
Chapter 11: Chapter 10: No business like Hive business

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Another week has passed as if it were only a day. Time sure flies when you are busy. And these people surely keep me busy!


It seems that the Hive's new organization is slowly changing to a more military hierarchy. First I received dozens of questions and requests for approvals a day. Now...only really important questions reach me. The General has confirmed that things were going well, and it really seems that way.


I will tour the Hive today and see if I can be of any use. I can definitely use the exercise. Sitting on the throne is not for me. I still don't get why the Empress wants me to run the place. Surely the General or Commander are more capable of that? I know she wants the Hive to change and see if that change will lead to progress. But why not use me as a consultant or something similar? 

Anyway, let's not disappoint her.

Aine is out "discussing" recent events with the Commander, so I have some me-time today. Will those two form a pair? Only time will tell....but my money is on "yes."

[ Visiting Miwa ]

First order of business: visit the nursery again. You won't believe how much Miwa has grown. And remember please...she's just over a week old but now looks like she's at least 3 years old now. 


"Mommy!" A little cuddly bee runs to me and hugs me impatiently.


"Miwa, good morning, little one." I take her in my arms and cuddle her for a moment.

"Did you sleep well?"


"Uh huh." Is the only reply I get. She presses her nose into my arm and giggles.


"Sweetie, today you are going to start eating waffles!"


"Waffles?" She looks really surprised. But so do the nurses here. I don't care...I'm not going to feed her for life! 


"Yep, you are growing so fast! And I'm really proud of you. So as a little present, you are coming with me now. I'll show you your Hive a bit."


" Queen..if I may..." Riki asked


"Oh, good morning, Riki. Sure, fire away."


"Fire? shouldn't be gone for long. She needs her sleep. Maybe visit the throne room for a short while and then return?"


"Oh...I see. My mistake. She surely grows fast, doesn't she?"


"Yes she does. Also thanks to your contribution, Akari."


Oh no...I don't like where this is going.


"No no's time for her to switch to solid food, right?"


"I'm afraid not, Akari. Her stomach can't handle that yet. Queens are usually only fed by their retainers. But....I guess it won't hurt her if you switch to solid food next month."


"Oh...alright then. I don't want to harm her of course. I can wait for a month."


"Good. But even then, Akari. Occasionally feeding her will strengthen the bonds between you two. 

Akari....please. Don't give me that's just the way things are! I'm not punishing you!"


"Yeah...I'm sorry, I understand. Thank you. Miwa, sweetie....those waffles will have to wait."


"Okay mommy." 


Isn't that the sweetest reply? 


As I am about to leave the nursery and head for the throne room with Miwa in my arms, I see other children playing. It seems like they have to amuse themselves, there is not much guidance from the nurses here. It's really sad, but perhaps soon the new generation will have parents who will cuddle them. 


"Are you my mommy too?" A little boy asks me. 


Oh god, now we have it. Mari heard it and is trying to motivate them to just go and play.

"Waly, don't hinder the Queen. Go play with your friends."


"Nevermind Mari, let me handle it." And....Waly???  I could barely suppress a laugh. It reminds me of that animated movie, where Wally is this cute little robot. They actually both have big eyes, so...whatever. Nevermind...


I help Miwa down to the floor and sit on my knees, facing Waly.


"Well, Waly, you can call me Akari. I'm not your mommy. Your real mommy is working at another Hive right now, but she really loves you too!"




"Of course. She loves all of you. No come here, all of you." I gave them all a hug and said something nice to each and every one. Imagine having so many kids of your own...I don't think I could handle that.


"Now be kind to each other and have fun playing, alright?"

"Yes...Akari..."  oohhh. they all said that at the same time. 


I see Mari and Riki smiling at them and I swear I could see one of them have a tear in their eyes.


I decide to leave them and take Miwa in my arms.

After a short, brisk walk we arrive at the throne room.


"My Queen." One of the guards said after bowing. I give him a friendly nod after which he immediately opens the doors for me. I can already see that the place is properly lit. Excellent.


