
Chapter 10: Chapter 9: Parenting

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Another day, another challenge. It's early in the morning again and I'm making my rounds to get the hang of this Hive I'm supposed to be in charge of.


"Aine, I said I didn't want to use the throne room that much. But maybe we should visit it, see if we can repurpose it or something like that. Care to join me?" 


"Of course my Queen, I am but your humble servant."  She smiled mischievously at me.


Nice, she's teasing me again

"Eh....whatever. Follow us, our esteemed servant."


"Oooh...yes my Queen. As you command..ha ha ha."

[ Throne room 2.0 ]

We arrive in front of the huge doors again. This time however, I don't have an appointment with the Queen. I actually AM her. Well, actually not this Hive's Queen, but who's complaining? 


"Queen Akari, welcome to the throne room. You may enter." A guard said to me.


"Thank you very much. Oh, I almost forgot. Is that spear you're carrying something tradition?"


"Yes, my Queen. Those are our standing orders."


"Are those spears decorative, or do they actually help you defend your Queen?"


"Eh...they are mostly decorative, my Queen. You are free to change these things if you desire."


That sounds like "please, please get rid of these silly things." Don't mind if I do.


"Excellent, then I will. Guards, you are obviously the last line of defense for the Queen in her throne room. Don't think lightly of your duties. From now on, forget those spears and make sure that you carry proper weapons. Get some training if you need it. Because, in the unlikely event that a Kakross should walk through these corridors, I want you to actually shoot them. Not put holes in their bodies with a spear."


The other guard smiled for a moment, but then resumed to resemble a statue.


"Guards, at ease please. Feel free to talk to me at any time. I value your services. Keep us safe!"


"Yes, my Queen!" they both said smiling. 


The door was already opened, so I walked towards the throne, Aine following me closely. 


The illumination is as minimal as always. 


"Hello, is anybody here?" I asked.


"Yes, my Queen!"  A voice from the dark said loudly.


"Eeek!" I jumped back, hitting Aine in the process, causing us both to fall down.


"I apologize, my Queen. I didn't mean to startle you." Another guard stood here in the dark all day apparently. Poor guy.


He offered us a hand and helped us to get back on our feet. 




"My pleasure, my Queen. How may we serve you today?"


Oh..he's quite civilized, isn't he?


"Aine, sorry, are you alright?"


"Yes, my nose hurts a bit, but I'm fine." I smiled at her, then focused on the guard.


This room still radiates an aura of our Empress. She isn't here, but it still feels like she is.


"Guard, I want to make some changes to this throne room. Please make sure that the room is fully lit from now on. When the Queen or her guests are not using the room, just deactivate the lights. I don't want you standing here all day without anything to do."


"Alright,'s my Queen."


Aine gave me that "don't be so difficult" look again.


"I see. Then stay here, but make yourself comfortable. I'm sure that your fellow guards will warn you when the Queen arrives."


"I have no problem with that order, your majesty. I will do as you ask." Now he finally has a smile on that face of his.


"Very good. The Queen is here, so get some light in this room please."


The guard nods and walks away. I took him ten seconds to reach a panel where he activated all the lights in this room. Don't misunderstand me please, he didn't increase the brightness...he only activated all the lights in here. And boy.......this place is freakin' HUGE!


"Aine, did you ever see this room the way it is now?"


"No, Akari. It's a bit...larger than I had thought." 


"Yeah, same here."  I now see that the throne is made with elaborate ornaments, probably made from gold. There are curtains against one wall...why? 

I walk towards the curtains and slowly open them, only to reveal...actual windows! 

I can now see that the ship is in hyperspace, otherwise the view into space would be phenomenal.


"Guard, these curtains, please keep them open at all times. Perhaps we will close them if we receive guests at one point."


"Yes, my Queen."


"Eh, even sound like the Queen now. You know, referring to yourself as we."


"We did? Well that's to be expected, isn't it? Are we making you uncomfortable?" I exaggerated my royal speech. 


Aine gave me that "is she serious about this" look, then started to laugh. Of course I had to laugh too.


There is enough room in here to have a meeting with an entire delegation. The perfect meeting room. 

So let's put it to good use from now on. A rather long, rectangular wooden table fills most of the room. Hey! That's not fair! About fifteen comfortable looking chairs with backrests perfectly compliment the expensive looking table.


