
Chapter 19: Chapter 18: Reunion

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It was wonderful to have slept in a real bed once more, even if it was a simple bunk bed.

Aine and I took turns in the shower because the bath really is a bit on the small side. Especially when considering the luxury baths we take on the Akagi. 


Now it was my turn to tease Aine. Once she finished drying herself off by using fluffy towels for the first time in her life, I used the blow dryer on her. Maximum setting!


Yep, I succeeded in scaring the hell out of her, but she knows I wouldn't harm her. After a few seconds she even enjoyed the extra warmth on top of her now very dry head.


My is the day! I will see my family again! But I have to keep my exuberance in check....I noticed that it's only 7 am, so the others are probably still sleeping.


Imagine my surprise when we arrived in the canteen...and learned that we were the last ones to join at the breakfast table!


Kenji got up early and returned from the Konbini with something nice....bentos for everyone and hot miso soup too! And here I thought we would have to survive on waffles and honey...


"Thank you, Kenji. I can't believe you went shopping this early!" I said, while taking in the view on the table. Lot's of bentos and lot's of little containers with the soup.


"What do you mean early, Akari? Most of us have been awake since 6 am. Right guys?"


The answers he got varied from "absolutely!" to "finally they're awake!" That last one was from Ghan, but for another reason than I had thought.


"Traitors! gonna walk tha plank!" I said while smiling. They should respect their Queen more!


"ha ha ha ha..." Only Kenji understood the pirate reference of course.


"Nevermind...." I shook my head when I saw that many confused faces, "'s an Earth thing."


" can eat?"  Ghan asked.


"Ghan....are you alright? You seem somewhat....silent?" 

I know he usually isn't a chatterbox, but this morning...he's unusually quiet.


"Yes, he threw up last night. Had to clean it all up for him," Nivri said while patting Ghan on his shoulder.


"Awww.....really Ghan? I'm so sorry...sometimes people don't react well to it. I'm just glad that the others had a better night....or not?" I looked around and noticed that they had experienced no issues with last night's fast food.


Then I walk over to Ghan and ask "Ghan....maybe you should just...accept my feeding. Or do you think you can eat this?" I opened my bento and showed him the delicious looking rice, vegetables and beef. 


He only glanced at the rice for a nanosecond before completely focusing on me...his eyes sparkling.

"If it is alright...then I would prefer feeding....please."


"Alright then. Please tell me you at least washed your mouth this morning."


"Of course Akari. I drank lots of that water. It wasn't too bad, just tasteless."


"Oh, okay then. Ah, that reminds me. Did everyone here take a shower" I asked.


Except for Aine and Kenji, nobody dares to look into my eyes....alright I understand.


"Ha ha make me look bad. Shame on you guys.... But you are going to take a shower...or a bath.  This Queen demands it, ha ha ha! Aine, make it happen right after breakfast."


"Yes, my Queen. I look forward to it, my Queen!" Aine grinned when seeing the long faces at the breakfast table. 


Then...everyone just had to laugh. I guess it actually became a field trip now.

"People, please start your breakfast. Oh, and those bentos, just use your hands and wash them afterwards. Or try using cutlery. Those chopsticks over there....these ones....they require some practice, so don't feel bad about it. Ghan, you're with me, you must be starving by now."


Ghan stands up and walks over to me, but Kenji whispers "ehh...should I...give you some privacy? You know, when him?"


I blushed instantly, but I think I managed to hide it by looking back at Ghan. 

"Ghan, do you mind if he observes?"


"Not at all Akari."


" almost forgot. Nivri...dear...?"


"Yes my love?"

Oh no....not this early.


" you mind. You feeding him?"


"Not at all Akari. It's an honor to be fed by a Queen, so I can't refuse that."


Oh right, they have that strange belief that it is an honor to be fed by a Queen. I guess that's just another part of my life now.


"Okay, Kenji. Don't worry, it's not as bad as you may think."


