Becoming #1 With Stun-Gun Hero!!

Chapter 162: 157. It Begins

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I saw the look Nemuri was wearing. She was frowning while blushing. Looking into her averted eyes, I could see her complicated emotions. I had no idea what she was thinking. She finally sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose where her glasses rested. She then shook her head and moved out of my way. I was confused but started to move past her only to Momo point something out to me. “Denki, I believe Nemuri has located your hat.”
I instinctively grabbed my head to notice I forgot to wear my fedora. I looked back to the surprised Nemuri holding my hat in her hands. She was looking off at all of the girls with a somewhat strange expression, but I was mostly thankful for her remembering my hat. I smiled as I took my hat out of her hands. “Thanks Nemuri.” I was really happy about being able to wear my dad’s hat here. I wanted a part of him with me, no matter how dangerous it may be. 
I was about to put my hat on, until Nemuri grabbed my attention. “Then… I think I deserve… Compensation.” I looked over at Nemuri to see her frowning while holding her arms wide open. She was blushing, and I still didn’t understand what was going on with her these days. ‘She is normally like, ‘You get this when I whip you!’ but now I don’t know how she feels.’ I slowly walked over to Nemuri, almost in a trance. I gulped a bit, before slowly wrapping myself in her embrace. 
I wrapped my arms around her waist, and rested my head on her chest. Which, now, was more open than ever. I should be extra fearful of being that close to her, but for some reason I felt extra comforted. I had a feeling of Deja Vu and some part of me knew I would be safe in her arms. I gained a small contented smile subconsciously tightening my hug with her. We stayed like that in silence for a bit before both letting each other go. Both Nemuri and I had complicated expressions at this point. I quickly put on my hat to hide my blushing face, and started to walk out the door. “Thanks again…” I said weakly as I left the room.
While leading the way, the girls trailed behind me until Mina came over and latched onto my arm. She grabbed it out for me to escort her with my arm. I smiled lovingly at her and was happy to do this with her. On our way we were turning more than a few heads with our group. I was a bit embarrassed from the attention we were gathering, but Mina was smiling and giggled at my shyness. She then started a conversation to help take my mind off of it. 
“What do you think of Midnight?” I looked at her a bit surprised. I looked back to see Nemuri back with the rest of the girls at some distance away from Mina and I. I turned back to look at Mina’s interested gaze. What I didn’t realize is that the girls purposely held back for me to check, only to move within listening range after I felt comfortable that they weren’t listening. Nemuri was included, almost dragged by the rest of the girls to listen as well. Nemuri didn’t want to listen in, but she also wanted to as well. She felt so conflicted, like she didn’t know what to do or think.
I sighed while averting from Mina’s gaze. “I don’t know… I always got scared whenever she would try to hunt me. But now that she isn’t doing that, I feel conflicted.” Mina nodded for me to go on while I was thinking out loud. “I don’t know why she’s doing it. People don’t change that fast and that drastically, so either she is hiding it, or that whole dominatrix thing was an act.” I looked back over at Mina to see if she agreed, but I saw her giving me a calming smile while shaking her head.
“Sometimes girls totally just act different whenever we are around…” She furrowed her brows and looked off to remember something. She then got an epiphany and looked back over to me. “Super important guys.” I looked at her with confusion, I tried to understand what that meant. ‘I guess she has to treat me seriously, with how much she has to make sure that I’m not evilly controlling you girls or something.’ I nodded in understanding and looked back at Mina with a smile.
I squeezed Mina’s hand affectionately to let her know I loved her. She seemed a bit confused at my thought process. “It just makes sense that I’m an important person that she has to oversee our relationship.” Mina frowned a bit and sighed at my conjecture. I heard a few sighs and groans from behind me as well. I was about to look back before Mina grabbed my attention with her question again. “So that is just totally how she is around you now. Now that you know why, what do you think about her?”

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I looked over at Mina’s black eyes, and I could see a bit of something behind them. It almost looked like when she wanted to be close with me, but different enough for me to notice. I thought out loud while taking note of the entrance to the building we were going to.  “It’s confusing. It feels a little wrong for her to be this tame, but I sometimes like her acting like that... It’s a little like Himiko acting really sane sometimes. It’s good that she is getting more mentally stable, but I love her craziness too. Nemuri is a sadistic person, but she is also surprisingly gentle. Only having one side of it seems wrong to me.” I shook my head and sighed, not really understanding my own feelings, but I continued on. “Nemuri… It’s nice to know she cares about all of us. All of you. But it’s still a little awkward between us for some reason…”
I looked back over to Mina who was smiling almost as widely as Himiko usually does. I was confused at what would make her that happy, but she just giggled and played with my hat a bit. I put it back into place as we made it inside the entrance. The entrance had security checks as I feared. ‘Good thing I didn’t bring my weapons, but that means that I’ll have to get Momo to hopefully make me some things, but I don’t want to tire her out if she needs to help with her own creations or run.’
We made it inside and past the quick security checks. I was a bit preoccupied looking for all of the security cameras. I wanted to know if I could overcharge their system. ‘Most likely not. Most technologically advanced place that can’t handle a little extra power would be pretty stupid.’ I shook that idea away and thought of a plan of what we would have to do. 
‘We need to meet up with most of the others in the class. Safety in numbers. Next we need to make it to the top floor without anyone knowing. Security system is on the top floor, but it will be barred off with metal walls. Those walls are probably too thick to allow us to destroy them easily, and won't let my EMP through. I can’t waste electricity to test it, so we’re going to have to go up the old fashion way.’
I came up with a plan as Mina took my arm again and we both walked over to the elevator with the rest of the girls behind us. We all crammed inside the elevator, as we went to the floor that Ida had texted us to meet up on before we would go to the party. Once exiting the floor we were met with Ida, Shoto, Deku, Uraraka, and Melissa all waiting for us. “Sorry we’re late.” I said while walking out of the elevator with Mina still attached to my arm.
Shoto shook his head with a slight grin, while Ida spoke up while directing his arms robotically. “Do not worry! I have made sure to tell you all to be extra early, so that even if you were late, we would all still be early!” I chuckled at his slightly deceiving side. ‘I guess Ida is learning a bit from Aizawa.’ It was then that Nemuri came in front of everyone and started talking. 
“I’m sure you all know that this is a high end party. Heroes must be at their best whenever they are in public. That even means with your masks down.” Ida nodded while almost memorizing the information to write down later. Nemuri kept talking more about the responsibilities of heroes, but I was still formulating the best plan for attack. 
After a bit of time Nemuri was finished and Ida started directing us to the elevators. ‘Ok, I don’t know when, but the attack should be happening soon. I can’t get stuck in an elevator.’ Just as I was thinking of what to do, before we could get to the elevators, the alarm went off. I sighed a bit from relief, but also exasperation. I would rather not have to go through this. “Here we go…”

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