Some unrecognizable banners are decorating the walls, almost making this room the spitting image of a medieval throne room. I guess I won't get rid of those for now. It might mean something to these people. 




"Yes, my Queen?" he ran over to me.


"Please make sure that there is a panel installed here somewhere. I want to be able to contact other parts of the Hive without solely relying on messengers."


"Of course, my Queen. Thay panel is already available. It is built-in into the throne itself."


"Oh, thank you. I guess I should have inspected it first. You know how it works, do you?"


"Yes, my Queen, do you want me to show you?"


"No, it's fine for now. Oh that's right, make sure that you also get proper weapons. That spear is no longer fitting for the time we live in."


"As you command, my Queen."


"Guard, is there anything you want to ask me? Or something you want to change? Ask me anything, I promise I won't mind."


He seems to think for a second, but then says "Yes, please. I was only worried about our preparations. Will you start laying eggs soon?"


"Oh my queen."  Aine says out loud, with her right hand on her lips. 


I put up my hand to Aine, to show her I'm alright. My face is red, though. Again. 


"Thank you for your concern. but I won't. You see...I may be a Queen. And I may be in charge for a while. But the official Queen who shall reign over this Hive is still very young. It will take some time for her to....create offspring."


"Oh, I see, my Queen. Forgive me for asking. The reason why I had to ask, is that this room was dark for a purpose. I hope you understand."


"Yes, I understand. But the lights will remain on. If a Queen needs to lay eggs, she will now use another room. And guard...well said. I'm proud of you. Your courage to speak has benefitted the whole Hive."


"My Queen...there is no greater honor. We thank you!"


Aine comes over to me and whispers "maybe you should reward him like the Empress did with you. You know....feed him?"


I turned around and glared at Aine. "We are not amused by your suggestion!" 

But we both laughed, causing the guard to look surprised.


"Guard, we apologize. Aine told me something funny." 


The guard then looked at me with his big blue eyes as if I said something completely inappropriate for a Queen.


He then said "Varul nad higa woda yana?" Well, it sounded like a question. 

What's going on?


I look at Aine, but she doesn't seem to see any issue. Of course..she could understand him like that. I'm the outsider here. 


"Aine? Wakarimasen desu."   [ I don't understand." I said in Japanese, like I always do  ].


Now it's Aine who is looking at me like that.

"Jina vala hon ba zal?"


I scratch my head and don't know what to make of this. She then runs to the throne room and pushes a button. I guess Aine knows how those panels work too. She was the Queen's retainer after all. Oh, and she is now one again.


I hear her speaking to someone and...can't make heads or tails of it.


She then walks to me again and starts pointing and making more of those noises again.

She looks really worried. The guard nods and runs outside. I guess she ordered him to do something.


Aine must have noticed the worried look on my face. I turn around and see that the ship is still in hyperspace, so we are not under attack or something like that.


She then embraces me and massages my shoulders. I know she wants to tell me that it will be alright soon. It is really quiet here now. Too quiet, because I can hear my stomach rumbling. Is it that late already? I guess I need to visit Miwa soon. 


Aine then gently turns me around and touches my cheeks with her hands. Yeah...I get the message..."don't worry it's all going to be okay." 


I nod and smile. 


And...then starts feeding me. It may sound unbelievable, but it really calms me down. I used to be against feedings, but it feels "normal" to me now..somehow. And I really was hungry. She keeps massaging my back until she stops at the right moment. I still don't know how she knows that I have had enough, but she does know.


She smiles at me and I return a cautious smile. She doesn't speak but simply takes my hand and drags me along. When I look back, I see the guards are no longer carrying those spears! Wonderful people! They smile and I wave back smiling...what else can I do?  


I think I know where she's taking me...yes...the nursery. She must have read my mind.


We enter the nursery and Aine seems to tell the nurses what is going on. They now understand that I can't follow their conversations anymore. They simply guide me to Miwa who is giving me the warmest smile I have ever seen. She DOES recognize me! 


Awwww, she's so adorable!


The nurses and Aine smile when I take Miwa out of her crib. I sit down on a nearby chair and cuddle Miwa a bit. She even makes those cute noises because she loves the attention I give her. I wonder how they usually treat a Queen. Do they even hug their kids?

Miwa is now looking at my lips again...yep...just need to do this for another month or so.

After feeding Miwa, while still sitting down, I hear one of the nurses speaking.