Kenji nods...curious to see what will happen. There is no longer any reason for me to leave the canteen. I wanted to spare Kenji...but I reassured him that it would be alright. So whatever. Let's get it over with.


I kiss Ghan and start the feeding after getting a few strands of my hair out of my mouth. I guess I need another haircut soon. 


"But Akari...I can also....ah...nevermind." Aine wanted to offer the feeding instead.


I open my eyes and glare at Aine for a moment. Too late! Could have told me earlier! I totally forgot!


After a minute or two, the feeding is completed.


"Eh....seriously? That's all? You just kissed him?" Kenji asked, his mouth agape. Well, what did he expect?


I replied to him in a teasing voice "Kenji....don't be shy. If you want to try....all you have to do is ask."


Kenji's face turned red real fast... "Eh...nope...I'm good.'s the bento?" he asked Kira.


'Mmmm...vewwy...gwood." Kira just spoke while eating. 


My god, they act just like children. Actually...they still are. But those teeth....brrr...I can't get used to them. It's a minor miracle that Kenji doesn't freak out.

It's now 8.30 am and we all enjoyed our breakfast in one way or another. Aine managed to get everyone in the shower and they should be out here any time now. Squeeky clean and ready to meet the new day.


I watched the latest news together with Kenji and when everyone finally was present and accounted for, I decided to show them my super weapon......the honey jar, in the canteen.


Here I the canteen to prevent any mess from happening. Armed with many spoons and a single jar of honey. The waffles are also still here, but I guess they just look too much like the stuff they're used to.


Kenji is making himself comfortable, as I already told him that he would probably be in for a surprise.

Maybe another one, if they left a complete mess in their hotel rooms.....but I'm sure Aine will take care of that.


So here we are, in the canteen, with many Vahli staring at a single jar of honey. The suspense must be killing them. What do they think it is?

"Okay people. This is honey. It is produced by bees on this planet."

I take Kenji's spare tablet and find a few pictures of bees on flowers to show them. "See? Those are bees. Little insects who.."


But the ladies here couldn't contain themselves..."awwww! They're so small. And so cute!" That was Kira! I guess she has a soft side too. After showing them a few more pictures and even a video, I could finally return to the jar. 


"So, as I already said, those bees make the honey, and you are about to taste it! Who's first?"


I saw a few people swallowing, but there are no volunteers so far. Kenji is smiling, waiting to see what will happen.


"Alright, then you, Chiri. You are the first."


" my Queen. As you demand." Chiri seems to think that the honey is dangerous.

Better tell them more.


"Oh c'mon Chiri! This is really tasty and safe for you to eat. It tastes really sweet. I won't give you anything bad."


"Oh....okay then." 


Armed with a spoon, Chiri now dips the spoon in the opened jar and puts the spoon in her mouth.




"WHAT? Does it hurt?" Kira shouts.


"Mwo mwo Kiwa.....mmmmmmm.....yummy!!"  Chiri shows the expression of someone who just entered a candy store for the first time in her life.


"Want more?" I asked.




"Stop! Not with the same spoon. Take a clean one from the drawer, then let the others taste."


Chiri rushed to get a new spoon and was enjoying another taste in mere seconds.

The response was the and complete yumminess.


I winked at Kenji.  


He nodded and kept smiling.


Then, one after the other took a sample of the honey. I feel sorry for whoever is going to do the dishes today. I don't think there are any spoons left anymore. Even the guards can't get enough of it.


"Nivri, what do you think of it?" I asked.


"Very sweet. Almost as sweet as your feeding." face must have been on the verge of exploding. How can he SAY that? In front of everyone!

I wanted to hide my face in my hands....but it's a lost cause. They already know. So...whatever.


Lucky for me nobody tried to make eye contact with me....not even Kenji.


New topic! Soon!

"Ghan, what do you think?"


"Eh..Nivri was right?"


OH MY GOD. I just rushed out of the canteen, back to the room I had slept in. I sat down on the bed and kept doing breathing exercises.


