
Chapter 12: Chapter 11: Queen’s day

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A month has passed...and much has happened in that time.


Let me bring you up to speed. The last weeks were all about population growth. I have been told that never before in history has a Hive gained this many workers in such a short period. Of course that is to be expected, as before only the Queen was responsible for that.


Of course I knew that many newborns would join the hive....but THIS many? Would you believe me if I said that the number of Hive residents increased by about 30%? just a few weeks.


Three permanent nurseries and staff have been added to the existing eight. And it would be even more if many of the newcomers weren't already living with their parents.


Doctor Chiva, you know...the nice female doc, told me that even she hadn't expected such an increase of the population. She examined a few children and found some interesting genetic changes. She expected that there would be some minor changes, but new "workers" seem less specialized than the Queen's workers. One of those changes is the ability to feed. The ability seems to spread towards workers who wouldn't be qualified as nurses. And nurses have gained a very minimal increase in muscle density.


Chiva suggests that nature might compensate for some characteristics that have always been accepted as "normal" for a worker. She's really curious to see where this will this is only the first generation that was born without a Queen's genetic structure in millennia.....and there are already so many small changes to be found.


Let's see, what else happened? Ah right. The Hive's organization really seems to take off. Departments are now mostly directly communicating and only contact the she really needs to decide something important. The General and Commander seem am I. 


Apparently the assignment of young ones to their future roles was redesigned, allowing people to switch roles if there are enough reasons to do so. 


The NavScan unit was further upgraded....yep....with a rotating sensor array. Good old Earth ideas seem to work in space as well. Ah, and the "stealth" coating also seems quite effective. Our interceptors are now all getting this coating. Who would have guessed that their equivalent of honey would also be perfect as sensor blocking technology? It was just a crazy idea back then, when I wanted to be useful to the Hive. But it actually worked!


The General is trying to persuade the Empress to implement a few of the changes to the rest of the fleet, but she's reluctant about some of those. Apparently she wants to see the changes for herself first. I guess we just have to be patient....I just hope we have the time before the enemy strikes again. But it is not up to me...I really did my best to help change things for the better.


Ah, I almost forgot. We were able to squeeze another 10% out of our shields and defenses. With approval of the Empress "my" workers visited other Hives and exchanged tips and upgrades. 

The shield improvements are one result of that.


Our most appreciated contributions to the Empire are the "stealth" coating, internal communication protocols and the formation of "marines". These marines are elite soldiers, specialized in certain scenarios where "normal" guards were inadequate. I guess the NavScan units need some more time to prove their worthiness.


The Empress had to approve each and every modification before other Hives were allowed to implement them. She told me that it has never before happened that Hives exchanged upgrades between themselves. Usually Hives get their updates when they get major maintenance above the home world. 


Our engines also saw some minor speed improvements, but the engines are just old. They should be completely rebuilt, but there is no time for that now. 


I'm now on my way to pick up Miwa from the nursery. Today is her last day there, as they desperately need the space for other children. I guess they were already very accommodating to keep her as long as they did. The other children with whom she played have already left...they will start their roles within a few weeks. Can you imagine that?  


So it's actually a good thing to pick her up. She would only be bored there. Did I already mention that she looks like a 12 year old now? Yep, she does. But she sounds a bit more mature already.


"Mommy!" Miwa crashes into me like she always does. 


"Ah sweetie, are you ready to come home with me?"  I would want to call her "honey," but I don't think that they'll appreciate that pet name for a Queen.


"Uh huh. Look what Rasha gave me today!" 

She shows me a plushie....and it really looks like a miniature version of Rasha. I still think that Rasha has trouble understanding what I meant. This is a replica! A clone! A simple version would work just as well!


"Oh ho! That's pretty. Do you like the plushie?"


"Yes, very much, I call her Rasha...because she looks exactly like the real one."


And there you have it. Need I say more?


"Miwa, is Rasha....ah nevermind." 


Rasha walked to me with a huge smile on her face.

"Hello Akari."  


"Hi Rasha."


"Hi? What does that mean?"  


Oh come on....really? 

"It is the informal version of hello."


"Oh......alright. Hi Akari!"


"Yes already said that. That plushie of's perfect!"


"Oh my really think so?" She's just beaming from happiness. Totally different from the wreck I found in the maintenance area.


"Miwa, can I have your...Rasha for a moment?" 


"Sure, mommy."


I took mini-Rasha from Miwa and held it in front of Rasha.

"Rasha...this is a bit too perfect. Don't get me wrong, I like it. But you can also be creative, and change the place of the ears or give it long hairs..whatever you want. Also the eyes...they are so real. 

Tell me....are these really safe for children? Won't the eyes fall out or something?"


"Ah, I But yes, they are perfectly safe. I had Mari test them for a few days. And if she says they're safe, then I believe it."


"Alright, I trust you. So please continue to make more and give every child onboard this Hive one of those. And creative....something furry is also nice to cuddle with. Maybe even a big Juju."


"Mmmm...okay! I will think of something. Please look forward to it. Ah...please forgive me..I really need to go feed the little ones."


"Feed..them? How?" I tilted my head in confusion...she can't


"Simple, you told me you liked that liquid nourishment, right? Well, I mixed it with those waffles as you call them....and it seems that it's almost the same as what a nurse can feed to a child. No no...don't worry, I had it tested in the medical bay. It's perfectly safe and healthy. So I just invented a little container filled with that stuff and fed it to the children. It's pretty simple, really."


"So it's not bad for them? They can really digest that?"


"Absolutely. I only need to warm it up, because we keep the liquid cold for long term storage."