"Look at her. Like she's her own offspring. So gentle. I have never seen anyone caring so much for a single hatchling. It must be something they do in the Hive she came from." Riki said.


Oh..I can understand them again....let's play along.


"They don't live in Hives. That's what Akari said. But I agree, Miwa seems to love her already. Perhaps we lost these kinds of traditions when only the Queen was allowed to have offspring." Aine said.


"Well, you can have your own offspring now, the Empress approved that. It was Akari's idea, I heard someone say." Mari said.


I stand up with Miwa in my arms and walk towards her crib.


"What about Akari? I heard rumors that her body is slowly changing. I mean, I can see it in her eyes. But is she really becoming one of us?" Riki said.


"Please stop it you two. Akari is still a Queen. I'm sure she will mate when she's ready." Aine said.


"<Cough> <cough>" Lucky for me I just returned Miwa to her crib. 


"Ha ha ha, I knew you were listening to our conversation." Aine said, giving me a motherly smile. 


"I'm sorry, I can understand you again. I was just curious about how you thought about me. I don't know if you like me or hate me. Everyone is so nice to me, but I'm still an outsider."


"No no no, that's not true, Akari." Riki walked to me and gave me a hug. "We all like you very much. You really are one of us, don't ever doubt that. Miwa there also loves you!"


"Thank you, all of you. I still can't believe how nice you all are to me. I can only say..thank you."


Riki released the hug and dragged Mari to the little ones who needed attention. 


"There was a problem with the translator, as you probably already guessed. It's fixed now." Aine said.


"I just hope it doesn't happen during a crisis. If that happens...then please speak on my behalf."


"I will, Akari. I promise I will." Aine nodded.


"Oh, and Aine?"


"Yes, Akari?"


"Thank you for feeding me. You are a good mom too."


"Awww...come here you little worker of mine..."  And there she goes again..back into mommy-mode.


"You know Aine...if you like feeding so much....why don't you help them here?"


"Because I'm here for you. That's my role. It doesn't mean I won't help them during an emergency, but you are are making fun of me, aren't you?"


I nod and give her a warm smile. Just a friendly tease.


"Sorry Aine, you too are easily fooled."


"Alright that's it. No more feeding for you today!" 


"Excellent! I'm craving waffles now!"


Ouch...I think I actually hurt her. That look is not teasing.

"Sorry, Aine. And I mean it. You are always so kind to me. I was just teasing you!"


"Honestly? You think I'm useful?"


"Huh? Are you serious? I can't do my job are teasing me aren't you?"


"Ha ha ha, yes, now it's my turn. Come, let's go home."


"I totally agree. about a hot bath?"


"Definitely! I'll set the temperature a bit higher."


"You can do that?"


"I'm Aine..I can do anything!"


"Ha ha ha yes, it seems so!"

After bathing we talked about recent events a bit more and just relaxed until it was time to feed Miwa again. This will probably be my pattern for the next month or so. 

[ Night ] 



"Mom....just 10 more minutes.." I'm sleeping so comfortably.




"Go away already..."


KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK..   someone's a persistent little bugger, aren't they?

My brain finally decides that it's time to wake up. It's difficult because Aine is hugging me.

She's still fast asleep. I sit up and wait for the rest of my body to start moving.


Knock...knock...knock. A more gentle knock finally makes me look at the source of the sound.



I walk to the "door" or whatever they call this glass-like contraption and open it.


Riki whispers to me.

"Forgive me for disrupting your sleep, Akari. But it's time to feed Miwa."


"But I just did? Or is it morning already?" 


"No, we are halfway through the night."


"Oh my god. Yeah...I'll be there soon."


"No, not soon Akari. We need you now. She needs you now."


I just decided to walk there barefoot, because I can't find my shoes. Aine is probably lying on them.

Why doesn't she wake up? Whatever.


I walk over to Riki and follow her to the nursery. I'm ashamed about how I look at the moment and..crap I also need to pee now. No time for that, we're almost there.


"Tell me, Riki, don't you sleep at all?"


"Ha ha ha. Of course I do. The night shift already took over. I'm just here to help you care for Miwa."


"Oh...thank you for that. I'm not used to....talking or whatever during.....<yawm>  the night."


"Yes, I can see that. Ha ha ha. Alright we're here. I will go bathe now, bye."


"Thanks again!"  But Riki already left me alone.

