Becoming Monsters: Tidbits

Chapter 2: Chapter 02: Feast and Famine

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Becoming Monsters is the creation and property of Ai Loves, setting used with permission.




Chapter 2: Feast and Famine


Todd recovered much, much faster of the two in that room, was dressed and on his way to dinner by the time Jem had even gotten her towering form moving properly, much less properly dressed again. It was crazy. Completely insane. SUCCUBI didn’t do that to her, male or female. How did this little level one twerp not only pull a full reverse on her best curse, but also completely and utterly sexually wreck her? 


All Jem knew was that she would willingly crawl over broken glass to feel that again. Moreover, the terms of her mission for the next two weeks meant that she would be throwing herself at him, at every opportunity.


And let’s face it, I probably would be with or without the compulsion. 


As she rose and wrapped herself in her robe and Witch’s hat, she noticed the altered perception of the room. The angles were different, everything was sharper and better-defined. The robe felt smaller… and rougher. It didn’t reach quite as far down her thighs as before. A glance at the clock on her desk told her she had an hour and a half left of this. This… amazing state. One more thought occurred to her as she was reaching for the door. 


He is LEVEL ONE. What is he going to be like when he gets some actual Class Progress on him? This, I gotta see… and so does every woman on this campus.


Todd, for his part, was in a state of shock of his own. Difference was, his autopilot was better. Halfway to the cafeteria, and he was halfway convinced that he had dreamed it all somehow. Losing his virginity? To JENNIFER LYONS of all people? No way. But the Status screen doesn’t lie, it can’t, and that screen told him he was more than halfway to level two after seeing zeroes there for three years. 


Still dazed, he got quietly in line to wait for the doors to open. It wasn’t long, he didn’t get there quite as early as he typically would. Standing between a cute Slime girl and the most frat bro Minotaur he had ever seen, he contemplated life a bit. Data. Statistics. Math. He was good at that. What can you do when you get a data point like that, though?


The doors opened. The line wasn’t long, most of the students would be arriving over the next couple of days, so it went quickly. The food was better than he expected, the variety much greater than he thought he’d find. Then again, given the extreme variety of Races, it made sense. A Workshop Elf who found anything healthier than hot cocoa to be deadly poison and a Protogen who needed extra silicates in their diet would not likely want the same things.


Salisbury Steak, gravy and rice, glass of water, some soup. Try not to get run over by the Troll who was rushing to the Raw Milk line. Like so many school meals since the Change, he found a quiet corner to sit and eat. In the peace, he decided to take a moment to do some people-watching. Always a fun time, especially when the people in question were in a new situation.


There were tables set up full of information pamphlets, students awkwardly shuffling around to find things that were relevant to them. Behind the tables sat an array of faculty, staff, and returning students just as bewildering as those going to them. Humans and angels. Red Birdfolk and an Otter in a lab coat. Someone who looked like a mass of tentacles with an eye in the middle. Someone else who gave the impression of being a two-dimensional blot of blackness.


It was with a sense of shock that he noticed Jennifer… Jem… walking around. Still slightly but noticeably bigger and curvier than before, her robe not reaching quite as far. It was real. She was going from group to group, finding all the little cliques and gatherings, seeing which she could infiltrate or dominate. At one such stop, a small bunch of Slime and Beastfolk women looked his way.


This… didn’t seem particularly safe. Exciting, yes. Safe, no. 


Todd got a bit nervous, and decided it was a good time to return his tray and make a lap of the tables, himself. The people who were hitting them before eating were going to get their food, the people who decided to eat first generally weren’t moving yet. It would be quick. Todd was… well, when it came to things he might or might not need, he was a severe pack rat. Blame the RPGs. 


Pamphlets and pages. Cards and call rosters. Trinkets and coupons. Even a job listing around campus, just in case. One bag open, one of everything he could get his hands on went into it. He shook hands, he tried to learn faces and names. There were only two tables he was turned away from. The two local Orders, a concept merging Fraternity and Sorority around a common cause.


Alpha-Omega took in specifically Angelic and Demonic Races, along with analogous ones which derived from spirits and the like. Theta-Delta took in Beastkin, Shapeshifters, and Werebeasts. Neither was interested in Todd the Human, so it seemed the Frat Life would not be open to him here. At least not for now. Todd wondered for a bit what the two would do if they saw a Kitsune, a spirit shapeshifter. He was relieved that it wasn’t his problem to solve.


