
Chapter 20: Chapter 19: A quick visit to the US

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Kenji drove us to the runway where our interceptors were patiently waiting for us.


He ordered his guards to stand aside and only guard Ghan's NavScan unit and the transport which should be arriving......probably...hopefully.


"Alright, Kenji, thanks for the ride. I'm expecting our transport ship to arrive this afternoon, please inform your people." 


"Yes, my Queen..," Kenji jokes. "Sorry Akari, I couldn't resist. Ganbatte kudasai!"


He wished us good luck, and we might need that. It's around 1045 am here, so we should be arriving in Washington around 2200 local time, according to Kenji. I doubt that late at night many protesters will be there, but I'm counting on some of them at least. It's too late now to change locations.


"Thanks, Kenji. See you around lunch time. Maybe a bit later. Oh, and make sure that Ghan doesn't eat anything else other than onigiri. And tell my mom..." 


"Akari...just go. I will keep them together, don't worry. We need you to show yourselves to the public. I called my commanding officer, and by now the Americans are probably already waiting for you." 


"Oh...okay then. See you later. Chiri, Kira, let's get going."

The canopies open and the ladders reappear. We climb into the interceptors and close the canopy. Kira then opens a channel to Chiri, so we can have a proper conversation. 


"Kira, please set course to Washington and depart when ready."


"Course set. Departing now."


The interceptors now take off vertically and the landing gear is retracted.


We turn right, to the east, then both pilots slowly increase the speed. It must have been an amazing sight from ground level. Two alien space planes flying at pretty fast speeds over their towns while climbing rapidly.


"Kira, take us up and scan for other planes. I'm guessing that the airspace is now open for commercial traffic again. So climb above the clouds." 


"Copy that."  Chiri follows the same orders.


We are above the clouds within a minute..these things are REALLY fast.


"Akari, we are above the cloud layer. Course is set, request permission for full throttle."


I can now see a world map on the screens here in the back of Kira's interceptor. Of course I can't see any cities on that, because we simply don't have that information. But I can still recognize Japan, the North Pacific Ocean and the continental United States.


"Full thrust confirmed, wait for turbo until we climb a bit more. We are still too low."

I'm just trying to get a feeling for the altitude here. 




Alright, we have climbed considerably now and I asked Kira to level us off.


"Kira, cleared for Turbo until we reach the next continent."


"Yes, my Queen!" Kira sounds pretty excited.


And I have to admit, I really like this too.


"You two, I really love flying in these things. Just a pity that I have to take the back seat."


" could theoretically take over from me...." Kira suggested.


"Oh no no Kira. The Empress knows EVERYTHING. So, no. I will not be tempted. Not today."

Passing the North Pacific happened in about 6 minutes, time we spent talking about our hotel experiences. It seems they slept fine, even though human beds are just....simple sophisticated alcoves.

The closer we approached the west coast of the US, the darker it became. It's evening here now. 


"Akari, we are now approaching the continent."


"Copy that. Cancel turbo and continue at full conventional speed."


"Affirmative. ETA is 15 minutes."


"That's too long. It's already evening here. We need to make a grand entrance while there are still news teams. Kira, Chiri, hit the turbo for another minute please."


"My pleasure!" Kira said.


"Affirmative!" Chiri said. She sounds pretty excited. Usually she confirms command by using the computer, but I guess she just had to express her excitement this time.


The map now moves quite a lot faster...


"Alright back to full speed."


They confirmed my orders.


"ETA is 4 minutes, Akari." Kira said.


"Very good...much better."


"Eh, Akari...I'm detecting three fast moving objects our way!"


"Shields up, Chiri too!" An order they quickly acknowledged.


Kira then said "they seem to have a similar configuration as those from earlier."


"Okay. Fuku, can you help us scan if those three objects are transmitting signals?"

I remembered to use the radio this time.


"Yes Akari..connecting to your sensors....Confirmed. I don't know if they are intended for us. They are encrypted." 


"That makes sense. Can you decrypt and find any voice patterns?"


"Working....affirmative." Fuku said.


"Akari, just 2 more minutes. Their interceptors are not able to catch up to us." Kira said.