Just before entering the throne room I say "good morning, to both of you. Excellent, you got rid of the spears. Oh, and this little one is Miwa, she is the next Queen of this Hive."


Both guards bow deeply to Miwa and say in unison "An honor to meet you, my Queen."


Miwa looked surprised at me and started sobbing. I guess she feels intimidated by those guards.


"Aww...Miwa. They are just telling you that they want to be your friends! They will keep you safe."


"Really? But I want to stay with you, mommy!"


I just ignored the guards facial expressions when they heard "mommy."


"Miwa, sweetie. This is just a room I will show you. When you are old enough, say in two months or so, you will start working here. But that will still take a looooong time. And mommy will always be there for you. And you can always come visit me."


"Really? But Queens are not supposed to stay with their mommies."


Heh? Ah right, her genetic memory. Creepy. "I know that Miwa, but things are different in this Hive. 

Maybe I will be somewhere else for some time, but I will always come and visit you. As often as I can!"


"You promise?"


"Yes, I do!"  I give her a kiss on the forehead to show I'm serious about the promise.


Miwa gives me a cautious smile, okay, good enough for now.


We then enter the throne room and show her the outside world for the first time. We are out of hyperspace, so we can properly see the stars.


"There, Miwa, do you see the stars?"  I can't believe that she can already understand so much. Maybe her mental age is already around 6 or so?


"Yes, mommy. They are beautiful!"


"Mmm, they really are. There are so many wonderful things out there for you to discover. But for now...just enjoy them."  


We then sat on the throne for a while, well..I sat on the throne and she sat on my lap. I don't want to scare her. The throne is pretty cold, if I say so myself. But we're gonna fix that right away!

I instructed the guard to add a pillow or something else, anything really that would make the throne more comfortable. 


Then she says "mommy....I'm hungry."


Oh, right! I forgot! I was so focused on those waffles that I forgot to feed her. 

After feeding her, we returned to the nursery where the children were still playing. But now that I see it...they don't have any toys! I mean, really?!


I put Miwa between the other kids and ask them "do you like playing together?"


"Yes, Akari. We pretend to be fighting bad aliens!"


Okay, so only pretend games. It's good that they interact, but still..they're only kids, right?


"Alright, now listen to me, I have some other games you can try." I then taught them how to play "tag."

Then I showed them how to play "hide and seek." Those are the classics, I can't imagine these kids not liking them. And they did like it! I ended up playing along with the others until I started feeling hungry myself.


"Alright kids, I need to go."


"Akari?" A little girl pulled on my sleeves. Sorry, I just can't remember their names anymore, there are just too many kids here.


"Yes, sweetie, what is it?"


"Why do Mari and Riki call Miwa Queen?" 


Oh we go.


"Well, it's simple actually." I made sure that Miwa could also hear what I had to say.


"Miwa here is a real Queen. She will be the Queen of this Hive soon. It means that she needs to do a lot of work and needs your help for that. So please all be nice to each other...and become real friends. And Miwa, I want you to be friends with them too. Friendship is very important."


The only replies I got were many "Yes, Akari" and one "Yes, mommy." Good, I hope they really stay friends.  


After my visit to the nursery, I walked to the mess hall to recharge my own batteries. My god, playing with kids can be exhausting! But also very fun.


I find a nice spot near the windows and enjoy my waffles in silence. Let me be completely honest. They sure are tasty, but I'm longing for some onigiri now. Or maybe miso soup. Tempura....oh god, yes. I wonder when I will be back on Earth again. So much time has passed already, I can forget finishing this school year by now. Would I even be allowed to return, looking like this?


It's so quiet here. Where is everyone? I look around and see that I'm really the only one. 

There aren't even any Jujus flying around here. After reminiscing for about fifteen minutes, I decided it was time to become useful again.

I walked towards the maintenance department, I think they call it that now. Although I said "walked," workers had to actually drive me in those golf carts all the way to the end of the Hiveship. Because I want the people here to know that a Queen actually cares for them. I can't imagine that any Queen would ever go there, even if only because she had to stay near the throne room. But times are changing, and these people still deserve some appreciation from their Queen.