"Alright, excellent. Make sure to share your ideas with the other nurses, okay? We may need other workers like yourself to help out. If they can assist with the feeding...that would be amazing."


"Of course, but I really really have to go now."


"Alright, thank you."

I walk over to Riki and Mari and thank them for all the good care they gave Miwa.

They in turn thanked me for bringing Rasha here...she really helped them out and the kids seem to adore her. All this attention and affection they get, would never have been possible otherwise.


We say our goodbyes and I promise to keep visiting them.


I take Miwa to the mess hall and teach her how to eat the waffles and drink that liquid they have here. 

She's making a mess while eating, but at least it means that my days of feeding her are finally over. 


I spent the rest of the day showing Miwa a few other places, one of them being the throne room again.


"Miwa, please have a seat there. That is your chair now. We call it a throne."


"But mommy, why isn't there another chair for you?"


"Ha ha ha....I will explain in a minute, just sit down, alright?"


She nods and reluctantly sits down on her throne. I'm sure that it is comfortable now, I let them add some cushions here and there.


"Now Miwa, listen to me. This is very important."


"Yes mommy." 


Oh god, that has to change, I think. But this Queen is still so cute. I need her to toughen up a bit. But only a bit, I don't want her to lose her sense of fairness and compassion.


I sit on the throne's armrest, which is probably a big no-no, but I couldn't care less at the moment.


"Miwa, you are the Queen of this Hive. We already talked about that, remember?" 

She nods. "Good. From now on, you will take over control of this Hive from me. no...wait until I'm finished.  Miwa...I know it sounds very difficult, but it isn't. Mommy has..."


I need to stop referring to myself as mommy. She's already much older than she looks....


"I have already made several changes in this Hive to help you. People won't be bothering you with minor things anymore. So you can take your time. And I will be at your side for a long time."


"Alright. But do I really have to do this from now on?"


"Yes you do. You are a Queen. You are very important to this Hive, so do your best, alright?"


"Yes...I will, mommy. But you are not going to leave me all alone, are you?" I see some watery eyes developing.


"No no, not for a loooong time. You will live with Aine and me until you are a bit older. And even then, you will always be welcome, I promise."


She then turns around to hug me. "Please don't leave me."


"Miwa..I won't. I promise! I already told you. Tell me, did I ever lie to you?"


She simply shook her head.


"There you go. Oh...and don't be scared when you see the guard. Did you see him there already? 


She turns around and only now notices the guard. 


"No....I'm scared."


"Awww....Miwa. He's one of your friends. He will make sure that nobody harms you. So will the guards outside. So always be nice to them, alright?"


"Alright, mommy."


"And now I have to tell you something difficult."




"Yes. You call me mommy. I would prefer Akari,  but if you really want can call me mother."

Oh god, that makes me feel so old...but I can't have a Queen call someone "mommy." 


"Akari? No....mother then!"


"Oh ho! You already sound like a Queen now! Very good!"


"Eh he he." She's giggling and I pat her head. 


"And just one last thing. Queens usually don't say me or I, they use the words we or us to refer to yourself. Don't ask me why. I don't want to force that for you. You may choose that for yourself. But it is possible that the Empress or other Queens speak like that. Just don't be surprised when they do, alright?"


"Eh...we understand...hi hi hi."


"Wow...very good! My Queen, how amazing you are!"


"Ha ha ha" we both had a good laugh, she's born for this role. Literally.


"Alright, Miwa, don't forget. From now on, you are the Queen of this Hive. If you don't understand things, just ask me. And if you really know what to do, then just speak for yourself. Trust me, it will get easier soon."


"Okay mommy......mother."


"Well said, Miwa. You are a fast learner. How about you and I leave this place and go see Aine at home?"




She jumped off the throne and followed me all the way home, where Aine was waiting for us. 

Aine welcomed Miwa into our home, well it's just an alcove but whatever. Miwa received quite a few cuddles and after being bathed by Aine we had lunch. 

Aine tried to feed Miwa, but I asked her not to do that. Miwa needs to learn how to eat by herself from now on and if anyone needs to feed will be me. And no, those puppy eyes didn't work on me at all.


"Mother...why do I need to eat waffles while you are fed by Aine? It's not fair!"


"See...I told you she would say that," Aine said.


"Miwa, it is important that your stomach knows what solid foods are. Once you are mature, you will receive your own retainer. If you really want to be fed by her....then that's okay for me. But just try to appreciate the fact that most workers need to eat with their hands. They have nobody to feed them."


"Oh...I didn't know that...sorry."  Miwa seems sad.


"Don't worry Miwa, you are still young. And that means you still need to learn a lot. We will always be there for you, right Aine?"




Aine and I were treated with another hug. Yep Miwa is a good kid. I just hope she becomes a good Queen too.

After I also enjoyed a relaxing bath, Aine told me today was a special day. 

"Eh...Akari...did you know that one of you two should address the Hive today?"


"Eh.....excuse me?"


"The Empress will speak to all the Hives today. It is a collective remembrance of all the workers we lost due to the Kakross attack. After that, either of you is required to address our Hive. 

Both the Empress's and your speech will be broadcast throughout the Hive. After that the throne room will be used to allow curious workers to see and meet the Queen."


"What? And when were you planning to tell me this?" My mouth is agape. I mean...was it a secret?


"Akari...I knew you would worry about't give me that look. You will be fine, and I will be there to back you up."


"But..but...I need to prepare..." I said.


"There you have it. NO.. No preparation. Just relaxing. Do you think that our previous Queen would worry all day about what to say? No...just go with it. And trust really will be fine."


