Becoming #1 With Stun-Gun Hero!!

Chapter 163: 158. Wolfram Appears

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Everyone else was confused at the sudden alarms, and looked around in confusion. All of the windows were being slowly covered in giant sheets of protective metal, and we could see the corridors being blocked off the same way. I let go of Mina, bringing her attention to me. I walked over to the elevators, pressing the buttons did nothing. “Elevators are dead.” I said to everyone. Shoto then pulled out his phone to check something as well. “We have no signal either. Someone must be jamming us.”
Everyone was thinking what was happening, until Melissa voiced her concerns. “This is definitely strange. The tower shouldn’t go into high alert mode for just something explosive.” I nodded while warming up my left hand. “Something is definitely wrong. But we don’t have enough information.” I then took my heated hand and started to melt the control panel. Everyone was confused at what I was doing, but I explained myself.
“I think I can just charge the elevator myself… I just need a way to get into contact with the wires... Would the security office know that the elevator is moving on its own?" I asked Melissa while I was working. "I don't think so... It would only alert from being overridden from a security key." She said thoughtfully, trying to be sure if that was correct. 'Good enough for me.' I then tore off the melted panel and found the circuits underneath. I placed my right hand inside and applied some charge into it. Just after I did, the elevator door opened. I smiled and giggled in excitement for my ability to do this. “I’m coming for you Hans.” I said under my breath as I went inside the elevator first.
Everyone else packed in, and I looked over to Melissa. “What floor is the security room in?” She thought for a second before coming to a conclusion. “The 200th floor.” I sighed as I started to do the same with this panel on the inside. I finally got it off and started electrifying the doors shut, and powered up the motors from here. And I must say that having to power something through different wires than it should be is really bad for energy consumption.
After a while I finally got all of us to the 200th floor. ‘That was way easier than in the movie.’ I thought as I was feeling my battery. I had about 70% left, so I could still fight with room to spare. I then moved the doors open and we all left the elevator. I took a peek out and saw that we were in the clear. “Ok, everything seems fine. Let’s get to the security room to find out what’s going on.” Everyone nodded as Melissa led us to the security office.
After a bit of walking down corridors we made it to the security room. Melissa was about to open the door, before I quickly grabbed her wrist to stop her. She looked at me with shock as I held my finger over my mouth to let her know to be quiet. I then looked through the door's little window to see inside. I frowned at the sight of the villains all over the place. I looked back at everyone and whispered to make sure the villains couldn’t hear me. “Villains have taken over the security.” This shocked everyone as villains had used the tower's security against us.
I nodded and thought of a plan. “Momo, we all need gas masks.” Momo was startled awake from her thoughts, before smiling at knowing what I was thinking. She quickly made enough for all of us. We put them on quickly as Nemuri started to release her anesthetic gas. We slowly cracked the door, before Nemuri placed her arm inside and started to fan the gas with a fan she brought with her beyond the door. 
After a few seconds we heard the villains dropping like flies. I chuckled a bit at how well this was going, as we all entered the room behind Nemuri. All of the villains were out cold. Before anyone could do anything I relayed more of what we should do. “Momo, if you could tie them up please?” She nodded with a larger smile as Himiko went to help. ‘I guess Himiko knows a thing or two about tying people up…’
I decided not to think about that too deeply and then walked over to the villain slumped over at the security desk. Everyone else was right behind me wanting to see what was happening. The image shocked everyone. We could all see All Might tied up in a chair and other heroes and civilians tied up as well. I couldn’t have this happening any longer. I grabbed the villain's earpiece and powered it up. I cleared my voice and began to try and alter and deepen my voice to sound like a random grunt.
“Boss!! Boss!! We got a bunch of kids on the 80th floor! I think they are heroes in training!” This caused everyone in the room to freeze and stared at me as we all waited in silence. We could see Wolfram stop what he was doing, and hold his hand out to cause some of his grunts to stop as well. I then heard him speak over the radio to me. “Why didn’t we know about this earlier?” 

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I had to think quickly, I didn’t know this hacker's name. I resumed my altered voice as I tried to trick Wolfram to move as many of his grunts out of the room before I would turn off the security measures. “I don’t know! Nobody tells me anything! But I can’t get in contact with him now for some reason! You gotta help us!” I then saw Wolfram on the security cams start talking on the radio headset to another passed out guy as he left the bare minimum of grunts in the room.
I smiled evilly as my plan was coming together. I looked over to Melissa who jumped a bit at my expression. “Can you turn off the security after that guy gets on an elevator, and lock him in it?” Melissa then looked back at the screen and smiled a bit. “No problem!” She then took the seat and started typing away. We could see within seconds the security measures had been taken down.
I smiled as I looked through the cameras to see how well we tied this up. ‘Maybe I can still dance with all of the girls tonight?’ I was thinking about enjoying the evening with the girls, until I caught a glimpse at David Shield, and his partner through the monitor. “Crap!” I then burst out of the room, and rushed over to the vault system they had here. I rushed through the hallways and corridors, looking for any hint for where the vault was located.
As I passed an intersection I quickly looked down the hall to see the opening to the vault door. I quickly rushed inside to see the other guy holding the box. They both looked over at me with surprise as I quickly got into 2nd gear and rushed to grab the box for myself. Grabbing the box from the other guy, I accidentally shocked him a bit, causing him to fall to the ground. “Sorry! I just need to make sure…” I looked over at David Shield to ask my question. “He’s not a bad guy is he?”
I already knew the answer for the double cross, but I had to act oblivious. David fervently shook his head while running to help his friend. “No! He is my partner! Who are you and how did you get here!?” I gave him some room, while looking at the door to make sure Wolfram wasn’t coming in. Just as I was checking I saw him walking in with a commanding presence. He looked over at us, and specifically me. 'Must have been able to control the elevator with his metal quirk... Too bad that he didn't run into any of the class on the way here.'
He furrowed his brows while just staring at me. I chuckled a bit at him. “It’s over Hans.” My smile grew at the sight of Wolfram frowning and seeing his eyes bulge just a bit. But what he said next confused me. “Where did you get that hat brat?” I frowned a bit from being called a brat, but was confused at the sudden left field question. I thought I might as well answer the random question, seeing as it wouldn’t matter anyway. “It was my dad’s.” Hearing this caused Wolfram to stare at me more intently.
He then began to slowly grow a smile. He then started to chuckle, then laugh hysterically as if he found something hilarious. After he stopped he looked back at me and started to talk with a large smile. “What was his thought process for his name? He went from Rokuro to Kaminari?” I instinctively took a small step back from what he was saying, which seemed to make Wolfram even happier.
Wolfram laughed a bit more at my expression. “You don’t even know who your father truly was do you?” I could feel Denki inside of me squirm and panic from having this resurface. I clutched my chest to try and help calm my beating chest. I started to hyperventilate as Wolfram kept talking to see more of my despair. “Your father stole and betrayed our master. He then fled to America to escape us…” Wolfram kept talking slowly to try and wring out as much of my emotions as he could while I began to spark uncontrollably from the debilitating emotions going through Denki right now.
“Your father then stupidly came back, and paid the price for his insolence.” I could feel Denki freezing inside of me for that last bit. Wolfram stopped talking for a bit to let that sink in before chuckling while delivering the final blow to poor Denki. “I normally don't like killing... But this was more personal. He betrayed our master... He was a strong opponent at first, but he broke after seeing his wife die in front of his eyes."

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