Between The Boxer and The Hunter

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – The Duo BoxHunt

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25 October 2021, 9 days before the festival school.

“So, Brother, why are you doing some boxing anyway? You know when you fight with someone with a gun, you will instantly lose, especially when your enemy is using the Rifle. Why you just don’t fully change your interest to learn about how to use a gun?”

Yumi, who is my sister, is making a statement again that boxing will be losing everything to a gun.

“You know, Yumi, you are making me angry because of your statement, I like boxing, and you know why, so don’t just make that statement. besides, every martial art including boxing is useful when you have to fight close and its dodge technique is also can counter some of the shots from a gun if you learn it enough.”

“What about when someone using a shotgun? You know that will kill you on the blind spot right.”

I jokingly answer the response.

“You seem to watch a movie where every goddamn protagonist is using a gun and never fights with bare hands, or maybe you don’t like when they fight using their hands?”

“It just feels real when they fight each other with their hands, and besides, every gun in the film is a fake, so I like the fakeness and also we can’t buy a real gun like some western county if you know what I mean.”

“Alright, I get it, so why did you love everything about guns again?”

“Their design is so cool, and when they shot the gun, it feels like you on heaven.”

I shake my head.

“Why this person is my sister? Every girl is always talking about what’s trendy now, but not for her, every conversation is about guns and guns. “

“What was that? You know that I become like this because of our father that is also obsessed with firearms and hunting some animals, and fishing. Also, he always forced us to join in the hunting, and something change after so many hunting sessions. But aside from that, I'm really surprised that you like boxing instead of doing some hunting.”

I laughed when I heard those words.

“You know because our mom likes those boxing athletes and you know she probably has some fetish on boxing dude and been forced also to watch the boxing match every time they broadcast it.”

We then walked to the Mirai high school, our place to study, and funny enough, even thou our club are the same, my sister is the manager, they began to call us some nickname “The Duo BoxHunt” which mean the duo, Boxer and Hunter.

After school

“Nii-san, let’s go to the club.”

“Alright, you lead the way, even though I know already, haha!”

“Roger that!”

We go to the boxing club room since it’s 9 days before the festival school begins, many props are everywhere, and our boxing club is on the corner of the building on the 1st floor. Like any other club, of course, we have some of our members, there are 6 including us.

“jab, straight, hook!”

I hear it from the front of the boxing room club.

Some of the members are training with the punching bag, and others are training with each other, some are still resting.

“Hello everyone!”

“Hello everyone!”

We sync our greeting out of nowhere.

“Ah, the duo BoxHunt doing it again, are they have sibling complex on each other? Or maybe they secretly are the twin that fakes their date of birth?” says Ren Yuuki, one of my classmates that also join this boxing club.

After that, another one of my classmates as well, Taro Mizuki respond.

“Yeah, probably they are also in love with each other. I even see it when they just come to class.”

“Well, since the two are also under the same roof, so probably it’s real.” Says Yuta Nobu, one of the underclasses that join the boxing club.

“I agree.” Says Miyuki Chizuru who is one of the classmates of my sister.

“Look, guys, we do not have that thing you call complex, she is just my little sister and I assure you, the date of birth is real. Sure we are living under the same roof because our parents are not in this world anymore. Anyway, so, about the festival, do we really will be showing our fight to the public, you know if we do that we will have to train hard to make sure the audience is satisfied with our show.”

“Don’t worry about that Aira, we will make sure we also are ready to make it interesting, right guys?”

“Yes!” says everyone.

“Alright then, Yumi, go to the boxing bell, make sure they do one on one sparing, with a 1-minute timer. I’ll go grab the water.”

“Okay, nii-san!”

I grabbed the box full of cold water from the corner of the room. Luckily our club has been facilitated with what we needed, like boxing gloves, punching bags, and of course, you can’t have a boxing club without the boxing ring.

After grabbing the box, I watch they're sparing with analyzing the move they make, since our coach, Akira Jin is having some holidays until after the festival is done because his wife is sick.

“Focus, your defense is open right now!”