"What did I do?" was the last thing I heard him say....the idiot. He doesn't even know!


"Are you alright?" Kenji asked while standing near the door.


"Yeah...actually no. I'm so embarrassed. How can they say something like that?"


"Maybe it's just a cultural thing. You know...normal for them?"


I glanced at Kenji and saw him smile. I couldn't resist that smile and had to smile as well.

"Yeah.....maybe you're right. Can we maybe do something useful around here? I need a change of topic."


"Eh, sure. I wanted to discuss those topics from our government. If you're up for it?"


"ANYTHING is better, Kenji! Do you want to do it here or in the canteen?" Then it hit me what I had said. "Oh my god...Kenji....AAH! Forgive me."


"Ha ha ha...Akari, I'm glad to see that you are still human where it counts. Don't worry about it. Let's head over to the mess hall. The others can talk amongst themselves and we can talk business."


"Thank you, Kenji. That means a lot to me. So, yes....let's go!" 

I already stood up, ready for action. Everything is better than just staying here.

It's around 10 am now. We spent the last hour in the mess hall, listening to Kenji who read aloud what the government asked him to say. Let me summarize it for you. They are happy that we helped them, and they were looking forward to working with us. Can't say that I didn't see that coming.


Difference between the government and myself is that I don't need so many words to say the same thing.


Kenji apologized afterwards, because he was just ordered to read the whole 10 page document. Why didn't they just call us? Are they afraid? Anyway, I told Kenji that we would be planning an official meeting with the Japanese government. 


I asked him to convey our respects to their government and that we are looking forward to creating proper relations, but time is just too short now. And besides, the Empress is the only one who can approve certain things.


I think I dodged a political bullet now, besides something more important is about to happen. The most important reason for me to be here! Mom is almost here!

Kenji got a phone call, so she's now near the fence; the part where the military section of the airbase begins.  


Mom will arrive here in about five minutes, so we make ourselves comfortable.


Aine sees that I'm nervous, so she massages my back. My wings are retracted..check.

Scary teeth retracted.. nope..not yet.    Smile.....check..   Nervous...check.


Kenji says "Akari, I forgot, your sister and her husband won't be here for a while. There were some issues in Tokyo, but the helicopter should be taking off soon."


"Alright Kenji, and thank you very much. You have no idea what this means to me."


"Oh, I think I do. And Akari, this is the least we can do for you. I already told you yesterday that it's no problem for us."


"I knoowww...but still...thanks."


"You seem nervous."


"Yeah, Kenji, I'm afraid she won't recognize me."


"Well, maybe you should retract those teeth. I noticed the others can do that. It's actually the only part of you that's...a bit scary. But only at first!" He noticed that I put my hands before my face. "No no, my bad. I meant different, not scary. Sorry."


"Kenji, relax. I know how I look. When I saw those teeth the first time, they reminded me of the movie Alien. So....I don't mind hearing the truth.  Waaaa looo thiii ?"  I retracted my teeth....but now I can't speak.


"Akari, I can't understand you like that. Maybe you should just show them. I will be there to help you."


I extended my teeth again. "Thanks. I appreciate it. Maybe we...."


But we were interrupted by the sound of a familiar voice shouting.


"Take me to my daughter now! No, I don't care if you need an ID. Do I look like a bloody terrorist to you? "GET OUT OF MY WAY NOW!"  Mom sounds really pissed.


"Mom!"  I shout.


"AKARI!"  Mom shouts back, but she's restrained by Kenji's guards.


Kenji runs to them and orders them to release her. Mom barely manages to send a quick "thank you" to Kenji and runs into the mess hall, scanning the area.....only to look confused. 

She didn't recognize me? She just stops at the doorway.


Kenji approaches her with a friendly smile and introduces himself. Then he says "Kagiyama-san....please join the group, your daughter is waiting for you." 

He points at me directly.


Mom nods in agreement, but she still doesn't recognize me. Alright, I can't wait anymore. I stand up and shout "Mom! Over here!", while I ran towards her.