"Understood. Reduce speed to match theirs and decrease altitude to below the cloud layer."




"Fuku, let me hear their communications."




"...descending to angels10. Check Master-Arm Hot. Heading 090, ETA..5 minutes."


"Fuku, open a channel to them."


"Channel is open."

"This is Akari, representing the imperial Vahli Hiveship Akagi. Our callsigns are Alpha-Kilo-1 and Alpha-Kilo-2. Requesting instructions from the three US fighters on our six."


"This is Red1 for...AK1 and AK2. You are in restricted airspace. Reduce speed to two-fifty knots and change course to one-eight-zero south." 


"Kira, reduce our speed by half and show the landing lights. I want everyone to see us arrive from far away."


Kira activated the lights, just like Chiri did.

"Red1, AK1, complying with speed. Unable to change course, incompatible coordinates. We are here with permission from your President. We just departed from Japan and will land right in front of the White House. Our intentions are peaceful."


"AK1, Red1. Request denied, we have orders to......stand by, AK1."


"Red1, understood."

Apparently they switched to yet another frequency to contact their base. I'm not going to ask Fuku to check. We have our shields and will be landing within a few minutes. They'd better hurry.


"AK1, Red1, landing approved. Do you require assistance?"  


"Red1, AK1, affirmative. Kindly escort us to a direct heading to the White House. We request guidance to descend to Angels2. Will commence vertical landing on destination."


"AK1, Wilco."     Red1 confirmed they will be guiding us to 2000 feet, directly to the White House.


"Kira, follow that one."


"Yes, Akari."

We followed them until our instruments showed that we had arrived.


"AK1, Red1, approaching destination. We are RTB. Switch to 239 decimal 9." Red1 asked us to change frequencies, but I need to quickly order Kira first.


"Kira thrust to zero, keep us here."




From the ground 2 slowly traveling objects could be seen, approaching the White House.

Three F35s make a turn and speed up, heading north, making quite the noise.


The people are surprised and are watching the show in awe.


"Red1, AK1. Unable to switch frequencies. We will require an escort out of here within the hour. Can you boys spare the time?"


"AK1, Red1, understood. Relaying your request. We are RTB."


"Understood. Red1, thanks for your welcome."


"Affirmative, Red1 out."


"Fuku, disconnect us from their frequency for now."



Two interceptors are now slowly maneuvering above the white house, about 1600 feet in the air and slowly descending.


"Akari, where do you want us to land?"


"Eh....that's the front side..and see that crowd there? We want to draw their attention. Please land close to the fence. Beware, the ground is soft here. Can we land on grass?"


"Checking....affirmative. No problem."


"Good, very goood. Activate the security lights downwards, let's make a grand entrance."

The area beneath us is now flooded with a bright, white light.


"We are approaching the ground, any further instructions?"


"Yes, Kira, disable the security light and land slowly."




"Copy that. Shutdown engines and prepare to warm up in half an hour."




"Akari, our engines are still warm from the extended turbo use. Request coolant use."


"Ohhh....that's perfect. Let's go for the show! Do it."

At this moment, both interceptors use a liquid cooling agent to cool down the engines, releasing a huge cloud of steam away from the public.


Many people ran away, startled by the sound of the steam, only to return a minute later. Humans are curious creatures...they can't resist to see what's going on.


We see 3 police cars passing by, keeping the people at bay. That's NOT what we want. Time to shine!

"Kira, extend our shields until that fence there, I'm going to walk there."


"Okay done, and have fun."


"Oh ho ho, you are funny today, aren't you? See you later." I said, while rolling my eyes.


Only now do I realize that I didn't wear a helmet. Okay....if something happens to us at those speeds...a helmet is useless anyway.

I slowly climb out of the interceptor and walk towards the fence where now many people have gathered. It's late at night here in Washington, and it's pretty cold. And yet....the streets here are packed with curious people and protestors alike. Many more than I could have hoped for..this is going to work to my advantage. But for a bunch of protestors....they are awfully quiet...


I am now standing right in front of the fence, scanning the area in front of me...I can feel the shield, it's definitely there. Good..and!


