, supporting the old lady, also walked in slowly.

The operation of this old lady was very successful.

So now she can walk slowly as long as someone is supporting her.

In the villa.

The decoration is exquisite and the windows are bright and clean.

Looking at this Zhao Mingxian, he didn't spend less money.

"Liu Lan, hurry down, our mother is here."

As Zhao Mingxian shouted, a woman in a nightgown walked down slowly from the second floor of the villa.

This woman is in her forties, but she is very good at maintaining her. She looks very young and has a good figure.

Jiang Chen knew that this was his aunt.

It's just that this aunt has always been very delicate and arrogant.

This time, Grandma Jiang Chen was hospitalized, but she didn't even come to see it. ,

Jiang Chen has no liking for this woman.

At this moment, Liu Lan walked into the hall, scratched his hair, and yawned.

It looks like she hasn't slept enough yet.

She sat on the chair, pinched her legs, rubbed her eyes, looked at Zhao Mingxian, and said uncomfortably:

"Your mother came here, what do you do so loudly? Don't you think I can't hear it? It's so early in the morning, so let people not sleep!"

When Zhao Ming heard this, he was a little embarrassed.

He was still a little afraid of his own wife.

After all, Liu Lan's house has a little money.

The starting capital for his business when he was young was given by Liu Lan's family.

So he was tolerant to Liu Lan.

But Jiang Chen is here today, it's not what he used to be.

He frowned and said: "Daughter-in-law, our mother is here, you go and say hello."

However, Liu Lan sat there, twisted her body, and shook her head: "No, there is nothing to say hello. I haven't seen it before."

Hearing this, Jiang Chen's expression became slightly uncomfortable.

He looked at his uncle and said with a smile: "Uncle, it seems that someone in your family doesn't welcome us, we are still going back and don't disturb you."

With that said, Jiang Chen planned to leave.

Seeing Jiang Chen leaving, Zhao Ming panicked first.

In his eyes, anyone can go, but Jiang Chen can't go!

In a hurry, Zhao Mingxian said quickly: "Jiang Chen, don't leave, your aunt is not sensible, I will teach her a lesson."

After saying this, Zhao Ming patted the table first, his face flushed to the equator: "Go! Apologize to our mother and Jiang Chen!"

When Liu Lan heard this, she was immediately upset.

She has always been in this house, always on top!


It is incredible that Zhao Mingxian asked her to apologize today!

Liu Lan was very angry, and slapped the table angrily, and yelled:

"Well, you Zhao Mingxian! You really have grown wings. Dare to yell at me! Do you think you are tired of life, look for a fight!"

Seeing Liu Lan's pungent look, Zhao Mingxian suddenly felt tight and a little frightened.

After all, once a person has been kneeling for a long time, it will make him stunned for a while, which is indeed a bit difficult!

Zhao Mingxian's expression was suddenly hard to look.

Suddenly he was a little scared and didn't dare to argue with Liu Lan.

But at this moment, Jiang Chen on the side suddenly said: "Uncle, it seems that you can't be the master of this family. Let's go back, so as not to affect your family harmony."

With that said, Jiang Chen planned to leave here.

It was hard for Zhao Ming to invite Jiang Chen to the house.

He has a lot of things and wants to ask Jiang Chen for help.

If Jiang Chen left like this, wouldn't he be busy doing it in vain and didn't get any benefits.

Zhao Ming couldn't accept such a thing at first.

He hurriedly stopped Jiang Chen and said quickly:

"Jiang Chen, don't go! Don't worry, there is an uncle here, and immediately ask your aunt to apologize. If she doesn't apologize, I will slap her in the face!"

With that said, Zhao Ming first stared at Liu Lan and roared:

"Liu Lan, I'll give you one last chance! You quickly apologize to our mother, otherwise, I want you to look good!"

Zhao Mingxian's expression instantly became fierce.

At this moment, Liu Lan, seeing Zhao Mingxian, who had always been polite to her, yelled out loud and asked her to apologize quickly!

This made Liu Lan even more angry!

Besides, Jiang Chen, Jiang Anran, and Zhao Songzhi were all watching.

If she was called upon by Zhao Ming in this way, she would be ashamed!

Liu Lan, who was angry on her forehead, rubbed her and stood up!

She stared at Zhao Mingxian and said furiously: "Zhao Mingxian! You have a kind, you just yell like this, I'm never finished with you!"

As he said, Liu Lan raised his right hand, took the lead in attacking, and slapped Zhao Mingxian's face fiercely!

