Becoming #1 With Stun-Gun Hero!!

Chapter 168: 163. Tamao Kaminari

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I stood frozen while rethinking David’s question. It felt like it came out of left field, and I could feel Denki squirming a bit while having this be brought up. I held my chest to help calm him down and took a deep breath as I thought of the names that I had seen throughout the mail I first read when I came here. “Her name was… Tamao… Tamao Kaminari…” I gulped a bit after finally saying it out loud. She was Denki’s mom, but because we were bonded I felt a piece of her was also my mom as well. It was strange, but I felt like I missed her and wanted to see her again.
I frowned from sadness, but I kept looking at him. He nodded slowly while looking at me. “I see… I’m sorry for your loss…” He bowed a bit at me as I nodded in thanks. He then got up and walked over to one of the couches and sat down. He motioned for me to sit down, and I did. I thought the girls would also take a seat, but after pulling a little unwilling Himiko off my arm the girls decided to just stand behind the couch, and just watch over from behind.
David took off his glasses and began to clean them with a cloth as he began to talk. “I knew your parents…” I was shocked at this new piece of information, and so was Denki. “Your parents came to me years ago… They had fled Japan to escape One for All…” As he talked I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach again. Denki was feeling grief as David continued to speak. I held my chest to help ease him, and let him know I was here for him. I was so focused on that I didn’t notice the small gasp coming from Nemuri behind me, and the girl’s confusion of who All for One was… But they knew he was dangerous from Nemuri’s reaction.
“They begged me to help them… All Might had already left for Japan a while ago, and I knew how bad it could be from All Might so… I decided to help…” I felt Denki’s grief, but his appreciation to David for helping his parents. “Both of your parents used to work in his organization, and your father had managed to steal something… Something very important from All for One…” The sinking feeling grew, as I held up my hand, and looked at my watch. David saw what it was and nodded with a frown.
“It was originally supposed to be used to help All for One to increase his life, and help heal the wounds that All Might had given him…” My mind spun as all of the small clues, and how sometimes the teachers acted, it was all coming together. I just sat frozen in shock, and just stared at the ground while talking to Nemuri. “You knew… Didn’t you…?” Momo was the first to know who I was talking to and her head snapped over to Nemuri, and saw the guilty frown she wore. The other girls all noticed and began to stare at Nemuri too.
I could hear Nemuri try to say things, but always stopped herself before a single syllable would be uttered. “We only knew your parents' past… And that they went missing until they turned up… Later…” She spoke with guilt in her voice, as I just held my gaze at my feet. Denki was just sad to have this being brought up, and I wasn’t mad for her to just have that. I felt like the teachers knew more than they were letting on, but if it was just knowing who Denki’s parents were then I was fine with her keeping that.
I nodded, and met my gaze back up to David. “What did you do with the watch?” I asked to get the story moving again. David thought back as he began to talk about the past. “Your father had learned about how it was supposed to heal, so he stole it, but had no clue on how to make it work… He turned it over to me, where I found out the way to make it work…” He gave me a look of wondering if I had the Nanites inside me right now. I nodded in affirmation, and to get him to continue.

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He took another deep breath before continuing on. “I worked on it, and the technology was genius… I used some of it to complete my quirk amplification device…” He gave a weak chuckle. “Your father brought me the technology for the breakthrough, and you destroy it…” I nodded, and stood by my decision. It was too dangerous to float around. “Your father wanted to give it to your mother… To help her eye… But she was more caring for his safety…” 
David grimaced a bit, just remembering the next part. “Your parents… Were part of the Villain Factory…” I jumped a bit at that piece of information. I knew very little about other things in the world outside of the show, but it sounded bad. “My parents… Were villains…?” I asked a bit hollowedly. Denki was more shocked than I was, and definitely more with his mom being one. For some reason I could feel his belief of his dad possibly being one. 
David frowned as he nodded. “Your mother was being controlled by an insect inhabiting her eye…” I grimaced a bit from that image, and wondered how she could not want the chance of her eye back, or be so happy. “She was eventually freed, but she remembered your father inside the organization, and went back to get him.” I perked up at that piece of information, and gave a small smile. I scoffed as I covered my face with my hand a bit from this embarrassing love story.
David gave a weak chuckle while explaining more. “She had managed to talk your father into loving her somehow…” “I guess that runs in the family.” I heard Kyoka snarkily say behind me as I chuckled some more. “Before they fled your father took that watch to heal her… But after I got it working, and it wanted the first person to be bonded to… She made him take it instead…” I was still confused by that part, until David talked more about my father.
“Denki… Your father was broken… His last line for his psyche was your mother… I had never seen such a violent man go into someone so docile so quickly…” He chuckled just remembering Denki’s father, and I could feel Denki agreeing with him as well. “Your father was brought up inside that factory, and his body was… damaged to say the least… He had quirks given to him by All for One, and his body was remade by the factory…” I froze hearing about how I was going down that same path. “In fact… One of the quirks given to him was stolen from your grandfather…”
I let out a massive sigh, and held my head in my hands while thinking of the massive amount of things connecting together. I took another deep breath, and then looked up for David to continue on. “His body was… Bad to say the least… So he put on the watch, and it went to work… It took months to reverse the damage done by the factory with me helping myself… If not it would have just stayed with him his whole life…” We both frowned while thinking about it.
“However, once it was done… They were blessed by a child…” I perked up at that information, and so did Denki. “You, Denki…”

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