The tables would be there the next day. He decided to take his new stack of materials and get some initial reading done. He was thinking with Class Features, knowing he could trust himself to be able to recall any of it he really needed to, once he took it in. That he’d be able to start correlating things by the end of the weekend.


What Todd wasn’t doing was paying attention to his surroundings. As he got back to his room, the door behind him creaked ever so slightly. This somehow got through to him, and Todd spun to see what was coming.


An Angel stood there. Pale skin, short stature, blonde hair, huge blue eyes, a ring halo, and feathery wings. Whole package. Also included in the package was a slender and sexy body, lithe and toned, on display in a bikini top and Daisy Dukes despite the evening cooling off. She crooked her head at him, there in his commons, one eyebrow lifted. “You? You’re who Jem was raving about?” Even her voice was resonant, driving Todd’s blood directly away from his brain and to a location ever so slightly below his belt line. “You are the one she’s claiming can outdo a Houri in bed? I find that hard to believe, but I’ve never known her to lie. Then again, I’ve only known her for a week.”


Todd’s eyes were recovering from the shock, and began relaying information. The Angel… Houri… was wearing a name tag on her hip, reading “Erin.” Houri were infamous Angelic types, too, in mythology born from the lustful thoughts of men, but on the Angel’s side instead of the Demons. As a Race, though? They found themselves as wellsprings of Lust, pushing it out into the world. Many tried to direct it, but many simply reveled in it. All of them tended to become very, very good at it.


“Well, uh, Erin? It came as much of a surprise to me as to her. I’ve never been with anyone before today, so I can’t really compare.”


She sniffed the air. “Yeah, okay. The virgin smell is clinging but slowly fading from you, alright, but the lusty one is in full force. I’d give it an hour, hour and a half before you’re whacking off in a stall to the memory of what happened earlier if I don’t do something about it. Lucky for both of us we can help each other with problems and curiosities, right? Now strip.”


The last was said with a tone of surety and command that had Todd out of his clothes in record time. Unsurprisingly, by the time he was, Erin was as well. Her skin was smooth and hairless from the neck down, and when she took a hold of Todd’s manhood it was with the air of one appraising what they saw. 


“So, she says you didn’t lie about anything, which is strange. I usually see people sized like this lying about all kinds of things.” She gently kissed its tip, and the feeling of her lips on it was electric. Todd twitched upwards, coming to full hardness so fast it was almost painful.


“I… I didn’t think truth or lies would matter about this, so I never bothered trying. But yes. I have certain abilities which YIPE!” his words were cut off by the fact that Erin had sucked down his full length and was blowing him for all she was worth. As amazing as Jem had felt, this sensation was otherworldly. With every bob of her head, he could feel the fiery lust within him grow, aching to be released into her.


It was at that moment that his perceptions began to change once more. He could tell that her lips were sensitive, and that she was not just fellating him for his pleasure, but her own. Her halo was immaterial, but her wings practically glowed both at the base and the primary joint. Her back and legs registered as sensitive, and she weighed so little due to how she was built that even he’d be able to move her around. Her vagina was also showing as extremely eager, she would be easy to set off. 


He started by going weak in the knees. Simple enough, given that he was nearly there already from her ministrations. She felt it, and as he came down she followed his motions until he was on his back. He reached down between his legs, to her ears and the back of her head, guiding her slowly until her wings began to flare upwards. As soon as they did, his hand moved lightning-quick to their sensitive joints. Erin gasped, taken completely off-guard by the sensations as his thumbs dug into the pleasurable areas. The gasp and shocked reactions gave Todd the chance to lift her and turn her around, lips still on his member, but lower lips now in range of his mouth. As his hands began to attack the many pent-up locations around her body, he dove in tongue-first to taste Angelic pussy… well, any pussy… for the first time.


It was sweet. It was salty. It was tangy. It was ambrosia to his tongue as he found nothing interfering at all with the pleasure he could now bring to her. His senses were again spot-on, after a few moments of this she came on his tongue. Of course, given what she had been doing combined with the fact that she drove herself down to his balls, he exploded down her throat at the same time.