However, the current Zhao Mingxian is not the previous Zhao Mingxian.

This time, he had already thought about it.

No matter what, I have to fight for my breath.

Even if he fights with Liu Lan today, he still has to save face.

So, when Liu Lan's hand hit Zhao Mingxian's face, Zhao Mingxian became angry.

He suddenly raised his hand and grabbed Liu Lan's hand.

Not only that, Zhao Mingxian also slapped a big slap and directly fought back!


A powerful slap fell on Liu Lan's face instantly!

Liu Lan took a few steps back after being beaten.

Her face swelled up in an instant, hot and painful!

Liu Lan was stunned!

She never expected that Zhao Mingxian would dare to beat her.

She had always thought that in this family, she was the only one who was the most arrogant.

No one dares to stop what she Liu Lan wants to do!

But today, Zhao Mingxian slapped her awake!

It turned out that Zhao Mingxian also had a temper, and he dared to beat her, and dared to do it!

She stared at Zhao Mingxian, gritted her teeth and said: "Okay, Zhao Mingxian! You have become bolder now, it's incredible, even I dare to fight."

Zhao Mingxian now has no choice.

In order to be able to keep Jiang Chen, he could only beat his wife.

However, his wife Liu Lan has indeed been spoiled by him over the years!

If he doesn't teach Liu Lan a bit and give her a little bit of color, Liu Lan will only get worse!

Then he has no status in this home!

Zhao Ming first looked at his wife and said, "Liu Lan, this is all you forced me, and I have been accustomed to you all these years!

Now I am beating you, also for your good! Make you sober, this home, it's not you who have the final say! "

Upon hearing this, Liu Lan was even more furious.

She yelled: "Oh, Zhao Mingxian! I am exhausted every day for this family. You dare to beat me, I will fight with you! If you don't have me, you are still begging on the street now! "

With that, Liu Lan desperately rushed towards Zhao Mingxian to fight with Zhao Mingxian.

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However, Liu Lan is a woman after all.

No matter how fierce she was, she couldn't beat Zhao Mingxian.

Zhao Ming first raised his hand, slammed it forward, and slapped it on Liu Lan's face.

Liu Lan was hit again, and the whole person took a few steps back!

Buzzing in my head!

At this time, Zhao Mingxian was also annoyed.

He stared at the unreasonable Liu Lan, and said directly: "Liu Lan, I will explain to you today. If you don't apologize to my mother, let's not have it and get divorced!"

When these words came out, Liu Lan was stunned!

She couldn't believe it, Zhao Ming would say such things first!

Now, Liu Lan was a little scared!

She is staying at home now, and she does nothing except spend money every day, and her life is quite comfortable!

But if she gets divorced, she can indeed divide the property in half, but so what?

The maiden family would definitely laugh at her.

Moreover, his parents have to leave the family property to her younger brother.

What can I do with this little money in this villa?

After only a few seconds of thinking, Liu Lan figured it out clearly.

Divorce is impossible!

think carefully.

Zhao Mingxian is usually very good to her.

If you leave and you are old, where can you find such a good family?

After she wanted to understand this, Liu Lan's expression immediately changed a few times.

She hurriedly came to Zhao Mingxian and said:

"Husband, look at you, am I just kidding you?

Why are you so angry? Don't worry, I will apologize to my mother now. "

With that said, Liu Lan hurriedly came to Jiang Chen's grandmother.

She bent over and said, "Mom, just now, all my daughter-in-laws were ignorant. She accidentally offended you. Please forgive me. I apologize to you now."

This is not the first time the old lady has seen Liu Lan.

She also knew exactly what Liu Lan was.

She didn't really like this daughter-in-law either.

But anyway, Liu Lan is the wife of her eldest son, and the old lady doesn't want them to be at odds.

After all, home and everything are happy.

The old lady nodded and said, "It's okay, you don't need to apologize to mom, as long as you don't quarrel with Zhao Ming first, that's fine."

Where did Liu Lan dare to fight.

She hurriedly replied: "Mom, don't worry, we won't quarrel anymore, we won't quarrel anymore."

After saying this, Liu Lan quickly returned to Zhao Mingxian.

"I already apologized to my mother, Zhao, don't be angry, okay?"

Although Liu Lan has now apologized, Zhao Mingxian's unhappiness has not disappeared.

He snorted coldly: "Just apologize to mom and it's over. And Jiang Chen, go and apologize to Jiang Chen."

When Liu Lan heard this, she became dissatisfied.

Just apologize to mom!

Apologize to Jiang Chen?