"Alright. But Miwa...I hate to do this to you...   I will tell you what to say, but you will speak to the Hive."


Miwa runs behind Aine and is shivering. "! Please! I can't do that!"


I walk to her and sit on my knees so I can properly look her into the eyes.

"Miwa...I will be there. Being a Queen is difficult, but I promised to be there with you. Do you trust me?"




"Then trust me now too."




I gave her a big hug. "Well said, Miwa. You are very brave."


I now see her smiling again. Excellent.


"Akari....there's one other thing you seem to be forgetting."




"Yes, did you forget that the doctor asked to see you?"


"Oh that today? My god Aine. Do you have more of these surprises for me today?"


"Ha ha ha, no....but I'm your retainer, so it's my job to help you remember."


"You're right, let's go to him immediately."


"Eh...Akari....Did you forget that Miwa still needs to eat?"


Oh my god. Today is one of those days, I tell you!


"Alright, alright. Miwa, come here. I will feed you."


For some reason Miwa seems really cheerful. Is it something built into the Queen's genes? I can't wait to stop this. If she continues....I will bottle feed that's embarrassing. Maybe it will help her stop asking for this. But now....there just isn't any time to let her eat.


After feeding her, the three of us went to the doctor's and he --the arrogant one without name, because he won't introduce himself - is already scanning me. 


He insisted on scanning Miwa first and all results were perfectly fine. So now I'm waiting to see how my body is developing.


"Akari...the scans are complete. First of all, you are healthy."


"Ah, thanks, doc. That's the most important thing."


"Doc? Ah right. Yes, but there are other changes. There really is no other explanation. Your homeworld must share the same genetic ancestral code as our race does. It makes absolutely no sense otherwise. And even then....but it still happened. You are now really one of us, Akari."


"Huh? You Vahli?"


"Yes yes, you are now a Vahli in most of your genetic code as well. True, your nose, ears and teeth don't seem to be changing, but that might still happen. But everything else on your body is consistent with the Vahli genetic code. Your hands are also getting a bit different in color, see..? They look more like mine every time I see them. So while those parts of you might still change a bit, on the inside you are now a Vahli. And not just are physically a Queen now."


"I'm...actually a Queen now?" Wow...I'm staring at the ceiling for some odd reason.


"Yes. That explains the pheromones and being able to feed. And one more might at one point start feeling.....needs."


I see Aine taking Miwa by the hand and giving us some privacy.


"Needs? What...kind of needs, doc?"


"If my experience with Queens is applicable to you, then you should at one point get the desire to have...offspring."


My face is turning red again, until I remember that he said that me having children was impossible.

"But said I couldn't have children. Ever. I clearly remember you saying that."


"True. But it seems I was wrong. You can have children, but they will be...Vahli children."


"Oh my god." I shook my head.


"Oh no no...there is no reason to give me that much respect."


"Excuse me?"  Did that arrogant doctor actually think he's divine?


"You referred to me as god. Don't worry, you don't have to."


I started laughing loudly. This guy is crazy! How arrogant can you be? But my laughing fit stopped when he continued.


"Just be prepared that you... as a Queen will....let's be conservative....lay at least 10 eggs in your first batch."


<cough> <cough> <cough> I couldn't breath. What did he just say? I'm going to lay eggs? Uh-uh!

No bloody way!


"Akari, are you alright?" The doctor took his scanner and was preparing to scan me, to see why I'm coughing. Idiot.


"No! Me laying eggs? Like...really?" 


"Yes, Akari. As I said, you are now a true Queen."


I motioned for Aine to come back in with Miwa.


The doctor then said "Don't be surprised when the Empress decides to move you to a new Hive."


"What? Mommy! You said you wouldn't leave me!"


What a fine mess we are in again. I guess I should have let them wait outside after all.


"Thanks doc, you did it again. Scaring little children." Aine said.


"Miwa, listen to me. I won't leave you. Don't believe everything you hear. That is also a lesson you need to learn, alright?"


"Okay!" And she smiled again. Good.


"Doc. Is that all? Or do you have any more surprises for me?"


"No, that's all. Have a nice day."  And he simply walked away, I assume to other patients.


"What a jerk. Oh sorry, Miwa. I shouldn't have said that." Aine said.


"Yeah...jerk!" Miwa agreed.


"Now look at what you two....but you are right. Thanks Aine. But....will my mother and sister even recognize me?"


Aine pulled me into a hug and said "of course they will. Your face is still the same. Your voice is the same. And you are still as kind as the first day we met."


"Thank you Aine....I needed that."

Then I heard the new intercom protocols in action for the first time.


"All workers, this is the General. Please prepare to receive a transmission from our Empress on view screens near you. Her voice will also be broadcast throughout the Hive. Secure your stations and expect her speech early this afternoon."


"Alright, Akari, we need to move to the throne room now." Aine said.


"Yep, let's get there fast. I don't want to miss this." 

[ The Empress addresses her Hives ]

We have arrived in the throne room and are seated at the meeting room table

Aine made sure that we were tuned into the broadcast. This gave me some time to prepare a speech or something similar for Miwa.


Only moments later a message played on the view screen, while the screen only showed some kind of symbols.
"The Empress shall now address all Vahli in communications range in a live broadcast." 


"Here it comes..."  Aine said. She seems worried. But we all know what happened recently.


Then I saw and heard the Empress, this Hive's previous Queen, on the view screen.


"To all the Vahli everywhere...Queens, workers, our children...this is your Empress Niru speaking. We ask for your attention.  


Wherever you might be at the moment...our thoughts are with you. These are truly difficult times....times in which we must stand together as never before.


