Becoming #1 With Stun-Gun Hero!!

Chapter 169: 164. Family History

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I waited for David to explain more about Denki’s parents, and how Denki fit into everything. David had a small smile while looking at me, remembering me from when I was just a baby. “You probably don’t remember me… You were only around 5 until your parents decided to move back to Japan under new names.” I was confused as to why they would want to come back, but then I felt Denki giving me the answer. “Grandpa…” I said in an almost whisper. David nodded slowly while frowning.

“Your mother wanted to give her goodbyes to your grandmother before she left… And hopefully get your grandfather’s blessing for her husband…” I could feel Denki’s sadness and grief skyrocket by this point, and it almost brought me to tears. “I never did get to hear the rest… They were gone, and I hoped they lived good lives… Until I saw you last night…” I bit my lower lip and my gaze fell to my shoes as I thought about what all of this meant.

“They picked that name from you actually…” I heard David say to recapture my attention. I looked at him with furrowed brows, showing my confusion. “It turned out that your quirk was a mix from most of the quirks that they both carried… Your mother had two or three quirks at one time, but were taken away when the control was removed… One of them was electric eel… It seemed that you were predispositioned to use electricity from all the quirks relating to it… Overclock, electromagnetic waves, electric eel… They were all brought together to make you a little ball of lightning…” David gave a light chuckle while remembering the past.

“Your mother had one more quirk… Her original quirk… I wasn’t sure if you had it, but it was also needed in helping me build my quirk amplification device…” I looked at him, wondering what her quirk may have been. “Her quirk was amplification…” He chuckled a bit at how simple the quirk was. “It allowed the person to amplify themselves…” I jumped at that, and my mind raced. ‘I thought only One for All could do that!! Is mom’s just a flat rate, while One for All can continuously grow?’ I had no clue, but I had to listen more to David.

He gained a more natural smile as he went back to his desk, and shuffled some things about while talking. “It was almost useless on it’s own, Only allowing to amplify her voice, or increase her physical abilities a small amount… But it did give me the necessary data to amplify quirks as well…” He smiled while staring at something in his desk drawer. I sighed with a sadder smile as he took out a photograph of a baby Denki, and his parents. He walked over as I stared at it with longing. Denki really wanted that photo.

“I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you Denki…” I then looked at David who was just bowing his head to me. I just stared at him in shock, I couldn’t think of what to do or say while I was processing all of this. I eventually let out a sigh and began to speak my mind. “Don’t… Lower your head to me… You’ve done so much for my parents that I wouldn’t be alive without you…” I bit my lower lip while thinking of what to say next. “Thank you… For helping my parents…” I finally said with a smile at him. David looked up to see my acceptance of what had happened and began to smile as well for being forgiven.

When he looked at me, his vision then fell to my right ear. “Is that…?” I then grabbed my right ear to remember what I had attached to it now. “Sorry… I hope you don’t mind… Melissa let me have this to help with my heating problems.” I gave a small smile as David began to chuckle and laugh. “I built that for your mother.” I covered my ear with my hair again as I heard him saying that, and froze. He smiled a bit defeatedly, and reminisced. “I made earrings for your mother to use her quirk more, she had the same problem with her quirk… Those were my last prototype I made before she left… She took one, and left the last one for me as a keepsake…” 

David scoffed a bit as he looked at me. “I think it was always yours to begin with…” I gained a smile as I held my right ear with a new attachment to my mom. “Thank you…” I said as I hugged David for all that he did. He was surprised, but smiled as well before patting my back. “It’s good to see you doing well for yourself.” He said calmly as we both let go of each other. He gave a glance back to the girls behind me, and we all knew what he was talking about. All the girls and I blushed at his mentioning.

He gave a more happy chuckle as he patted my back. “I’m not sure if you know this, but this kind of thing is more common in the states.” We all looked at him incredulously as he smiled and shrugged. “Many top heroes in America have mistresses to help increase their genealogy. Since quirk marriages were banned, people in power, and top performing heroes found loop-holes to claim mistresses along with a wife. I never found out too much about it, but it was a big thing years ago.” 