One worker led me into one of four separate engine rooms. Well, I can hardly visit everybody, now can I? 

The engine room is much, much larger than I could have ever imagined. The ceiling is hardly visible, so they must use the height of at least three or four decks to house a single engine.


All around me are workstations with flashing green lights. This is it...sci-fi heaven! Everything I could have ever dreamed of, is right here..."OUCH!"


I just tripped over a cable. "What is a cable doing on the floor?" I shouted, not realizing that a worker already rushed to help me back on to my feet.


"My Queen! Are you alright?"  


"Yeah, it just startled me. Why do you have cables on the floor here? It's dangerous!"


"Our apologies, my Queen. We are performing maintenance on the hyperdrive it's a bit chaotic around here."


"Oh, I see. Then I apologize as well. I thought it was normal for you to have these laying around here like this."


"Oh no no, not at all. How can we help you?"  


I could see that he was just being polite, they don't have the time for me today.


"Please point me to a nearby maintenance department. I won't disturb your duties."


"Thank you, my Queen. Please follow me."


The worker then guided me to a nearby office, introduced me to a maintenance worker, and then left us.


"My Queen, what an honor to visit us, so far away from your throne."


Is he mocking me? It sure sounds sarcastic to me.


"I know you are very busy, so I won't keep you from your duties. Is there perhaps someone who can help me with a little project of mine? It's not urgent, though."


"A little project? Mmmm...if it's not urgent..." He looks at a female worker, then focuses on me again.


"Might I state a selfish request, my Queen?" 


"Eh...of course. You can always contact me, please tell the others too."


He looked surprised at me. I bet he thought that I was only a nuisance. " Queen...that female worker over there. She's still young and only started here last week. She will definitely have the time for you. I must however say that I must ask for a replacement. She...just isn' for maintenance duty." 


And here we go. A male ego? Or a lazy worker? Do either even exist here?


"Before I meet her, what are her shortcomings?" I glanced at her.


"Oh, she's nice and all, that's not the issue. But she can't handle equipment very well. Even though she means really well, she just keeps breaking things. And no matter how many times I explain things to her, she just seems to forget. Forgive me for saying this, as I really mean no disrespect, I feel that she would be happier AND more useful in another role." 


"Interesting. First of all, thank you for being so direct. I appreciate that. Tell your coworkers to discuss any issues they may have, just like you do. And for this case: as long as you are sincere and things just don't work out....I will gladly help you. File a request for a replacement immediately."


"Yes, my Queen!" He bows to me and wants to walk away but I grab his uniform.


"You are not yet dismissed, worker."  I say that quite loud. Don't forget that I'm still the Queen, even though I don't like it...I still need to maintain the hierarchy.


I see him swallow. Good. 

"Eh, sorry my Queen. How can I help you?"


"Can I take her with me at once? Or is she working on something now?"


He visibly relaxes and says "no, she isn't working on anything. Please, as disrespectful as it may sound, please take her with you. She's a good person, but a bad technician."


"Alright, thank you. You are dismissed."  


He bows and leaves pretty quickly. I will ask one of the guards to investigate what's going on here. I just want to make sure that Miwa's future Hive doesn't allow bullying.

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Alright...time for me to talk to her. I mustn't forget that these are not humans.

I don't expect bullying is a thing in the Hive, but I can't rule it out. Maybe it really is just a mismatching role. 


I walk to the lady in question and see her sitting at a workbench, all alone in the corner of the maintenance room. I just stand here, and try to form an opinion before even speaking with her.

It seems that she's daydreaming. Her uniform is dirty, probably engine oil or something similar.

Yep, she's not happy, that much is obvious.


I walk to her and sit next to her. She doesn't even turn around. Perhaps she thinks it's her boss or something.


Let's play nice. "Could you help me?" I ask in a warm, inviting tone.