His power flowed out into her, immediately boosting her. The toned body gained definition, her hips a more enticing curve. Her breasts went from barely-there modesty to hand-filling presence in the space of seconds. Her halo shone brighter, her wings a purer white. She tumbled to the side. “I… owe Jem an apology. And you. For the doubt.”


“I figure the apology was thoroughly delivered while I was proving it.”


“I also hope you don’t mind, but I will be knocking on your door. Often. To be frank, I don’t get many satisfying orgasms. This was a rare treat. Jem tells me you’re level one?”


A chime sounded in the back of Todd’s head. “Looks like two, now. Um. Hold up, getting a point each of Charisma and Luck, and it looks like a class feature opened up. Improved Performance?”


“I’m familiar with it. That lends additional supernatural support to your… Inspired Performance…”


What this translated to became abundantly clear seconds later, as the power of the Status crashed into him. Some residual acne faded from his skin as his class ability began to visibly take effect. Singers often found they could suddenly reach two new octaves and never got a sore throat again. Dancers often found leg and waist muscles reinforced, instrument players resisted pain and calluses as their lung capacity doubled.


None of these quite applied to a performer of Carnal Arts. The naked man suddenly found his still-erect dick expanding wildly, going from undersized to a porn star worthy eight and a half inches in moments. He could feel some of his internals shift to support the change, a spell of lightheadedness fading as his blood flow caught up to new demands and quantities. His balls plumped up to match shortly thereafter, churning with new power.


Erin’s eyes went wide, an effect magnified by her natural beauty and features. “I… ah, pride is not my particular wellspring, but I feel like I’ve earned some of it after watching that. Need to get used to how I feel under your spell, too. I expect I’ll be knocking on your door… soon. Just not now.” She stood up, slightly shaky. “Rest well, Todd, and I look forward to helping you reach your true potential.” She turned shakily, barely remembering to put her clothing back on before heading out the door.


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Todd flopped onto the couch, clothing still on the floor. Jem’s buff timer was still ticking in his head, and now so was Erin’s. Two hours ago, he had been a virgin. Now? He’d not only had sex with two of the objectively hottest women he’d ever met, but both were indicating they wanted much, much more. He had gone from Level One with zero progress to level two, and from a dick that drew comments of “how cute” to one that drew that expression from a freaking Houri.


What even was life anymore? He found that he really didn’t mind the sudden changes, though how he’d explain it to his Dad was anyone’s guess. Still. Bed. Early was probably for the best, Orientation was tomorrow at ten. Todd decided to not risk anyone else walking in on him, pulled on his clothes, and swiped his key card to get into his room.


Of course, there he found a muscular, busty, pink-haired babe in a white tee shirt and jeans looking at his poster of a muscular, busty,  pink-haired anime babe in a white tee shirt and jeans. The girl smiled brightly as he walked in. Todd sighed. “Let me guess. You heard a bunch of things from an Amazon that you couldn’t believe, but felt like you wanted to come check if they could possibly be true, then snuck in to see?”


“Close! I actually live in 222A and heard the commotion in the common area, peeked out and saw you scoring with a Houri, recognized you as the new move-in, then came in through the window. Love the poster, this is one of my favorite anime series.”


“Yeah, darned shame the writer lost his hands in the Change and it dropped off. New one just doesn’t have his flair. So, care to tell me your name, at least? I’m Todd.”


“You get to find that out if you repeat the performance I just saw.”


Todd blinked. This is the kind of thing he probably should have seen coming, but there was one issue. “Um. Okay. The spirit is willing, certainly, but if you saw that then you know that I literally just shot my load less than five minutes ago. I may or may not be able to perform right now.”


She removed her shirt as he was saying this, and his train of thought derailed as the literally cartoonish proportions came into firm and bouncy view. “Did you forget the part where I saw what you can do with your tongue? You can let one piece of you rest, I want to get off and helping myself only goes so far.” She shed her pants at this point, spreading her legs in open invitation. Obviously aroused, obviously ready, and obviously impatient.


Todd Reed took a deep breath. Sent a prayer to whichever Power was listening, half asking for endurance and half offering exceedingly heartfelt thanks. He slowly began to strip himself back down, feeling like he had only just managed to put the clothing on in the first place. The process gave him a chance to consider, again, how he would approach this. Multiple abilities now chimed in the back of his head, providing helpful tips. 