Most of you are aware of the recent attack on our homeworld. Over 1 billion of our loyal people were lost. These include many Queens and Empress Miki.


Today is a special day. A day which we usually celebrate in each and every Hive. It's Queen's day today. But this year we must ask you to first remember the fallen.


The ones who have protected all of us, so we may continue to live. May their names and contributions never be forgotten. We ask you for a moment of remembrance...while we sing for our lost family. Then we shall continue this broadcast..." 


I hear the Empress singing. I don't know how the translator manages to translate it...but it really sounds makes me cry. I can hear the raw emotion in her voice.


"Little workers...lost to me...

So proud we are of you....our dearest family  <sniff>

Our heart aches...leaving a void where once you were

Nnnn <sniff>  Never we shall forget..your love for us

May the Celestial Empress www..<sniff>  welcome her loving arms until the day we shall be together...once more." 


At one point the Empress started crying, but she still managed to complete the song. This was truly the most heart-wrenching thing I've ever heard.

All three of us, Aine, Miwa and me are crying as well. I could we not?


"<Sniff>. We ask for your forgiveness....but we must continue. What has happened is sad beyond words. But we must continue to fight for our future.


Never before has our home been attacked like this. Know beloved....we are preparing a counter attack. We shall avenge each and every Vahli who was lost to us.

We can't give you details about how or when....but we ask you to continue serving us as you always have.


And to quote one of our Queens.....thank you for your hard work! WE SHALL PREVAIL! WE SHALL PREVAIL!  WE SHALL PREVAIL!" 


Aine looked at me...yeah those were my words, right? She put her hand on my shoulder.


Then we heard another announcement on the intercom "After this message from our Empress, your new Queen shall address you. We ask you to wait a moment so she can address you."


Right, little Miwa who is now crying, is supposed to speak to the Hive next. It is only this Hive, but still. She can't speak like this! 


Aine already showed me how to use the intercom I pressed the button. Kami-sama, please help me...I'm so nervous! Luckily this is voice-only.

I try to remember what I prepared. I motioned Miwa to come to me, and she did. I put my arm around her.


"My honored people. I am Queen Akari....a Queen...but not the Queen of this Hive. After the sad but true words from our Empress, I...I have difficulties not to cry. But like she said, we will go on and make her proud! We SHALL prevail!"


I waited for a few seconds, then continued. "I've had the privilege to meet some of you already, while looking after this Hive for a while. You to me stands a proud Queen. Your true Queen.

Her name is Queen Miwa, and although she is still young, she has shown courage and the will to protect her family...all of you.


Today is Queen's day. We must look forward to celebrating this special day. Let us celebrate remember our beloved fallen....but also to honor your new Queen. A Queen who has made clear that the doors to her throne room shall always be open for any of you. Now hear a few words of your new Queen." 


I whispered a few words into Miwa's ears, and the voice of a young girl echoed through the hive. First trembling a bit, but then quickly sounding courageous.


"I am Queen Miwa. It is truly an honor to be your Queen. I may be young, but I promise you...WE SHALL PREVAIL !" 


Aine is smiling. I just hope nobody is going to complain that she didn't say "we" or "us." 


I continue "Alright..thank you all for your attention. Goodbye for now." 


Aine made sure that the intercom was offline, before she said "well said Akari! And Miwa too! Those words were exactly what everyone needed to hear after such an emotional message. Well done!"  She gave both of us a hug.


"God...I was nervous...well...Miwa? How did that address the whole Hive?"


"Exciting! So..everybody heard us?"


"Yes, sweetie..everybody in this Hive. Just a tip...make sure that your people can visit you. Of course they must make an appointment, but it would be very nice if you could let two or three people visit you every day."


"Of course! I like friends!"


"Ha ha ha, that's true, Miwa. Everyone is your friend here. How is the throne? Is it comfortable for you?"


"Uh-huh! Very soft! But can we go now?" 


How can I ignore that pleading look in her eyes?


"Sure, but you should get used to this soon. Let's say that...starting stay in this room for a few hours a day. 


Then..step by step...we increase your time here a bit. From next month on you will be expected to be here full time during the day."


"But...can I still come home to you two?"


I hugged her. "But of course. But you should know that you will be an adult in a month or two. won't like to come home with us anymore?"


"WHAT? Never! Mommy! How can you say that!" 


"Ha ha ha...just kidding, my little one. And remember...I will be there to help you, as long as you need me. And Aine will help too, right?"




"See? We belong together. Besides..I would miss you too."


That earned me a hug "we thank you...honored mother."  She looked at me with one eye closed, giving me a smug smile. 


"We would expect nothing else from our child."  


Now it was Miwa's turn to look surprised.


"Yes, Miwa, she's also a Queen...remember? Ha ha ha." Aine is right, I am.


Miwa pouted, but then gave us a warm smile "We forgot....ha ha ha."

Our laugh was interrupted by a guard who approached Miwa, who still sat on the throne. He bowed to her and asked "my Queen, we have a visitor for you."


"A...visitor?" Miwa said, looking at me for help.

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I saw Aine smiling and nodding. She knows who it is, good. 


"Alright Miwa, tell him that you accept them. I see that Aine already knows who it is. But your guards should always say WHO will visit you."

I looked at the guard, marking sure that he understood. 


Miwa and the guard were nodding at the same time. An odd sight to be sure. 


"Guard, let them in." Miwa said proudly.


"PLEASE...add please, Miwa." I said.


"Oh, let them in PLEASE.."  she emphasized that last word. Well, she'll get the hang of it soon enough.


The guard bowed and let the visitor approach Miwa.


"Greetings, Queen Miwa, I am General Ekir." The General bows to Miwa for a moment.