People are now over their initial shock and many are taking pictures...flashes are all around me.'s really cold, so I won't stay out here too long.


In a loud voice I say "Greetings everyone. Did we scare you guys?"


It was quiet for a moment, nobody was talking...and finally someone said 

"That was awesome!"


"Ha ha ha...yeah it's not everyday that you get to land in front of the White House. I hope they don't mind that we parked on their lawn."  I'm trying to create a relaxed atmosphere.


Some people are laughing, but most people are nervous, or just cautious.


"Police officer....yes, you. Would you please let these people come closer? I'm here for all of you tonight."


"Eh...." he was seriously confused for a moment. I could almost see the gears in his head spinning...should I...or shouldn't I listen to the lady...  


Oh no..he's actually calling dispatch to see if he should comply. Are you kidding me?

But it didn't take too long. I guess we're live on global news by now. At the very least on national TV.


The officer then confirms "Okay, let them pass!"


The officers now let everyone who wants to, come closer to me.


"Okay people. It's freaking cold here, so I will keep this short, okay?" 

I saw a few people smile and nod. It helps that I'm from Earth. And I know a few popular phrases from TV. They didn't bother to teach those at school, but anyways...time to put them to good use.


"My name is Akari and I'm originally from Japan. From Earth...just like you folks. 

I like to watch Star Trek, Independence Day, Aliens....yep, i've seen all of those too. 


And all of these movies have one thing in common: there are always bad aliens in them. 

But there are also nice aliens in many of those movies. I represent those good guys, we're called the Vahli. And the bad aliens...they're the Kakross.....and we seriously kicked their butts yesterday!"


Some people were shouting now. I waited for a moment while smiling. 

Some things I heard were  "Yihaaaa!"   "Thank you!"  or  "are you real?"  and "what's your name, babe?"


"Eh....are you bloody kidding me? Is that the first thing you say to a girl...what's your name babe? Dude, like I already told you I'm Akari. And're not my type!"


Many people were laughing now....excellent. Things are calming down already. 


"Jokes aside, I'm here on my own request. Neither I, nor my people, represent any nation on this planet. While I'm originally from Japan and am now visiting my family there, I want you to know that we are not favoring a single country, alright? So....why the US tonight? Because it seemed necessary. 


You guys have the right to demonstrate....but I'm here god it's cold here.  I'm here to tell you what happened yesterday was real. No fake news, no CGI or any other crap like that."


I can see a few news reporters pushing their way forward into the they come...the vultures are surrounding me.


I motion them to come forward. " you....just come over here. We won't be having a press conference here tonight, because it's too bloody cold. But expect one in Japan in about an hour or so. We need to visit...."



That startled me for a second, but many others as well. Many people ran away, screaming, until they realized that nothing happened to me. I'm still standing I'm frozen. Sad part is that I actually feel like I'm frozen right now.


Something must have impacted the shield, and I can see police officers running after someone with a gun. 


"People, people, calm down. Please...   Just an idiot who wanted to test my shields. See? They work perfectly."


This diversion gave the news reporters an opportunity to have first row tickets to my monologue.


"That's right, just come back...don't let the actions of one person speak for all of you here. But I'm getting off track..where was I? Oh, we Vahli are in many ways like you, but we have stuff like shields and those cool interceptors over there."


"Miss Akari...."


"Eh...I'm not doing a press conference, but alright one question and one only."


"Thank you!  Why did you come here to help us?"


"Oh...that's a tough one. Well...we are....we war with the Kakross. You know, those bad guys I just talked about?" The reporter nodded, while I watched directly into the camera. 

It must be my adrenaline, but I'm not scared at all, I think I'm actually liking the media attention...focus Akari..focus!


"Right...well, we had quite the disagreement with them, but in the end we were able to come to a cease fire. But a few of those went rogue and thought that Earth was a nice place to settle down. 

One of our...sensor units....was nearby and my ship the Akagi was sent here to restore order.

And you know the rest. And for now, please let me finish my story, alright? We will be having a press conference in Japan later today. Make sure you have your reporters there, or send your questions there or whatever. Good?"