Something I’ll get used to eventually, I guess. I’ll take it for now.


He could feel his blood pumping south once more, though much more slowly than the last two times this afternoon.


Since when was THAT a comparison point I could draw?


He’d be ready to have his own fun in a few minutes. For now, though, his abilities reported that this form of the woman in front of him was customized for the kinds of fun she was here for. She’d be exceedingly sensitive in every normal erogenous zone, even besides the fact that she was fully warmed up and waiting. Either she had been watching him much more than just a glance while he was with Erin, or she had been playing with herself in the meantime. Or both. He walked up, between her spread legs, and slowly started descending. She gasped as he nibbled at her neck. She moaned as his lips found her magnified breasts. She practically screamed as his hand found her sopping pussy and went to town. Without preparation, he was three fingers into her and his thumb on her clit, moving with a dexterity he didn’t realize he had.


Between his mouth and his hand, she practically bucked off the bed. His unoccupied left hand had to come to her mid back and hold her there, pressing her into his eager mouth as he played with her. He felt her gasp and shudder, her barely-suppressed screams of pleasure nearly as much evidence of her orgasm as the pulsing contractions he felt on his hand. Before she could even finish, he dropped down to both knees and began eating her out in earnest. She tasted different from Erin, spicy and strong. Todd decided he liked the variety.


He stayed there, licking and nibbling and sucking, until she came at least twice more. The pink-haired beauty fell sideways onto the bed, her head landing on his pillow. Her eyes were wide open, her gasping breaths music to Todd’s ears. “H… how? How did you do that? Erin’s a slut, I thought those results were just because it was her, but that’s not normal. Nobody’s driven me to multiples before. Ever. Not even me.”


Todd checked his Status screen. 10% Class Progress. Odd, even counting how much more this level should take, that was WAY less than the last two. “I’d say I cheated, but you knew what you were getting into. I’m a Bard, Inspiration subschool, and I got dealt the Carnal Arts method. You are the first who got to experience that combined with Bardic Knowledge feeding me information.”


“Um. Okay. Wow. But… wait. What you just did is your activation method? Why didn’t I get a buff? I saw what it did to Erin.


So she WAS watching the full performance. “Looks like I’m learning, too. Seems it’s based on my own orgasm, not yours.” Speaking of, his dick was rail-hard in its new size, and throbbing with need. She was hot, and he had just rocked her world with mouth and hands alone. It was good for the ego, sure, but those particular bits of him were informing him that they were achingly ready to do their job once more. He stood, slowly, until his now-proud length pointed directly at the sexually exhausted girl on his bed.


She gulped a bit. “I think I can do something about that. Fair is fair, after all.” She managed to sit up. “Just sit on the bed and let me do the rest. I don’t think I can stay conscious if you do anything actively to me.” 


Todd was not stupid. He obeyed, sitting next to her just before she slid off the bed. For the second time in less than fifteen minutes, he found himself buried down the throat of an eager woman. This time, though, he found himself to be a challenge for her. She kept on focusing at the head for a bit, then backing off to take a breath while using her hands (both of them!) before diving deeply once more. Todd also found that he was feeling much more. The mass of extra nerves all reported the same thing: pure pleasure enveloping him and taking him.


He felt a familiar pressure, but this time much greater. The telltale pulsing as his balls prepared to let loose a torrent of their own. He tried to be kind, he really did, tapping her arm as he found himself speechless. The woman took it as encouragement, and was caught off guard completely when he could hold back no more and let loose.


What shot forth wouldn’t be setting any records. Thing is? Compared to what it had been capable of just that morning, it was enormous. The woman choked, her cheeks bulging, before she managed to swallow enough to keep up. She sat back, but this time when the power slammed into her it had a much more dramatic effect than before. Her illusion fell.


The absurdly oversized breasts shrunk to a modest size… or one that would be modest on her new frame. Dark red-orange fur sprouted all over her body, striped with black, as she grew by over a foot and a half in moments, her head turning cat-like while retaining a human cast, somewhat Indian in feature. Muscles formed and bulked all over her, the clothing disappearing. Her hands turned to claws, her teeth to fangs. 


Todd’s eyes grew wide as one word crossed his mind. Rakshasi. Demons from India, powerful warriors and tempters. And shapeshifters, obviously. Illusionists, by the stories. Incredibly dangerous… and this one had easy access to him.