I walk into the nursery and hear quite a few little ones crying. And still..I think I recognize Miwa.

Don't ask me how...I just...know? Weird.


"Ah, Queen Akari. Thank you for being here. Miwa is crying. Oh, I'm Sheze by the way." Another nurse said.


"Nice to meet Just call me Akari. you know why the lights are dimmed everywhere?"


"Of course, Akari. During the night the lights are dimmed everywhere to give us our natural day and night rhythm. Do you find it unpleasant?"


"Oh no no. I was just curious. Please excuse me."  I said while bowing. I then made a bee-line for Miwa.

I walk towards Miwa and she's crying alright. Her eyes are looking everywhere to find someone to hold her. And now she has. 

Miwa stops crying the instant her eyes lock onto mine. And she starts smiling at once!


I can't help but smile as well. "Come here, Miwa. You cuddly little cutie." 


Miwa giggles and keeps switching her gaze between my eyes and my mouth. I know, I know..she's hungry. AGAIN! 


I take her gently in my arms and walk towards the chair in the corner of this room. It's as far away from the crying babies as possible, so I'm glad they put a chair here. 


It is a chair with a backrest, put here on my request. The nurses are of course also allowed to use it, I even encourage it. It might help the babies bond with the nurses, or something like that. Perhaps in the near future their parents will be here in the middle of the night. But that's not something to worry about now.

You are reading story BEEvolution at


I sit down in the chair and love how my back is properly supported. It slightly reclines, so I have to be careful not to fall asleep.


I then take my time to feed little Miwa, but when it's time for me to go, I see that she still needs some attention. She just keeps smiling and makes some cute noises. It's nice and all....but I'd rather be lying in bed by now. Maybe if I lay back for a bit...maybe I can trick her into falling asleep?


I lay back with her carefully placed between my arms, her head resting against my right shoulder.

I gently sway her and massage her back for a minute. She soon went completely quiet. But then something happened that I didn't expect at all. I fell asleep too....


"Akari....Akari." A gentle voice wakes me up. It's another nurse.




" fell asleep in the nursery. Miwa is in her crib, fast asleep. You can go back to your alcove now."


"Oh right....thank <yawn>  you, nurse."  I was still half asleep.


When I finally arrived home, I saw Aine still sleeping. Then the lights slowly increased to their maximum setting.'s morning already. I can't believe I've never noticed these lights before. Maybe that's what woke me up before the others did? Yep...Aine's still fast asleep.


I just decided to take a bath and maybe rest later. I don't think I can fall asleep anymore now.  

[ A relaxing morning ] 

Aine was surprised that she hadn't noticed me leaving during the night. She felt sorry for me, but I reminded her that this was just for a month or so. A small price to pay for helping the Hive get a Queen with hopefully some Earthly values. Maybe even some Japanese ones too.

Aine then surprised me by taking me to the Hive's hair & nail salon. Yep, she makes it sound quite the me curious. And god knows I need both my hair and nails cut.


"Good morning my ladies, how may Queen...." a strange looking worker wearing an apron bowed to me.


"Good morning, please just call me Akari."


"A...Akari...sure your Majesty. I am called Ivusha, would you like us to take care of your nails or your....very very very long hair?"


Yeah, I get it...but stay polite please!


"Actually, both please. But first my nails. I can't work with these anymore."


Aine keeps smiling behind me. She's thoroughly enjoying this, isn't she? 

"Mom? What about you?" I said with a teasing smile.


"Ah eh uh...what did you call me?" Great, Aine didn't see that coming, now did she!


"Aine, this is one of those mother-daughter experiences I told you about. If you want to play my mom for a while, then I won't mind."


" little Akari...thank make your mom proud." She then looked serious for a second "You this?" 


Aine sits down next to me.


"Ha ha ha....yes, perfect. Just enjoy our time together here. What about you? Nails and maybe longer hair?"


"Eh....Ivusha, I would like to have my nails done as well. Hair too, different..this time."


"Oh ho! Two challenges this early in the morning! Rheti will take care of your...what did you call her? Mom?" 


"Yes, it's just something Aine wanted to experience. And you will be helping me then?"


"Ho ho ho! Yes Akari, I, the great Ivusha of the Hiveship Huntress shall show you all of my skills!" 


Oh my god...can't I swap places with Aine? This worker is a bit...defective I guess. 