"Yes, thank you miss!" 


"You are most welcome. Now back to my story. And noooooo...before you ask me. I don't know what happened in Roswell."


"Awwwww" I heard a few people say.


"Ha ha ha...if anyone knows, let me know, okay? Just having some fun here. Now let's be serious for a moment. 


I don't ask for your blind faith in us. Judge our actions for yourselves and decide whether we really are the good guys. 

Oh, and don't forget that we sent quite the medical help yesterday to the people who suffered most from the Kakross attack. That has to be a big plus, right? 


And we pulled our people back immediately after they had completed their mission, so none of you would have to worry about us. Did we leave a single one behind? Tell me. No? Thank god...otherwise I will get into serious trouble when I get back!"


People were laughing again. Excellent.


"Okaaaay. And to prove that those interceptors behind me are the real deal.....we are going to fly one of you home. And I don't mean you have to use any air miles for that, no no no. 


That person will get the full package...a trip at full speed to our Hiveship the Akagi, and then we will land you near your home. I just need a single brave person.....anybody?"


Some people were shouting: "me! me! pick me!"


"Okay..that's going to be difficult.  Okay...anybody here from outside of the US?"


Only two hands in the air now.  


"You, where are you from?"


"I'm from Australia. Is that...okay?"


"That's perfect. But you can only come with us under one condition."


"Eh..what's that?"


"Do you have a phone, or camera or something like that?"


"Yeah sure."


"Okay, then you're good to go. People listen to me. This man will be THE newest celebrity. 

I want him to make many pictures, recordings, whatever....and share it with you guys.

If you still think that all of this is CGI, then I think you need really."


"Yeaaahhhh!" people are shouting. 


"Officer...yes...yes you. Can god. OFFICER! I know you heard me..get this guy to us here."


"But I can''s...The White House."


I took my watch and said "Kira, Chiri, start the pre-flight sequence and set the heater to maximum, I'm freezing."




I turned to the police officer again. "My god,"


"Sorry miss....." the officer said.


I then heard someone yelling behind me.

"It's okay...let him in!"


Oh no no...I don't want this. I think it's the President....with lots and lots of security around him.


No, I'm way too cold for politics. And we don't want to align ourselves with any way.


"One last word, people. We're heading for Japan now. Go home, crank up the heating and go watch the news. I hope we can become good friends. 

What? No!  Not you again! I'm actually getting married today, so tough luck..ha ha ha!


"And to quote one of my favorite actors....I'LL BE BACK!"


"YAAAAAAAAA!" And the crowd goes wild.....

At this point the President is standing next to me. That surprised me for a second.  She wants the media attention as well, I assume. Can't avoid it now.


"Akari, I'm the President of the United States of America. I'm Linda Rogers. It is an honor to meet you."


She extended her hand, but I bowed. When I realized my mistake, I still shook her hand.


"President Rogers, likewise an honor to meet you as well. I must apologize for ending this conversation as I'm currently chilled to the bone and expected to be in Japan within half an hour."


"Oh...that is quite...unfortunate."

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I knew that the news reporters were still recording this, so I needed to be careful and polite.


"Indeed it is. I mean no disrespect, but this visit was only intended to show ourselves to the public. 

It was never intended to be a state meeting. Thank you for letting us park on your lawn. I promise that we will meet again soon. But preferably somewhere nice and warm."


"Eh...alright, that's a deal!"


"Mist....Ma'am....Madam?  President, I will see you soon. And people everywhere....see you soon too!!" 


I waved at them and ran to my interceptor. 

At this point I saw the security team bringing our passenger to us, only to hit our shields. 

Yep....completely forgot about those. I guess Kira extended the shields to include the whitehouse itself, or else I wouldn't have been able to shake hands with her.


I waited on the other side of the interceptor, away from the public, and asked Kira to drop the shields. 


I waved for the man to approach us and asked to raise the shields again. Good, this is working.


"Hi there! Hurry up, please."


"I'm sorry, I had to give them the address of the hotel I was staying in. They promised to send my belongings to me."


"Oh right, of course you would have more stuff with you. What's your name?"