She looks my way, runs a few meters towards me but then stops again. "Are you really, my Akari?" 


"Huh? Of course, mom!" I just crashed into her, embracing her. 


Mom then embraced me as well. "Oh my god, it's really you!"


"Yes mom..duh! How many times do I..."


"Now don't you speak to your mom like that, young lady!" 


"Eh ehehe! And you're my mom alright."


"Ha ha ha. But Akari, what happened to your body? You look so..different!"


"It's a long <sniff> story..."


"Sweetie....sorry, I didn't recognize you."


"It's okay mom....things are.....<sniff> complicated." I then started crying, like little niagra falls....the tears just kept coming. 


"Oh honey, it's okay now. We missed you so much. You have no idea what it means to have you in my arms again. They told know, you were declared legally.....we.....we held your funeral not too long ago."


"I <sniff> know. But I'm not dead, mom." I released the embrace and looked at her, between my tears.


"No, sweetie. You are very much alive. I'm sorry everyone... I'm Akari's mother."

Mom then bowed, and my group returned the gesture.


After a round of quick introductions, mom sat down next to me and I leaned against her shoulder.


"Akari, can you tell me why you look so...different? And why are you all wearing Halloween costumes?

You are so fluffy!"


"Huh? Fluffy? Is that....a joke mom? Ha ha ha!....Halloween..."  But nobody laughed. Mom was serious, Kenji didn't want to interrupt our reunion, and the others simply didn't understand.


"'t you see the news yesterday?"


"Of course. Earth was attacked by aliens and some other Those people guys?"


"Yes, mom, these people are no aliens. Well, they are from your perspective I guess. They.....we...are the Vahli.  And this fluffy's my uniform. Oh...and these teeth.....very real."


"'re kidding?" 

She looked at my teeth. Yep, scary...I knew it.


I shook my head, indicating that I was quite serious.


At that point Kira walked over to me. "My Queen, excuse me for interrupting your reunion, but I received an urgent request from our escort."


"Queen?" Mom said.


I had to ignore mom for a moment, so I motioned her to wait.

"Tell me Kira. What do they need?"


"They finished providing medical supplies and want to ask permission to return home."


"Yes, yes, I understand. Permission granted.  Kenji, They have shields.  Kira, make sure they use their shields."


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"Yes, my Queen."  She then ran away from us to talk to the escort, using her wrist watch. 


I then facepalmed. Why, I ask you...why do they always call me Queen when I can't have it?


"Now Akari...tell me....what did she mean by Queen?" Mom was getting a bit impatient.


"Relax, mom. It's nothing actually. It just means....that I really am their Queen. Their Empress made me a Queen."


"Eh...excuse me please." Kenji said. We nodded and waited for him to speak. "Please know that this is classified information ma'am. At least for now."


" are kidding me? This is my daughter we're talking about."


"Yes ma'am..just don't share anything with the public please. Okay?"


"O...okay. I promise. Is that enough?"


"Yep, works for me. Please continue." Kenji said while gesturing that it was okay.


I could see that mom was having problems understanding all of this. It's probably a bit too much at once. 


Aine then tried to help me. "Akari, maybe you shouldn't tell her everything at once. It might be too much."


I rolled my eyes...I already know she can't process it yet. "Yes, mom, thank you for stating the obvious. I think she's about to run away."


" You called her mom?" Okay, mom is now really confused. Thank you for that, Aine!


"<sigh> Mom, listen to me. Aine helped me when I just left Earth. She my mom when you were..are not here."


"Eeh...okay...I can understand that." Mom said. But she still looked a bit confused.


Mom drank some hot tea which Kenji just provided for us all.


"Yes, I care for her, I see her as my family. Just like she helped her daughter Miwa," Aine said in a gentle tone.


"Pffff...." Mom almost choked in her tea.  "Her..dd.dd..d.daughter?"


"No mom. You don't understand. My ADOPTED daughter. She's the daughter of our Empress."