She turns around and looks surprised.


"I...I'm you with what?" She speaks in a friendly tone, startled by my presence.


Great, she's the first one who doesn't shout "my Queen."  Did she even notice?

Alright, I'm going to play along for a while.


"Well, you see I just came from the nursery and the children there don't have any plushies."


"Ah, so you are a nurse."  She's not so bright, is she?  "But what are plushies?"


"They do I say very little, soft dolls, or imitations of people or animals. Ah, I see you don't understand. Think like making a copy of yourself, but very tiny and only of soft materials. It's obviously not alive, but it looks almost real."


"Ah...I think I understand. So you want something soft that looks like me? But just smaller? Why not take one of the Queen's offspring? They look exactly like me, but just tiny."


My god...I see why they don't want her here. And did I just facepalm? You betcha!


"No no no....I meant that you create something that only LOOKS like you, but you make it yourself from materials you find in the Hive. It must be soft."


"Oh, now I get it. only has to look like me."


Really?  "Yes...or like an animal or something you would love to make. It doesn't even have to resemble a real being. As long as we both agree that they look cute. Let me put it this way....if people instantly want to cuddle your creations as if it were a real being, I will be happy."


"Sure, I will give it a go. But I don't think I have the materials here. And my boss isn't very pleased with me. Perhaps you should ask someone else?"


She's honest at least.


She then points to her boss and knocks over some kind of gadget, making it fall to the floor.


"Oh no.....I spent all morning on this thing." She lets her head rest on the workbench for a moment.


She really looks upset. I think I witnessed the moment when she finally gave up.


"Tell me, what is your name?" I said.


"I'm called Rasha."


"Rasha, nice to meet you, I'm Akari."


"Unusual name, but nice to meet you too, Akari."


"So, when can you start making it for me?"


"Honestly, I have to ask my boss."


"And...what if he doesn't mind? I just talked to him."


"He...he doesn't? Ah...he's finally getting rid of me, isn't he?"


"Do you want to stay here then?"


"No! I hate this place! They assigned me to maintenance, but I don't even understand why! I'm not made for this!"


I think she meant that literally. Not made for this role.


"Then...what were you made for?"  Let's play along.


She looks at me...almost in jealousy.


"I be a nurse. As long as I remember....I wanted.....I just don't know what to do."


Rasha starts to cry. I give her a hug and pat her on the back.


"Sorry..<sniff>  I don't know what came over me." 


She seems really honest so far. And I really think that she should be reassigned to another role. But aren't nurses born for that role? As in capable of feeding the little ones? 


"Rasha....I'm not really sure, but could you feed nourishment to the newborn?"


"No! Only born nurses and the Queen can do that. I envy them so much!"


And there she goes, crying again.


"Alright Rasha, I've heard enough. Today is your last day as a maintenance worker."


She stopped crying and looked perplexed.


"Huh? But how? Only the Queen can do that? And she would never come down here!"


"Well....she has today."


"Really? Where is she? I have never seen the Queen before!" She looked around in anticipation.


She's a nice girl, but not too bright in these matters.


"Well, have you found her already? She's reaaally close." Maybe...that helps?


"Really? Then no....don't tell me you...oh my Queen no!!" 


And there we go. She kneels and begs me for forgiveness. 

It takes a few minutes to calm her down, explain that she just needs to call me Akari, and finally start a dialogue again. 


"But, Akari, you.....a"


" ha ha."  


She now finally starts to smile.


"So you will take me away from here?"


"Of course. Why didn't you ask for help? It's in my own interest that you are happy in your role. It benefits the Hive!"


"We were told never to bother the Queen. I'm glad....that they were wrong. You really DO care for your offspring."


And here we go again. She didn't get all of the details it seems. But you know what? I'm not going to repeat.


"Of course I care about my....people. You will be assigned to the nursery and.." she's jumping from joy!


"Rasha....I'm not finished yet." 


"S..sorry! But I'm just so happy."  