"General...welcome."  Miwa keeps looking at me to see if she's doing fine, but she starts getting more confident pretty quickly.


"Thank you, Queen Miwa. I am here to introduce myself. I will  I will be speaking to you on behalf of the Empress. You may tell me to speak to the Empress on your behalf."


"'re a messenger?" Miwa said.


Ha ha ha...nope. He's more, but let her learn from this.


"Eh..not...quite. I am a General. I will assist you with any you may have in the Hive."


"We see. We are honored to meet you, General. We would ask you to keep in mind that we are still new in this role. Kindly include Mother when you meet us and want to discuss things."


What? She sounds like a real Queen...and..well said! But where do the "we" and "us" come from?


"Mother?" He looks at me for a moment. "Ah, but of course Queen Miwa. May I be excused?"


"We thank you for your visit and look forward to working with you. You are excused."


The General nods and leaves.

I wait until the doors close again.

"Miwa? You..were AMAZING! Well done! See? are a natural at this!" I hugged the life out of her.


"Thanks mom. But...I want to go home. Can we..please?"


Right, she's still young. Could have convinced me otherwise a moment ago.


"Alright, let's call it a day. But, young lady...tomorrow your role in this room really starts!" 


"Yep! Understood!" 


I pat her head for a moment and then we leave...for home. I'm sure that our new Queen will be unlike any other. 

When we arrive home Miwa runs to Rasha, her plushie, and cuddles it in her arms. Aine and I smile at the sight. It's amazing, one moment ago she addressed the Hive and now she's back to an innocent child. Well, it doesn't matter...she's still young and can be an adult long enough. Let her enjoy her short childhood.


After relaxing for a while, Aine suggested that we relax on the Star-deck. Apparently they have a view into outer space not unlike a cruise-ship on the ocean. You can visit that deck and relax while gazing into the depths of space.


"Miwa, how about it? Do you want to see our home world from the top of the Hive? And see all the twinkling stars around it?"




"Wait...first finish those waffles, young lady! You need to grow strong."


"Ugh...yes mom."


"Well said, mommy." Aine said.


"Mom...don't you start that again."  I smiled.


"Is Aine your mom????!!!" Miwa was staring at us with an open mouth. Not a pleasant sight considering she was just tasting the waffle's filling.


"Ha ha ha, no no, Miwa. She just acts like my mom. It's a joke."


"Ah...but where is your mommy?" Miwa asks, while continuing to munch on the waffle.


Aine looks worried, worried how I will react to this.


"Ohh....that's...a difficult question. I will tell you sometime, okay? It makes me sad to think about her. She's very far away from me." I said.




"Don't be. Are you finished? Good, don't forget to bring Rasha along."




Miwa took her plushie and followed us to the Star-deck. We need to use an elevator to get all the way to the top. And honestly, I'm very curious about it myself. What does their world look like? Is it anything like Earth? Mmmm....don't these people have a bridge with a viewscreen or something? 

I guess they do, but I won't bother them. Perhaps one day.

[ Star-deck ] 

We walk towards the end of the corridor while discussing whether we'll walk all the way or should use one of their golf-cart thingies. Seeing Miwa's sparkling eyes convinced us soon enough...we're going for the lazy method: I'll let us drive there like a proper Queen.


The elevator comes into view and we wait for it to arrive.


"Mother...will you be with me tomorrow?" Miwa gave me a sad look, even though I told her numerous times that I would help her for the time being.


"Miwa, sweetie....I already told you....I will be there with you. But at the rate you are maturing, it won't be long before you will be capable of handling things on your own."


"But what if I don't want you to leave?"


The elevator doors open and we step inside. There is nobody else in it.


"Miwa, don't think about it, alright? We both will be there for you, whenever you need us, right Aine?"


"Yes, Miwa, your mother is absolutely right, she never lied to trust her now too, okay?"


The doors close and the elevator is moving upwards.


"Mmmm.....I guess you're right, Aine. But I'm afraid that I will make mistakes without your help."


I give Miwa a hug and look her straight into the eyes. "Listen to me. You are born to be a Queen. And I mean that literally. You are never alone. The General will be there to help you, and other people too. And remember, I changed certain ways of doing things in this Hive, to make your life a bit easier. So there won't be people asking questions all day anymore. Just....go one step at a time, and you'll see that everything will work out just fine. Okay?"


"Yes, mother." Miwa looks down to her feet, then gives me a warm smile.


"'re so cute when you smile. Make sure to do that a lot from now on."

But instead of answering me, she shouts "Eeeeeekk!"  

And she wasn't the only one, because we heard something like a loud explosion, followed by our elevator shaking for a moment. Then it stopped all together, we're not moving anymore, nor will the doors open.


Aine and I look at each other, and Aine says "What was that?"


"It sounded like an explosion. Can we get out of here? I need to know what happened."


"Mommy! I'm scared!" Miwa hugs me and I pat her back.


What am I supposed to tell her? We're stuck!  "Miwa, help will come soon, just be calm."

I feel her nod in my tummy.


Aine quickly reaches for the elevator's control panel and pushes a button.

"Eh...Akari.....the controls are frozen, I can't even reach security. I guess we're stuck here for a while."


"You're kidding me right? I need to get out NOW! They need me!"


"Akari....calm down. We are not going anywhere. We are safe here, we won't fall down and just have to wait for help. Besides, the alarms are not sounding, so it should be under control."


"Mom....." Miwa continues to squeeze me.


"<sigh> Miwa, it will be fine. Aine is right, we can't go anywhere so we just have to sit this one out. We both need to just calm down, can you do that for me?"