"Ah..okay...I'm lost."


"Yeah mom..don't worry about it. I plan to visit you many times. I know it is too much now, just know that I'm safe. Earth is safe too. And these wonderful people are my friends."


"At least one thing is the same." Mom said with a teasing smile.


"Really? Like..what?" I just had to know.


"You still don't have a boyfriend!  Ha ha ha ha ha........ha...........ha.......huh? do?"

Her face suddenly shows a serious expression again after seeing that I didn't laugh.


"Nivri...if you would, please." I gestured to Nivri. He walked over to me and I stood up, putting my arm around him. "Mom, this is Nivri, my husband-to-be. Nivri...this is my mother."


"Pfffffff." she almost choked in her tea again.

Mom seems about to lose it. Her mouth is agape.


"It is an honor to meet you, mother of Akari. I am called Nivri."


Mom just stared at him...then his feelers....back to me and him. It took a few seconds for her brain to process the implications.


"'m sorry. Where are my manners?"  She stood up and returned the bow to Nivri.

"I am Kagiyama, Hana. A...Akari's mom eh mother. and her.....are going to get married?"


"Married?" Nivri replied.


"Please...let's sit down again. Nivri, we will have plenty of time to get acquainted. Let me handle it for today." I said. Nivri nodded and sat down again, but mom followed him all the way....she's definitely in shock.


" I left you alone for a while and you found yourself a husband?" 


"Moooooooom!" I blushed. "Yes...we are going to get married. soon."


"But...we have so much to shop......Hitomi...."


"MOM.. Listen to me! And put that cup of tea away before you suffocate."  


She put the cup down and looked at me again.


"Mom. I want to invite you, Hitomi and her husband to be present at my bonding ceremony this afternoon."


"WHAT? This afternoon? I...I just found you after 2 years."


"Less than 2 years, mom."


"Don't push it Akari. And I assume you already arranged it all?" 


She wanted to drink her tea, but I rested my hand on hers, so she couldn't drink. 

That earned me a confused look.


"Yes mom. This afternoon. Onboard the Imperial Vahli Hiveship Akagi." I motioned upwards with my finger while looking at the ceiling.

Great, now she's staring at the ceiling.


" SPACE???" 


"Duh...of course in space. Well, in a ship of course. Just don't touch our food or drinks. But you won't need to, our ceremony is really short. We will bring you back here within the hour."


"Oh...okay. But I need to make a phone call. The shop....I"


"Yeah yeah...the shop, I know. It's always about the shop." I was teasing her.


"You know I didn't mean it like that."


"Mom, just teasing you. Good to have you back. So....relax a while. Eat, drink and then in the afternoon....when Hitomi and what's his name are here....we will go up there." I looked upwards.


"His name is Haru. You knew that."


"Mmm.....I must have forgotten." I smiled.


"Akari, honestly. You're so...mature. You changed. Not just your appearance. But it's a good change." She winked at me.


Mom took her phone and walked away to make the call, while Aine walked over to me.


"See Akari, all is fine again. a royal retainer.....I must inform you that Kenji should be invited as well." She whispered that last part. 


"Thank you Aine. You're the best."


"Kenji? You are of course also invited this afternoon, for my wedding. How about it? Just up there and we will have you back here about an hour or so later."


"Of course, I would be honored. But I'm afraid I can't bring you any gifts."


"Kenji....please.. just having you there is a gift on its own. I can buy gifts, but not friends."


"Thank you, just let me make a phone call as well."


And Kenji left us too for a while.


While Kenji was still on the phone, mom returned to us.


"So...Akari...I was thinking. It is slowly starting to make sense. But let me check one thing. Are you really one of them?"


"Yep, I am one of them now. It was not intentional, but the Queen, who's now the Empress by the way, basically took me into her home. And one thing led to another, accidentally letting me also physically become a Vahli. The doctor is mystified by my bodily changes. Personally I think it was the food that had this effect on me. But the doc tells me I'm okay. And my seizures are becoming more rare too."