"I'm Zac Hamblin, miss." 


Zac is a young guy around my age I think. Looks like he could use a shave, but otherwise just seems to be a nice guy.


"Ha ha, relax Zac. Call me Akari. That's Kira and this is Chiri. Chiri will bring you home. Just point at your destination once you're seated, okay?"




"Alright Zac, step in and listen carefully to Chiri."


He nodded and followed her.


We all boarded our planes and closed the canopies.

Kira made sure that we could hear the conversations in both interceptors.


"Zac, are you comfortable?"


"Huh, Akari? You can hear me? Right. Yeah, sure. But stupid long..."


"How long before you're home? It fast can you point on that map where you live?"


It took him only a minute to pinpoint his home area on the map. 


"Everybody ready?"


After receiving everyone's okay, I asked Fuku to open the channel with the Air Force again. I hope they're listening.


"This is Alpha-Kilo1 to Air Traffic Control in Washington. Alpha-Kilo1 and Alpha-Kilo2 are requesting permission to leave the US."


"AK1 copy. We're redirecting your frequency to Blue1. Standby."


Okay...  "AK1, Blue1, approaching your location in 2 minutes. What is your intended vector?"


"Blue1, we're heading East and request guidance until the Ocean. We will match your course and speed. Preferring Angels20."


"AK1, blue1, ETA 1 minute, please get airborne and follow."


"Blue1, AK1, understood. Liftoff."


"Kira, let's get going. Do you see them already?"


"Yes, three aircraft approaching, heading towards the ocean."


"That's them. Get us in the air fast and then follow them."




Our interceptors increased in altitude pretty quickly, we're about 50 meters in the air now.  The landing gears are retracting. We are turning to face the ocean and wait for the fighters to.....and they already passed us.


"Follow them! go go go!"


Kira went full throttle until we caught up with the fighters.

I guess the people near the White House experienced gale force winds for a second....oops...


"Blue1, AK1, we're on your six. Please show us the way."


"AK1, blue1, copy. ETA until the ocean is 5 minutes."




"Zac, you okay in there?" I asked, with a big smile.


"Yes, it's amazing!"


"Good to hear. And don't forget to take some nice pictures."


"I won't!"


"Okay. Zac, we will be going up to our ship in orbit in a few minutes, so don't be alarmed. We will refuel there and leave them a few minutes later. After that, Chiri will fly you home. We will go to Japan. Understood?"


"Yes, Akari. And..thanks!"


"Sure, no trouble at all. Chiri, on your way back, don't use the turbo. Just full throttle. Join us in Japan when you are ready."




"AK1, Blue1, approaching North Atlantic Ocean, we're RTB."


"Blue1, AK1, copy. Thanks and good night."


"Copy. Likewise."

We saw the fighters return home and I asked my team to go full throttle and climb. 

We then used our tubos to leave the!


After only a few minutes we saw Earth behind us and the Akagi waiting for us directly ahead.


"Alright Kira, Chiri. Do your thing. Have us refueled and then leave at once."





"Zac..were you also one of the protestors?"


"Eh, no miss Akari, we..I just saw it on the news in my hotel room and thought, why not see it with my own eyes. But before I noticed, I was pushed along with the protestors. So...maybe not a very bright idea."


"Or maybe it're going to be famous now."


"Ha ha ha, yeah, that's true."


"Control, Team 7732, by Queen's orders, requesting combat refueling."


"Team 7732, control, combat refueling confirmed. Bay1 opening doors now."

We approached the launch bay and experienced a landing not unlike a Navy jet fighter on the deck of a carrier. We entered the bay pretty fast...I never practiced this part in the simulator unfortunately.


Our interceptors come to a complete stop while the doors are already opening in front of us.

Two metallic cranes or something similar appear from the sides and connect with our craft. 

After half a minute they quickly retract.


"7732, control, request hot start."


"Control, 7732, hot start confirmed. Doors open."


Both pilots go to full throttle while still in the launch bay...we're in space before I could even blink.

WOW, just WOW! That was fast!

We change course and head back to Earth without the turbos. We're using the shields to avoid the friction of Earth's atmosphere on reentry. So..we're descending really, really fast.