Miwa takes a deep breath and surprisingly acts more mature "yes mother."


I pat her head for a moment after which Aine says "Akari, this will be a great test and see if your changes in this Hive are effective."


"Mom, what does she mean? What changes?"


"Mmmm....I guess you didn't understand everything I told you. I told the General and Commander that when the Queen is now....that they should do what's best for the Hive. Aine is right...let's see what happens."


"Okay...but how long will we be stuck here?"  


"I don't know, sweetie, I think they have more important things to worry about at the moment. But don't forget...there are two Queens in this elevator. They will find us soon enough."

Suddenly a red light starts flashing on the control panel. It's a small light, so luckily it's not blinding us with its flashes.


"No alarms, huh? Aine, you just had to jinx it, didn't you?"


"Jinx? What's that..."  But she was interrupted by a message spoken through the intercom system.


We can now hear the alarm sounding through nearby corridors, but the speaker in the elevator seems to be offline, even when the red light continues to flash. "Whoooop  Whoooop Whoooop" is the sound that keeps repeating. It starts with a low sound, then quickly increases to a very annoying high frequency, and takes about three seconds. Only one second of silence is followed by the next cycle. 



"<DING DONG>  ATTENTION.  All hands, this is commander Spinak on behalf of Queen Akari. BATTLE STATIONS! BATTLE STATIONS! BATTLE STATIONS!  This is not a drill. All interceptor teams on hot-standby are ordered to scramble at once. <DING DONG> "


"Crap..this is bad!" I said, not realizing that I was worrying Miwa.


"Yes it is..but we can't do anything about it. Akari, instructed them well. They are already taking action, where they first would have asked you for permission."


"True, and honestly I never understood why. But I'm glad they are on it now."


"What will happen now, mom?" Miwa hugs me again.


"Miwa, I guess that the Kakross are attacking us, but we are not alone here. There are many, many Hives near us and escorts too. So those attacking us must be extremely stupid or they brought a few friends with them. Let's just hope they are stupid."


"Eh...okay?" Miwa doesn't really understand. I sometimes forget that she isn't quite mature yet.

Another explosion sounds far away in the Hive, causing the elevator to shake again.

That's when the lights go out.




"Shh....I'm here Miwa....all will be fine. Our people are brave and well trained. We won't have to wait long in here, I'm sure of it. Just keep calm."  I wish I could stay calm myself...


Miwa is shivering now, but she's a bit too heavy to take in my arms, so what should I do?


Aine then comes to my rescue "Akari...she's too young to fully understand. This is going to traumatize her. May I suggest something?"


"Ehh....yes, please!"


"Akari...instinct will help her calm down....when you feed her."


WHAT?????  You've got to be kidding me!


"Akari? Did you hear me?"


" there no other way?" I still felt Miwa shivering while I asked the question.


"No, unless you want me to feed her."


"Oh my god, fine." 

I started feeding Miwa and she really calmed down within seconds. Must be something biologic, like a reflex or something. Let's say that I was surprised about that, but also that I was able to feed adrenaline must be sky high and I am still feeding her. And now that I realize also has a calming effect on me.  Anyway....this is going to take a while...

[ From the perspective of Commander Spinak, just before the first explosion ]

The Commander is in his office instructing new interceptor pilots.


"Commander Spinak, Control, we have an emergency!"


"Control, Spinak here. What's going on?"


"Commander, our NavScan has detected a Kakross Hive on an intercept course to Vahli Prime. What are your orders?"


"Copy that. Sound the alarm, I will address the Hive. Activate our shields immediately and open the launch bay doors."


At this point an explosion sounds throughout the ship, causing some elevators to stop working due to automated safety measures. Decks are still reachable the old fashioned stairs. Not a very popular way when you are in a hurry.


"Control, report." 


"One Kakross Viper arrived out of nowhere, they targeted our engines. Our turrets disabled it. Minimal damage. Shields are now online and the alarm has activated. Launch bays report green lights."


At this point red flashing lights can be seen through all the corridors.   


"Control, can you contact Queen Akari?"


"Negative commander. We can't find her on internal sensors."


"Control, initiate secondary protocols as discussed.


"Yes, Commander, at once".


"Whoooop  Whoooop Whoooop" the alarms are now also audible.


"<DING DONG>  ATTENTION.   All hands, this is commander Spinak on behalf of queen Akari. BATTLE STATIONS! BATTLE STATIONS! BATTLE STATIONS!   This is not a drill. All interceptor teams on hot-standby are ordered to scramble at once. <DING DONG> "

At this point ten interceptors were launching, their pilots were on hot stand-by. More interceptors are moving down from the deck above, to be readied for immediate launch.

[ From the perspective of Kira, who is together with Chiri, Esi and Ghan ]

Our interceptors were already deployed when Ghan reported incoming enemy ships directly to Control. Esi took position near him as per standard procedure.


We still have to receive our official orders, but this is how we trained, so that's what we'll do!


Chiri and I are now heading for the Huntress on full Turbo, waiting for the enemy to arrive. We activate our jamming signals to disrupt enemy communications and only communicate through optical sensors, something proven very effective in one of our early drills with Akari. They are high power laser beams which can transmit data. So they are basically just lights.


We approach the Huntress and disable our Turbos. But we are too late! One enemy fighter fired at the Huntress's engines but was quickly disabled by her turrets.


"Chiri...form up. Let's give those turrets some space."


"Copy that."


"Chiri....are you seeing that?"


"Yes Kira, one Kakross Hive and......lots of Vipers."


"Team 7732, this is Control. Clear the area at once, head for your NavScan. We will commence a heavy missile attack."