"Mmmmm...what are those nails of yours? They are very long, but also very thin. And almost transparent. And they are partly colored in a light pink. <sniff sniff>  It smells...chemical. It's not your nail's natural color, is it?"


"No, great Ivusha, it's not."  I smiled a bit. 

Apparently the nail polish won't dissolve in their baths.


"Just call me Ivusha, dear, it's easier."  


She really thinks she's that great....scary!


"Alright. Well my nails need to be cut regularly. And it is a custom back home for women to color their nails. I personally like this soft pink color. But a transparent coating is also common."


" interesting. How fresh. I will find a way to color your nails, Akari! You and I will set a new trend in this Hive!"   


"Eh...alright."   Scary indeed!


"How should I cut those nails?"


"Our nails are not very tough, we use a clipper to cut small pieces of it. The top side should be rounded."  I then showed her exactly how my nails should look, without cutting in my fingers...


"Ahaaaa! I understand. Leave it to me. I have a...mmmm....yep, here it is. Just relax and let me cut your nails."


"Please be..."


"Don't you worry, dear. I won't cut into your flesh. I will cut a tiny bit and you tell me more, alright? And if you are pleased with the result, I will do the rest of your nails, alright?"


"Yes, please!"


She really carefully cut my nails...and quite professionally too! My god, it feels great to have them clipped again. She then bathed them into that cleaning liquid they use around here.

After asking for my approval, she then smoothed the topsides with some kind of powertool. 

I was about to run away, but in the end it was a very soft polish and it worked perfectly.


"Alright, dearie, your hands and feet are now done. I'm sorry that I can't color them. Perhaps next time?"


"Sure, thank you for your hard work." 

Oops, said it again.


"Finally someone who appreciates the great Ivusha!"


Aine rolled her eyes and I smiled and winked at her. Yep, the great Ivusha is a bit....different.


Then Ivusha said "and what about the hair? It's really, reaaaallly long, don't you think?"


"Yes, it's way too long. But I don't want to have short hair like your other customers have. Can you please....cut it until"  I showed her that I wanted my hair to reach no further than my shoulders.


"Of course, we can do that. Mmmmm......your's actually quite nice. This goes there.....and that....there....   Mmmm, you have external to be careful with those. And you put some strands of hair behind those.  And this...a...a clip of some sorts.. put decorations into your hair. This might become a new trend here!  Yes, yes, I see. Leave it to me!"


Well, I don't have a choice, now do I? I would cut it myself if I'd have to. But maybe this...person can help me.


She took her time to cut my hair and it actually turned out to be....meh...passable. I can't blame her, it's her first time giving a human a haircut.'s not that bad actually. Ohh...she isn't finished?


She clips my hair with my own hair clip, but also uses something similar. I guess they do have clips here? But nobody wants them? Some hair is now hanging over my ears, but it really looks cute.

The hair on the back of my head is clipped together, but some strands make it to my back. A totally different style! I never ever saw anything like it! It's definitely the work of a pro. I..I like it! I don't think I can style it myself like this though....


"And..finished! Do you like the style?" Ivusha asked.


"Liking is an understatement! I love it! But I don't think I can do this myself after bathing."


"Awww....words of praise! Thank you very much! And don't worry...whenever you have an important meeting or whatever you do....come to the great Ivusha! I shall always help you!"


"I must really are the great Ivusha. This is a piece of art!" I sound a bit too enthusiastic. Who cares? I'm going to need her help again!


"You are most welcome."  Ivusha smiled, no she grinned.


"But how did you learn this? Am I not the only one with long hair? I thought everyone had the same hairstyle?"


"Oh no no no..there are more females who like....more style. But most will follow the standard model, yes. Now, look to your left and tell me what you think of"


I look to my left, still smiling because of Ivusha's peculiarities, and then become serious.


"Who....who are you? Where's Aine?" Aine had a little makeover it seems.


"Ha ha ha, you like it, Akari?" Aine asked.


"I ..LOVE it!  You definitely look more feminine like this. And...some hair clips as well. Yep, they look absolutely adorable on you!"


"Ha ha ha...stop flattering me. But I like your hairstyle as well. The great Ivusha..." Aine made sure to properly emphasize that part, "....has done it again!"


After thanking the Great One again, we both carried a big smile as we walked through the corridors. I think I even saw a few men glance at her.'s slowly starting to work!