"Okay Zac, this is where we part ways. Chiri will get you to the beautiful lands down under now. See ya!"


"Thanks for the lift.. and...just...WOW!"


"Ha ha ha...well said, Zac. Bye!'


"Bye!" Zac...a man of few words.

Kira took us back to Japan really fast. From leaving the Akagi to landing took only 10 minutes this time, because she now has our exact coordinates. She's actually a really good pilot now. Call me impressed.


Maybe now is a good time to confess that we didn't bother talking to anyone from the air force or an air traffic controller. Well....too late for that now. It's kind of strange...we left the US in the evening, and here we are around noon..back in Japan.

When we arrived back in the mess hall, after using Kenji as a taxi driver again, we were surprised with the view. All of them have been munching on pizzas or bentos (rice and meat, vegetable lunch boxes) again. Even Ghan seems to enjoy the rice. Good for him. 


I see mom and Nivri happily chatting and Aine is sitting on mom's right side.


"Ah! They're back!" Mom said.


She ran over to me and gave me a hug. 




"Oh c'mon Akari, I'm your mom. Or do you prefer your other mom now? Or maybe your third mother, the Empress?"


I look towards Aine.."Aine...what did you tell her?"


"Eh....everything...I think?" 


Aine looked quite innocent. This is bad...really bad. She knows everything now. Well...maybe not everything.


She then whispers in my ear  " and Nivri, huh?"


My face turns red again...I'm on fire...    Way beyond blushing!


In an effort to distract me, she then told me that there was some tempura and miso waiting for Chiri, Kira and me too. Thanks mom!,  I still had to confront them.... "Oh my god, Nivri, really had to tell her that?"


Nivri then replies "What do you mean, Akari? It's no secret that we mated, or is it?"


"WHAT????? How can you say something like that?" I'm about to explode....what's wrong with him?


"Calm down sweetie. It's alright." Mom said. "Aine told me all about their....your race. When will you lay eggs?"


I look at those three. "Oh my god, I need to get away..." and I saw the toilet sign on the far right. 


I run to the toilet and wash my face..I need to cool down. First I was frozen and now I'm about to explode. And then....when I calm down a bit....I start crying. Tears from embarrassment.


Why are they so casual about it? Don't they know what privacy is? I'm no animal!


The door opens behind me, it's mom. My real mom.


"Akari...honey...I'm sorry. I was only teasing you. Are you alright?"


"<sniff> no mom. It's difficult for me. You have no idea.  I don't even know if I am pregnant and what or how. God this is so confusing."


"Sweetie, you are back home now. I know you had a tough time. But you're back now. 

I won't let you go away."


"I'm afraid that is ultimately up to my Empress, mom."


"Can't you just..quit.?"


"Quit? Ha! You have no idea."


"No, you're right. I don't. I saw you on television, though."


"You did? What did you think?"

I know she's trying to distract me. I'll gladly accept any other topic at the moment.


"You were...good. People were nervous, but in the end they were laughing and I think they like you. 

You have that quality, you know? You are a natural...always have been."




"No you were terrible. There? Is that better?" 


I rolled my eyes.


"Ha ha ha...that's my Akari again. No honestly, you were great. I just think that the President was a bit pissed that you had to leave."


"Not my problem. You are more important."


"Aww....thanks honey." She hugged me.


I feel much better now.


"Akari...I don't have anything...pretty to wear for your wedding ceremony."


"Huh? You're worried about that? It's just a small informal ceremony. Don't're fine the way you are."


"So are you, Akari. And you know how I meant that."


"<Sniff> I do.. Thanks."


She hugs me again. "Now dry those tears."

At this point my tears disappear like ice in the desert....because I hear a familiar voice.


We step back into the mess hall and see Hitomi and her husband enter.


"Now tell us why you brought us here. We're supposed to be on a honeymoon, you know? First those aliens, and now this. Tell us why!"


She then spots us. I don't think she has recognized anyone as "alien" here yet. That's Hitomi for you...she's only focused on mom now.


"Huh? MOM? What are you doing here?"