“Is that in Japan too!!?” I heard Mina yell from behind me. I looked to see all of the girls staring at David with anticipation and desire for it to be what they were all hoping. David chuckled a bit while patting me on the back. “I don’t think so… But that’s not to say it can’t be changed, or ignored as long as the laws are followed, I don’t believe that mistresses are illegal.” I looked back to see all of the girls talking to each other in hushed tones. I gained a small smile just looking at them all, and was broken out of my concentration by David rubbing my hair.

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I looked up at him to see a genuine happy smile on his face. He seemed really happy that I was ok, and was ‘doing well for myself’. “Here’s my number. If you have anything you need my help with, don’t hesitate to call.” He gave me a card with a smile, and I smiled back while taking it. “Thank you…” Was all I could say for how much this man was helping me and my parents. He was such a caring person, a true hero.

We had one last hug before the girls and I had to leave for our flight. While I was with the girls in our room packing for the flight, we talked about more of my past. They were all very interested about what the world was like back in my age, and before quirks. “Well… It functioned a lot like right now actually.” I chuckled a bit before continuing on. “It’s actually kinda scary how little has changed… I would think that this far in the future we would have all of that island technology everywhere… But I guess that’s what happens when people fight, and there are riots because of quirks.”

I shrugged my shoulders while thinking about how bad that destruction could have been, and how far all the fighting set the technology back from what it could have been. “The world needs a symbol of peace…” I sighed while just remembering what the world just lost, and how bad All Might must feel right now while he just had to sit on his hands with no way to help. I was brought up from my thoughts by a hand on my shoulder. I looked to see it was Mina giving me one of her giant smiles.

I chuckled just seeing her smile, and all of my sad thoughts were blown away in an instant. I sighed after I was done chuckling, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “I love you…” I whispered in her ear after I was done. She blushed and turned shy as she refused to meet my gaze and nodded while whispering “I love you too…” I chuckled some more, and felt much better with Mina by my side. She always could bring a smile to my face, and I loved her for that.

Himiko then Jumped over into my arms, and began to bite into my neck. I shivered a bit from her sudden attack, and as that was happening, Toru came over, and turned my head to look at her. She giggled a bit from my blushing and embarrassed expression before taking my lips with her own. I let out a squeak from the sudden attack, and Toru pulled away a bit to giggle at what I just did. I fell back on the nearby bed from lack of strength in my legs at this point, with Himiko along for the ride.

She hardly seemed to notice as she kept suckling my neck. I shivered some more while petting her hair to help ease the amount of excitement I was feeling from this. “I think we should get going…” I said with a gulp. Toru let out a giggle, and Momo let out a warm chuckle as well at my attempt to try and de-escalate the situation. Kyoka and Mina were both blushing harder than I was, and looking away, but taking peeks at what was happening either between fingers, or just glancing from the corner of their eyes.

“Yea! Totally! I don’t want to be late!!” Mina yelled as she picked up her belongings and made her way to the door while dragging me. “Yea! Denki’s stupidity will cause something to happen again, so we should leave now before he does something stupid to make us late!” Kyoka dragged Himiko off of me while Mina was continuously dragging me out the door. I grabbed my suitcase as I was forced out of the room, and we all made our way into the larger room with Nemuri waiting for us.

She took one glance at all of our expressions, and immediately knew something happened behind that door. Nemuri adjusted her glasses while sighing before leading us to the airport. “Let’s go loverboy.” She said in a sarcastic tone. I frowned and blushed from how she phrased that, and she gained a smirk seeing that before turning away again.

We all made our way to the airport, and made our way to the personal plane that Momo had. I was still amazed by the amount of resources her parents had, and wondered how I was gonna convince them of our relationship. ‘I can’t put this off any longer… I need to make a plan to explain what this relationship is, and try to get through the minefield of explaining that I do love each of the girl’s to all of their parents, while explaining that I also belong to other girls…’ I sighed from the amount of stress that the conversation between all of the parents would be.

We made it to the plane faster than before, and all took our seats... There was just one giant curveball... “Hi! Sweetie!! Your mother has been worried sick about you ever since I saw the news!!” We all stood in shock seeing a more adult, but at the same time, childish version of Momo right in front of us. She ran over to Momo as soon as she could and wrapped her up in her arms. Momo seemed to be the most shocked out of all of us, as she just had a frozen expression of surprise on her face as she was attacked. "Mother!?"

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