"Oh my god, I completely forgot about those. When you just disappeared we feared you might need your are really alright now?"


"Yes. For some reason these changes are limiting my seizures. Perhaps they will even stop altogether."


"Mmm...I hope that it's true honey, I really do. Oh god, Akari. So much has happened to you. But at home as well. I think I need some time get used to this. And how you look now."


She then whispered in my ear "now that I got over the initial shock and those all look like fluffy cuddly bees, did you know that?"


"Ha ha ha, yep, my thoughts exactly mom. And sure, take your time. I'll be visiting you many times from now on. I don't know if I can come to our apartment though. That might be a bit tricky."


"I can imagine that. Maybe we will find a way soon. So you and those saved Earth from that attack?"


"Yep, we sure did. And please..those are my friends. Call them Vahli, or my friends. They are amazing people. Kind, loving, smart. You're gonna love them, as do I!"


"And are really their Queen?"


" just ONE Queen. One of many. Our Empress keeps her Queens in check."


"Ah...amazing. But with Hitomi married...and you marrying today....who will inherit my flower shop?"


"Ha ha ha..  Sorry mom, my bees don't care much for your flowers, ha ha ha ha!"

At this point Kenji returned to us. "Sorry to interrupt Akari, but things are getting out of hand. Everyone...please come and see this."  He walked over to a particularly large television, hanging flat against the wall in the mess hall. He took the remote and flipped through a few channels until we saw the same reporter as yesterday evening. 

"...everywhere around the globe. While many people are shocked by yesterday's events, others blame the government for creating a cover story. It seems that many people don't believe in an alien attack and fear that they are being lied to. 


As you will see in the following videos, many people tried to enter their nation's parliaments...seeking out the politicians and forcing them to speak. Governments have responded by forcefully removing protestors through the use of teargas or other crowd control means.


As you can see, even in front of the White House, American citizens are protesting. They demand to know what happened in the southern hemisphere, and mainly in South-Africa. 

Ladies and gentlemen, we must not forget that we live in a time where fake news and image manipulations are easily created and distributed. We, however, always try to...." 


And Kenji switched off the television. 


"As you can see we are currently having worldwide issues with this story. We can't keep your visit a secret anymore. Our people need to see that Earth is safe and that the news is real. People need to know what exactly happened."


"What do you suggest, Kenji?" I asked. I have a bad feeling about this.


"My commanding officer suggested that you might perhaps....give a press conference today. It would seriously improve your relations with our government."


"Ahh....really?" It sounds more like a threat than an invitation if you ask me.


"Yes, and for helping us restore order, we will find some way to return the favor. Somehow. He wasn't too sure what would entice you. So...he's more like...begging for your help..  But don't tell him I said that."


"Ah. I see. Why didn't you say so from the beginning? This is a perfect example to show that we truly are the good guys if you know what I mean."


"I do. agree to a press conference, Akari?"


"Eh, yes, wait a minute, Kenji. Kira!"


"Yes, my Queen!"  Kira ran over to me.


"Kira, for the love of....will you just call me Akari?"




"Kira, get our transport down here. I will have my bonding with Nivri this afternoon, and we need to get everyone to the Akagi. Can you maybe ask the Commander to arrange it?"


"The Akagi?" Kenji asks.


"Yes that is ship. They let me name her. Not very original, I know. But I had to decide quickly."


"Akari...Akagi..." Kenji said.


"Oh my god...I never realized that. Crap. It's like naming the Hive Akari. Please forgive me kami sama...I feel so stupid." I facepalmed.


" do you think you can help us today?" Kenji pulled me back to reality.


"Oh right, sorry. Let's see. How about...I will deploy 2 of my interceptors, so Kira and Chiri will fly. I will take the backseat in Kira's interceptor. We will fly to the White House and show ourselves to the general public. I will do some PR for our cause and get as many witnesses as possible, so they know we are real. That should stop them from worrying so much. Or is that....too simple?"