Why is that!

She is auntie.

Seeing his wife's stupid look, Zhao Mingxian simply hated iron for nothing!

He quickly lowered his voice and whispered a few words in Liu Lan's ear.

After Liu Lan listened, she was shocked.

"Old Zhao, what you said is true?"

Zhao Ming first said solemnly: "Nonsense, of course it's true, what I lie to you."

Seeing Zhao Mingxian's appearance is not like joking.

Liu Lan also opened her shed, Jiang Chen couldn't provoke it!

Zhao Ming told her earlier that Jiang Chen is very rich and very background!

This time, in addition to celebrating the old lady's discharge from the hospital, the more important thing is to cheat Jiang Chen!

Liu Lan's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly came to Jiang Chen, and said quickly:

"Jiang Chen, you also know the temper of this aunt. There is no one on his lips. You were offended just now. Don't be angry.

For people like Liu Lan, Jiang Chen didn't want to talk too much.

He waved his hand and said: "Okay, I don't have anything to do. The main thing is that grandma is discharged from the hospital today. I don't want her to be unhappy."

Jiang Chen's meaning is already obvious, it mainly depends on the meaning of the old lady!

At this time, Liu Lan reacted quickly!

She hurriedly put on a smiling face and said, "Look, my aunt was frustrated just now and neglected you. Come on, come in and sit down quickly, I'm going to prepare lunch, you guys have been busy all morning, you must be hungry."

With that said, Liu Lan hurried to the old lady's side and helped the old lady in.

The old lady is nice, and she doesn't want to see Liu Lan and Zhao Mingxian's family feud.

So she smiled and entered the house with Liu Lan.

Seeing that his grandma was not angry anymore, Jiang Chen also smiled faintly at the corner of his mouth.

As long as grandma is happy, everything is easy to say.

So everyone came to the living room of the villa.

Sat on the sofa.

Liu Lan, who has always been lazy, immediately became diligent after being taught by Zhao Ming.

She washed the fruit, took it to the living room, and greeted Jiang Chen and the others to eat.

"Sit down first, I'll get the food, it won't be long before you can eat it, rest first, and watch TV when you're bored!"

After speaking, Liu Lan went to the kitchen, ready to cook.

At this time.

Zhao Mingxian also said immediately: "Mom, Jiang Chen. You sit down first and order whatever you like. I'll wash the vegetables for Liu Lan, so that we can eat earlier."

Jiang Chen and others have no opinion on this.

Turn on the LCD TV in the living room and watch it casually.


Soon, Zhao Ming came to the kitchen first.

Zhao Ming first glanced at the living room sneakily, and hurriedly said to Liu Lan who was washing the vegetables.

"Quickly, call your niece and ask her to come home for dinner."

When Liu Lan heard this, she was a little confused.

"What do we ask her to do for dinner?"

Zhao Mingxian was a little speechless when he saw that his wife was still in a state of resuscitation.

"Are you really stupid or fake? Didn't you see Jiang Chen here?

Call your niece here and let her go on a blind date with Jiang Chen! Jiang Chen is so rich, is he still letting him marry a certain woman? "

Hearing this, Liu Lan's face instantly smiled.

She nodded and said quickly: "Yes, that's right! The fat water does not flow into outsiders' fields!"

However, before calling, Liu Lan was still a little suspicious.

She looked at Zhao Mingxian and whispered, "Lao Zhao, you won't lie to me? Is your nephew Jiang Chen really rich? Why can't I tell, isn't he delivering food?"

Zhao Ming snorted first, and said impatiently: "You really have long hair and short knowledge! Although Jiang Chen delivered food, he has quietly become a rich man in the imperial capital for several years! It's just that he is low-key, guess not to be exposed!

Just yesterday, I saw his phone call with my own eyes and let the stock of a company directly raise the daily limit! Saved Lin Xiaochuan's life! ......"

Zhao Ming first told Liu Lan about what happened yesterday.

After Liu Lan listened, his eyes shone!

Liu Lan also knows the situation in their family.

Now, Zhao Mingxian has encountered some setbacks in business and needs help from someone urgently!

And Jiang Chen is the best choice.

If your niece can be with Jiang Chen, it's really a kiss and a kiss, it's the best!

After all, her niece listened to her the most.

This kind of thing, Liu Lan thought with her toes, and she could figure it out!

This is a great thing!

I missed this village, but this shop is gone!

Liu Lan didn't talk nonsense and took out his mobile phone directly.

"Okay, I'll call now and let Yating come over quickly."

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