She was also growing. More muscles developed, her breasts expanded, and her cat tail swished harder. When she spoke, it was a much lower, though still unmistakably feminine, growl. “That was a rush! Couldn’t even hold my form through it. Hi. This is me. My name is Gambhira Subedi. You can call me Ghata.” She grinned, an expression that had a significantly different effect given her new fangs. “That buff of yours is intense. I can just feel everything working better.”


The voice is what did it, snapping Todd back to the present. No matter what the myths might say, in front of him was an enormous, sexy, shapeshifting tiger girl who had just swallowed the biggest load he’d ever shot. “Uh, yeah. It lasts a couple hours if you want to try it out. You said you live in 222A?”


“Oh, yes.” She practically moaned this. “If you ever need an outlet, knock on my door. I don’t even care if you go to this kind of effort again. You earned some free fun, and I don’t think I’ll be disappointed. Who knows? If you make me happy enough, I might even let you pick my form. Today was on me.” She shimmered a bit, turning into a petite Indian lady in comfy-looking pajamas. “Oh, and one more thing. Tell nobody about my true form if you want to survive the week.” She calmly exited the room, closing the door behind her.


Todd just stared at the door for a moment. He pulled up his pants. Shook his head, then decided the reading could wait for tomorrow. He fell sideways, head landing on pillow, and passed out.


Across campus from these events, in a trailer by the Administrative Building, a very different discussion was taking place. Three humans and two Beastfolk (an Elk and a Bat) were sitting around a table. A screen large enough for all of them to read was at one end.


“Okay, what is so important that you called me in this late?”


The Elk was nervous, but spoke up first. “We had unexpected turnover with some of the student body. Some openings and arrivals we didn’t plan for in last week’s housing calculations.”


The man at the head of the table grunted. “Any specifics for people versus openings?”


The man to his left answered. “Limited. We’re lucky to get Race info at all for incoming students with this batch other than major outliers, and less than 10% of the present student body has fully filled out the survey. Partial data on almost everyone.”


A sigh. “Of course. Let me guess, the threshold to run the models is too high? Can’t just drop the data we have into it and let it run?” Nods around the table. “Fine. That’s why alt mode 2 was created. Feed in all inbounds, the data for open rooms, and specifically only the completed surveys among the present student body. I don’t care if the data is technically more than a week old. Remember the priorities. Life, Status Development, Studies, and Comfort. In that order! Neil.” The Bat nodded slightly. “You’re going to have a very long night tonight, not that you mind. You’re the one who is going to be alert enough to make this work. Once the first round spits back out, assign out any inbound student with an 80% or better compatibility rating for the recommended slot, then rerun it as if those students are already resident in recommended rooms. I’d prefer five or six cycles of this with gradually decreasing assignment thresholds, but whatever else happens you need to have the new sheets to the dormitories by five in the morning. Use your judgment. Take tomorrow off once you do, the rest of the team can handle oddball ones and twos. Patrick, speaking of, any word on the sports program?”


The third Human at the table, a large and bulky man, replied. “Yes, sir. We will be able to at least attempt the Development League Project intramurally. No other school wants to do so for now, but we didn’t expect them to. Given this, we can use the team’s rule change recommendations for this year and start tryouts next week.”


“Good. That will intersect with the Orders doing their Rushes, so we should get good participation. If there are no other questions or issues?” Silence from the table. “Dismissed.”


It was some time later when Neil the Bat was looking at the results of the first wave recommendations. One in particular was interesting, and he made a swap to check numbers before locking things in. One student, a straight male Human, had obviously sex-activated abilities. He was level one as of survey submission, with zero progress. Yup, the survey confirmed he was a virgin. It would not do to place a male Succubus in the same quad as him despite it balancing sex ratios, he needed to be encouraged to fix that. An incoming straight female with high Charisma and a self-admitted high sexual body count would do perfectly, and the compatibility rating for that one was actually at 93%. The other had his reduced to 82, but that was acceptable. Neil finalized the changes, reset it as baseline, and began his second pass.


Halfway across campus, the beneficiary of this change, whose survey was a mere few hours out of date, blissfully continued his slumbers to recover from sexual exhaustion.

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