"Rasha, I know you can't feed the little ones, so help your fellow nurses in any way you can. And I also want you to craft those plushies for me. It is important for children to have something to cuddle."


"Of course Akari. I'll gladly do that! But I may need some help...from tailors? How are these uniforms made? Automatically? Handmade?"


"Eh...I honestly have no idea. But sure, ask around and when you learn something, tell me about it too. Let's be friends!"


"Yes, let's be friends!" 


Oof! She gave me a strong hug.


"I don't know about you, Rasha, but how about we leave this place?"





I then took her all the way back, to the nursery where Miwa is being cared for.

On our way back, I instructed her to spend as much time as possible talking and playing with the kids. I'm sure it will benefit them....and her. And soon they will have some plushies too!


Mari and Riki were less enthusiastic in the beginning, especially after noticing how filthy Rasha's uniform was. But now they understand that Rasha is only here to assist them, they seem okay with it.


Before leaving the nursery, I had to feed Miwa again. She seems to have had lots of fun playing with the other kids, and the nurses don't seem to mind them running around. So all in all, a very productive day. 


"Mommy...why is your nose different?" Miwa asked.

Oh oh...I knew this question was coming up...but now? Way too soon!


"Mommy just looks a bit different because she spent time outside of the Hive. But I still love you very much!"


"Okay!" Miwa just giggles and runs back to the others to continue playing. Now THAT'S how kids should behave, not play mental games or something.


And just before I leave the nursery, I see two workers enter the room. A male and a fe...female. Are they? Ohhh.......


They bow before me and head over to a crib. The female worker takes a baby out of the crib, cuddles it and starts the feeding process. So.....she's probably a nurse? Lucky for her.


Riki gave me an amused smile and walked over to me to explain. 

"Akari...that's the first pair who have offspring of their own now."


The amazement must have been written all over my face.

"Really? That's....amazing! too."


"Yes, I thought you already knew that, caring for Miwa and all."


"True, but I hadn't expected this at all. It' very good news!"


I walk to the parents and congratulate them. 


"Thank you, my Queen. It's an honor."


"No, no, the honor is all mine! I'm so happy that you have a child."


" Queen..we have five young ones."


"F...f....f....five??? Wow, that's even more amazing! Again, my congratulations!"


I see that we are about to experience exponential population growth.


"My Queen, before you go..."


"Yes?" I turned around and looked at the male.


"Would you please bless our children? So they may become productive workers?"


"Eh..bless them? But I am only a Queen?"


"Only a Queen? I like that. But yes please, your blessing means a lot to us." The female says while pointing at her own children.


"Alright, I will bless them, but I cannot feed them. I need my strength for Miwa, the next Queen for this Hive." 


I think they are a little disappointed, but they still seem eager to receive a blessing. 

Then I remember what Aine once sang to me. I don't remember the exact words, but it might just do the trick. 


I kissed all of her children on the forehead. 

Then I said, without singing,  "little workers, still so young. The Queen loves you and welcomes you into her Hive. May you all grow strong and healthy. Make your parents and your Queen proud. We bless you and hope that wherever your duties take you, you shall always find your way home."


The lady is about to cry, but she can hold the tears in. "My Queen.....thank you....that was....beautiful."


"You are very welcome. And I meant every word. Goodbye, I hope to see you again."


Then I left the nursery, a true Queen...with a big smile.


My smile left me the instant I realized something. How could I be this stupid? There are no guards here to protect Miwa!


Within half an hour two guards are proudly protecting Miwa in front of the nursery.

With that taken care of, I visited the General's office. I guess he needs to be aware of some changes I want to make to the Hive. Especially...I need more nurses and more nurseries! And soon!

He immediately agreed that we were about to face an enormous baby boom.


And I finally discussed the procedure in which the young workers are assigned to roles for life. 

He promised me to look into the matter, together with the Commander. 

Why the Commander, you ask? Simple, they are working together on restructuring the Hive, and personnel assignments are crucial to a well functioning hive.

NOW my job is finally done. For today. Oh, and Aine is still not home....


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