"Control, 7732, copy that."


We both Turbo out of here to rendezvous with Ghan. 


With sadness we see another Kakross Viper attacking the Huntress. More are heading to our other Hives. But orders are orders. 


We see a massive launch of interceptors behind us....I hope they will be successful.


The enemy Hiveship...a massive capital ship.. is slowly taking position near our home world. 

It is bigger than the Huntress in all aspects. While the Huntress is a more rectangular shaped ship, this one is more oval shaped in the front. Otherwise it's just plain...massive.

The enemy Hive now launches many more Vipers and all we can do is....wait here.


Chiri and I circle around Ghan and let our interceptors point to the Huntress. We seem to have first seat rows for this spectacle.

Our camouflaged relays here are able to transmit the message through lasers, so we can hear Control at this distance as well. That is...until they are identified and one by one taken out by the enemy.


We just heard this message "to all RED-1 interceptors, lock on to the Hive and fire all missiles. Then proceed to secondary targets, you will..shhhhhh"  That's when our closest relay was disabled.


Our team is still in close proximity to each other so our local communications still work. But we can't reach Control anymore. 


"Esi, defend Ghan. Chiri and I will pick a few nice Vipers once I give the order."


"Copy that."


Our fellow interceptors are now within missile range of the enemy Hive...let's see how they like our missiles. Each one has an antimatter warhead so they should....pack a punch as Akari always says. I really hope they work, or today is going to be a very crappy day.


We then see tiny flashes of light, followed by white trails heading for the enemy Hiveship.

Each missile is coordinated to launch in groups of only three. This is to prevent all our missiles from being destroyed by a single friendly missile impacting the target. 


Again three are launched, and again. Always five seconds after the previous three. 

A few missiles hit an enemy Viper, but they don't detonate. This is as planned. They will only detonate at the intended coordinates....and will function as mines when activated.


The first three missiles don't make it to the Hive, its turrets easily taking them out. 

This scenario was also calculated, so orders are given to launch in groups of 10.


BOOM!  One of our missiles hit the enemy Hive. Its shields are visibly impacted. They work!

And another one reaches the Hive. From each group of 10 missiles, only two or three make it to their target. 


The enemy Hive is now heavily damaged, but still moving this way. It seems almost invincible. No wonder they were able to decimate my people in their previous attack.


Then I see one of our escorts departing, directly heading for the enemy Hive. It is one of Akari's remote controlled Hive-busters. The controlling ship is one of our interceptors who is in turn guarded by three other interceptors. 


This must mean that the enemy's shields are now down. 


The last few waves of missiles are heading for the Hive and damage it even further.


No new missiles are launched now, and the enemy launches even more Vipers. 

At this point all missiles which didn't detonate, are now switching to an active mine-state and explode, taking out quite a few Vipers.  


All of our interceptors are now focussing on their counterparts and leave the enemy Hive for the escort. 


"Alright, Chiri, this is it. You and me. Now!"




Our escort's engines are now at full thrust and are set to ramming speed. The added layers of shields prove to be useful as the ship gets pounded by enemy lasers and missiles.

I can see the impacts on the shields, but they seem to hold....for now.  The Hive-buster's turrets are taking out as many Vipers as they can while still heading for the enemy Hive.


We have to stay clear from their path and focus on the Vipers.


At one point the escort's shields are no longer functioning, causing massive damage. But it doesn't served its purpose. Due to the reinforced front side of the ship, it can take even more of a beating. 


While everyone is targeting the enemy Vipers, Esi and Ghan seem to go unnoticed. 

Then, after my first kill today, I see our escort ramming the enemy Hive. It hits below the oval shaped front side of it and burrows its way inside. Wow! What a spectacular sight!


Massive internal fires can be seen, quickly disappearing when they hit the vacuum of space. But nevertheless a massive fire rages inside the enemy Hive. Our escort pushes through and exits on the top of the oval shaped front. The escort is still operational! The enemy Vipers are now focussing on our "normal" escorts, making them easy targets for us, the interceptors.


At this point more interceptors are launched from the Huntress, but also from our other Hives. 

Really? It took them long enough! Alright, things seem to be looking better now as the enemy is clearly outnumbered. 


The enemy Hive is adrift, there is probably no breathable atmosphere on board anymore. 

Then multiple secondary explosions can be seen, blinding me for a second. WOW! She's going down!


I see all our interceptors clear the area, and Chiri who is near me acknowledges my command to Turbo the heck out of here! 


A huge explosion behind us confirms's gone! We destroyed their Hive! 

It was huge, but no longer invincible!


Our interceptors were cleaning up the stragglers and after another adrenaline-rushed fifteen minutes, we all disabled the jamming signals. Why? Because we prevailed! We won! They are all gone!


"Fleet-wide message. Control to interceptors. Mission accomplished, job well done. Return to base."  


Then, on our Team's specific channel, Control recalled Ghan as well.


"Team 7732, job well done. NavScan unit, return to base. We will launch a fresh NavScan within a minute."


Chiri and I returned to Esi and Ghan and we all slowly returned to the Huntress. There is somewhat of a traffic jam going on here. Many, many interceptors are lining up to return to the Huntress. The same thing can be seen at the other Hives. A truly awe inspiring sight!


It seems we are last to return home.


"Team 7732, we're opening lane 2 on launch bay 1 for you. Land at once for immediate debriefing."


Oh oh....what's going on? They're giving us the royal treatment?


"Control, 7732, copy that."


"Alright, you heard him, all ahead full for immediate return."


My wingmen acknowledged their orders and we flew between the debris. That thing was freakin huge!