It could really have been any place in the world, because protests are going on all around the globe. But I think there will be lots of media coverage in front of the White House. So if I have to choose...just go there. And have a press conference in Japan later today.


This will at least show that we don't favor a particular country. Nobody needs to know that I personally favor Japan because I still consider it home...but I can't do that on behalf of the Vahli Empire. So next stop...Washington.

"Okay...that might work. How fast can you be there?" Kenji said.


"Kira..from here to...Kenji do you have a map somewhere?"


Kenji put a world map on the television screen. Great, good thinking Kenji.


"Kira, from here....we are  To....all the the east. How long do you need?"


"Without Turbos...about half an hour. With turbos....about...ten minutes. But we will need to refuel."


"Okay. So arrange for our people to somehow refuel our interceptors. I have no idea how that works."


"Simple, we return to the Akagi, refuel there and land here again."


"Eh...okay then. How fast is that refueling?"


"About 2 minutes, including landing. It's a system designed for combat situations."


"Understood. Kenji, we will leave soon. Please make an urgent phone call to the US. Tell them...the little green men are coming to visit them..."


"Alright, Akari, will do." 

"But Akari. You're leaving again? After two years..." Mom said.


"Mom, I'm only going to the other side of the world. I'll be back in no time."


"Is she serious? Just the other side of the world?" Mom asked Aine.


"Yes, she is. That's our Akari. You can't change her mind now."


"I know...good luck you all."


"Thanks mom, but we need a few more minutes. Ghan, Nivri, you and the guards, stay here with Aine....and just chat I guess. We will be back soon. Oh, and keep the television on, we will be on every major channel on the globe in an hour or so."

I asked Kira and Chiri to start the pre-flight sequence, so the interceptors are warmed up and ready to leave when we arrive there. 


Both of them talk to their watches and their AI-units confirm their commands. It seems that it was a good idea to provide my team with those watches after all. They were intended to quickly help me learn their language...but apparently they are quite useful in general.


"Kira, hearing you speak to your AI makes me miss Fuku a lot." 


But before she could reply, my watch beeped.

"Akari, Fuku here. I'm listening." 


"Huh, Fuku? Where are you?"


"I was installed into the Akagi this morning. It's a bit bigger than an interceptor. I quite like it. Perhaps I won't ever go back."


"Fuku...was that....a joke?" 


"Yes seem to appreciate that."


"You betcha, missy. Anyways, this is excellent timing. Can you help us with programming coordinates into the interceptors? We need to go to Washington, to the White house."


"Of course Akari, but those locations are not in my database. I heard that you have a world map there?"


"Yes we do. can you see that from up there?"


"Your you refer to our Hive-Link, is equipped with an optical sensor. Just hold it close to the map. Yes..please hold still. Scanning....completed. Please show your current location on that map."


"We are now here, Fuki."  I point to a location on the map, while Kenji slowly zooms in.


"Confirmed, the resolution is sufficient. The coordinates on your map correspond to the location your watch provides. Our place of reference is now set. Please show your destination on that map."


Kenji now slowly zooms out, moves the map so the continental United States comes into view.

"Do you recognize the continent, Fuku?"


"Affirmative. Please zoom in onto your destination."


Kenji zooms in until we can see the White house and the streets around it.


"Destination confirmed. Coordinates are set and uploaded into your interceptors. Akari, you may now depart."


"Thank you Fuku. You are amazing."


"Anytime, Akari."

At this point one of the guards shouts into the mess hall. "Sir, those alien planes. They are making weird noises!"


Kenji shouts back "That's expected. Tell those guards to stand back."


"Yes, sir!"


Apparently Kenji doesn't have a portable radio. But then again, the guards do, and they are right in front of the mess hall.


"Okay people, see you later!" I said in a loud voice while waving to everyone.


"Until later!" they replied. Nivri said something else, it sounded like "yes my love," but I think that was just wishful thinking on my part.


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