We then visited the nursery again, to save poor Riki the effort of finding me again.

All went the same as usual. Aine was just observing me while giving me her motherly smile.

Then the unexpected happened, the moment I returned Miwa to her crib.


Miwa looked at me and giggled. 


"Aww, very cute isn't she?" Aine said.


But before I could answer, someone in the crib said "mommy!" in a soft and very gentle way.


I looked surprised at Aine.. "did she just...?" 


"Call you mommy? Yes she did."


" She's so young."'


"Don't forget Aine. We mature pretty quickly. We have a genetic memory that helps us understand and speak pretty quickly. We have already had this discussion, remember?"


"Yes, I know, but actually experiencing it...." I took Miwa into my arms again and cuddled her.  "Miwa, you're so cute. But I'm not..." 


But Aine put her hand on my lips for a moment and shook her head. 


I was surprised and then heard Aine say "you are her mommy. The moment the Empress entrusted her to you, you became her mother. A Queen usually never gets this much attention. They are immediately sent to another Hive. So in all fairness...I think you can call yourself her mommy."


My face is getting pretty red again, and I feel Aine putting her hand on my shoulder.

Alright, why not? I will explain to Miwa when she's older. And that might as well be within a few weeks, they mature really fast.


"Yes, Miwa. Mommy loves you very much." I then kiss her forehead and put the giggling Miwa back in her crib.


"Well done, Akari. I'm sure that this Queen will more than meet the Empress's expectations." Riki said.


I decided not to answer and just bowed to the nurses.


Aine and I then left the nursery, to pay some friends of mine a long overdue visit.

And after that...I'll go catch up on sleep.

We walked all the way to the launch bay and tried to find my friends.


Knock..knock....   I knock on the Commander's...wall, because he doesn't have a door. 


"Ah...Akari, Aine, please, please come in and make yourselves comfortable!" 


Wow, the Commander is pretty nice. Oh ho....does he fancy Aine? Nah, these things take time. 


"Hello Commander, nice to see you again."


"Good morning Spinak." Aine said.


"Morning Aine." The Commander's eyes are locked onto Aine and she smiles at him. Her eyes seem to be sparkling. radar says they like each other!!!!  A lot!! I decided to wait for the moment to pass. And wait. And wait. Okay...are they just going to stare all day? Like....really? Awkward!


"Ahem. <cough>" Let's end this game. I pretend to cough.


"Oh sorry, of course. Akari. You are here for mission, right?"


"Yes, Commander. May I visit my friends?"


"Sure, follow me. They are almost finished in the simulator."


"Don't worry, I know the way. I will go there myself. Perhaps you..."  I made sure not to say the word lovebirds out loud, "two can catch up or something?" 


I didn't get a reply, so I just left them there. I just don't hope that staring is one of their courtship rituals, it's just creepy...


I wait for the simulators to end and see the canopies open one by one.

Yep, that's them alright.  From left to right, Kira, Esi and Chiri.


They are probably still getting used to the bright light after having practiced in a virtual space environment.    


Then I say loudly "What does a Queen have to do around here to get some attention?" I made sure to smile, I don't want them to address me as Queen!


"Akari!!!" Esi shouts.


"Kira and Chiri look down and also shout to me "Hey Akari!"  and "Hey stranger!" respectively.

Well, I think I deserved that.


"Come down here, we need to chat." I said.


All three of them climbed down and we took a few moments to hug. 


"What about me?" Another voice came from a canopy that just opened. It's Ghan! The former scout pilot who is responsible for dragging me from Earth to this Hive.


Oops, I forgot all about him. Let's be nice though.

"Well come down here, Ghan! I can't hug you from here!"


He climbed down and....we hugged. I guess they are used to this by now. I won't accept a mere salute.


All of us walked to the training room, so the lovebirds wouldn't be disturbed.

I then apologized for not seeing them for so long, and told them about recent events. It was the Empress who had ordered me to stop flying, so I again made sure that they understood. 


After catching up, I told them I was here for another reason. To announce their next mission.

[ Mission: scanning of a nearby asteroid field ] 

Alright, I have a mission for you. You know what happened to the homeworld, right?"

They all gave me a serious nod. "Good, we are currently preparing to retaliate, but I can't tell you how or even when. But I need you to fly a recon mission today."


"Of course, Akari, what are our orders? For a Queen to come tell us." Kira said.