“Your jab is not good enough, punch harder!”

“You need to watch your enemy!”

“Dodge more effectively!”

After some time, it’s already almost time to go home.

“Alright everyone, make sure to stay in fit condition since we will be showing our fight to the public from 9 days after this. Thanks for the hard work. Let’s meet again tomorrow.”

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I bow to everyone, and then they reply with a bow also.

Then the room is empty with only two of us, I help Yumi to clean the boxing club room and after that, we go home.

On the road, we talk about how they are working hard for the festival.

“Our members are working hard for the show they will do at the festival school. Also nii-san, you plan to fight with them together on the last show right? Are you sure you will be alright?” says Yumi worried.

“Yeah, don’t worry about it, we need to make sure our shows are not bad and boxing club legacy can be long enough at least until the school is closed.”

I pat Yumi's head and smile at her.

“Yeah, hopefully, it will be the best, since it’s my final grade before I graduate and also some of our members.”

We then walk into our home.

At our house, we have some rules to do, like who will be washing our clothes for today, who will be cooking for today, and it’s the time for Yumi to do the cooking, and I wash our clothes.

 I finished the washing and I go to the dinner table and wait for Yumi to finish cooking. 5 minutes later, she’s finished cooking and we eat our food.

15 minutes after some dinner, I ask Yumi to go first to the bathroom, and I went after she was done.  We then sat together on the sofa to watch some TV. Yumi is also searching for some info about firearms on her phone since it’s what she’s been doing for a long time. I just see her smiling happily and continue to watch the content on the TV.

1 Hour later we decide to play some general riddle games, one who will ask and the one will answer the question and if it’s correct, it changes the role, and if wrong, the punishment is taking powder to the face and after 10 games, the winner will ask something to the loser, just some traditional stuff.

Yumi was first to ask me.

“What is the capital of France?”

“Hmm… Paris?”

“That’s correct!”

“Alright, my turn.”

I ask Yumi the question.

“What is O2 mean?”

“It’s Oxygen of course!”

“That’s right, my sister is very smart” I pat my sister's head.

We then play the game for some time, I lost 6 times, and Yumi was lose 5 times. It’s more than 10 games so, we finished the game with Yumi as the winner, she’s thinking about what she should get. But then, something strange happens.

“Nii-san, did you recall what others say at the boxing club today?”

“Umm… the one that has sibling complex?”

“Nii-san, did you have that kind of mind?”

I was silent for a minute, did my sister have that complex thing?

“Nii-san… will you fall in love with your sister? I have been holding this feeling for a long time, I have been developing this feeling since you are only the one who protects me, am I not right to fall in love with you?”

I can’t respond to that question, since my mind still thinking about why Yumi, my little sister become like this. This behavior is not like what my sister will do.

Yumi suddenly kiss me on the lips, and I just did nothing, only staring at her.

“Good night, nii-san, I will go to bed today.”

“Yeah… yeah, you do that, have a good night.”

I still blankly stare at nothing and still freeze at the sofa in front of the TV that is still turned on and making sounds with the picture moving.

After some minutes, I decide to turn the TV off and turn off the lamp in the other room and make sure that locked the front door. After everything is done, I go to bed.

“Man, what a night I’m having today”

I slowly close the door to my bedroom, but, something’s weird, why there is something on my bed. I slowly check what is it about and open the blanket.

“Yumi, why are you in my bed?”

But Yumi is still sleeping even after I talk loudly.

“Well, I guess I will be sleeping on the sofa today.”

I get back to the sofa we use to watch the TV and just lay down because I feeling tired today, after some training and that confession from my sister.

“Why on the world would she do that? Is it because I too much care for her and because I say I will protect her even when my life is in danger? Then what about my feeling for her, I like her, her voice, her smile. Or maybe because of that, I also being fallen in love with her? No, that’s no way, you know that kind of relationship is a no in this country, but what if it does happen?”

I stared at the roof and thought for some time.

“Alright, I will try to ask her again just to make sure that I hope she is lying about before.”

I shut my eyes and then go to sleep.

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