We pass two rescue ships who are about to retrieve ejected pilots. I hope we don't have any was just...brutal.


I must feels a bit strange to just land while all the others need to wait in line. I wonder what that is about.

[ Back to Akari in the elevator ]

After completing my feeding session with Miwa, both of us felt a bit calmer. But the following message helped even more.


The alarms stopped and the lights stopped flashing as well.

"<DING DONG>  ATTENTION.   All hands, this is Commander Spinak on behalf of Queen Akari. The threat has been neutralized. Resume normal operations. <DING DONG>"


At that time the power returned to the elevator. 


"Oh my god that's bright!" 


All three of us needed a few seconds to get used to the light again.


"<BEEP> Queen Akari, this is Commander Spinak. If you can hear me, please reply."


I glance at Aine who now smiles and she pushes a button on the control panel. The elevator's speaker finally works again. Aine motions me to speak.


"Commander Spinak, this is Akari. Is everything under control?"


"Ah, finally! Yes, please join me in my office at your earliest convenience for a status update."


"Eh...Commander, that's not possible. We have been trapped here in this elevator since the first explosion."


"Ah, I see. That explains why we couldn't contact you. Let me see....ah...perfect. I have your location now. We will get you out of there soon."


"Thank you, we all appreciate that."  

It took them another ten or so minutes to rescue us from the elevator. According to the technicians, a power cable was severed, which is nearly impossible....but it happened. We exited the elevator after it was manually lowered to a deck, as we were stuck between two decks. We then decided that we weren't in the mood for another elevator and simply used the stairs to go down to the Commander's deck.

[ Debriefing ] 

When we finally entered the Commander's office, tired from the long walk, I noticed more people had gathered there.


My former teammates Kira, Chiri, Esi and Ghan. Commander Spinak and General Ekir. 

And of course the three of us joined them, so it's pretty crowded here at the moment.


"Ah good to see you Queen Akari, Queen Miwa, royal retainer Aine. Please be seated." The Commander said. And there he goes again, making a very special kind of eye contact with Aine. I need to keep an eye on them.


"Nice to see you all." I said, while waving and smiling to my team. 

They replied with a salute and a friendly smile.


We sat down like everybody else and I asked the Commander "please, Commander Spinak, what happened?"


The Commander explained what happened and made sure to emphasize the value of Ghan's NavScan unit, which allowed the early detection of the enemy Hive ship.


"We immediately switched to secondary protocols as agreed, when we were unable to reach you, Queen Akari."


"Please stop the Queen stuff. It's still Akari. And Commander,  I'm very grateful for you taking command at once. Your quick thinking protected our Hive and prevented many casualties. Finally something good happened in our war with the Kakross."


"Thank you, Akari. But our little adventure today cost us the lives of three pilots, injuring another seven. Three of those won't be flying again. It seems that the Kakross have created something new. Bullets which explode after piercing the armor of our interceptors."  


"Mmmm...bad news, I see. As disrespectful as it sounds, our strategy still seems to pay off. Is our Empress aware of what happened up here?" I asked.


"She is. The General has kept the Empress in the loop since the very start. She was able to see in realtime what we were up against by using telemetry of one the other Hives. 

Right after we successfully fought off the Kakross, the Empress ordered all of us to join here. She will be on the view........."


"<BEEP>" The view screen beeped. 


"Ah, that's our Empress." He pushed a button and we saw the image of our Empress.


"People, let us get to the point at once. WELL DONE. We are beyond proud of what you have achieved here today. Our Hive....we mean the Huntress still feels like our home...was the very first Hive to respond by sending our interceptors and preparing for a missile attack. 


The moment your NavScan unit reported the Kakross Hive, you followed the new protocols to the letter.


The enemy never knew what hit them. And they still won't know due to your jamming signal. Well done, quick thinking indeed. Akari, it seems your unconventional tactics might actually turn the tide....we will soon take the initiative.


We will continue to increase our defenses for now, while being very worried about their new explosive ammunition. 


Soon my friends...soon we will take our revenge for what has happened to us.


We will also order your enhancements to be implemented in the rest of our Hives. Any questions so far?"


"My Empress, what part will you be implementing? Do you need any help?" I asked.


"Akari, the General has kept me in the loop, he knows what we want. You might need to support him, though."


"Yes, my Empress." I said. The Empress smiles.


"People, we need one more month to complete our preparations. The number of workers is increasing exponentially, benefitting our cause. The next priority is to maximize our ammunition. Continue building interceptors, missiles, Hive-busters in a fleet-wide effort. But if the enemy forces our hand....we're ready now."


"But Empress, wouldn't it be better to attack now? They might have seen our Hive-buster in action. Also our missile attack. That won't be a surprise anymore." I said, worrying that our plan is now in the open.


"Indeed, we realize this as well. But no, we won't sacrifice our planet for an early revenge, my dear. It must be protected at all costs. We need even more workers. More weapons. More Hiveships. We will not rush. The enemy doesn't know all of our plans. The Hive was destroyed so fast that I doubt they even sent a message back home. If they even could due to all that jamming you did.


Akari, you may not have noticed, but our numbers are growing exponentially.....everywhere. You seem surprised? Yes, we have allowed offspring in all Hives. One more month...and we will be stronger than ever before! That is all the time we have. Continue to make us proud!"


"Yes, Empress!" We all shout and salute. Then the screen goes dark again. 

Let's just say that after these events, we didn't want to visit the star-deck anymore, instead opting for a relaxing evening with friends. Chiri, Kira, Esi and Ghan joined us in the mess hall and we just relaxed. God knows we needed that.


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