I sighed. "Kira, don't call me Queen. How many times do I have to tell you?" 


The only thing Kira did was smile. Great, she's just teasing me.


"Alright team. I need your expertise. Your performance will decide our next actions.

You are ordered to scramble immediately and head for a nearby asteroid field.


Ghan, your NavScan unit has been coated with sensor absorbent material. Let's see if it actually works. You will stay out of harm's way at a fair distance of the field. Your sensor will be in active-mode all the time. Esi, you will be his escort, keep your sensors to passive-mode only.


Kira, Chiri, you both will take some time and pretend to scan the asteroid field. But you will only use passive sensors. In reality you will be recording the range of Ghan's NavScan unit's data transmissions. I want to know how far out he can send his telemetry to your ships. Kira, after you have completed your fake scans, you will pretend to be the enemy. Leave your team and switch to an active jamming frequency and make a full long-distance circle around Ghan. Just a few loops will do. I want to see how strong Ghan's signal remains. Do you understand?"


"Yes, ma'am!" they all replied. They also saluted me. I returned the salute.


"The Commander is aware of your mission. Nobody will panic when you activate the jammers. If any of you detect actual enemies approaching, instantly abort the mission and return to base. In any case, don't stay out longer than an hour. The Commander will be there to debrief you. Good luck and goodbye for now."


They all bowed to me and ran off to the flight deck. Amazing people, my friends. I should be there, together with them. But I have my own orders.


I walk towards Flight Control, the command center where all missions are tracked. They also give pilots the permission to launch their interceptors. And that's what I want to do now.


" Queen." Everyone stands up and bows to me. Oh my god, this behavior just pisses me off!

I have to correct this at once.


"Everyone, listen! From now on, whenever someone enters this room....FOCUS ON YOUR DUTY FIRST. Not even a Queen should disturb you! You are incredibly important to the survival of our Hive. Make us proud!"


I was trying to scold them, but they all feel and act like I just gave them a compliment. They simply bow and continue their jobs. Some are even smiling. I...I really don't get these people and their Queens. A Queen is just like a Commander. You don't stop working when he enters the room, right?


Alright, alright, of course I get why they act like this. But I still don't have to like it.


I walk towards the first person I see and ask him. "Excuse me..may I..."

But he raises his hand. 


I smile and nod. That's exactly the behavior I want to see.


"Proceed to point 261 mark 7. Then assist in the salvage. Control out." He says on the radio.


"Sorry my Queen. I couldn't let them wait." He's really apologizing for doing his job.


"No no, you do not apologize to me for doing your job. You did the right thing. You make me proud!"

I made sure to raise my voice, so they copy this one's behavior next time.


Then I said "who is responsible for giving launch permission to Team 7732?" 


"That would Queen."  He then pointed to another person wearing a headset.


I nod and walk to the female radio operator.


"Excuse me?" I said.


"Yes my Queen, how can I help?"  She kept listening for messages while talking to me. Excellent!


"I would like to give Team 7732 launch permission myself. Is that possible?"


"Eh....sure. Please sit here and push that button to speak. Let me.....there....the launch doors are opening now. You can give them the clearance."


"Perfect, thank you!"  I said.  

Then I used her headset, which luckily has speakers in the same location as where my human ears are. "Team 7732, Control, confirm radio contact."


"Control, Team 7732, that you?" Kira said.


"Ha ha ha....yes it is. Now ziplip you guys and good luck. Team 7732, Control, doors are open, you are cleared to launch." I'm sure they heard the smile I had on my lips when telling them this.


"Team 7732, Control, copy that." Yes, she's smiling too, I can hear it.


I then let the radio operator return to her duties and thanked her for this unusual request.

Oh right..Aine.. I almost forgot. Let's see how their staring contest is going. 


I walk back to the Commander's office and see the two of them happily chatting. Yep, definitely something going on there.


"Ah, Akari, how did it go?" the Commander said.


"Sorry to interrupt you two, but it went well. Exactly as discussed, Commander. Aine, I will be returning home now. If you want, you can stay here and chat a bit more. I'm sleepy anyway." 


"Alright then I'll stay here a bit longer.  Be sure to rest well, Akari."  Aine said.


Now I'm sure!


"Alright, Commander, Aine." I smile and wave to them.


I decided that I could use another hot bath to relax. After treating myself to some nice waffles and something to drink, I decided to take a nap.


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