"Hitomi! Come here, quickly!" Mom said.


Hitomi runs our way and glances at me....then steps back....I knew it. She's afraid of me.


"Hitomi...don't you recognize her?" Mom said while pointing at me.


My smile slowly started to disappear.




I nodded. "Yes Hitomi, it's really me. I'm not dead...yet."


"Ooooh!!!!!!!!" She jumped to me and pulled me in a very tight embrace. 

"Akari!! I missed you so much." She then released me and looked at me. "What...what are you wearing? Are you....okay?"


I looked at mom, who was smiling, happy that our little family was complete again. 


"I'm sorry Akari. I wasn't able to reach Hitomi. And Hitomi, don't worry, I will tell you everything that has happened to her, but she's busy these days. Why don't you meet her fiance?"


"Her...what? She's going to.....noooo....really?"  She looked at me and scanned the room.

"Is he here?"


I point at Nivri "that's the man I am going to"


"Ah....huh...WHAT? TODAY?"


"Ha ha ha....Hitomi. Yes, yes, today! And you and, what's his name are invited!'


" don't have anything!"


"Don't worry big sis, it's going to be a short ceremony only. But it will be...up there." 

I point upwards, to the ceiling.


" floor?"


"My god Hitomi...really? You're still like that?"


"Now now, you nice."


"Sorry mom."  We both said at the same time, resulting in many laughs.


Kenji then walks over to us. "Excuse me, ladies, but Akari....your presence is requested. The news crew has arrived. So, whenever you're ready."


"Oh man.....I didn't even have something to eat! And I'm starving. Mom, why don't you get Hitomi and what's his name up to speed?"


"Akari...his name is Haru." Mom said with a disappointed look.


"Yeah, I knew. Just teasing."


"Akari, you're still the same old Akari, aren't you? More or less. Maybe less." Hitomi said.


"Big sis, now watch it! Alright you guys, I have to go for a while. Be sure to watch the TV again!"


They both nodded. But only mom really understood what I had meant.

Aine walked up to me and whispered if I wanted her to feed me, and considering what I still need to accomplish today...I had to accept. But not here....nice and quiet in the hallway.


After the feeding session, I thanked Aine and asked Kira when she expected Chiri to return.

She told me that she had just landed and was on her way back to us. Something tells me she couldn't resist pushing the turbo....or maybe not. Doesn't matter.


I took a deep breath and walked to Kenji...."Kenji, I'm ready. Let's get that press conference over with."


"Gladly. Oh, and I heard..Kira....say that the transport will be landing here any minute now."


"Alright then. Guards!" I shouted towards my guards.


"Kenji then shouted to his no...misunderstanding! HER guards."


I shook my head...this day is pretty confusing already. When does it finally stop?


My guards run to me "Yes, my Queen, how may we help?"

Polite as ever.


"You both will join me and once the transport arrives, step inside and keep an eye on our interceptors."


"As you command, my Queen."


And here we go with the Queen again. Is it really that difficult? Ah, whatever.


I see Kenji smiling....he's enjoying it to see me suffering. He puts his hands up in surrender.... I know...just teasing me. He's really a good guy, Kenji.

Kenji arranged a warm coat for me and I simply followed him to the nearby personnel entrance to greet the news crew, but they already approached us, guided by security staff.  


My two guards are tagging along for now, but they will stay in the background. 


Kenji looks at me "Akari, it looks like it's going to rain again. Are you sure you want to have that press conference near your planes?"


I looked up and indeed saw ominous looking, dark clouds forming.


"Mmm....I guess you're right, Kenji. Do you have any other ideas?"


"We don't have anything prepared yet, and they might already be recording a live image. So we can't discuss it with them. How about..back to the mess hall? It is the only other facility cleared for non-military personnel at the moment."


" thanks. Don't you have anything else? I'll take anything..even a bicycle shed or something like that."


"A...shed? Sorry, but we as military also have our PR to worry about. So, how about you talk to them for a few minutes, while I figure something out?"


"Okay, I can do that."


"Good. Here they are. Good luck, Akari."


"Yeah...gonna need it."


I could hear the reporter speak to his viewers already.


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